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Show bridal bouquet was pink and white carnations and red roses. Matron of honor was her sister, sis-ter, Mrs. Wayne Hammond of Magna. She wore a pink ballerina baller-ina lengt hgown. Bridesmaids were Miss Peggy Berg of Cup-iperton, Cup-iperton, Miss Diane Reed and Miss Nelva Peterson. They were gowned in shades of purple, pink and blue respectively. The bride's mother wore a pink and white floral print model for her daughter's wedding while the groom's mother was attired in an Alice 'blue gown. The couple honeymooned in Yellowstone National Park. They will make their home in Salt Lake City. LARK NEWS ! Pat Dalley Phone 901J1 FORMER LARK MISS PLANS SEPTEMBER I WEDDING Mrs. Horace M. Foal, former tark resident, now of litiverton, announces the engagement and approaching .marriage of her daughter dau-ghter Joy G. Seal to Alma Boyd Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Or-son W. Jensen of Mid vale. The marriage is planned to take place September 5 in the Salt Lake Temple. A reception honoring the couple will be given by the mother of the bride the same evening at the Avalon Ballroom Ball-room at 10300 S. State St. The bride-elect is an employe of the Midvale Branch of Walker Bank. Mr. Jensen is a former Btudent of the University of Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Randall and family, Lela and Buddy, returned re-turned home Monday, July 29, from a two weeks vacation in Idaho with relatives. A wonderful wonder-ful time was enjoyed. Lark MIA MiaMaids and Mia Joys held a party at Dixie Reed's home on Friday the 2u'th. They enjoyed a scavenger hunt and afterwards a delicious potluck lunch. Those attending were uSonja Reed, iLucy Jane iLovell, i Dixie Reed, Mary Ann Lindsay, Marcine Edwards, Jackie Dalley, Virginia Neilsen, Joyce Peterson, Polly Abplanalp. Marilyn Holla-day Holla-day and Suellen Rasmussen. A delightful time was had toy all. Mrs. A. J. Sailer and Miss Beth McCoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I John P. McCoy, left Thursday, I August 1st, to return to their home in Philadelphia, Pa., after visiting here with Mrs. Sailer's daughter and son In law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hunter and grandchildren, grand-children, Kim, Andy, and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allinson and sons, Danny and Billy, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson of Bountiful, Saturday, Sat-urday, July 27th. Mrs. Uettia Peterson visited from Thursday, July 25 to Wednesday, Wed-nesday, July 31, with her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Arson iMiller of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Delia Allinson of Eureka visited with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allinson and grandsons, Danny and Billy, this week. She came Monday and left yesterday, Thursday. A s'ork shower was given for Mrs. Floyd Rasmussen, on Friday, Fri-day, July 26 at the Lark LDS recreational hall. Hostesses were Mrs. Fred Fahrni, Mrs. Rita Ros- trun, Mrs. Robert Moulton and Mrs. Robert Foist. Games were 'played and lovely refreshments served. Twenty-three guests were present. 1 Misses Bonnie and iMary Jane Lovell, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lovell of Oak City, visited with Lucy Jane Lovell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Lovell on July 21st. Members of the 'Lark and U.S. Mine Athletic Assn. held annual Lark day July 22nd at Lagoon. Over 2,000 men, women and children chil-dren took part in the festivities. There was racing for everyone from three up to over 40 years of age. Winners were awarded cash prizes in each event. There were lots of laughs and plenty of spills as the men participated in -the three-legged rate alter which the annual tug-o-war followed. fol-lowed. Employees and their families fam-ilies were treated to free rides on the rocket, whip, ferris wheel, streamliner train, mcrry-go-round and boats for the young ones. In the evening the U. S. and Lark mine employees met at the east terrace for prize drawing. O. A. Glaeser, vice president and general gen-eral manager of western operations opera-tions was present and spoke to the group. He introduced G. H. Le Sever, vice president and manager of metal sales from New York City who also spoke 'briefly. 'brief-ly. Committee members of the ofay's activities were Dean Caldwell, Cald-well, Joe Pacheco, Tommy Gonzales, Gon-zales, Jack Owens, Don Swasey, Ray Martin, Coy Miohaclsen, Sunny Holladay, Ed Kidder, Robert Ro-bert Graham and Clarence Ilatt. Camp Roberts, Calif. (AUTNC) M. Sgt. William D. Giles, ' whose wife, Marily, lives at 525 E. 100 N., Centerville, Utah, is ; receiving two weeks of annual active duty training with mem-I mem-I bers of his reserve unit, the 372d Quartermaster Battalion at Camp Roberts, Calif. Sgt. Giles, son of ; Mrs. Viva Giles Sweat, Lark, is i a motor sergeant in the battalion's battal-ion's Headquarters Detachment. LATE JULY WEDDING Miss Nancy Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Peterson, became the bride of Roger Kelson, Kel-son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid i Kelson of Magna, on Saturday, j July 27. I The marriage was solemnized at the home of the bride's grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Zelma Peterson, with Bishop Freeman of Herri-nian Herri-nian performing the ceremony. For the nuptial event, the bride wore a gown of white lace on satin fashioned with a sweetheart sweet-heart neckline and three tiny Suit tons decorating the front. The wh:tc lace jacket adorned with u iute jeweled flowers was styled styl-ed with full lengtih sleeves and ; a queen Anne collar. A tiara of pearled hearts held her veil.The |