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Show THE v - Or NOTICE k SALE. Mlali Mnd ftMe f fVMfl Fm Utah. 8. 408 Buataeaa, ; - Ntk It fcereby glve"that .there ue , tallowing ro .aeuouiteut upou dtrUi(L i.mi .......I on t&mua ot Aa. XA, levied on the jstw-- -- same .1 , .t inuuiflra. " xjvunjmiic - .1... iuk stolwKr-tn-, thftepeette J- aii foUowrr i Spring .laUjgAt jtT":---Mares: imi. 2000 $2.00 rrty S38Jumu Barrett ... 3T5 .40 ' Cert. Nat Nip 237 Kdw 337 SteBa.Barnett , ... 375 Payaon Eldorado Minitj -' ,40 B.'llCuw 407 Geortte Hale JOUOOIO.OO 408 H. WV Church 5000 8.00 419 I. A. Smoot .......15000 15.00 421 Heber C; Miller 5000 5.00 Hitter .. Miller Miller Miller Miller .. lot iltWO A. M. Broadbent .50000 501 Lorenio Jensen 7 .10000 502 G. M. 2500 520 Gerald L. Hintott . 1000 525 Mm. E. B. Winnett 500 1000 537 Maud Boeu . Croft,.... .... .... iooo e ... .... tm At. SI? ..... .... ... aT. ..... Vg lta 396 TBbmas 500 U50 gft$rmttir"Wr: "iic- Cuoe ;r. .500 ,v .500 402 George McCune 403 George McCune 500 404 George McCune 500 Blega" .50 .50 .56 .50 Jnstensen 785 Rowena -- 897 -- 4(H) "Iiivestmeut 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 3.50 .50 5.00 1.00 59.00 2.00 .50 5.00 799 James B. Walkley lOOO 801 Roy Spur! . ... '.'. . . 333 1000 808 Ingprlmrg Peterson 300 IVtersou StIU 0 1218 .50 1219 Theo. Tol'ian ... lomw 10.00 885 Emma Dnugatt 886 Catbertue M. Ioug- - 5tW 12: 1241 Euatruie 7 5.IK) "lJ0 5000 SiUtl 20,(K) ,5.00 Per.....2ito B.(H) 1629 Thos. M. Holl.l(JOU 5:OIUitW() Jiw. It. Murdmk.. 1000 5.1H1 10(11 !J. Tercy Goddard.. 550 5.00 1062 Taylor Uros. Ca ,25 1077 Xathau.iel liaWwin 75(H) 1.00 1000 IVilliHin A. Chatwiii 1000 .... ..T...... .... H'ugjies Martjn OIkoii 1.00 11s!) Mary Teressa 1 180. 2.H 10.00 10.00 2-- 50,(H 17,02 IJ.ir8tlrM!.lCifnimiiiKS 17()8 1720 1724 ..... fowler A. 1850 Woortson lWry;.. !51Ki nnk. piiiky. lsfi2 Mary A. Teunet. 1853 Lticiis B. MmitiKue 1854 Wan. . Taluiage.. l!v55 Ilw 4"U44 s5i .Mr.rlan Snow .. 1N57 Morlau Snow . Is5S Mmlau ttnow ., 1 i9 4l..rfein ffncnr . 1MH) Mm Inn Snow . lKtil Morlan Snow . lsG Mi.rl.in Snow ., lMl'l Morlan Snow .. 1V4 Mm Inn Snow .. , 1n05 Morlan Snow lMHi .Morlan Mnow .i 1 sli" Morlan Snow ., Morlan 109 Morlan 1870 Morlan P71 Morlan 1872 Morlan 1S73 Morlan 1KW . . 1.00 5.50 7.51 1.00 KHH) l.(H) Irene E. Tliavne. .2fHH) !5.(HI Nalhaniel Baldwin UolHH) 35(H) Horaie M. Cum- KM l ..V l.(H) niiiigs .... 1.25 M. Bi'oadlM-lil- 1.05 1902 Turner A. 11HH1 5iH) 2000 .35 500 IIUKh... J. 00 1195 M. E. Kitrtchner.. 1000 (HH) (HHt 5(H) 5(H) (HH) (H (MH (HH) 9267 105 .... HERE'S A SURVEY T0F . THE SUBSCRIPTION 1PR1CES IN FIVE STATES AH taken from Ayers Newspaper Directory and giving the scription price for daily newspapers published in towns of approximately the same size as Provo, or in towns having considerably less cash sub- UTAH Logan Journal NEVADA Carson City. Appeal Goldfield Tribune Reno Gazette . Tonopah Bonanza ... ' r Casper Herald $12.00 12.00 9.00 12.00 ....... ... State Tribune Sheridan Post Cheyenne" -- $8.40 1948 ...... . aho Falls Post . wiston Tribune $7.80 g.OOJXPocatelloTribune 70 Twin Falls Times 8.00 $ 7.80 7.80 . .1 le F.Shef . 19S0 19S2 6.00 2Kil 2iH'2 2003 2004 2IHM! 2O07 2i His 3U0 Offer 2011. 2014 In order to give every Herald subscriber now on the regular to save money and still remain a member list an opportunity v Tit: a - ... .:)!... i. - or ii it. ij iamuy at a greauy reauceuj raie, me neraia uie luuuwuig prices will remain in force during the month of January; provided the sub- scription is paid one year in advancer" ' v (HH) 100 (115 sub-ascripti- on -- i; 2015, 201(1 201 5 2019 2020 2021 2022 20211 2024 2057 . Delivered by city carrier, per year (in advance), $3.50. Delivered by mail in Utah county, per year (in advance),-$2.50- . Delivered by mail in U. S. and outsideJJtah county (in advance), " 2o.19 " $4.00. THIS OFFER no HOI IULI1 HOLDS ONLY L JAN. 3! THE HERALD SELLS THIS MONTH FOR $2.50 LESS THAN ANY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED JN ANY ONE OF STATES. January Bargain -- i Rates - '" - 6.20 3.05 .60 .10 .00 .(H) 1.55 .6(1 .(H) .(H) 3.45 3 .00 .(HI Ji".ni....i,iJJ..J... ...610 r TH&IN-TERMOUNTA- IN January Bargain Rates : .A JBH ........ -- 2(H)-,2- . KHH) l.OO 1000 1.00 Mary-.Teress- HiiKh'e's Mary Ten-ss- ' , Hugh- -, f . .'. . . . ;; KHHV And in acconlance with law mid loot an order, of the board of directors mndo on the lfith day of Deceuilier, 1924. .po many shares of each wircel !"o,gi)ck as may be necessary, will lit' sold at public auction at the office, of said corporation, room 9, Uoundy Building, Provo, - Utah, at the hour of S'oYlock- p. m., on Monday, the lOth .dny of February, 1925, to pay the delinquent a&sesx-inests of adtogether with.the vertising and exjiense of wale. ' P.E. IIOCTZ. Secretary. Publicatioil da tea. Jan. 30, Feb. ' - , r- If you've never worn Holeproof Hosiery, we have a pleasant surprise for you. It is so lovely, so sheer, that' you'll be But that's the comamazed at bination which has, made this brand of hosiery famous beauty plus You'll find U most economical of all hosiery. - e now have a complete " stock- - to" show-- you in the very latest colors. Hong-wea- " - . Silk-face- . .. d r. .$1.00 $1.25 , . .$1.25 ......... $1.65 $1.85 .$1.95 . Pure Silk DeamOnd Heel...'.". Pure Silk Diamond Heel ........ Full Fashioned Chiffon Heavy Full Fashioned ............. " . , 50 North University Avenue. Cheerful Portraits DURING NIGHT COEOUADO sntlNGS, Colo., Jan. 29. (CP.) Docs nre not without their proper sense of reverence fo.f their dead, according to reslileiito of .South Nevada airenw, who toll a Rtwy of an nil night vigil of dtiffi aroutl. one of their numbur r killed Tfy an automobile. Several dogs gatiwred iiround'the crushed form and vegan howling to be joined by other dogs in the neighborhood. As night cnine.on the howling ceased. An Airedale and a Spitz began to take turns In an all night vigil. The mourners kept their stations until Hie dead dog was removed. r 'Rain or Snow does not necessarily imply loom. rr J We can make as cheerful portraits In Inclement weather as on brighter days. , LARSON STUDIO "V i ... , CHURCH TRUST' aaaaaaaataaM.........rnnnrin)ul ... r , 1.25 William S. , Petts. 610 .00 Seth LoilKilhallKh 18(H!2 18.05 Martin Anderson. . 010. .00 Mrs. Murtha Uuhler 605 .(HI .60 Leroy A. Wilson.. '615 Lorenzo Jensen ..... 615 .00 J. E. Trowbridge. . 31(H) 3.10 E. V. Boornmn ... (SIS' .60 Geortte (i. Holm.. 630 '.'65 .00 G. Irving. Keed ... 020 N. Keller .(H) 010 N. Keller J. 1(H) A .10 ".20 N. Keller 2(H) N. Keller 150 .15 N. KMler 155 .15 X. Keller '. r 150 .15 N. KclhT V .1 5 N. Keller ......... 150 .00 Lorenzo Jensen . . 610 Wm. G. Talinage . 750 Jo .05 640 Joseph Hafen .(H) 600 Delia llansoji. . , . Mary TercNsa -.- r all the newest colon MOUR- N- .60 - HuKhes 2058 i HAS CONTROL ' v. . " f" ., nitrr.Tirirohr L.'m,vu- Bargain Money-Jan- uary . .60 1.05 .10 .00 1.15 1970 V. field. .. KHH) l.(H) 1071 V. F. Sheffield 1.50 15(H) 1974 Alliert Y. StirliiiK 137(H) 13.70 1975 Martin Anderson, . 605 .60 4DJU.4i,Ubw Ohintl(ffcTi' 1077 Ellen Oliinder HH) 1.10 l!7fS F. M. Cook .(H) 605 2009 ' 000 1050 115 ' Compare The Above Prices Daily Herald's Big January Subscription Sale 1 i .(H) 1951 Willard Smith ... . 000 1952 Victor P. Frit.... 1550 195H.A. Nelson (105 195!) Kenneth W. Bailey 600 l'.HKflaiurii (HH) KiiiKShury HHil Ullian . Slortensen 3430 I'.Mty II. ('. Mortensen.. 85(H) 19il.'i (JeorKe Holm (HH) . 11107 B. K. .NiiKKle . 605 1!W Hoy Bentley . 000 1969 C. A. Porter . 1225 MONTANA ...$ 9.00 Billings Gazette . 7,00 Bozeman Chronicle . : 8.00 Great Falls Tribune . . . . Helena Independent s. ... Lewiston Democrat ...... 8.00 Missoula Missoulian . . rr . 10.40 DOGS i .. - I '""Slv. JiREDJMNG m Laramie Republican Save Boonnnn.... K. V. (HH) ifiOO 1949 T. U. Eitddis 1950 ltiilol) A. Badi'r . ITS ECONOMY WILL SURPRISE YOU .. , mnr-Kiii- ....... 1150 6200 3025 . - (11(H) AH-cr- - I i'm ..... So sheer, so beautiful .o m) Lillian Mortensen. 101(1. V. B. Bowers lOd Margaret N Wilson t 101S Y. StilliiiB. 1944 .incerlairK I'elerson 1015 Ah In I". Ucuiuu. 194(1 itlliei't V. Stirlln 1917 Jl. C. Mortensen.. rj j Jfoleproof fosi'cn -- 1JHI7 1939 j-..- Wearers n .... IS YOUR HERALD D0LMR WORTH 100 centsOR MORE? iaa ysvM "i:; -.www .10 W. II. Williams... 17(17, I'.XiK John Tliiii'KixHl rm 1!H i!)C.' G. Johnson . 505 5.50 1910 Lore nzo Jensen ..1000. 1911 E. O. It.vlund . 5(H) 1.00 1912 E. . KHH) terson ' I'jio 505 (). Bylrnid . "2.00 1780 Horace M. Ciini- 1913 E. O. n.vlund . 105 HUM) .TiHHH) . . . miugs 1915 David Morrlsoh 2100 .50 1781 Mrs. J. E. Lawless 40(H) 4.(H) 1910 )ii vid Morrisou. 11(H) .90 875 1(H) 1783 C. II. WtlRO. 1917 David Morrison 1080 1918 Dtuid Morrison . (KM) 1920 E. (J. Snov ... 000 1921 Mrs. Mai'narct I). ' January Bargain " 000 ltudd. Rates 1923 Win. E. Croff 0(H) .(H) 1925 A. J. OJson 600 .00 I H'M I ttrtn Vriitiinn r itjOB Iji )5 vrtttfni 1930 Wm. J. Lanx . . . .. .(H) (KHl 19: adt;er.". '52(H) 5.20 Halplj A. 494-JtUM- hMmtfts . urn 19.'15 (ins Olson 1050 1.05 19.W Wm. J. I.aux...., 500 .55 19,'17 Lillian Jlortoii.sen. --55 540 ,19il8-AP. Thomijoli.i.. 510 ,50 5.(H) 5.(H) TealKer andXIgliti Height (.rowrvs Await -- e tttH) ... t - I NEW y)RK. Jan.. 29. U.1M Itellreinent of Benny Leonard an the .10 woiidV lightweight champion with.10 in a short time after Johnny Dun.15 dee had the .featber-weiitresigned a .15 champion, leavos the inter.10 national situation in two iuiixirtaut .10 luxifiK divisuins in a muddled Mate. .10 It will take koiuc time In tore any .10 successor to the lWi champioui .10 olitaiu Eumpeau retxipnitlou of a .10 liecause even when champion-shititle, . .10 were follow-lnj- ; the regular .10 .1(1 f)rm'if.HUitKsiti, Eurojieau. bosiue tocoH-ced.10 ImxIIcs were none too willing the chaiuplonsip in any class .'10 imiH(iliiiu had 2.00 vhcre Eurojiertii .S5 Uh-i- i (if a minor trnality. IiDseekiiiK IhivKiicressor to Johnny .50 .50 Huudee as the featherweight chaiu-piathe New York Boxing coiuiuis-mo.(at rii'Pi tht .no pmr utr - plim in tiiip ttttirnn incur anions' thi most 'pruiu-- ' .00 lriH conlenders with he crown HR .(H) Kid the jirixe for the iturvivor. .00 Ka'plan of Meriden, Conn., survived .50 the final round of the eliminations .50 hy stopping Danny Kramer, Pliell- ''dlpliia, in u sensntioiial liont, and .00 he wa&.reoKiii.ed hy the New York .00 coliiinisslon, s tin chamjiloii. .60 There are. only two outstanding 9.25 challeniters in class the .10 Mandell of Itoi krord, Ills., Sammy(1 10 and Sid Terris of New York. Jack 1.75 tk'rlistoin is. i koosI fluhlerr'tinr he .50 "'.50. hits lieeiniutnttiiited 4n t wo IxtuU with Mandell.' . 1.1HJ Tex Itickaril .lias Mandell "and. .50 Terris inatched to uwet in the .50 liionth, anil if one of them .10 n 2.16 should win hy a very decisive Ih n or he would knurliout, ly 1.10 1.10 in a wood position to claim the cham.00 pionship. Bernstein has u lot. of in .00 fluence behind and' him and .he proluihly. will be forced hack into .00 a contending place. 515 . f"il .1-- (HH) II. Williams. . " rtH) W. Sea i'n I'.Htt M ,15 3(H) ruimuii... W. .10 123 100 115 95 120 125 125 115 StitH)", ....... 1903 .1. 1(H) 110 105 105 105 110 105 110 ' ti Both 2J0 1(H) J. Jtall J. I&ll It. It. Tliorne.... (1. .10 .55 1(H) ; 1SIX1 r CHAMPIONSHIPS Ji5 255. 102 550 2700- - ' i FOR TWO 720- - .-- ,7l . l.Sisi 11 T, JlWW-n-,- '. ISM E. T .loncK 1H85 E. T Jones 7. . . . 4886 Wliford S, V,rny, ISS7 Wilflird S. Gray. 1S8S A. 2.5 KH5 J.'.L : . .50 25(H) ' Snow . . Snow .. Snow . . Snow . . Snow .. Snow . . Turner 187(1 II. 1! 1S77 Win. isx!) . ..... Rites Tw 1.IH1 - l.(H 1.00 1.00 1715 JasixT Taylor ... 1250 .Iooo 12.50 1775 K. (i. Abbey' 1776 4,,,lV01!d4anlmT 50(lO ,50 .50 1777 joint Mi" Marvels... 850 17711.; Mra. lwdMjliJ.'af January Bargain VI... . 1M9-C- h. ltoundy. 1K7H (). J) ColUtt .... 1879 1., ('. Moixan . . , I.SSI) 1.. ( Morvan 1881 1...C. Morgan . , . ilXHl' l.tH) 1SK3 .tonp rrr.T 3.oo MI77 5(HH It. ti. Aliliey .. . I inin u. P: G(Viaitrd . . .7 shx) 2.50 1079 Benjamin Goddard 5HK) 1.40 KW0 5(MH) Huby Morgan .40 1081 Warren. Carter,,.,.- - 250 50 1094 Martifl Olwrn- HHH 1.00 1098 James Gibson ".. . . 2HM .50 1110 John G. GeblMFl1(HMM .20 1111 Whiiche A. Porte?. W HH L(K 1113 L. N. EllKworth-..3V l.tKl 111!) Xiithniiiel l!aUlWlu5(HHH .50 11:!S M. E. Kartchiier.. KKHt .50 115.1 C. W. ThorrHon... KHH .50 1151 C W. TiKirnlon... l(MH) 7.4541112 Bnixton llarnett .12500 l.iMilU'W W E. K rt clufmT 1100 M. (V ;Kartlmer... 5(H) :4fl 11711 Mar.v Teressa t A COMPETITION-KE- EN li) Ul.vail lil mi 3.00 500- 4JU WOtt ...... 5.00 2.90 - l.0 ....... y - 500 nvr. PAC3 2.00 1M5 W. E. Rarker .. '100f- 4.00 ls23 i Mitchell 2500 2.50 1S36 L. H. Branscoiuh. . 500 .50 - The. Ttiason ... " SO, 1925. 2900 ;. V. l.w ft l.OO 5.0O 30(100 30.00 Co. ... ln Martin ia:rr.-400- 0 l.tw Martin Itlaon .... 1000 l.tW 50 1252 R. U Pen Uai l.oti 1253 XueeBoJBa --lU ill.IJJii 500 1254 Sathautet Baldwin 2SiO 2.5tt 890 Geo. 11. Adauitioii . 4000 4.00 122 R. G. AI.t-1.00 '.. W. 1208 Warren Carter ... 2s(t 2 892 2MH 2000 2.00 J29 W" I. Jtrfasea 903 Georjv Hales .... .10000 10.00 1299 W.' li. Kirter 20H) INUXt . Porter..... 51KKI0 5t.00 907 Geo. II. Adamstw . 500)" 5.t0 1300 W. .50 1200 Horace M. Cuui- 980 Eaiftia Jiousall ... 500 1.00 SOfii'athfrine M. Doug- .50 1340 KathMiIel Baldwin 1250 1.25 all 2.300 2.::5 A. Wilson . . 30OO 3.00 1351 I. A. Snuiot .. 500 .50 914 Leroy X. Wilson . . 5000 5.(W 1379 Mary Gamble 2.V) 917 Leroy A. Wilson ..10000 10.00 1384 B. C Done .. 250 13S5 B. C. D.Hie .. 946 Martha G. Hoff, .25 250 13898. E Curfiifig mav . 2000 . 2.00 7..,, 2.VH) 1398 Paul Crandall 250 . .. iler 5000 .966 Emnui 5.00 1(HM) 1404 John MarKetts l.(HI 1034 Wm. J. Thayne . .25000 25.00 1408 J Percy Joddurd, ItHHt 1.IHI .50 KI39 Mary GaanWe .. . 500 50ft 1452 X. Keller JiO 1044 John 'CiMiper '.,.. .. 20(H) 2.00 1488 500" .5(1 Dave Huish lOfii Pr W. Pierce sri . 55 .55 T49S John JCoier . . . KltKl l.(K) WM7 J. A. Cliivton ... 1504 Nathaniel Baldwin 75 H) 7.5(1 1073 Geo, H, Adams.n. .00 1520 Albert Hageu ..... MH) 3.1 Hi 1074 Geo. H. A(lamson. fttHKr 1586 Helen Jorgcnseii.. 5H) .50 1075 Go. IL Adamson. tHHtd 5.00 1021 l.(H) Joseph llafen too - irt I. A. Siimot A. J 798 5(X n 1217X3ui.-4i.-4Kiiig-- K6 llafy 'S. 869. Joliu T. Clark 1.00 r.X0I 50:00 10.00 2.50 k 1,00 -0 .W. ir 849JMgertxu-- 1000: TM; 4$. ... Tba4i-i-.-.- 1.00 1.00 1000 7000 638 Euth Bowva i. t2 Wa. Eliia ti. Union l.OO -- lciOO 9S William T. Amos . . 250 1000 .28 543 Mary A. Buwea 17? William H'. Wlrtn- 54Q Geo. B. Wowlley . . 1000 U ; A. Talboe 5000 250 .25 553 30? & ? Curtia . . 500 .50 50Q Win. Startup .... .. 3500 664. Mrs. E. B. Winnett 500 Uagt) of Israel Mumw Co. Field . , . . .50000 50.00 566 I. R. Mnrdock ,,5000 47 Morlan Snow ltKK) 500 .50 568 John Mildenhall 49 Morlan Snow .6o4&76 Lorenzo Jensen . ..59000 500 51 Morlan Snow 590 J. Axel Alien .. ,. 20110 500 .50 62 Morlan Snow 500 ,50 5i6 Judith Bone r;. 63 MarlanHnow boo-.. 5000 .50 - 599 A. J. Olson aooo. 634; Elsie Hoffman 117 Partly P. Bnt ' 638 John H. Nesbit ..'5000' 1.00 r ijjOA. 5tMK) 124 Thomaa M. lU.lt . . 5000 5.00 642 W. Cunning n 5000 . Mr 135 Peatil JohpM.n 500 .50 646 Wm. Cbatw-i' 3000 659 Wm. Humphrey 158 Flora Barnett V... 3000. 3.00 2O0OO 160 John T, Clark ... .25000, 25.00 Oiii Gorge Hales . . mm Cti2JGeorge.lIalea Oimm , ;t 193 500 mm 201 O. M. JUehards .. . . 5000 , 600 6(11 Anna II. Hinckley 202 Vivian NVbIh'I 500 50 673, J, WV SiiiMH 696 Vera . Felt 25(10 293 Geo. y. Gee 1000 1.00 1400 206 Anna Ht Hinckley iooo 1.00 7W3 Warrwi Carter J0 299 Grtee Linton .v.. iooo 100 707 Archer Butler . . . 2500 KGillwt R. HiiiekTeyT, 500 15.00 .708 1000 711 Woi. Hoover 3,15 Anna H. Hinckley 4000 4.00 500 35k Eliza O. Linton ..-3- 2000 2.10 "713 Aivin B. Olson 720 James B. VValkley . 200 2500", 2.50 Packard KKK) 735 Ingerborg Peterson 358 Warrea Hhephwd-350- 00 25.00 1000 787 Tew Bryan' t. Vera 359 5000 6.00 Felt 740 M, E. Kartchner , . 51 M( 366 5000 5.00 I, Felt 741 Phtbe P. Kartehner 500 3(if tdrfiMO Jensen 12500 12.50 r 500 742 Jesse C- 395LAlke Meeune .?i 500 5.00 Pierce 7450 .758 i ParleyW. .394 Jella E, MCune . 500 .50 A. McCune . . 500 395 .50 760 ItiKerljorg Petercon KW) 2t1m lm ... 45a Henriett 457 Henrietta 458 Henrietta 433 Henrietta 460 Henrietta HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY S0OO Sli. iin" B .WalkUy. 1000 : 1.00 1201 Emma Welter Rfli Jaiueo B. T li.lf HWO 1.00 1203 Vhu. Toiiiawm ... win 822 U. K. Owen ...V.T&5U0 3.50 12o8 Martin Olxitu .... 1WKI 823 J. P, Mimm 200 1.00 1211 Thetk. Toiiiaaoo JSO (Hsi.n . ....4000 5tW 824 J. P. Mo 831 Maurkv Anderson 2833. 2S5 1215 Tbeo.;.Tliawn .i.,1000 500.. JW y.IUOOB W.uO e George-MeCvn- FKOVO" - KEPJUJXli. Vui-- r Jfltt2S(C,Pa A church trust of n"d(Tslii7'iiear' tiere and everybody is satisfied, except probably His Satanic Majesty. A year ago members of all churches got together nnd decided that it. was impossible .'for the church-goinpopulation to snpisirt a preacher for e.very sect, so they polled their Interests and their religions and formed a federated church, .agreeing to auport.n for the ffrst two fears, then a Baptist minister for the same period awkthen a Presbyterian minister, ajl- of which sects had church buildings. Rev. (V E. Inird, Methodist, now starting his second 'year, has t heart(d" liotli aupiKirt of the community, finnncially 'and spiritually. Included in the religious population vf the town, in additimrto the three prinripH' sects.are rcpres'iita-tlve- s of the , .Ei.Vopal church, Disciples of Christ,. Eutheran, Dutch Iieformer and Mormon "" ., P'ljljjietowji g - BOY WONDER IS GOOD SPORT M I in GOOD CANDY SOLD LOS ANGELES. Calif., .Tan. 29. A high school student at the age of. nine. Maurice Murnhv la twonsjug widespread Interest by his mental prowess, (CP.) ruing -- DON' BnSS IX. 8nd your nun and addren plainly VrittMl tnevtbar with KmhI. (.nit tkt. Dca lip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co, 6. U-W- 25.)' ... - ! I llnin. un muiJ fvuuTV ...... lu muifl trial package oonuining Chambarlain'l Suit for divorce was filed Sat- Coucn KmAi1v frr miivha mM. mmmm urday by Inga Rhag against J. M. bronchial, "flu" and hooping oougha, Klyaa In the district conrt. The wm uvKiing inrpau jnamuenain t btom-ac- h and Liver Tableti for ttomach troo-couple were married Iti Provo, June Diea, indigeatvn, gaasy paina that crowd 27, 1923.' Cruelty and lha heart. tliliniuinmM mnA nnallnKfinn. are given as' the cause of tlie ac-- . Chamberlain't Balve, ntdd in Terr t km. .I Attorney's fees amounting to ".'j y wj uuuu, piwa, wjaiuo, - Ihaaa ValnaJ fmmlm $100 and coats of court are asked in and akin iffivtinrtatlm complaiut madiginea for only 6 oeata. Don't nun it Old timer, do you want a treat? - Any cigar, drug or candy store thaf s the place. The time is rigjtit now and "Sweet's Rodeo Bar" is ' .IijJftCLiZ3 A Good A4aji . .what you ask for. - Try it! You'll understand why - it's taken the country by storm. .. , i : ' : |