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Show Wednesday, Baghdad bitter over U.S. takeover of declaration AP Special Correspondent - The accused Iraqi government Washington on Tuesday of taking control of a UN. master copy of Baghdad's arms declaration in order to tamper with it and create a pretext for war. - The White House dis missed Iraq's accusation that i taltered the documents. Specialists at the CIA arid other U.S. agencies began poring declaraover the 12,000-pag- e tion, in which Baghdad is supposed to "tell alT about its and chemical, biological nuclear programs. American ofhcials said much of the material appeared to be recycled versions of earher documents. U.N. inspectors have said Iraq's earher declarations were incomplete. The United Nations was beginning its own analysis of the mammoth declaration, a process officials say could take weeks. Inspectors stepped up their search Tuesday, fanning across Iraq on surprise missions to 13 sites the largest number of inspections since the U.N. operation resumed two weeks ago. One team moved in on a uranium mining site 250 miles west of Baghdad. President Saddam Hus Continued from A 1 unflagged ship "Sosan" east of the island of Socotora and called U.S. authorities for assistance, Martinez said. The Spanish Navy stopped and boarded the ship after its crew refused to identify sein, meanwhile, spoke of war and sacrifice in a meeting with top lieutenants, men LIS. strategists hope will abandon By CHARLES J. HANLEY BAGHDAD, Iraq SHIP the Iraqi strongman in the event of war. "Your heads will remain high with honor, God willing, and your enemy will be defeated," he was shown on state television telling defense officials, including Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Sultan Hashim Ahmed. tensions flared : y again in the southern zone" Tuesday, when the U.S. command said its warplanes bombed an Iraqi missile site 165 miles southeast of Baghdad. Just across Iraq's southeastern border in Kuwait, U.S. Army units were conducting desert exercises. Iraq insists it no longer has weapons of mass destruction or programs to make them. The Bush administration says it's sure Baghdad does and has threatened war if, in the U.S. view, Saddam's government doesn't comply, with U.N. disarmament demands. Secretary of State Colin U.S.-Ira- themselves. The North Korean captain of the Sosan initially told Spanish officials the ship was carrying cement The Scuds were discovered shortly thereafter, Martinez said. The ship was being held in the area while the search continued and as U.S. experts, who shortly afterward boarded the vessel, made sure that any explosive qi "no-fl- anti-aircra- ft STANFORD Continued from Al stem cells accomplish this, scientists believe they can understand how cancer cells grow wildly into tumors, and other mechanisms of disease. Dr. Irving Weissman, director of the new Institute for CancerStem Cell Biology and Medicine, said one of his goals is to overcome a shortcoming in most of the embryonic stem cell lines available today. Most stem cells have been taken from embryos created at fertility clinics, and scientists have no specific information about the genes of those people - or of the stem Powell denounced Saddam's claims, saying, "He's a liar." "Well see now whether he decides that the cost of lying is too great. The cost of lying now might result in his regime being destroyed by the armed forces of the interna tional community," he said during a Dec. 5 interview with a French television. December i 1, 2002, THE DAILY HERALD, (www.HarkTheHerald.com), Provo, Ulah materials were neutralized, US. officials said. It was not clear where the ship was registered, a senior administra: tion official said. Officials said the shipment did not appear to be headed for Iraq. However, the senior administration official said that although the ship was headed for Yemen, it was unclear whether it and the missiles on board had another destination beyond that. Yemen has been identified by the United States as a nation that has harbored terrorists, although its government has been an ally of the United States in the war against global terrorism. Yemen's port of Aden was the site of the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole by terrorists, which killed 17 sailors. Yemeni officials contacted late Tuesday said they had no information concerning the ship, its contents or its boarding by cells they produce. Instead, Weissman wants to produce embryonic stem cells that carry specific genetic mutations linked to certain duce these embryonic stem cells. Weissman's preference, he said, would be to conduct a kind of genetic swap on existing stem cells. A stem cell could be stripped of nucleus, which carries its genes. Then, researchers could insert a nucleus from someone known to carry the BRCAl mutation or other genetic flaws. A group in Australia is already trying this technique, Weissman said. But if that method fails, Weissman said he. would not rule out trying a controversial technique that many people One line of stem cells, for example, might contain the BRCAl genetic mutation that has been linked to breast cancer. As the stem cells transform themselves into breast tissue, scientists would track the activity of the faulty gene to glean clues to how cancer arises. Other cells might be created that carry the faulty genes linked to diabetes, Parkinson's disease and other ailments. The trick, Weissman said, is to find the best way to pro international forces. The boarding of the ship occurred as Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was traveling in the area. It was unclear precisely what missiles were aboard the seized vessel. North Korea has built and exported at least two missiles in the Scud class: the Scud B and the Scud D, or No crew to identify Page A7 the mis- siles as originating in North Korea. Scud B missiles were reduced in large numbers E y the former Soviet Union and ended up in Iraq and North Korea, among other ; nations. The missiles are "" very inaccurate, often break up in flight and have a range of less than 200 ' miles. The Scud D, or No Dong, -missile produced by North Korea is advanced com- - :, pared with the Scud B. It has a range of about 840 -miles and can carry a or chemical Dong. Without providing nuclear warhead. Iran and Pakistan use modified ver- specifics, the senior administration official said the sions of the No Dong, and United States has evidence Pakistan's are fitted to beyond the identity of the carry nuclear warheads. , : 1H . " stripped of its genes and from DNA different given u person The result would be an egg from one person with " ' the genes of another. The egg would divide into an embryo, and stem cells would be taken ; from the embryo. This technique is contro- - " versial, because it involves "' creating and then destroying a human embryo. Moreover, the embryo theoretically could be implanted into all woman and grown into a child a clone of the person who donated a nucleus to the II egg cell. President Bush has called consider to be a form of for a ban on this technique, even in disease research. human cloning. In this alternate method, a Congress will likely consider human egg cell would be the ban next year. CONVICTION Continued from A 1 that she was raped in House- keeper's 1989 Honda Accord in a church parking lot after the pair left a party at a near; by home. A jury of six women and two men acquitted Housekeep- Michael Esplin, Housekeeper's attorney, objected to the inclusion of the lesser charge, which was part of the appeal rejected Tuesday. In the appeal, Esplin and Margaret Lindsey argued rape and attempted rape weren't d necessarily appropriate charges for aggravated assault, Lindsey said. Justice Michael J. Wilkins, who wrote the courts opinion, found no error in the jury instruction. "The information clearly stated that the aggravated sexual assault with which the defendant , was charged took place during the commission of a rape or attempted rape," Wilkins said. Utah County Chief Deputy f S" er of aggravated sexual assault, forcible sodomy and rape. The jury convicted him of attempted rape, a lesser charge included as an option in the jury instructions. r ' JrI Ei" .: ho i: ". j 4,6 ,' , I i t ' ' V.- - ' M0f J O) I 'umaaaisJi ..." p I MMkUUmI ' 1 1 ft lesser-indude- Sherry Ragan Attorney praised the decision and said it clarified rules about charging juveniles as adults. Ldndsey maintained an objection because of the continued potential for lesser charges to be included in jury instructions. "Our concern, from a philosophical standpoint, is that prosecutors can overcharge juveniles to have them tried as adults in district court but then include lesser charges for the jury to consider that if brought initially would have been tried in juvenile court" Lindsey said. "What our client ultimately was convicted of would not have made him eligible to be treated and tried as an adult" In 2001, 4th District Judge Guy Burningham denied a motion to strike the sentence because Housekeeper was 21. If the case were sent back to juvenile court, Burningham said, it would be illegal for that court to sentence him as an DESIGNER CORDUROY PANTS 8-WA- . it ' Hi l ' ' mm M l U . . ' ';.ii!iiii' V ' '111' I - ' r w )J ,1 '" '' I. li I,1 1" M "r V i'p VM i i IN; ,11 u At i ,i ' 1' Hi ' Up If Orig. 75.00. !i' - 11 ; a it,,! ',li, ,1 1 AL " ti'iii'i , l si DESIGNER SOUD CORDUROY SHIRTS m'hIH 1 . ' , 0. ; 'Si Hi', 53.50-62.C- i ft ,: Orig. ',1 M ''I ' . , Silk'!,, !' , adult That "would create a jurisdictional limbo in which neither the district court nor the juvenile court would have LE I ..,r5 I ,1 4 ,........ 1 - A Burningham jurisdiction," said. He said the appeal implied juvenile defendants could delay their cases until they were 21 "and thereby escape the jurisdiction of any Utah court y Housekeeper was sentenced Dec. 9, 1999, to three years to life in prison by Judge Donald Eyre, but Eyre suspended the sentence and ordered Housekeeper to spend a year in jail and serve 36 months on probation. Housekeeper was released Dec. 8, 2000. Lindsey said there is a possibility of an appeal in civil find yourself at V-1; ' '''''' - t I Selection varies by store. Limited to stock on hand. Basic, merchandise is not included. Sorry, no phone or mail orders on clearance merchandise. court Housekeeper did not immediately return a phone message Tuesday afternoon. 9:30-9:3- 0, and Sunday 10--8 at all Dillard's locations. 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