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Show HIE llERAlIrFmAY, iAKUJVRY SO. PROYO 197.r PAGE SEVEN. HELPFUL HINTS FOR " : . MONEY SAVING mHeidld Want Ms f KXAL ESTAT-QI- KE ..... - I : frOB SALZ ; ... City building lata, Impair of Hathenbrack: owner. S43 T, W. & Cth 17, Provo, TJt fros $85 cadi, op. a N--- tt dose la. RENT K. CnlT. modern, apartment for couple. 815 MARCELLING A, ' eeasnr- - ewrta, Fifty ,- I JT" WllJALE-40- iw - .. in- Syphew f, - , 2 t ' jLmJ4Jl. ,:T I'll "' iTj! v .. I FOB BENT f uralahed. 4tb South. i If board Booma; serric E.lsr"NFfioTie 82CT Pbooa 10-W- - - white 400-J- ... . ., - TO RE-TIR- OR HAVE IT ' D CLAYSOTIRE " Night or ' (Incorporated) We 8pedulize o Ladlea Fine J , , Garment. 54 N. Fourth West St . Phone .rProvo, Ttab," -- E ' COMPANY j. HANSEN DKCORATINQ CO. C V. Hansen, Mgr. . , Painting, Pujwr Hanging, Paper Ch,aiih:g7Calaomiiiing. KINDS Piano and Fufuiture Befiitlsblng .I'liime 813-r 72a r.7 North ilrst West. I All Work Guaranteed. Cor. 2nd West and Center. We Call for and Deliver. , PHONE 649. 8I(iUi, -- " H. G. BLUMENTHAL CO. Trunk, Transfer, Taxi, Moving Vans. P. L. LARSEN Jumbing, Heatingrand -P- .. Ilumbing, Healing ahtf Sheet Metal Office Phone 574 " Sheet "Metal Work Factory and Office, 474 W. Center St. PfovorUtalv Phone 109. Day- - PR0VO TRANSFER & TAXI COMPANY ; PHONE 665 new - apart-mi- t, FOB BENT IinsT-t-Ocolt. aonvl 2 blocks from business disKinder com-trict; steam beat I'houe 279 or 52. fin esiidille tytw. nnmifate with K. S. Hinckley mt Bhubert Apartments. 3 20-t- f CliauitKT of Comiuenv. F5 FOB BENT Furnished rooms at Bemwnt Apt. rhoiieJIM. S1 S. RADIO SET Cil EAF Bargain : ' 2nd West. F4 Fada one sixty NeutrodyM completewith batteriea, Magnarox, aerial and installed, $145.00. WU1 FOB BENT Apartment, first floor, demonstrate and guarantee A-- l permodern, 4 rooms and bath. 12G forman oe. Compare " the prlcea! F-- l S. 1st E. Phone 907-J- . m. CU 173 or'600-- from T to Y t'LLA.NLNO DYKING Ca R. F-- l ., station - Repair Work a Specialty. MILDENHALL & HALLADAY Phone 55-- Findor pig- - Jt nimer battery CONTRACTORS " sT" " 57"" JI .... BUILDING F-i-4 Ijirge phUM ''ST il jt 'lT ; ' ; a KAMTAk THIS IS THE PLACE Ford or Chevrolet ..$10.00 Buick or Nash .$14.00 '.$18.00 Dodge Phone 285. 1st W. SO S. Prompt Bit Furniture Co. LOST .'Afri'l wlta Monarch mac 2 nodero homes. 1 881-158 W, FOB STOVE' BEPAIB9 F-- fnone FOB BENT.'. UtreL VOU SALK PRICED - Printers. Printing That Pleases. . ,Lj , -- 3 T" PROFESSIONAL OlflECTORY i BATTERIES CORRECTLY PRINTING Ca Provo'g Progressive r-- .i- " ?" t f t ! -- rjf" "ita AND M. H. GRAHAM " rm I ' 2 USltlESS ' J' - J k f J bvtVai UrH -k Wrs" -! 1 'JU- 351 fcaJ- I l -- tf FOB EENT Sroom apt. wit5 aleeplng porcb, 461 N. 2nd B. f-Pbone 520-- J I. jj IXSCRAKCH AGEXC r.BOMB JOB 4 Fira- Must sell quickly. at Trkw Priee. City k to ter of town at a prlca that will v : .' prise you. "JU VfC j T Hf US MtrWM TOP BURN, OK BOUUOW. . JSKFi 1M CROSSWQP PUZZLEf 1 and EGGS DURRANT AUTO Ccflttrr Provo, itf 163 W; 343-3- 4 BABY CHICKS . SUPPLY Center. Phone 552. . .W. ne , HORIZONTAL. - .Same. J41-I-L WANTE1 "rorr FOB BENT Modern apt, heat furF-nished. 60 E. 4th N. Ave. r . ; - Itot.-dry- . Ail. . ijirge cask. Possetiik Aliiliiy to do. -t- dfntim. J . .F.iL Iiinui'rs. M. iH;. Attcud. Xnt one' OL A fclino. or. iHd. ' - r Estimating Free. . J 67. Procwil. ... Organ of hearing. " Bieycle repairingf aU f ti!)f Tims, 21. KiU.d. guaranleed,;riil N. Vniv. ix. Cimtniner for gnwtng flowers ANSWhKvS TO YESTERDAYS F-, ( R0SSW0KU PIZZI t."' BeauUful FOR SALE player 27. Twirled, woven. 1 g Ii'iIuW" "jH.Twii JPfvH FOB BENT 3 furnisbed piano practically aew, at a sacrirooms. 58 W. 3rd 8. . . slowly. 4 W. 081 fice. N. 1st CKking utensil foi'iiolliux Illumitiating vapor. USED modern ANOTHEB BARGAIN FOB SALE New Sixth note, numliHl sculo. flANo. TATuuu- iutoSPlAAU home, 35' E. 4th S. See J. W. Highest poiut DEPARTMENT. ihlander at Ahlander Mfg. Co. Imlustriuus riscet. Near. -1R ALE Gri BENT-4-Torbrick house. AppUi LFOB Perfrrm. en, Jouathau, Uauo, Borne Beaut Catt Bob's Coffee Bofise. . F-, t)ul W. 5th lbJBf Tte'uuis, 672 X Stn-teof time. . BOOMS FOB BENT. BOABD Aloft. rri'iioxitlol). m RAT.E Your 6ilarea.jf;Kest. BOAHD AND BOOM 12ft- F-Vntou, water ttock at a bargain, iX Cth(mnMd, East. if taken at. once. Call at 71 N. 45. Female runiiunnt. Extrviaion of iiiiuir.v. rooms Cuiv. Ave., or write box 11$, Pwvo. FOB BENT Furnace-heate- F-- l 40. Fool. doi.ke.v: and board If desired. Phone " T. 'Pen, 1032-W- , . Snow shoos. BABY CARRIAGES and renth with tlifficMiHy. NOTltE TO LIEN HOIJIEBS. feptt BENT Unfurnished modern upholstered. Hansen Decorating. M. S3. f bsikeil Covered., with "pltH-eIn the' District Court of the rnnnrtment. close in. Phone 258. Co. A'hone S12W or 720. ' biHttlet."iif. majuf Fnitflli'Jmlt(-luS30 8. lilt H.. i I MAN wants work; 57. r.uiform. I tiiu Comity, State r ttiin. would prefer either hotel or res- 5S. Fasten in knot. Smoot LiuuImt t'otnpaily, a corRENT Two modern homes. , vs. tjlejigiirrj S To j& victorious. with earara: also modern house taurant work. fM)rntion, plainflff, F-1034-a Resort .coriorat.ion 01. i Phone Onuits. (oiupnny, rooms, , keeping EnlniHii Kleeliic Sliojv a WANTED People who are suffer. 83 KmpUfS out a vessel. liersliip. A. S. ('lurk, T'tah Saving,' FARMS AND GARDENS. iug from pyorrhea, sore, bleed- 05, Bied. & Trust ("omimny, receivi'r for Coning, ulcerattnl gums, to use "Town-s'ud'- s 00. A sack, A'poueh. Phone wtlldutcd .Wagon & Machine" Com FOB SALE 4 Incubator. cure. At your iW. Asjceut. guaranteed 3 Victor Johnson. puny, J. A. Owens, (ijid II. WilJ30 70. By. drug store.'' rl. 'Shlji.rorpenler'or bridge ImiIIiI-er'- liams, S. 1). Wartie( and Ray WhitFOR SALE Two young, fresh For. SALE ing, t'tah Fire Chy Company, a Reflntshed tool. used F4 ' pianos, at extremely low prices. defendants. eorporntion. Jersey cows. Phone 72. linking To Whom It May Concern: tt 73. Toward. Hitparntus. Taylor Bron- - Co. Phone 25. Xotjce'ls herel)y given that plain- CASH PAID for geese and chickens. PIANOS FOB RENT TATLOR In the alMive entitled cause.Hus tiff Phono 488-J-bbos; PIANO PEPABTMENT. VEBTICAU coinmenced an action against the 1. Snj) as 37 horiiontnl. defendants therein for' the fore fBb SALE White Leghorn chicks, w closure of mechanic's liens on the l Western Electric 2. Total. Tancred. Anconas and Sbepparas, FOR SALE following described pivperty, at reduced price if ordered now. 71TT washer, cheap. 4 AVJ 2nd F--X. L 4. Flower. . " 5. S. Cnl. Ave., , 8. Article. Begiunihg 19.03 chains east and 7. Part of the eye. 2,74 chains' south, from the north-wesHA LB Ground bone FCin WHY 'PAY BENT?. corner of the southwest "quar cnlcKena, aaiau quanuiy, home a will .$750.00 buy nr-;tKCJ ftir oiit watiirTm'iwnymrrT'l'i South? Range 3 Ksist of the Salt 1L Part of sjH"echj (Pi) ket payment of s'JS.w auu ia.uu per 13. Vs. Lake Base and " thence uM.mh. , ....1. I 80 degrees oast H :K3 Vhains. south FOB SALE Loose bay, deli7ered. 11 ill. "US, GO'VO F-TERMS. ON " thence south 1.25 chains, ; thence Phone 744-J- . onsunie. A nice little brick home, ten acres us. south 80 degrees east 1.5 clurfiis. 17. Mournful. FOB SALE If you want good hay, of ground, with a good young peach JS. 'Draw tliejK' soiith ,'5.435 chains, thence forward, ee W. A. fchapmani 280 E Cen-te- t orchard, team, wagon and imple- 20. A north 80 degrees west T.5 chains, cloth. of kind ments. or phoM 893-Ihence north C.CS5 chains-tthe 21. Sense of humor. HERE IT IS. : place of beginning. Area 22. ... one. Single - In the lnst Part of l'rovo, a gootl, EMPLOYMENT more or U'ss. , acres, r 24. To rest. new. modern brick home, five rooms, All tiK! right, title and interest of sltld defendant .XHengnrry Ifi'sort full basement. Will lake a good car 20. Slight explosion. flBJkiJ ua Teuoaable. .78 V. Sid S. Phone nn(1 (,,ty-- ,ol aj part of fiPrt pay 27. Bested lir ('ouipnny iu the., Tight .to. appro tion. 038-W. k V- mmt. wilier lor resorr purposes priate 2T. Harbor. p!. from two springs hi t'tah county IIOMK IXSCRAXCE AGENCY a children's WANTED Sewing, 31. AVirfTayhrtecth.: t'tah, as granted to Mary Znbriskle 33. Fuss, apeclalty.. . Phone of SiningvUle. l!t;ih, by the state 3lC Au American desert. cjieineAri oh tlip 25th day of June, IfttTtilllillillHlllllinUt ton " Jinu MAN, ,Wlta 30. Ejclstv 1023, designated in the office of of hauling.-r Phone,! tvill do ail kinds 37. Simian. the state engineer as File No; 1915 t i -IMft , r7,i 42. Clothes. and sold by the said Mary Zubriskie 43. SerjHnt. to J. A. (hvens on August 3, 1023, ; WANTED Washings, 22 &" 9th- W. 44. and sold and transferred bv IndlspnwitiitA. , v . Pfione 643-40. J. A. Owens to nld defenduilt Glen Stretch ouf to enlarge. S Sliarpen. garry fiesort cqmpany on ApriiS, FOBv alectrle wiring. eontraii. 1024.- the Kliits of issuance of the 40. Tree wlU a. quivering leaf, Estimates and wpairiiisj call Quy-ma-n ' a flu, Contendv'.: springs aforesaid are described as and Talbot Pnom ' foilOw's: . ' . " 51. A cat's noise, , i' W, Provo. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES In an burglar-pro- te NATIONAL LAUNDRY HOME INSURANCE Family Wash a Specialty. Phone 1022.- - 450 S. Univ. AGENCY , Real Estate and Loans 208 W. Center. Phone 370. W. n. FRESIIWATER'S HARDWARE STORE BERG MORTUARY Sporting floods. Building Muleriiils. Leading Funeral Director of vault FOR RENT Farmers & Merchants Bank A Y 4 smiilibM;. 22 8. 2nd Phone 85. HfATCIf FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service for Sick or Injured vay. or iigm vaus Answered; 160 NV Univ. Phone 532. ' ;' Phone 30. 214 W. Center. v MOTIHT. todi'nt1-" Foolish,; ACTO TOPS AND Cl'RTAINS I'phobiteriiy; and Seat Covering. . Res Top and Enclosure. BERT BAXDI.KY Auto Tops and General Black- - WHIPPLE ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Construction, ' . . ::l Vtiiii.; f kii with FrjBKrSHED APT. tor rejit, parage, 32 E. 3rd a Jhona Bntrd 55. It U v. "the Winchester Established 1870. Store? .1 house-keepiB- 3Jrink ; General Foundry and Machine Work. Electrical and Acetylene Welding. PROVO FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. , Phone 77.'.. B-l--tf 0 HOTEL ROBERTS Unexcelled Dining '" " Service. Popular Prices. . a I 0 reiited . -' s F-2- 0 ; -- F-s- ! -i- l - . - tf 3 F-1- 782-B:- a 494-B-- l. 1 Z Ai-t- two-roo- ill 9 ' " o i 4.13-10- " g ' " 0 559-N- j one-un- ' - F-2- 3 -- . 5 Jul J-- It vR pavis.., Phone 518-M- . 4C6 yoa desiie: to marry, let me put jf oii ln teuqb with tbosewhose. desire la the same as yours.; Box 137, :. , . F-; pahokee, Fla. ,v 6 ORDERS RECEIVED NOW For I W. L. baby chlcki fo spring b. Provo. 13 Price 12e lo-o West Center. iJhont 601 de-Hr-y. ta -- MARRY FP iONELT ; for results. rrir tne : beht and tntrnt successful "; ;,, 'aruih ; hundreds rich wish strictly conf Iden- - Usiellnbler years experl- - lescrlptlons free, "x ne surClub." Mrs. Nash, Box. oixi, J (ncT. Cant ' - kk. on Bratun, ' - - fif i .. iww . they come ta call, Will thrill at a home, .. No matter how small When Owl. .Nobody gets a thrill over a rented house. Arrange . with us to buy-thhome now. Small down payment required. ' , poPlrtERE VvJASAMANH6(Vb55fS TbOAvf RAFFLINS Or A CARTON wM Or 6BNUM& TURKISH TOBACCO. - AMDI TOOKACHANCe-TON- LS W COST A DIME ANP THE MAN ' , ' ,'r V Said tuat rr 5old for iiOA pound ffZy) ft i I - t 3L- - ; i VSt souiu--Miat-tii- wt sec-Io- V tiled, cut- 170 N, Univ. rrovn.. Utah.' . - - - fed. ml-iulufct : W. H. RAY tnt7r(flHft LOANS MONEY yrmr ersrproductlon by feeding Wasatch ynality Laying Mash .21. li)2.r, to ,it which any buRlnesa mil. Teiiuiring j on Satunl.ty.-Xr- ch pay tue u. tiMii ;,t assessment, to a meet nig of., stockholders may be stu b other business as shall gether with the cotiiej and expi use of sale. before the meeting.' P- - .IS. noUTZiLllBy-call and arder of the presl- Secretary dent and three directors, . (Publication dates: Juu. 23, SO, ; and (4) t Transacting Feb. 13, 20, 1925., .Dg u majority of the board. Dated, January istTi.1025. ANMJAL STOCKHOLDERS THOMAS CAUMIOIIAEL. MEETING, . Secretary. stockholders meetim: constitut-transncie- T0BACCC'T& .'" Fred E..Ray, Field Mgr. Florence D, Ray, Office Mgr Tuid Scratch Feed. W ASATCH PRODUCE CO. MUSICAL INgTROllENTS Complete Stock, Dependable . . ,' Quality. . d ,We make re'pnlr and .rebuild any of instrument. Work gviarnnfeed. ''"" , sfdNjEico. 'The annual Warner Stone, Manager. " .07 East Center St. NOTICE. ap-te- The of the stockholders of the Provo Commercial and Savings Bank will be held at their banking house on- Thursday. The company at a price to beflzed February J2; 1925, at the hour of by the board of directors, not less 5? 1 o'clock p.' in., for the purpose of than par, In proportion to their pres." rt electing officers for the ensuing year ent holdings of stock and the aew ." 1924. and for the transaction of such stock, whether issued Into escrow 01 -g.--.:.: SMOOT LUMBER COMPANY, other business as may come before otherwise, to have equal . voting (Signed) IL.F., THOMAS, a Corporation, Plaintiff. - ' Secretary. jlwnjeejtlng rights with other stock? alsfr MorganjColenina4Slxa3E nuHinriTA ;h iarA-n- f directors to fuimsTiHnriiTTy Jan. 18 to Feb. WiJ1923.t ' .Provo- Commercial Bank Bldg., Last date. Feb. ai!y treasury stock now remaining l'rovo, Utah. EUREKA BOULLION KINING CO. in the treasury of this corporation NOTICE. . SPECIAL MEETING OF STOOLdNOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCK add any portion: of said increased . Cora-& ate Milling M.iniug Syndic HOLDERS. , HOLDERS MEETING. capital of l,5O0,(KK) shares not subpanyr: a Corporation." Principal Notice" is hereby given that at a scribed by the present stockholder meeting of Stockholders Place of Business, l'rovo, t'tah. "as consideration for exploration and Notice Is hereby" given that t a of Eureka Bouillon MJnlngeompany, special, meeting of "the stockholders t. development "work upon the com 474 of ol be lioard of the held will directors Outer at Wst nutting of East Tintic Coalition Mining pany's property upon. such terms ar i the Syndicate Mining & Milling 'street, Provo, Utah, at twelve o'clock company, a corporation of Utah, to the directors shall seem , fit and company, held on the 20th day of noon,' February 0T1925, lor the pur- will be held at its of fljae In the, of con- - i proiwr; also for. January, 1025, an assessment (No. poses of (1) Electing five directors; store uf II. XI, Jilutnethal- nidering ; tind ' "to.tlag"' upon, "such w ' $L0O per. 20) and nebousandUgj rattfyiDgtae No. 471 West Center street other and additional propositions shares, was levied upon all the out acts of the, officers and board of puny, Provo City, tti.h county, sfafe-o- f and tilings, for the accomplishment !. of said stock standing capital , directors 4rior thereto; (3) Con Utah, on the Sist day of January, of the general purposes above f; payable Immediately to sidering and acting upon the 1925;-a- t 10 o'clock a. pi., for the stated as 6hall be agreedupoa at ;'.'' I. E. Houtz, secretairy, at lt(Mim 9, the cbnipany's prih. purpose of considering and voting such; meeting. Itouudy building, Provo, Utah," or clpal placeoTT5njliH from Provo the following propositions: To tock' transfer books will bev upon e by mail 'to- said secretary at to Salt Lake City and amending the amend article VI of the artlcle8.,of 'cloned 28, 1925, at U bos 467, Provo, Utah. Articlu V of articles- of incorporincorporation of 'said' company" so nmm until, and. including January J Any stock upon which said As- ate n to read as follows: i as to atock otl 311923? sessment may remain unpaid on Article 'C.-the e)rptrafb)u' from $75.tS0fjiffT Dated, January &, lbZ. rnesflay, February 24, 1925, will be H. CHICKS. and advertised for sale ;' The cohipany place of general Cd Tnto lJj(H,0()O shares of the par t public auction and unless pay- - business and Its 'principal office value of five cents each, to $150,O0Qj President, ment Is made before, will be soblj shall be at Salt take City, Utah, but divided .into1 8,000,000 ahares of the ICOUST BESTELMffTER at. the office of said corporation. branch offices may be established liar value of five cents each,' the new Secretary. Room 9, Boundy building P"nvO, by the board of dlreetora elsewhere stock consisting of 1.500,000 shares . Xiast (First puhlieattm,-- , . Utah, at the hoirr of-- o'clocV-pin., with or outside the state of .Utah, t obe offered to tlie stockholders of publicaUoR, Jan., 31, 1925,- daily.) it annual-meetin- - B-7 ekl - tr JUAREEB. .ot, : : post-offic- Tfflin-TJa-wa- ry ' JiMireHse-Xhe".;cauiia- r 5 W TAYLOR. -- t.A'ST jtl allvminter,- - NOJ r . l1pvV ft GcSHMOMCAN&VIHAT rffis. I K 0 p ' - M0U CAN'T. T0L1, 6M TH TOBACCO iS UKE S'POSE HE'S HUAlG MOU OP FOR p, LOT OF DRIED OUT CABBAGE t LEAVES AND THEN WOU'UL TH I ? Y; QM ' J Bavl' me out because or )rjnn 1 The ooocitmakesin r, NOW.'.DONT SUCH A FuS'?wpP- 7A CI,;TT & -- ) ' f j- - v-t- Vv f : rVrTi ' - ?1 1 -' Wh WffL "ffPQ" r u)J j W pi' f.S'Jz' ' r ' f vu c - Homes, Farms, Ranches Insurance. : " Homeland Realty: Company Kwltr. Prw. R. II. Ferpawn. Manacer. 28 N. Univ. Ave. Phone Sa. - -- - ' p - r. ' .....1 ... v. ' r 1! - of the Pro,vo Building & Loan Society will -- lie held on Tuesday, the 10th day of February, at .8 o'clock p.- m., at the district court room of the couatycaurhau8efur the .purpose of hearing the annual elecfinancial report . and" for-thtion of officers, and for tie trans' . la iiiicd. action of any and all business that Dated this 10th day. of December, may properly come before the meetin- fX VJA9 PUT UP IN; THE NJlC;-BU)E CAMS VJ'TH A 61LT LD6E AROUND TVlEM AWD'lF MOU'RE LyGKM MOU'LU HAVE ENOU6H FWn 71Z-W- at Jo. B. Serewt for sale. i'rmroirwnTTftBS jprf S. - N. MI8CEHANE0C8 I ' . - DON&Can Mrs. ETJG WEAVTNQ .. nH . Phone 104. ' lr Phone 7oi J. North 48 degrees 50 mln-ite- s 717 feet tioiii the of SoeUon 2H, Township I Soulfi Sf linnge 3 East 6T the Salt Lake Meridian, 1. No. North .50 degrees 50 minn 2S50.5 feet from the utes corner of Section 28, Township ! South.of 'Range 3 East of the Suit ' L.'ike .Meridian. C All persons holding or claiming iie'nsiu 'shid 'Above described prop-- , erty under the provisions, of Title '2, Chapter 1, Laws of Utiih, 1917, ire hereby notified to be andlipfore the. above entitled court n the 31st day of January. 1925, (Cing "a day of the regular term of tid court, and then and there or proof of any lien - ,Ko, - -l - ' sens See me oefore instnlttmr your set. G. ALBERT COOPER Phone t507. .Two trucks dally pick up and deliver freight. . Express service rit frelgbi rates. A-- 3 Kadio spec tod IT AH CEVTIIALTRIXK LINE 27 N. 2nd W. Jaeffals . STORAGE AT ---- -- 3 d Welding and We weld anything Cutting. made of metal. Work guaran' teed. First Haas service. . 42 N. 4th W. " Thoiie Ser-vice-" TTXDlOTUICIAN h F-2- 1 and . side-edge- 310-W- - "Quality .. . AVERS WELDING WORKS PROVO LUMBER CO. ; . - . . - ? "i . : . - j 'i 1 , |