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Show Kim auk ravlis an &U bapvtin,u Pally elMslfW mi aercr talk. ; THIRTY-NINT- TrZ WHICH IS COMBINED THE PROVO POST UTAH . ARE S HEAD I. 3 -- 11 III ROTARY SPEAKER - PRICE TWO CENTS , President Harris Expresses. GUESTSOF FOUND GIN App reciation ForAttendance CLUB OF CONSPIRACY At Leadership Week Courses , IS . filVin I FADERS 'GASTON MEANS IDAHO 1 - - . PROVO, UTAH, FRIDAY; JANUARY 30; 1925. YEAR. N0.171. H FRONTS HERALD IS -- . ; I Dr. W. L. Wanlass of Logan Six Objects of Rotary Addresses Five Kiwanis plained -- by Club Clubs at Prove : Speakers. Ex- 8. HARRIS. Sentenced to Prison for Two - Years and , As fay siu.uuu week draws 'leader-oUi- that ariose. I to aU Ml! IK LEAflERSHiP 'whojiave iissn.;iiite4 Kith,, thf , work Elders David O. McKay, Joseph-FieldiSmith and will HiiHe'ln saying that this Is by Stephen L. Richards of the Quorum of Twelve were the fir the must, successful U'fidcr speakers at the closing general as?embly of the Leadership Uisti- - week ":, at the Young nnivfrs'ty Fjiday-afternship week ever held by "tntii'in 'ot that. Wtcre'liHS Iwu Was again in attendance. Colleze Hall . A large audiente l ng MEET IN HOTEL ROBERTS . 124 Kiwanians from -- Five Clubs Are Present at Meeting - to- - Stand for High Community Ideals. v Turns State's EvU SfUrv dence and Virtually, De vim meet bis speech at4he iiig of the CI ah district Kiwanians "held at the Hut el Rolierts .Thursday evenbig. "Kiwanis is helving to produce interesting lives" he said, "by making us more socially conscious, by caufo feel an interest in the sing us trther. fellow and .by rendering him unselfish service, 'leaders of religious r Provd were the guests of the Trove Rotary club at its regular weekly luncheon Friday, at the Hotel Rob erts. President G. Merle Taylor jreport ed that one hundred per" cent of the attend-811meuiliers of the club were in the from city atthose alweut tending ill the cities, where they happened to be according to telegfams received from them. The six objects of Rotary were exway by E. S- plained in - a. 'forceful . mm HiiickleiV Ir. H. u. aiernu .... . fined ii.iii TJiereare .jaheLlhlns8: Jnlifel3aniTigB:TwkeTr, tforr;thVtiwrtting-o"lmsiHe-s FfcsldimiTaylor oTtlie Ttotary as a mere routine and with this Idea club explained that the primary ol- the as an aim, Kiwa'his lightens qp jeet of the club is to build character livegjuf men.and brlngMbeW tO' among its members. He said that gcther for the establishing of lasting every memlter of the club, had it in friendships. bis heart to he a better citizen. "We lose sight fit any truth that Although the Rotary club is not Organization," said Mr, aeilgl'iius Kiwanis menfbers learn to take ideals and principals "its Taylor, ideals and translate them into are decidedly religions. Rotary Is istie acts. Each club has a def not a fraternal organization and yet inite program towara wnicu u it gives its best efforts to the crea- strives and "during the yenjrJ925 of frelndship and netfer linden '' wK .m mYTtftTTTTTYT tfifT orffl 7.a tioh tioit standing KhmttiMie-eniiste- d' ht some worthIt is not a business organization ,: '. and still one of it main alms Is for while and definite work.';. the of President , If. V. Hoyf the betterment of business condiTrovo club presided aud Alex Hed-iul- tions, aiia'-fo.the development of ' Mrs. acted as toastniaster.' honest and upright business princi-Kay Loose Stlehl entertained with ples. several splendid vocal selections. "While Rotary is not a political Sjieclal music Was also furnished by oreanlzation. it stands for better Warner Stone's Columbians. state ani na ivriiniout lin-ltv- . ieace. . r . go-in- niisjdng-prewUle- era secreUrjv had turned. Mates vtdenPe,there wan ItrHejltouM-- ! to what Jthe Jury, whUh retin-- wie Federal yesterday after a charge by judge Walter Wndjey wndd -- ot K cide. Means Is under $25,000 hatd of apical from his conviction violation o the Volstead act wadditional $15,000 ball covering . - ' Indictment. His bail of $30,000 In the present case furnished by. .Frank A. Vender- lip jtaa cancelled. Both defendants, claimed to le In eorortel; Felder vears of age. He was representee at the trial which ended yesterday - ' , " by Frank' P. Walsh. mi. F.' 'ft ,.- B I OF DIPHTHERIA 20 SCOUTS GET " Dpgs With Bandaged ; Feet in IS RESCUED SOON FOUND . A. DrfviiytliJej thewyyear. did son of .Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ridge, IKi KoiUh First West decid- - . ';' ' , , ' 1 zens. ... If your boys and girls fall to insist their parents on their return from this school our efforts hare been In vain," ald President Harris. )itliHtl(i of tha lank. aura jiald to total $700,000 and resources less than half as much. Loans to the International Fuel company, which has since gone Into bankruptcy, were anuounced by the banking commit of-t- lft lon ' tin the fit rect hank' closing. OF SUBMARINE WAY UPTOWN; OCCUR AT NOME I r is-a- ENTIRE CREW- BABY MAKES , Elder McKay, who has recently returned a president of the Enr.mission, gpoke. in an Inlerest- ing manner on "Iloaie I Have Seen ; in rhe.World." Prmddeiit F. 8. Harris expressed his appwHarhw for the opportunity that cornea to the acuity of the university in meeting ao aiany people fronr yarloiWTWirta of the church through Leadenmlp weeki He explarnefi th alms of .the school ami said U la the effort of Die school to loeuirtte ancli prlni't-- ' pies a nd idea 1 JJejBrotaiKrtail dents as will wake them better citi . HARRIS. poivf-heall- ejpfalned that Hie leaders of relUtimva orginizations iii(icivic cliilw had'been InvHted so that a bet CLOSES DOORS i 'r a New ... 1 DENVER BANK g-- tfronnrti .ttatjfU' -- MERIT BADGES btlonal;' members of the Eureka and ' Spanish Fork lnbs iifter which an . original poem and song entitled "To Bob or Not to Bob" was read by Prof. II. R. Merrill. four One hundred and twenty members. including 12 Kiwanians from Spriugvjlle, 28 from Spanish Fork, 6 from Nephl and, 27 ..from Eureka were .in attendance, as guests of the Provo Kiwanis club, islWii j' reim-Both means and Colonel-were visibly affected at the verdict, ait hough Elmer JamecUe, Jhe form- - .. - It York Jawyerj who was found gnuty with Means waft, imeu " 'H' itw '' in a wy tuiet tne- - course. tual-Itthe doubt without w.ay-bof the ciasswork and the of the aclivittcs have been more pronouincd than ever ln foie J Those who have come to t the Institution have come to definite work : asa role they have w:hyb.'d.a depart mejit'thii I. fc'in and have remained consist Police Searching for Missing witlv with this department:' t'resident ; The representation from a wide area has .bull exm-tlingseventy stakes out of .about HtTB'tT ln the chunh were repreDENVElOColo.. Jan.. 3.0 (CP.) I U'lieve that air who sented. s Police search for Prowiera Frat have been In attendance are 'back with a determination to zluL at the ItalTiank here which fine thtegathey hate h'amed dur- fulled to open for business yetthryH was continued today - without .re ing thecweek. ' - LTne:Brlgharii-YounTiniverstty sults. wishes to tell those who attended Frazzinl was reported by nelgb- how much It appredtes the flue Ixirn to have left Ills home la, his spirit that prevoded the meetings. automobile the night liefi.re the We bid visitors God srecd nnd bank closed Its doors tnd has not return again next l.een seen since. ' hije they-ma- y An exhaustive prole bo heel started into, the bank's affairs by the district attorney's office, working with the state hanking commis ' .' sioner, -;; y CoUmel Thomas B. Felder, ti n otMt. ooa gne on w)f k ha Case, View. 110.0OO. tl; , XEW YORK, Jan, SO. (CP,) F.mnd euilts of a conspiracy to de. forfeat Justice, Gacn B mer agent of fhe department of 1 justice was sentenced today Id i Atl.mia oeniteutlary and st ... tides , mi ri.-v i Interesting are interested in life," declared W. I WaulBss,.Utab i.uhn iiiuirii i Kiunnis eovernor. 111 ' POL. T. B. FELDER ALSO FINED $10,000 OMranbation-Sa- id v "You can't have an Ufa nnlvKB NEW MEMBERS three ARE INTRODUCED ' Undersea Craft Grounds, on Joseph Fielding Smith said e sity will lie fulfilled.; ?. "Most of the stake presidents,1 bishops and leadets of the church are former students of, this achool raia tamer wmita. - :i hair-tear- that we are never tend school or learn. weck duriug- too old, to at You have learned thli ga here which will make yon better. , wr laitnnu in au tbinga. Keep the "ijhuaudmenta of the Lord. i If we are to go en eternally these things we hare learned this week ' are only as a drop in the bmket a "."T7 f Saint topic ..of Elder hereafter."' Storm. that e wishes of PreslileiiMlarrls-fgardlng the students of the univer- "The Iiiitu-hi- CHEFDEGARE y Home' 'was the ed to go NEW ,Y(RK, Jan., (I'.P Richards. 30, Jan. scout appeared before I()UTSMOUTH,:.X..iH;, event the Bwausajuily one physician is auni- noon. What nindc the "The 'topic I have Wn assigned," 'even of the Court i Mo. iitfie fMlow - was -- WTUU After a .narrowing , more able anil lMcausc m ,iue said Elder Richards, Viould nwst ter understanding could be gaiuea tragic. merit budges,, ing arid passed 70, wlrti 'tbpir craft "was Imftne aipinena siiuhikmi easily be answered by saying f hat by them of the principles of Rotary, asleep in jii .H.r when bis mot Mer 'during. . , to 12 merit badges Ntimr. to two Club Honor Leeion Fete from 1?! ranging ;.. n ...i.. Alaska, is serious, iiccording if kin Meat Latter-da- y Arthur Craveu, Ralph Booth and Saint .home Cited 1$ lf.v;sens uir oc ,.t acconiiK;il for bis whe realsiuls. New Members Saturfor each scout.. was to a telegram received by the New last NT. submarine contains all of- the good and pure Gunnar Tlasmuson . were introstranded the Comlssioner . Roy Passey York World today from; Mayor fi'olu his sIceii. Jiavld. day "Evening. Deputy -duced as new members of the club. muovVd afely today. things.; 7 . . . .. had charge of the tests. There were aldetl by solMaynard of the stricken went out. of the lions, tlirongh the 8, A "solo was rendered by. Helen home la essentially a-, rellg- Xoast guarilsnieii, JTbe Court of the memliers the ' of present litK.rk door ions organization. ciiq. It Is the fnlfill-uieGlazier, awonipanied .by Meli a of iiiijjiaiie. htsiiry . upi diers from Fort- 'Constitution, "took Chef ,xt Honor, Rev. William F. BulKley, craft George Harris was ebfiScn The Nome health board, under town. : Uie Bieri off the. undersea of a divine command. It's ' Boyle. " enjoyable, ThelpTvHSn'l-aH. Brim . ; Dr. George de Uare of La Soclcto des 40 myself, Dr. Curtis Welch and-thAmour the guests present were who presided was after a night of tremendous strng-government is bf a Tellgmns nature. Dixon, iihliHe nurse are uuikllig tbe rfluinH twridentl.vi n's iintb iiwtil as lie hall. R. R. Irvine, rescue apparatus i itommes et o Lttevaux, better Known ' "The home is the which t.ie during fllp-Henry Sp'rlngmeyer, Bishop Kephi and W. Clarence John, secretary. producer of the frmnd erring flea r ledqtUst drug: hh" l AmerlelHbfhe ilriicied sTsTTiiiles- througha th 40"jind Several deathiiJiHvc f i nest asset or t he worli every day. thi- eoi nert tty Mrs. Iletiiiiin Anderson, Bishop C. Y. Cannon, on' store the scouts enn' Legion at their anual election The passed of lieen reported and more eases slushy 'stiow. Supt." H.Hl'lande Lewis, Bishop Jol essentially spiritual, not hiundane. f. Spwrgeon. wlio brought t)ie"ehi(d.Jo . sore be made to reftoat 6t ofleers Thursday night. Efforts-wil- l required examinations: daily," appear throats yi' "Its inception Is In the House of seph Buttle. Miss Eveline Irschol-arshoHer;tl(L,office.. the : Jaf-on fol ' were Bernard Anderson, officers elected troop as went7 Other . aground which message read. the Lord. We cannot eonceive of Mrs. L. E. Edwards. Bishop H. and i re notified, The polite 10, troop de Barton, chef ; Edgartrain h f..rv Point during the fiiowstorm lows: Earl fonder, li. Nelson, Mrs. Saint home which ha Bishop soon a nieiiit.er of a haMily formed which juel I Roy ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Jan.. swent the hu'rbor during tt e (vice president 1 : John Beesley. iiotliatterduy lieen Krnrred In theTemjiTe where Herald R. Clark, Mrs. O. A. Spears civics, pathfindlng; Kettet-i hiiu' for t wii't.v mg' 1, civics, chemistry commlssaire'lirtendaiit ieiiiK ': (treasurer) ; the man and wife have been united wlgh't. records were (l'.P.)-Sp- er TTrsrilaToTdKiinn, A. A. Anderson; Audreasun, tiop Hi l ie ..chap "didiit seem .muelV and scholarship; Richard B. Jlar- - shatterel along the frozen innil Tbe The rescue of the crew of 35 men George Leven, corrwoondent,- (sec for I'tnh workH. fyi church of the Mrs. Mrs. W. George J, cliarge Bailey, eternity. worried. , in eominaiid of Lieut. Cotiimander retary) ; Holiert H. Patterson, con. the The liest homes have been estab lteorgani7.eo Brimhall, Bishop' R. J. Murilock, ton. troop. 10, pathnnuing, civics; trails of the northland today as men rcprestiting. wiis effected by means ,lu(.teul. ( . 3, automobiling; of ; S. John E. out ceremonies) Fechser, Bray trop hearts L. their "mushed" of and dogs DS Bishop Isaac Jacob, Rev. E. E." Bacb t'hHreh of Jesus Christ ' manmd uy Weyinour Gray, garde de la porte. lished from the blood of Israet health, first to save lives .in. dlptheria ravaged of. a. breeches buoy Vernon liaa-W- n Blood teels among humanity as welt jiieaklng each evening.: elder; .Arch" RnliMns, ,'-- Mrs. J. It. aid to eott, personal u and rrom consi (Sergeaut-at-arms- ) gunru crews ; J. B. Tucker of animals, flremanhip ' Nome, , as amoiig animals. , since Wednesday1 in their church Bown and Mrs. J. W. AIrd. . naval a ashore Mil helnifibrought 0 public health;. Merlin Vanee, troop re'acher Ruliy, l'royo, lliirry Tipton o Pnyson and The Latter-da"The 210 West Fourth Sotlth. Ideal home Saint a from milt oiierating KK,iltl. E. A. Dr. of personal Pettyhealth, 10, 'bito pnblio Spanish cycling, more than half way to.Noine. .Elder S. S. Holm' pastor administered first aid clienilnots Jocole (executlv, coi:J had. Its Inception . centuries ago truck ' naval to find aid animals; first health last lilght, was switched to the long that Sunday evening at ' among the. strong stock which has member of the preW 'mittee). to seve-ra- l Howard Cottam. troob 10, crafts raclnk sled ge d ra wn by t be t we n t y e 7:3 iad( r J.eavitt will give his expo-orfrom always stood for the highest Ideals. Sllghlly siiffeti.il Wljo man ship In wood, personal health, dog team of Ionad Seppnln and .The l(Kal voiture of,(Jjn organiza"Most of the. niifortmtate. homes views on the articles "rniining In flie during night. tion extends over I'tnh. county and in the public health and first aid. to am. was away. on the last lap of the rare; world have their Inception TJie Ladies Home Journal entitled of tne 'jExiHiiipatirtti 3, is honor of memtters' Willard of troop Westover, mals; composed Seimiila "will take the in'i'dieiiie to licforc; they a reformed." The mat- -' raft bad suppeo 'Biography of Brighmn Young." the that rt,vi.iilwl tne lcgion. SAN ISfii. .Ian. a i, enfpty first, first aid to' miles front "Ruby: Tlw sinker la denllni' with this . ing hag lieen neglected. , off ..the .rocky bar on win.-first aid, jiersonal where a fresh team awaits tt stnrt j (l .i'.)-th- e -- Dorothy s KJt.ingiii), flremanshlp, oe-- 1. The cliib voted to "supply: the suptiati and "Wf can do nothing better' to pro. by a RiHK'inl rwiuost.' ;it wiir- lie last night groiindKl Scott at l&l the for memliers 3vho and health; Legion health, over per .year-olpublic "jaz.niniiiiii'" final snrlnt lri short relays handled In a constructive way and mm nar ea? mbulgate proper homes than to so conw,fnstrlii Judge A. B. Morgan, Jacob Cole- - Miller, troop 5, cooking, camping, the last 275 miles to the sirirki n ffissed killing her Moodier manner. man and awn their initiation ceremony Saturday arrange the home that not in, an controversal breakwater. Portsmouth J. B. Tucker have courtship Judge '' the. evening 'at the Armory. ifed by--The iublitHs-Invite- d irresperttve of announced the formation of a part- first aid to animals and bird study city, Cniess should I practiced lif the home"and prcvenK the. stHiid trial for murder. oiriciais. 5. public the of Alfred F:ranl; Judge :.Mnraky troop Bennett, .was resi. ne will reach NoniiMondiiy, not on tbe highways and . faith or . t nership for the practice-- , of,., law. health and nersonnrhealth ; Ben R. raei.... 1.111" "': .uiiiitnur late yelefiiayf com six days after tt was snippen iropi juvenile co "We have found that the most iv,.,M,uil I in r aim exTHTienced They will have their offices In the Johnson, fTirtinal la i he 'courts I mitted lo audi painting, firemanship the government ho'spltirt'b.v train p difficulty In successful homes are those here Provo Commercial Bank building the ,.mm.ratrvely little animals.: Edgar Clayton, Neunna and consigned ti men Viiid fof trial first a bo,rh parents belong to the chorea. it, and will engage lh the genarnbprac-tie- e floating file will normal district bird attorney study, 10, handicraft, "The rhlef business of America ngnlnst "death. dogs or the great ra of the law In an Its tranches." troop Information against her,. i. leathervorking, flre... Is not buslnec's It i ' of It happens that all three of these cratsmanshlp, the J iidge Allhojigli l'liiing health, first aid, The power of the priesthood (IT.P-.men received their legal training at manshlp, personal Mnrasky. vas a ..bitter disajipoiijt-- " FX"EW YORKT'Jana). first, pathfindsafety carpentering, neceswnry In the establishment or at but different Stanford university, mcnt to I'oViitliy, '.she., seemed". In New' York bakers are treading Verl ; and Dixon, health pnblic SANFRANC-1SCO- , 30. ninlntalning .the rtght kind of Jan.. In dlsfiisslng the isissiblll-tie- s tbnes. A. B. Morgan has had. a lng she as. wiitily tiiday pii'irffred KNiLlljrts' aritomolilling troop 3, scholarship, .':: "Mi.liit bome. on the Pacific and In bread a Utah Liquor of rise in county to the prices. (CP:) long transfer to practice for was jtiil.' Hall Jammed county the, College Fechser. ' and masonry: Charles 1...1 Its coast is bitterest district '" this was of today fighting district Judge mciouiijg me. 'floors again Thursday evening by froop S, nubile health, personal bn 1 ' si nee prohibit ii!MH.. from 1912 to 1920. 'Jacob Coleman Hiealthf who tad week , and leadership . first 'aW, safety, first fH'tive.' 7 ' - tlent;flcall.vr; It la a necessary 30 -r- Jan'.,'' fTAXISH FOKK, pageant pre- moved from ephliaJPiovalaJfllZT Vance, troop, tes. of arrests, seizures of large j gecy in an ideal Luifter-dawas connected firemanship; Wendell Haint pared for the" occasion by Prof. JE. and for some .years and carpentery ; John G."- Morgan, for thlrt 10, firemanship lmttles among in the Corfman liquor with shipments, sympathy, adied of this resident city, Judg3jE. Eastmondofthe art department years cooking! Howardl 5, Small, troop ' re also needed own the hiillion and a half mark.. This IsMitleggers and hijackers and mur a id understundiftg JMn order, to .nitikif . their of the Brigham Young unlvetsity practice of law. He has acted as camping, personal health and pio- Wednesday of ailments' 'incident to in such a home. der to of the have made the ,wVmld give three mord J. men several automobiles business for ni:i He-layears. iri up heen' the' Calif..i v' old concert attorney city state to to listen failing, (."'tter, and age. given by J R. O. Murray, camping, neering "A true Ijitter l In I'4ah. received B. can.not . bight. Tucker ; realized t'lmt not bnT every degrees person TJ.' ,fbe.ysome was health for jnust time,, the B. Ys orchestra, "flnder .the Walter bird and cooking; study, ' But despite the resistaoiv of pro- rontcmpldte heaven without v his "While .on the coast I spent the bed. in the"uplmildinK of .'neighboring uhiyereity and the B. Y. direction of Professor Frankllo Madtroop. 5, electricity and confined to his ' " fionf those' hibition officers, persons funiiliar hoa.e." the of as well aa Stanford ,He nas prac- Schoenfield, --' at part was Isirn Mr. ''''."''-greater sen. terrjtor.v, Morgan first aid to animals ; Alvin Greer, a with the situation are inclined to in two of thelarg-esnsed while "their "raw material since law .method ticed 1916, 1S4 except by March were .where 0, Two short pageants plains Jales, given by health, public He or trOop 5, personal Jackdistributing .houses-- there, Don the belief' that Ktiitemcnts of ProProfessoB Eastmoncf to t Illustrate the army during the war. aid to ani- He emigrated to America invlM!",' nmy lie'ohttiined.' said Jpnitw first and heatthreooklng, court of Prov(:lty distributers of Cadillac hibition Chief Roy Ha.Yii.i JaeksouSlotor the 1ft Pennsylvania. v rliere son, mifijage.r ' ' how pageants may be conducted and. ganized the city first settling mals. , , that there ts less, liquor on 1919 un W. from ijus.f as acted ; returned and its and has J, who Judge pldsmobile Wllllnnis, arloUs Ellzalieth Mrs. married he effects company, the produced by The Court of Honor will be held now thau eu-- N'fore are the sast I he reof hfiTi the f.1intil a n present. ith extensive who died, leaving study from colors nsed in', costuming aud stagSunday night at the Bonneville "The real estate .boom of Los at least overly optimistic... r coast. on the to auto Uv of voung children.'-Hbusiness came, ::v,..t:v.---:'-'-.-';tail :':' ing. receive to awards ward. All scouts former. Scuttle, to " have now Roy tllmstend, In , 'Business nieli in California are .Angeles-iiThe first pageant w:as called "The will be In attedance. A. A. Ander Ctah and settled in j?panish-Forwho marries, a lieutenant, who sold raw Those I its police for reached Its " 1SJKK tall sur towards one peak. children one his the of Honor WheatU ojf, second looking Only son, scout executive, will be the ' vives. John " W.. Morgan, at whose material more than'" ever. ,TUey last year are said tff have gained the, girl detective prohibition agent sent was given to show the meaning of TIME OF PROGRAM CRVNGED Jmi.'stX rjTTSBrBGU. P speaker. to-t gather e idence agninut hluu Is the Mutnal ''colors, the yellow and The closing program of the B; Iiojne the aged man dludj, The bwly of George A. resjjie that the liiu.- Xnipiihti the gieatest returns. , of as chief the teoast Rcmiy,'UlllonaUe "California Js' a gesid "state, hut locked upon' . survive binl.; .Tlie.v linger share of the cvpital nwded Tf. r. leadership week wllTbe . ' Twq step-notgreen. president of rho TRENTON, X. ,J., Jan. . 30. . . -- - The orchestra rendered a short Lfor the .development of the lincxcel- - Ctah Is N'tter; It Is very evident mm running ring. Benolite Tomiany of. PIttsbargh, are Wflllamsr James Iw Angeles, a concert to be given by the oh dollar pent every (TT.P.)For took to orer "The bootleggers"the such T'teh wlllrexiierience was fmmd lu a snowdrift near bis during 'that "fgimA th .hut. excellent program. Visitqrs members-o- f the B . Y. U. band, education In ,the rutted States to- apd Thomas William, Jaa . Vegas; IihI and fhe '"hrjnckers't tsranie bold next the greatest -r ars ubtiiidauiv In Ttah. . .. under the direction of Professor left the building praising the excelday. day, two- dollars is spent for tor Nef.' He awi is survived by to..-be timid. ; . Benny bad attended. 8 s,x KrHt JrrH "'V i "Tbt used car situation is the lence of the program. It has ever seen. And what knowing their prey Roliert Saner. The program will bacceedlflgo-Jobfl-J.igetttK1wbanquet There followed A aeries of exploits. Riven. Inhu4"t t Elliert H. t "mobile dealers Four other programs"were" run-- , commence at- - seven o'clock Cuited States commissoiner of edu children,.; i)ne sister, Mrsi Margaret Gary is most pleasing Is tlie fact that it is by.:.Ue hijaclers which, while"1 de- here last r ar- of t!frliforniii have luirvves-Kuneri, rooms ex-seven' tl tfttrlngciY-afenq:at and at full the with advocated-greateas stead of Brigham who cation, hing thirty, lxsim hut a tails tire still clopded, seem to haver from a be to a?' hot "Wng triht to bis home, he col. even vlotisly nnnoniiced. for educational,- pur- rangements have not "yet hein an- apparent when it is known that 'the Young university on the same pendltures ' ' - ' had few equal. lapawltrvtti ':',' '' '',. j registration 'during 1U24 exceeded naturalgrowth,". poses in an address here last night nounced. thi :. TwenUjr - Honor-Thursda- - s nt SriiX WILL REVIEW - " BIOGRAPHY Ii)n, Bj ..,'-..- p .-T "'.: matr j anfi-rnxi- NEW LAW FIRM DOROTHY MUST. n ' Jrk, STAND TRIAL ..' IS ORGANIZED H(.! ' ni? . i- ir c t autl-toxl- m-- T DRYS AND WETS A ORCHESTRA Id-t- GIVES CONCERT 'ir. SPANISH FORK r ' home-makin- . tat . ter-ria- RESIDElDIES i 1 It ui;use, iiiiLhi-amecX- SPARKS FROM LIVE WIRES . rejuiiuettj-reiigwnsiy-l- ina y Long-sufferiu-g, -- dnv-Sai- from-Cornel- , . I ' flIAN PERISHES Lcev-.Iiie- -- ' , :INSN0MIFT e s - - , is ' - ra' - "" few-ic- t) -- pros-(HT-i- ty giratest-lrnUi.m""utt- n in' ..... l . while-walkin- - |