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Show Wednesday, December n Placing r ' too Marketplace N dt rnuNe: www.harktheherald.com D) U Froo ClatttTltd Ad A n IL .uO You'll Find it in The Classified Find It Fast Page DI I, 2002, CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE Over 1 00,000 page views a day Classified J u I Any ftem under $250. gcj! 3 lines 3 days In The Dairy Herald, 3 days online. 3734450 (r140MSIM075 Sell Your Stuff $1 5 BY FAX: I 300s 5 days 5 lines, add $15 for a photo 1 BY soa) Sell your Carr Truckr Motorcycle, or Boat 600. 15 days 4 lines. If not sold in the first 1 5 days get an additional Includes: Photo, New Today Banner IN PERSON: 5:30 1:30 1 $Q5 5 days FREE i. pj&Moa-Fr- I SOOl BY MAIL: P.O. Box 717, Prow, UT 14603 1 20 days 4 lines. Includes: Photo, New Today Banner, Home Magazine 'source: American Opinion Research 2001 Rate apply to Private Party ONLy, tome restrictions may apply. Create your own ad online 24 hours a day I yiAArW.harktheheraId.com click on "Create your own ad online" o n AM Reacb over 125,000 potential customers for as little as p Call for details 373-645- 0 ia Caopstar Sanfctt Actamtaeti BOOKKEEPING chores got you down? Call the Grizzled Accountant 235-974- 7 CMttractsn HOME COMPUTER Security Expert! HI Protect against viruses, data intrusion & pom. Call87-212- 2 Cancrata fata Sspnica Fair Price Auto Repair 15 yrs exp, FREE EST. 4 2 or Cartema't Finish or Intr framing decks, doors, all trims, 2 shelves. Dan REMODELS, base-mentinstall doors, crown, base, custom 2 shelves Jim. Carpet ITI kitchens & bathrooms, basements, framing, Remodeling, tio, foundation wall, block wall & rock wall. do quality work, fair priced. Lic'd 427-014- 9 EXPERT installation, discount sales, repairs 1 restretching 3 at43E 200SSpring-villeorca- ll 489-453- 8. Houses BIG and small I clean them all! Laurie 623-127-9 Squeaky Clean Cleaning. 7 CallJodi I Workman, 368-34- real beard, real belly, 4 (754-112- 2 or Get an Expenenced I Jolly, Santa, For any I Occasion! Call Stuart 706-643-5 or 4 Let me be yuur Santa I; Real beard, Cnll Big Jeff 375-032-0 Ifir. ft tvirs. Santa Ciaua to your home or party! 5 I Ailen N. at Rick will haul your Junk! 226-44- sewer ft water hookup, and final grade. Lic'd ft Ins'd. 7964507 Bob Cat For hire $40mr 7 Bobcat.backhoe, dump-truck- s, loader, top soil, concrete removal, slag, gravel, decorative rock & rock walls. 361-47- or Cm DrywallFraming Finish TrirmPainting Lic'd - Ins'd. Over 25 yrs exp. Free Esti7 mates. Cell COUNTER TOP-I- T Holiday Sale, buy kitchen counter top, get bath counter 2 top 12 off. Commercial Affordable quality remodeling Carpentry ft painting. -5 Craig Master electrician & Ins. 796-60- CrstSt ftapalp Affordable Guaranteed!! American Credit Repair Custom Decks Bsmnt's, Fences & Remodels, Call Ken at 8 AFFORDABLE BASEMENTS & REMODELS Basements- - Remodel-RepalrNo Job 5 small. Call s. too Utah Christmas trees Large & small varieties, flocked. Baum's -1650 N 1250 W, Provo away occasions. Call 4 Santa for Hire. Real beard. Great rates. Going fasti 7984461. SL Nick wants to your party! be at 755-982-0 Ctrtsttm Trass CHRISTMAS TREES Tall & flocked. Baums. 1650 N 1250 W. Provo Utah Lie. Master electrician. 24hr Response, $19.50, but fast friendly quotes for FREE. Jim. or 3 7 Kmtl Psrtai ANY JOB, Quality work. 20 yrs const 224-41- DAVE'S Handyman services. Doors ft Beautiful Cherrywood Samak upright baby Perfect piano. grand condition. $2500 obo. windows. 763-98- Call Carpentry, drywall, painting, finish work, & bsmnts. Free est. Lied insd. Jayson 798-151- 2 fwtom Fortes The Perfect Gift, Stained Glass DARLING Poodle Temer mix puppies. Will be ready for Christmas! White $250 ea, tool Classes-344-017- 8 wwyrmsiudi!S.ccrrj 1st shots. , 7 Homemade Afghans. Makes great Christmas giftsl $60. 225-285- 4 or Kurzweil K2500X, w piano ft orch ROM, wonderful soundsl Makes a great present. 3 $1600. Perfect lamily gift! Technics fuD size digital piano. MIDI, cable ft computer program. $1500.687-077- 3 Air off! Mention this ad-1- 0 Call us for service & In-- " 9 stallation. ftsattntteaety HR MASSAGE, only $30! Healing & Wellness Center Gift certificates available 1 r?i to fist Mly Ilera'd 3734450 2 Ceramic tile & Laminate floors. Carpentry, Frame 1 Finish 10 DISCOUNT Home repair & rmdlng Framing.drywall.doors trim, paint, bths, bsmts Free estHc 427-- 1 152 The Art ol Fixing- - main-ten- a nee, remodels, additions, bsmts, repairs. 1 Lic'd ins'd. TOPSOIL LIQUIDATION Dark, rich, screend topsoil. Delivered. We'll beat any prices! TOPSOIL SCREENED Deliver Anywhere 226-899- 5 420-401- 0 Mtn & Sandy Loam Great Garden Mixes s loaded. Washed Rock Sandpile Sand Driveway Slag TOPSOIL, screened and blended sandy loam. Best in valley 6 6 or Reserve yours today) i Must Seil! Bachmann Keyboard Authentic InMufll ft Waiiets, Kate Spade knock' Call offs. Wed Karen (801)226-855- 2 521 S 20 E Orem 0 9 fewtnaMarattafls Could your company use leads with pre-sappts that you get to screen before you have to pay for them? If so call 21st Century Mar- keting at PLUMBING REPAIR ProvoOrem Lie, Bond, Insured. 26 years exp. 3 Caty's Alterations Professional Tailor!! 1 4 or Plumbing, repipes, 1 remdiing, repair water Piano Lessons. Affordable & Fun!!! All levels. 8 London tmd. heaters.toilets.faucet, tubs, lic'd. 221-51- Painting Int Ext Cabinets Doors Iron 5 7 or FREE ESTIMATE Quick Response. Kitch- Remodeling, ens, Bathrooms & Basements. Fram- CAMPBELL PAINTING I.e. qlty work.callfree ing, Finishing Work & Concrete. Lie .& Ins. Call Todd est. (801)7584933 HOLIDAY PAINTING I Satisfaction Gnt'dl 9 1 or 6 or 9 Rapak- 6 or 5 f Fall Cleanup ft Mowing Tree Service 9 lank III RVBoat Storage 13x15, 13x25, 13x30, 13x40 AAA Payson Storage 465-3- 1 54. RVBOAT STORAGE Covered & Open areas. Springville 7 Storage Grt Provo loc, 6x8,10x10,11X25,12x30 0 Dean Rentals STORAGE in PG for large RVS. Call Best Affordable Roofing, Lic'd & Ins'd. Fast, Friendly, Reliable SErvice. Call now for Sunrise Painting Affordable Quality. Money's Tight, Price is Right Free inspection & Est. All Work Guaranteed!! 427-045-8 Steve SAVE$$$ FREE EST. NEED A PLUMBER? Call The AKC Miniature ready 121502. YELLOWSTONE Snowmobile packages FOR colt, halter broke, $600 obo. 10 yr old quarter horse, mare, needs experienced rider, $800 obo. Teesha . 450 $125 Including shots Ready anytime Call 7964669 I.Syr old red roan cLusiatdi bring Black ft Gold Mother is papered. Bom Oct 20, 2002 $500remales, $450malea JUST IN TIME mulE-373-6- ' FarFastir Purebred Lab Puppies 0 or TretS-rv- k 6 Precision Slate Roofing Co. Specialize in slate, metal, flat & shingle roofs. Drain Surgeons a free Estimate for LOOK TILE FOR LESS Guaranteed Best Prices On Professional Ceramic Tile Install. Also Porcelain, Marble, Granite. Over 20 yrs Experience. VisaMC. JONUTZ ROOFING (801)671-577- 5 la AFFORDABLE quality tile and laminate floor New and remodel jobs. 2 Andrew Creative TiletVorkt www.ulahparateyal.com evenings Sarvtcw 8 Ext. Winter Special 5x8 $29, Irgr units also. Deseret Storage PG E. 3 of Macey's m DIVORCE $200 BANKRUPTCY $400 Schnauzsrs, - Low cost plumbing 8 repairs. PAINTING Affordable, 8 yrs exp. Rers FREE EST. Price. Quick. Quality. Laws Car Lup1 Remodel your home. Lie, bnded, Ins. Grt pr6 ices, free est. Millett Cstm. Painting 10 senior discount. HrFiatfj 2 precious bunnies, 12 litter box trained. Good w kids. $20 each or $100 for everything. 4 Must go now. Purses ; 0 for Christmas! $450. Call. (435)623-339- 6 cnHisrsiAsm 798-31- fffisciitoisffla PAINTING-In- The Dally Herald Purebred AKC German Shepherd puppies. Reserve one now with papers. tinsd Seegmiller Roofing MasRepair ft ters, especially flat type, exc warr, Sr disc. 3 It Pays t strument sounds. He. New 40 GL water heaters installed for $350. Let us handle au your plumbing needs! Call AFFORDABLE Aflordable-Quality-Fa- The Daily Herald 3734450 Quality Masonry work done at a fair price. 25years experience. A-- 1 225-766- 2 It Pays to AdrertlK in track recording cababiH-756-755-3 . ty $800 JACK RUSSEU. Terrier Pups Call Grading, Trenching, Sprinkler Inst., Top Soil, Tree Removal. Lic'd &1ns. 420-062-5 Pick-up- RfuADY FOR it Screen, farm, sandy loam, Slag, fill, gravel, dump truck, Backhoe, . loader, Trackhoe, Lndscape boulders, rock walls, & yrd prep. Load Pick ups FarHadfi 5 Adorable Lab puppies, ready for Christmas, yellow or black. $75. 9 Call Heating & "Using what you already 1 Have!" The "Honey Do Man JWA ConstRmdling. outside lighting. Reasonable rates, free estimate, Lic'd & ins'd. Tim at 1 or & 3 Used LCD "Home Theater" Projectors. 1 Professional SVHS Video Camera. DLP Projector. Paul 226-303- 3 A-- 1 O Michete's Interior Design NrFacf & AU ELECTRICIAN scape, OrbtsntTrss SANTA For HiBEllt PINE, fruit, hardwood. Cut, Split & delivered. $65 truck load. $110 full cord. MELDRUM ELECTRICAL Home remodels, phone lines, land- His Elves. Over 40yrs Exp.Earl Hold- - , Santa David's Electric Service change Free est, side work exp., Steve DrywalKFraming Finish Lic'd - Ins'd. Over 25 yrs exp. Free Estimates. Cell 808-31- $20 off Any Service Call Lloyd's Handyman Service Exp installation Lie DnNal Basements Finished FAST! k avg) Best servbest ice, prices! Guaranteed results! Call for your free esti9 mate lndustrial Residential mm Furnace Problems? Cedar, Chainlink, retaining walls, etc. We build ' all types. 373-59- PALI LARA WLA GOOD TOP SOIL Retaining Walls, 6 WOODLAND EXC. CARE GIVER home. Commercial & residen- 'Live-i- n or hourly, Mai work. Basements, exp. : demolition work of all . kinds. New sewerwater Bactric lines ft repairs 420-001- 8 CantartoBS AFFORDABLE BASEMENTS & REMODELS QUALITY SANTAS Professional Santas 2 Cad NOW! AAA SANTA SERVICE 491-41- Booty 0 Hauling: Honest- -' Est Lowest Price-Fr4 or 755-340-5 JBM HaulingClean-u- p Haul most anything! Bob- -' cat. Free Est. 754-54- BASEMENTS You install, we tape or we install & tape. Free 6 est. David 8 est ... $25hr. Free 3 T4W Drywall Bsmts, Remod, Repairs. Refa Work guar. Free est WORKMAN CO. General Contractor. Licensed & Insured. New Construction, Remodeling-Kitchen- s, Baths, Decks, & Additions. Call Matt , Remodelsrepairs. MOUNTAIN PACIFIC Great. Drywall work Bsmts, rerriods, homes. Frame, trim, paint. Additions. Licensed, Ins. cell Lynn fantaasu 1 AAA Affordable Santalll 20 yrs exp. Real beard, real hair, all 7 f occasions! , PATCH Repairs Texture small jobs Castractops tantaOaw f1 . Roan ART'S ELECTRIC Lic'd Journeyman Insured 7 Free est. & Floor coverings. Carpet installed with pad, $10.75yd; Lock laminate flooring wfoam pad $1.82sf; outdoor grass $5.99yd. Visit our showroom & Finish that basement nowl Superior results! Best prices, Remodeling Baths, Kitchens, Decks, 0 Carpet & upholstery cleaners, dry in hours. Holiday specials. Same day service avail. 898-12- windows. Call CARPET installation, DREAM STEAM & 763-982- Remodel Repair Specialists. 4 Western Concrete. Remove & replace driveway, sidewalk, pa- restretch, repair. 14 yrs exp. Honest prices, Matt Construction Mike House Menders CallJohn 2 Drywall Licensed floors MOUNT CONCRETE WE DO CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, RETAINING WALLS BETTER, FASTER & CHEAPER. ANY WAY YOU WANT J Dave's Call BtctrfcH BryWrf M por day!'S L 1 Hr tvmts&rtM HrNm Genuine Heddon split bamboo fly rod, everything original w extra tip, perfect 7 Call Practice Law? Practice Medicine? Don't practice trimming 3 your trees. HOIST H500 weight set, brand new, $2750 obo. condition. 9 Give the man in your life a gift trial will last a lifetime! See us for hoH- -' until 8pm. day specials. NEW Honeycomb WAKEBOARD, case and boots. Paid $900 9 sell $550 Far KMt NEWI! Tony Little Ga- lelle Freestyle Elite $250; Healthrider aerobic rider $100. Great for Utah County Safe Outlet 550 N State St in Lehi. 0 Christmasl 3 UEMS QUALITY Christmas lights. We put them up as if it were on our own home 10 off before 1 Dec. 15. B.J. ciaiiiucdi bring rtiulti 373-645- 0 Electric Scooters $125 ea. Retail tor $300. Great Christmas giftsl 798-025-7 It lav ce AdvenlK la Tbc Daily Herald 373-64- PING greens & Callaway drivers set, left handed, $475 obo. 765-48until 8pm. SPORTS Cards, singles or sets. Baseball, Foot-- i ball & Basketball. Great, Prices! Call Tom at j 3 evenings ; |