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Show i ,J .. NOTICE " era, aa follows: OP SALE. i eharea. Ain't. No. Name, 1000 $2.00 8? V. A Co. Parkinson...... Milling 8yndlcU Joining .00 681 H: B. Cola.;."...,.. 1000 of Business, Principal' Place ' .7v i Prove, trUH.' Jos. A. Halliday.... 1000 100 There are delinquent upon the 125 Edwin Olson 1500 tOffi 25 Raynold Baraett . . 3000 6.00 following described stock on account of assessment No. tt levied 69 Andrew Steedman. $000 10.00 on the 1000 2.00 day of July. 1922, the 77 John Sherman 10000 several amounUsetoppoBit 90 C. H, Dehnor Cert ill - ..... im .... name of toe respect!? sharehel& 134 Albert Hagen 1000 2.00fnarMar3yi)rJO Mra. May Ryan.... 2.00 1 ... Electric Vacuum Cleaner - - Albert Hasan ...... lOOOr 100 1000 1.00 ,13S Albert Hagen 1000 100 137 Albert Ha(( . 1004-1- 00 140 Albert Hagen v 141 Albert Hagen ..... 1000 2.00 142 'Albert Hagen ..... 1000 100 1000 2.00 145 AlberrHftgea 171 Anna.)!. Hulsh.... 2000 4.00 183 Reynold Baraett ,. 3000 1S& famous aa the most efficient electric vacuum cleaner, has never before been offered so low a price, This big reduction places the wonderful Hoover within the reach of every housewife get youra NOW, while they last at this bargain offer! ... ,.... or 10 per cent off for cash making the price t L BrimhaH. io66 2.60 840 Esther Brown 2000 4.00 754 Wells L. Brlmhall. 1000 2.00 6000 10.00 856 David Andrew 1000 2.00 8(7 J. R. Sebree.. ,1000 2.00 868 J. R. Sebree. . 2,00 895 M. A Goodell . 1000 1000 2.00 896 M. A. Goodell, 1000 2.00 900 M. A. Goodell 1000 100 913 John Prita 1000 2.00 929 John Prlts 1000 2.00 930 John Prlts, 1000 2.00 969 P. Daynes 970 P. Daynes 1090 2.00 1069 H. B. Cole Co.. 1000 2.00 1070 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 2.00 1089 H. B. Cole Co.k 1000 2.00 1091 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 2.00 1093 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 2.00 1094 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 100 1112 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 2.00 1113 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 2.00 1114 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 2.00 1115 H. B. Cole Co... 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 1137 R. A. Badger.. 1167 R. A. Badger 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 1173 R. A. Badger 1000 2.00 1177 R. A. Badger 1186 M. A. Goodell... L. 1000 2.00 118TM. A. Goodell..... 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 1193 M. A. Goodell 1232 M. A. Goodell..... 1000 2.00 1233 M. A. Goodell 1000 2:00 1000 2.00 1235 M. A. Goodell 8000 12.00 1314 Bertha Holt-,.- m 1315 Bertha Holt .10000 20.00 1320 W. L. Brlrahall.... 500 1.00 1000 2.00 1358 R. R. Thome 1000 2.00 1359 R. R. Thome ?18 Weiia This is a reduction of $14.50 from the regu- lar price. Only 125 machines at this price. HURRY! This is your opportunity to know the joy of a thoroughly clean home a home kept clean with the minimum of time and labor. Buy now and save I Utah Power & Light Co. "Efficient Public Service" 1429 1471 1508 .... ..... k: h h k a i .1 i. R. JL Thome...... W. H. CStfUU.;.... W. H. Child. W. H. "Child....... W. H. Child....... Harry S.' Morrison v.... lira.. Kate Moyle.. 1642 H. B. 1562 W. L. 1000 2.00 1658 200 Alvta E. Olson..... 17000 34.00 1660 AOM-I250 Joe Payne 1S67 M 28S Mr. Anna M. Huish 6000 10.00 1668 395 Raynold Barnett. . 1000 2.00 1669 331 A. J. Swenson..... 1000 2.0 1673 434 Hyrum Jenkins . . . 1000 2.00 1680 444 Gerald A. Brown.. 2000 6.00 1744 45tLGa A. Shepherd . 1000 2.00 1774 451 Ceo. A. Shepherd.. 1000 2.00 1849 493 H. B. Cole A Co... 1000 2.00 1861 618 P. D. Casaity...,,. 1000 2.00 1898 524 Emer W: 'Murdock. 2500 5.00 1905 --. 1000 67S A. Olmstead 2.00 1906 577 A. Olmstead 1000 2.00 1949 584 P. Daynes 1000 100 1962 608 H. B. Cole....,..'... 1000 2.00 1969 609 H. B. 1000 2.00 2125 621 E. C. Davis.....;.. 1000 100 2176 653 H. B. Cole . 1000 2.00 2193 655 H. B. Cole 1000 100 2196 664 A Engberg 1000 2.00 2198 665 A. Engberg 1000 2.00 2207 66 A. Engberg 1000 2.00 2216 873 M Engberg ., 1000 2.00 2219 1000 2.00 2220 $79 A. Engberg 690. A. 1000 2.00 2221 Engberj 708 Wells L. BriraheH, JOOQ 2,00 2222 717 Weill L, BrimbaH,, 100? 1,00 2225 197 ,.. Cole......... Now $65 On Easy Terms 1360 1385 1400 1422 h J. A. Co... Cole w: Guy..... , 000 -- i,w 2423 0. Bylund...... 600 l.W 100 600 100 2424 John w. uy . 100 2426 W. L. BrimhaH.T... w 2.00 And nr accordance wiU law ana 2.00 an order of the board of directors 2.00 made ortlha 29th day otJulyr 1922. ao many shares of each parcel of . 2.00 will 1000 2.00 such atock aa may be necessary 1000 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2.00 2422 John a BrimhalLilOOO 100 0002.00 Barclay.... 1000 2.00 2.00 1000 Barclay.... I. A. J. A. Barclay J. A. Barclay J. A. Barclay rm at 'Mrs. C. A Kingman 1000 100 John W. Guy.v. . ; . .4flG0 1 P. D. Casslty...... 4500 9.00 W. L. Brlmhall... 1000 2100 B. W. Dixon....... 8000 16.00 Lorenzo Jensen ...25000 50.00 Chas. O. Johnson.. 2000 4.00 J. U Burton, Jr.... 1000 2.00 2.00 T.BurtOfl, Jr.... 100(T L. L. Olson. . 725 1.45 Albert O, Clayton. . 1000 2.00 Wllford Stubbs. . . . 5000 10.00 U of Wella 5 o. m.i Thursday, Bepiem- - t advertising and expenses jt$ 21. 1922. tolnay delinquent. a hr Mssmenta tlereon tegethefrxlthj 100O.1AO 1000 2.0(4 the cost 1000 3.00 01 aaie Sept; NEWDESIGNS IN JJVTNG ROOM SUITES. Sevy,i.;;T0OO '.O0 Tanner L. Brown. . 1000 2.00 12000 24.00 S. H. Roundy 6333 12.65 W. P. Morford W. P. Morford.... 1450 2.90 John H. Nesbit... 2000 4.00 FOR SALE Geo. L. Hlnton,.. 2500 5.00 807-- Our stock of living room furniture is very complete, embracing differ-" ent designs in velours, tapestries; and leathers. v John L. Jas. P. Thompson. Jas. P. Thompson . T. U Brown..;,,.. Louise Thompson.. 1000 2,00 4000 2.00 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 Mrs. Geo E. Wpollejr 4,000 2.00 22i Jas. P. Thompson. 2000 4.60 2257 Chas. G. Johnson. . 3000 6.00 1000 2.00 2268 P. B. Jensen 2000 4.00 2275 Wm. M. Mason.. 500 1.00 2351 Stacy S. Storer. . 750 1.50 2369 T. C. Thompson. 2500 6.00 2377 L, M, SprouL..,. 2378 A. M. Sproul...... 2500 6.00 1000 2.00 2379 Bertha Smith 6000 12.00 2383 John Nesbit 2385 Geo. L. Hlnton.... 3000 6.00 2387 W. L. Roundy..... 1500 3.00 500 1.00 2390 John Sharman 2391 Wells L. Brlmhall. 600 1.00 500 1.00 2392 Hyrum Jenkins .. 600 1.00 2393 Hyrum Jenkins . . 1.00 2394 Hyrum Jenkins .. 1.00 2396 H. B. Cole A Co.. . 500 1X0 2397 H. B. Cole A Co.., 500 1.00 2398 H. B. Cole A Co.. . 500 1.00 2399 M. A. Goodell 500 1.00 2400 M. A. Goodell..... 600 1.00 2401 R. R. Thome... 500 1.00 2402 R. R. Thome. . . 500 1.0 2403 R. R. Thome... 500 1.00 2404 R. R. Thome... 600 1.00 2405 R. R. Thome... 600 1.00 2406 R. R. Thome . . . 500 1.00 2407 R. R. Thorne... 500 1.00 2408 R. R. Thorne. .. 600 1.00 2409 W. H. Child..., 500 1.00 2410 J. C. Johnson. . 500 1.00 2411 Chas. J'.'Mttnna. 600 1.00 2412 Mike Sparo 500 4.00 2413 H. H. Ellertson 500 1.00 2417 W. L. Brlmhall. 2418 W. L. Brlmhall. 600 1.00 2420 Chas. A. Remy 1000 2.00 2421 H. B. Cole 500 1.00 v J. EDWIN STEIN. Secretary. last (rirfif'pubUcatlon publication Sept. w, im.j " ...... . atore. Cook affair began on the beach. stretches of barren Band make perfectly splendid for sunshades, and Backgrounds when the sunshade in Question ia a flaming cerise and the beach la oth-- . trwiae deserted, the effect produced ia startling. I might have known I would be pursued by a woman sooner or later, but I scarcely thought the frivolous sex would care to venture into this bleak and barren neck M the woods. I. Gray & Payson, waa anything but pleased at the prospect, for It looked aa if this designing creature were settled tor a comfortable morning in my favorite rocky retreat Of RUGS S-- 8 FOR 8ALE New B flat clarinet, Boehm aystem. Inquire 256 E. " P- Center, WILL TRADE Sonora phonograph lumbar. for bam or second-han703 E. 4th S. A new shipment of rugs in Tapestries and Axminsters as well si some new designs in the famous Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, has just been un- WANTED 25 White Leghorn pullets, April hatch. Phone 590-J- , after ( p. m. packed. We invite your inspection of these rugs, as well as a new stock of curtains and draperies just received. d WANTED Girl for general housework, Phone 188. .... LOST light Jersey cow with A. J. upside down on left hip. 378 N. 3rd E. S-- 8 modem FOR RENT Two apts. 371 N. 3rd W. S-- 8 THE EXCLUSIVE HOME FURNISHERS SHERIFFS 8ALE. In the Fourth Judicial District Court, in and for Utah County, State of Utah. Provo Meat A Packing Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. James Clove and Marx defendants. 33 East Center. t: better 1922. BE?f D' wave your rose and- the best looker in the city will rush to your aide. That's Ben Frale." As the train pulled out leavfng Sanby on the platform, he reflected:' "That's a good one on Ben, besides saving me from a darn tedious trip. 1 don't know this fetching and carrying for an old woman is getting my goat If It wasn't for Marjorie 1 believe I'd quit money or no money. Marjorie!- - She's some blossoming flower! If I bad Cousin Anne's money I'd- - marry her right off the reel. I'm not so keen on having the old dame croak, but It's a blasted shame sho can't loosen up and give a fellow a start, I'U say. "Gee! Ben will be sore, spending half a day with old Cousin Anne and losing a couple of clients, probably. Just aa well, though; he's too keen on work anyway." y, k. roads. Among BOYD, i A. SANBT. Side. Benjamin Frale read this letter, considered and despatched a brief re- "Have cousin wear rose. Will be froperly entertained. ' Don't worry. (aigned) "a F." On Wednesday morning at the Campford depot, Allan Sanby assisted Uttle woman white-haire- d with her bag and wraps. "Now, don't be flustered, Cousin 4ana. Juat gat- - off at-- Bleber-n- , chuckled. It was noon when she arose gracefully and slowly made her way down the beach toward the village. I caught a full glimpse of the intruder, for she lowered her sunshade. In a flash it dawned upon me that a snappier attire would best become my manly figure. I had somewhat neglected my person during my solitary watch by the sea. It was therefore with great pride that 1 made my appearance before breakfast bedecked In cool white flannels. Thca 1 resolved to be nice to her. After all she was probably a very I bad made a ordinary person. ! Twice the vehicle has had a sn ooay. ana tore times the radiator has been enewed. Anderson sin ho nurses the car along when It feels out of aorta. The provincial minister of roadi of Quebec Issues a map of roadi that province, the first of its kind eyer issued in Canada, and whicl la of great interest to motorists, especially tourists from the United States. by Jingo, over a boulder. I hastened eagerly, It was then a song on my Hps. I would I Ur-- t tiic lr.dy had begun the damsel, bow gravely, pass the Ignoring method herself. She the time of day and depart I rr.ubbej me openly. With eyes that couldn't be too cautious. So, adjustseemed to look through me yet saw ing my nose glasses I trade boldly me not, she passed me. I might have toward the flaming color. been a man or stone ror all sue I hesitated at the round of voices. seemed to care. Dally we occupied She was not alone. It was a mascuthe same beach, breathed the same line voice. At that moment she apair, and" yet I, Grey S. Payson, a peared, a C:'rh on rer pretty face. bachelor of some Importance, was "There hel. Reggie; the brute!" Ignored by a woman with a cerise - I was rudeiy grasped by a tall, parasol! slim young man and shakes violentA week dragged by. The Intruder ly. ; "Let me expiate!" I my 'teres stayed on, and so did I, for why, pray, should this haughty person feebly. drive me from my haven? She should "HI teach you to annoy my wife!" not Her behavior puzzled me at thundered Reggie, as he ratUad my first, so I shadowed ber eagerly. I, teeth again, "you flin?' too, could play by cards and the last Aa I blindly groped my way back trick would be mine! to the village, under darkening skies, Sunday dawned bright and glori- I shook my head sadly and gave it ous. The glittering sands and water UP- beckoned to me, and likewise to a "When, if ever, are bachelors cerise sunshade. I spied It peeking safet" ,.iOi-ht- d .o ikin-;- ll, ! cb Cupid and lan Sanby by his Cousin Anne, June thinks he sees some gold bright : enough to suit him without top hard "I found your Benjamin Frale most digging. Well, he can go me one I did feel nervous, not ter. 1 can't marry my Cousin Anne, having traveled alone for so long, but he caa I'll cook him some way." But immediately I got off at Belcher- ton Mr. Frale took me In hand. He is Extracts from letter written to Miss really delightful. I shall not return Marjorie Walden by Allan Sanby, as soon aa planned, because Mr. F. Is June 13. "Tlieie's a young chap, a lawyer, coming on to New York for a few days and he has kindly offered to take Bfcujainin Frale by name, lives ever m flwicherton. He's trying to' d j me He's "By Gosh! Ben's sure put one over out of the old lady's fortune. on me. His little motto used to be some y.too. Marloiin. as an : ok go over The harder yon rt!r, the brighter o' i f ! Trat err'" am' y.u:'!l fi"d tbp. j cia. 7 I :.;f! TucFar.d be tu do .Uv ri:;i: thin- TumTTp '." 12, 19 19: go!-J.- 4nrr rttten to Al By Joella Johnson !! Marjorie Walden was an Intelligent young woman. Consequently she understood human nature as expressed in the person of Allan Sanby. Also she had a deep sense of humor and a love for adventure. "I'm trusting everything to you," was the sentence with which Allan bad clewed his letter to Marjorie. I'poa the day following Its receipt Marjorie went to Belcherton, and on the day fallowing that Allan Sanby recched this telegram." "Marr i. Meet Mr. Frale and me at t'-- Xy Anne. Got to overlook everything though; he's the only fellow I know who'll let me have a cool thousand or two. Marjorie's old man isn't too badly off, I'll blow over to her burg. The sweet flower. She always feD Cousin Anne. "My husband. I believe he has a for me." nephew who was a college chum of Late that evening Allan Sanby . despatched this telegram to Benjamin yours." Later It was made even clearer fa Frale; Allan Sanby that his place as fetcher "Ait Joking aside, meet me at 9:M and carrier had been quite usurped, tomorrow sure." and in contradiction to his attitude of At midnight he received this tele a few days previously, the knowledge graphic reply: v!5 tra'a inade him feel 111. "Impossible. MarJorle and 1 stain T. rSlN-AN.n ""BtT.'s played me a trick, hone moon tomorrow, all Joking uc'od rsiu.rh like a fisher- - sending his uncle to meet Cousin asldi. (Signed) "B. FRALE." 'stii i man's catch, gasping and flopping. At the depot he had himself enough in hand to be surprised at the appearance of a distinguished elderly gentleman, who took entire charge of VE - ! - low-dow- ii wm 'i some tiin, Ih'.wv""-- :uom !?.'.( Jected youiifc man hf ! " : -: the next morning. all Pe.aps thrt was why lie about the key. Dira i ml It wher. sLe went to make tip his bed. and " Joyfully called to Marjorie. abo dggled. "Shall I open "It is immaterUl to me," Marjorie answered with a coolness that made Dora look up sharply and gave Iter an Inkling of the true state of affaire, It was this, perhaps, that decided her. for with a quick rum shs the desk' and rolled back the cover. The first thing that caught, her eye was some pamphlets piled neatly at the left She picked one up, looked It over with a punled frown, then fairly screamed with laughter. .. ,., "Oh, dear, oh dear," t ant rocked . Bashful Bill's "Secret -- By Phil Moore JjJD. 7 HEN Bill an& Marjorie be-ensigod. they agreed. YV cmo with - true lovers' conn- dence, that they would have no se- rwu from each other. This was asy so tar as Marjorie was con- eroad, but poor, bashful Bill, think Of nis deck and the incriminating vldanoe tt concealed, (alt quits-- on-comfortable. However, ha was too blissfully hap- 17 to stop any promise on such an pocaslon as this. He had captured (ha one girt that was all that mat land, Be could scarcely believe that le was the samo shy boy who had tt Wsihliyca hat treat (cn(..j..-wrv",1- proj - Here is a piece of corking luck for you. On Wednesday a rare and fair little cousin of mine Is traveling to the big city. There's a long wait due her at Belcberton. Circumstances prevent my trotting along her aide. If you'll make the stopover one-ha- lf aa enjoyable for her as she will make it for you, I wont hare to thank you for the courtesy. The gratitude will be all on your ,.' these ectasia the construction of 106,875 Sheriff of Utah County, Utah. miles of roads, which it sanctioned, annually By D. P. Ellertsen, Deputy Sheriff. will require 112,730.000 for highway construction. Morgan, Coleman & Straw, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Gustaf Anderson, of Lynn, Mass., (First publication Sept. 6; last claims to have an automobile which publication Sept. 27, 1922.) holds the record for continuous In South America the Touring performance under one master. The Club Argentino Is trying to obtain car Is 12 years old and has been legan sanction on the projects'of driven more than 190,000 miles. J. D. By Monte Darrein ur Opposite Courthouse. . To be sold at sheriff's sale on the 29th day of September, A. D. 1922. at the front door of the courthouse In Provo City, Utah, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., all the right, title, claim and Interest of the above- I named defendants, of, in and to the following described real estate In Utah county, Utah, North half of lots 3 and 4, block 29, Plat C, Provo City Survey of Building Lots. Dated this 6th day of September. By so doing I acquired an aching exerting my manly strength In her behalf. head and a grouch, to say "Ye gods!" I exclaimed wrathful-l- nothing of my splendidly blistered feet. Plodding wearily home 1 re"when is a bachelor safer Generous fathers and beaming solved to meet the enemy and Igmothers, bent on disposing of their nore bar," Having resolved upon this bon-bo- n daughters, had haunted me. procedure, I Waa eager to begin it, Forward maidens had openly pro- and It was therefore with much deposed to me, yet, thus far, I had light that I chanced to come upon escaped the horrible dutches of this annoying person, calmly Belted upon my golden sands, gazing with matrimony. I loved my wild, desolate bit of vacant eyes upon my foamy ocean, northern coast, the barren fishing the cerise parasol a most glaring evidence. Seating myself at a safe village and Its simple fisher-folAnd no v a woman from another distance, I lit my pipe and turned my 1 back on her. I'd show her! world had invaded my paradise! To my amazement the enemy respent a most miserable morning mained oblivious to my presence. I avoiding her. 'j- - a distance, ? ? aa v daring to compete with so many for- midable rivals, until and again, be fla9hed pamfyiiy when he thought of . desk conU,ned- - she asked Marjorie when they were Slope, talking rather too lntanately of their personal affaire, aa young girls have a way of doing. And Marjorie, responding to Dora's Bill's mother, juatlflably pleased eager questions, confided, - among with bar son's choice. Invited Marjo-ln- g other things, "And we're to have no ru to spend a week in town with 'secrets from each other." them. This suited his sister Dora, "Oh, then," exclaimed Dora Joyfulit meant a chance to Inspect Marjo- - ly, "yon know what's in Bill's desk, rto's pretty dresses at close range and he wont let any of us open it" and perhaps copy some of the ideas; "No," said Marjorie slowly, Just a Decides, there would be matinees, germ of a doubt beginning to trouble parties and the companionship of a her, "but" she conttnuod, brightengirl of act own age. Her mother ing, Til ask him tonight X know would be especially lenient aha knew. hem ten me." But BUI would B0t tell her, "Dam ft teal ts be ancaccdr bov .. ... ..' . -She's forever prying In o someone's affairs." He always called Dora "the kid." although, as a matter of f act there was only two years' difference in their ages and be waa very fond of her fa a patronizing, big brother sort of way if he did tase and scold her when he thought che needed Marjorie coaxed at first bat BUI that kid." he it was obdurate, with a stubbornness that silenced her. Bat tt hart and the hurt finally grew out of all proportion to the cause. In tact Marjorie herself never realised fcov Mir ht (mm to keakuf the 1 m mm 2 irp;iTtit,.--- 1 r . Phone she wa a't course I could not risk getting acquainted with her, and remaining longer on the beach would most certainly mean getting acquainted. Not that I would be guilty of bringing it about, but' she would probably faint or ask to borrow my fountain, pen or need rescuing from something or other. Tla the silly ways of all Daughters of Ere. A deep pity stirred my being. The A rulaedv vacainjustice of it all tion, and, the cause a woman! I had a swift vision of being forced to accompany her on frequent rambles, helping her by her nervous, clinging hands over Innumerable rocks and THE "..''" Our prices on these new suites are the very lowest consistent with good quality. , ..... ...... When Is a Bachelor Safe? dainty, nue 0 WE Li a at the office be sold 11 I 'o-r- ot Itr engagement during the days that followed. Alone together, they both maintained' a sullm aloofness. Bill waa to despair. He had left her for. the night and was about to open the desk that had caused so much trouble in his young life, when he suddenly thought "And shell be going home afUr tomorrow." He gave the desk a vicious kick and flinging the key across the room, be dropped his head In his arms and did what very little boys do sometimes when their Vanishment back and forth, enable to eontrolher seems too hard to bear. mirth, 3ust listen, llerjorie. ; Let nje these ttUai' gow i sna most tad read flairs, Uka . laoghte ed jp . In- -, ijiin Denton Gray, j,iof-- . sor of psychology at Micb:i I nt .. 'When and How to Pfopoie." How to Hold Your Wife's Affection,' Th? 9f pcVusfuI Marriaae.'" 'Oh, dear, ox dcur. ,his is too funny! Won't I tease hira! Juct wait" Marjorie wns conscious of a greeJ relief and also ef e eurge of tender , case almost mother-lik- e In W under atandlng. "Ton must never tell anyone ol this," she waned Dora firmly, as the girl locked the desk and placed th keytjrpere she had found It And Dora never did. . ..BUI wondered at the sudden change tn Marjorie, but took his good lack, without oaesikinlng. He wondered till more at the mischievous twinkle in ber eye when, a little later, he said tnurolslTely, "Just the same, Marjorie, I think tt one hen an nnderttandlaf of peychology, get anytht&i he wnBtfc1 e4 .:u i |