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Show : 12 SUNDAY HERALD9- " Idaho Student - ' SAN FRANCISCO Venv (UPD St. Mary's Cathedral, Which survived the 1906 earthquake and holocaust, was destroy-4- d by fire Friday night despite efforts by nearly 300 firemen to ave the red brick structure. 'The huge church stood for 71 year at the corner of Van Ness Ave. and O'Farrell St., a' short distance from the Opera House and City Hall. It was the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco. Arson was suspected, and police and fire officials, many of whom received their first religious instruction in St. Mary's, began investigation to ; determine the cause ef the fire. erable : By United Press International Kennedy 1960 television meetiGov. Edmund G. Brown and ngs. Nixon has sought a face-to-faRichard M. Nixon appeared deaddebate. l teen-age- Bi-en- - j Brown . had set Friday as the final deadline 'for agreement on the meetings or abandonment of j the falan. , . to the not debate intend "I lo, debates' any farther," he said. Brovfnsaid Nixon had "stubbornly mused to accept the format of his 1960 debates with John F. ' . Kennedy." Nixon made his proposal; Friday night "even after he (Brown) had broken off negotiations because .1 want to do everything T can las-- reasonable contestant for the office to bring to the people of California the debates between er . a j ; i . governor unless he disassociates himself from two congressmen who are members of the John Birch Society. Democratic senate candidate Richard Richards called demands for an invasion of Cuba a "weakling way out of deadly serious problems." He predicted growing Free World trade will win the economic war with the Communist bloc. j . , locked today over ground rules for a debate before the Nov election. However, the two gubernatorial candidates have agreed from the same platform questions: at- - the national conference of United Press International editors and publishers in San Francisco . Oct. jl. XNixon made a final proposa Friday night to have two meetf ings along the formula favored by Brown and two in the style fa J vored by Nixon. Brown sought a plan whereby newsmen would question both candidates in the style of the Nixon- - the candidates..." r He added that he" thought it was most unfortunate mat as a result of Mr. Brown's ultimatum the negotiations fpr our debates have now been .broken off.'' Other developments on the campaign front Friday included these: Brown told a Sacramento group that Calif ornia's business climate is good and said he will recommend no new taxes of any kind to the legislature. Brown said the state treasury had a $45 million unappropriated siirplus, on June 30. He did not say whether he would veto the proposed increase in the state gasoline tax. Later in Los Angeles Brown said Nixon is no ; eligible to be - ce - (UPI) ; 1 r j outside the flaming building. 'Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken said, "it's a great loss for the church and. represents the loss of a historic monument for the City of San Francisco." He estimated total damage at J. J - I- v..y; BRACKEN -- n I:--- Jericho, conquered by Joshua hi the Bible, is the most . ancient walled town in the world, the National Geographic Magazine says. Built about 8,000 years ago, some of the oldest parts have been uncovered in recent excavations. r - ' . for 1. ; c - :l 1 t . lis I ; ?AkT 7 ; ' jnillion. One priest, Father John Heaney, was trapped by the flames when the church in order he to rescue the Blessed Sacrament. He escaped by breaking a window and climbing out, and was treated at the scene for gashes in his hand and arm. Archbishop McGucken vcnt into the debris littered church after the fire was- j finally extinguished at 12:30 a.m. and found the sacra mehts safe. The archbishop said there were no archdiocese records in the church. The blaze broke but at 10 : 05 p.m., while a group of teen-agerwas meeting in the church basement. All' the youths escaped un re-enter- ed Premiers To Meet Sept. 11 prime H:ft!lIt The Com (UPI) monwealth ministers will begin a meeting here Sept. 11 that may be their most crucial gathering in the history " of the i Commonwealth. This conference has been called chiefly to discuss the r effects cn Commonwealth tradewith Britain, if Britain joins the Common Mar ket. Some of the prime .ministers are -- strongly opposed to Britain entering the European Economic Community on any terms. It will be the 11th gathering, of Commonwealth prime ministers in London since the end of World con .War II. At the first post-wa- r ference . in April and May, 1946, only Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were represented. Delegates from 15 Commonwealth countries will attend this meeting. The countries are Britain, Australia, New England, India, Pakistan, Ghana, Malaya, Nigeria, Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika, Jamaica and Trinidad-TobagRepresents Rhodesia The , prime minister of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasa-lan- d will also attend the conference as he has since 1955 following creation of the federation in 1953: But since the federation is not a full membeV of the Commonwealth its ' prime minister does not take part in discussions and decisions on Commonwealth external or constitutional mat. o. r - Ministerial representatives from British Guiana, Kenya, Malta, Singapore and Uganda, were invited to be present as observers, - J ' s hurt. minutes huge orange clouds of smoke were soaring up from the burning structure, and were visible throughout much of the city. Shortly before 11 odocK the roof caved ,in as firemen poured water through the big win dows of the choir loft. The flames then turned a greenish hue as the copper roofing caught on fire. Two firemen were treated for minor injuries but there were no jM-'ht,..- . ' fctlife lpm- -- . I I ff C lliix. i IX? 1 - LONDON ters, Wash. TACOMA, M t "l Preston, Idaho honor student died here Friday about 24 hours a 'ter she was hurt in a collision north A group of d boys seen of Bremerton. running from- the , blaze were Alenda May Poulsen, 18, was a picked up in the downtown area. But. police released them when it passenger in a car driven by was determined they were simply da Kay Morris, 19, Bremerton. MissJ Morns received lacerations arid a running for their lives. head injury. Fingerprint experts studied vestMiss Poulsen's family moved toi ments found hanging over the hood of a car about 100 feet from Bremerton in June. the cathedral. A crown from a Records having been lost, it is figurine was picked up in the who were the first riders unknown gutter. Police said .that if the blaze was (April 3, 1860) of the Pony Ex-set, the arsonist press. deliberately have might brought the articles $2.5 Emp ire's Brown, Nixon bead locke d O n Public Debate' Rules Fatally Injured Near Bremerton $2.5 Mi I lion F j re Ru ins San F rancisco Cathed ral -- ' ; I ' ini :'. S J : I J$ ' " I , UNITED STATES SENATOR - 1 : FIGHTING Within - '!!- : Archbishop McGucken, recently assigned to the San Francisco Archdiocese after- the death of Archbishop John J. Mitty, said said there! would probably be no the church. effort said! he He thought the walls would be razed and a new cathedral built on the site. A4 ' If' other casualties. : WSmtP' .ji. Il4 J-- :.'----.:-1- Couturiere cue . . . the dashing, dramatic impa of brown. Come see ' M Il V . m rZX$rk AMERICAN iiiii)iniiAfMQ: : ' - fMJ , 1. I. tasn'on festival for the new, ' I FOR l a Penney's-f- . - 1 -- Count on ir i 1. v - " ' how bemlng fIght. . ' And, count on is- - THAT WILL II. . for II AMERICA - r : I. . c:f "iY ( Pres. McKay V x i immmmmmmmmm a 1 , THE COAT - i : .Textured.': mono- - if " tone wool buttoning V ' 1; i mJf - .,1 j i A e s39 . V for the , . 11 ' ' f LABORING MAN j V. .: - A:.-- PROFESSIONAL 1 ; 1 At Huntsville :n r HUNTSVILLE, Utah (UPI) because they have vital interests President David O. McKay of the in British trade. Uganda will be Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y an independent Commonwealth Saints celebrated his. 89th nation in October and ' Kenya birthday Saturday in the1 quiet of probably within the next year or his family home here. President McKay is in his 11th IS months. All the territories are concerned about the future deeply year as head of the church. He of their trade relations with the planned to have only immediate United Kingdom if it joined the members of his family celebrate European Economic Community. his birthday with him. The church leader said SaturSource Of Vitality The Commonwealth day he believes communism is periodic ministers' meetings are one of the greatest threats ever prjme the..' continuous process of faced by the civilized world. part of - consultation that is the source of "I have confidence in humanity the vitality of the Commonwealth and civilization," he said. ."We'll Association. Consultation, not dic- get out of it. The world's position tation, is the keynote of the ga- - was never better for the individ therings. The prime ministers of ual, despite communism. McKay; said he was optimistic tbe member countries repreabout the future of the world, but reare states' and sent sovereign was about the United worried own to their 'pariiasponsible menu. None is under any obliga- States national debt. "If our tion ti underwrite the responsibil- church was in debt,. I would be greatly worried," he said. ities undertaken by any other. nature the of rules 'By the very' of procedure for these conferences HELP YOURSELF little of a concrete nature can be LOS ANGELES (UPI) Mrs. expected vto emerge f from the Common Market discussion at the. Jean Emmons, 41, had no trouble forthcoming meeting. But there making up her mind Friday when will be a thorough airing of the two armed bandits stopped her as demands of many Commonwealth she left a bank, and one said countries that their trading privigive me the bag or I'll kill you market British rich the The bag was filled with nothing in leges! but empty coin wrappers. be fully protected. J ' , ..... m Crepel Suzzette j . JWAN 3 1 AND THEIR ' ' 4mm ... ... ....... .v : . . . Jtnt 1495 m .v.'jir .".v.1. FAMILIES, jfc . : d - ' 4 II i! ii j -- ' At . ill i m 1 ; mm. : i. Bills). ' - f.....r....? m i m :i Are jFooting, The i 1 in i,v.w.v,v,'.'A'A'i w" mr-- :. inwu. m if KM 1 v a: n7 fit -- SIK I n s m. ., " i t." - II s i m- i SO HE CAN : 1 3- - 2,000 Mayors to FIGHT ELECT Got Votihg Kits WASHINGTON (UPI) . Demosent" the nation's mayors an kit Saturinstant ! V te 3 :5 11 is .r ; : , included a press release quoting Mayor (Blank) as saying that Jevery vote counts, a proclamation to be signed by the mayor including a note that transportation and will be provided , for baby .persons wanting" to register. The kit was sent to some 2,000 t mayors by Sens. Claiborne Pell, and Rep. Frank Thompson, of the 'Jr., Voters National Registration ComNational Democratic mittee of the Committee. 'X It ?' D-R.- . i. en Death Valley in California still fcoldsi the record for the highest temperature officially recorded in the United States. 'On July 10, 1913, the mercury climbed to 134 .'. degrees. 4- ,..- ,r - -... mMM i A r" jV&9&k Wftrtv I J Y 'Hi Sto .! I t i ; II -- ed 'M: the hakidra $1 ' over-- wniie witn ;f FOR YOU, KEEP f i I Expanded v'iayl with.! look .ofXan- - " ! r AMERICA ; : 1 STRONG ."'Ir'-'- h00MB' - L, V-N- Ji, vjfc. .: IfE ; crats day. v .L,.. Ii: I i : ' 'Amrr I - THEGLOVES i ; J. BRACKEN - -- COMPLETE HOME ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Lighting Fixtures, Wire, Switches, etc. , Hansen Electric Supply 1546 So. .State, Oram AC K CLE0 L. THATCHER District 3 v . (AH Provo West of 1st East) ---t j .i . ferr- Charge' ; i Capable, Courteous, Experienced Be a part of Your Government Vote Tuesday! Pd. poL ad. by C. B. Thatcher XrV- - ' STATE REPRESENTATIVE orrenne-s- ! f : . V . .- ' , -- .. m-AJm' . ; 4 .!.-...- 4 -- i, . ' ' ii ... -, A: -- - rt r t f- . - - IA u ' ' .f 1 m with - - i " . " 'i r' ii i j " ii - i---- : i T - 1 i r - in "ii ii r r - i - I i -- fUrs.jXX V :i ;v r: - I'' If JliA' A ir i I i -- ; I - ELECTION Il TUE., SEPT. 11 Pd. Pol. Adv. by Mrs. Ralph Nay lor ' .f ::,vi.. V'--:- i PRIMARY ' aurora. "golden" Necklaces. earrings' F' .VA f VA A-" products labebu io show counrty of origin of imported 'A, . yJ "ij M V , - ;j t.-;:,::- ''-I'----'- f u .m it nii Hmrr -i- i ir-- M '' f- - 0 - - - ' |