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Show DAILY HERALD A7 Huntsman Jennifer Hoff confirmed Huntsman will be attending an Oakland County event, which Huntsman's schedule lists as the Oakland County Lincoln Day i dinner in Troy. Hoff declined to comment on Vorhees's RUIZDaily , Herald ; ! Hundreds of used .223 brass casings. The ammunition market seems to be doing a fine job of keeping prices high all by .Casings ; Continued from A I 3rd District Republican who views it as back-doo- r gun control. Georgia Arms Larry Haynie agrees. He said he was told by government officials that it was a clerical error. "Hell no," he said when asked if he believed that. "That's just the government catch-al- l right there." There is a press release from the Defense Logistics Agency four days after it was initially stated that the casings would be destroyed instead of resold. The DLA is in charge of handling the spent cartridges, including determining their impact on national security. It reads in part: "Upon review, the Defense Logistics Agency has determined the cartridge cases could be appropriately placed in a category of government property allowing for their release for sale." Haynie says it was the uproar that caused the change, not a question of national security. "The American system still works," he said. Chaff etz wants to make sure the river of empty brass continues to flow from the DOD into private hands. The legislation will read: "The Secretary of Defense may not implement any policy that would prevent or place undue restriction on the continued sale of intact spent military brass ammunition casings to domestic manufacturers of small arms Gov. Jon Huntsman that the Kent County invitation was being withdrawn. She said she'd on have to double-chec- k the reason. "We've already filled in the time he has available," she told The Associated Press on Wednesday. "He has about four or five events while he's in Michigan. He's had a lot of requests to speak at a lot of different organizations." Huntsman has been mentioned as a possible GOP presidential candidate in 2012. Continued from A 1 MARIO Thursday, April 30, 2009 action, saying Only in a statement that "Michigan Republicans are excited to host Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. ... and listen to his ideas on education reform." Huntsman's spokeswoman, Lisa Roskelley, said the governor's office received notice Saturday speaks during an interview about his stance on civil unions on Feb. 10 in Salt Lake City. His stance on civil unions may be why a GOP group in Michigan withdrew an invitation for him to speak. I Associated Press Writer Brock Vergakis in Salt Lake City AP file photo contributed to this report. itself. "Since Obama was elected, they've just run away," Haynie said, because of fears of gun control legislation. The last time sales were this high was when Bill Clinton was president and talking about an assault weapons ban. "He's armed up America way more than Clinton ever thoughtabout doing." Bright Concepts Mother's Day, May 10 LLC Let the Sunshine in! ' " N.' ' A More than, 1 U?' ' f j. , ' ' X ! I ; '' I'll 1 ammunition.". GOOD NUTRITION SOLATUBE 0 ' ;,'.. , f-e- a iii mil iiiinmiiiuii iini-n- ., ; uayiignting system FOR GROWING MINDS t a-- V- off - a Professional Installation about 2 hours SAVE $$ SAVE Energy We do swamp cooler switclvouts! in Nordstrom Costco 1acy's lOam-Sp- i L univr-nsiT- Installed prices starting at Y nun n; ; stiopuniversitpall.com - (801) 224-- 1 . More Stores. Better Stores. call for details Do you child a favor: suscribe to home delivery today! 375-510- 3 www.iteraldextra.com CALL TODAY Toll Free SLC www.brighterrooms.com ;V; Come to University Hall A and find the perfect gift to celebrate the mom's in your life. Beginning April 27th through May 9th, spend $100 or more Star Trek's in Mall Gift Certificates and receive a $15 gift card - from one of the following participating stores: Supervillain . : . - Exclusive interview with Aussie actor Eric Bana. 31 r MS ; 1 C MAGAZINE f 1 T I pEMEDEZ-,- ' |