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Show 1 4 " THE HERALD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1922. SOCIETY Dances Visitors Clubs Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Shaw and Children, LaPreal and Clinton, have reTurned from Coalville where they spent several days with relatives. Parties rSP33SSS5ui " 1 returned itoRt'T..- y - . tvAAtl 1CVU Mvl IOr two, week"' from V rnf) KUUtjl " ... 1 vR,ertX6W Bee, son of Mr, nd 11. Robert Bee. Jr., left yesterday Lake, where he aorning tor Salt enter Westminster college. fin Venice Gc4da baa returnthe past speeding after home: In California, She was IwBpanied on her return trip by Jfrifster, Miss Fern Goddard, who ril haan soending the paat two fatha of her vacation in southern JSaemia and Mexico. While there . - i W -- mm ww aira. ' uumaa Aiaiuwa, iam., residents of Provo. c. nipeo.or LaUI., Massey (onner CrandaU, and Mrs v. Jnnes. Mr. and Mrs. Grant rv.Haii. Following dinner a visit was made to Timpanogos cave Miss Gertrude Olsen r,.h Taylor was hostess at Geneva lake a dancing party at resort Saturday evening. The hall was prettily decorated in a color scheme of pink and green. During tho pvpnine of daneing, motor boat Luncheon was riding was enjoyed. served at the hotel. Invitations were issued to 100. and a delightful time was spent by all present. . .Newest material for Una lingerie crepe-bacsatin. Pussy willow silk, sheer chiffon volla and crepe do chine are other favorites. Deeper colors are expected to be favored coraL deep orchid, gold--: en main follow flesh color in popu larity. Tailored styles with little ttimming are preferred. is Mrs. Adam Anderson and Miss Elfle Anderson have returned to their home in this city, following a two weeks' visit in Salt Lake City with relatives and friends. They report having had a very pleasant and enjoyable visit. k I Mr. and Irs. A. B. Morgan and family have returned to their home 1b this city after a two weeks" auto tour through the Yellowstone national park. Before returning they visited at a number of Idaho cities, where they wfre pleasantly They report having enjoythe table centered their trip immensely. piece. Following dinner, the time was spent with music and social D. D. Hoag. who lias been visitchat. ing in this city for the past two months with his, son, C. C. Hoag, The Elks' Ladies' club held their returned to his home in Kansas first meeting of the season at the City, Mo today. club rooms last evening. The reguMrs. J. T. Farrer and Mrs. Herlar meeting is held on Monday evenings, the change being made bert Schick left today by auto for on account of Labor day. Five California. They will tour the tables of bridge were played, the state, remaining for an indefinite favors being awarded to Mrs. period. ,'iitr-tained- . . until years are Interested. The evening when only on member, bership at wives, mothers, sisters and daugh Beniamin Blake, now living ters of Elks are eligible for mem Pima, Ariz., was absent Games and which bership and will be heartily wel music were enjoyed, after dinner was served. A color scheme corned at the meetings. of red and gold, which were the Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buckley have club colors, was used in decorating the dining table. Covers were laid returned home after a two weeks for 13, the following seven of the visit in Mountain View, Wyo., with C. Hatch. eight original members being pres- Mr. and Mrs. J. ent: Mrs. Nora Johnson Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McDonald en Mrs. Lily Cling 3r Sumsion, Mrs. MPs. tertalned a few friends at their Melissa Williams Hardy, who Christina Nuttall Madsen. August home Saturday evening. The rooms were prettily decorated with the Johnson. James Blake, and L. John season's flowers. The card game Nuttall, Jr. "500" was enjoyed, after which were served to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson left dainty refreshments the following: Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Monday for their home in aau Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Lake after a few days' visit in Simonson, of Provo with Mrs. Anderson s fattier, Wanberg, Mrs. Dave Anderson Salt Lake and Miss Grace Linton. J. Srtinton. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Charles and children spent Monday in Spanish Fork with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Holland were dinner guests a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Scott Sunday eveni- ng. A cut glass vase of garden THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ee our great assortments. Our prices will appeal to all thrifty buyers CANTON CREPES n wide, $3.45 value CANTON CREPES SATIN-FAC- CANTONS E $2.89 $3.50 SATIN I CREPE DE CHINES $1.50 values $1.19 $1.95 values 51.59 $2.25 values ..a51.69 $3.25 values 52.69 CREPE METEOR n wide, $2.95 value to YARD 1I : 'S. ' i ' YARD Uermany Prepares For Future tit irL. f ... '1J iMiiiMiiwiir'"- J"M - r;-- . ' 1 .' y., V ft 1 I I 1 ; ; II II ) 10 j Iii r inn-- "I'rintiirWWHal i A Hie Outstanding Tire Values in the 30 3Yt inch field o - - before has the light car owner been offered NEVER value as is now at service in these two your U. S. products ROYAL CORDS the measure of all automobile tire values both clincher and straight side $14.65. The New and Better USCOthicker tread, thicker 6idewalls, more rubber $J0.65. A S1ZES 303 UM 4 25 31 324 "" 334 " 344 " 124H 3344" 3444"" 35 44 3644 " comb- e Ask our "Service Departm nt" for free advice on colors, materials, brushes, etc., for any kind pf painting." your paint needs from stock. J -- , Russell Co. r' "the onto PRima wotrsn" j; UV1 The ne.vfht fad Is to hava m't Initials embroidered" on one's trim meat blouse, on sleeve' or front. They are .shown on. at well as masculic. fy ssvara modns. Colon should maih tasi liat. or tcarf or handkerchief. semi-tailore- d 24.35 25.55 26.05 31.95 33.00 34.00 35.65 36.15 . 43.20 45.75 5I.8S CopvHght 1924. 30x 3 USjEO Because of tha taxes and high cost of gasoline, France- - Is building smaller and lighter automobiles than those generally used In the United States. Official public contests are held in Paris and the winner of the competition was recently able to get. through the development of a better carburetor, QUicher Fabric Where You Can Buy U. S. Tires : 1 Uro Il.ln $75 $9.JS f f lllwllf IJ ' I8.5 23.45 24.15 30.05 31.05 32.05 33.55 34.00 ) 20.85 21.95 2J.40 SI i. ' If3 ; 39.30 41.70 i L Ji 30X3M C?25j!S mm msm p$m$P, 111 T '? v liOflX Cord - - ' i f! WW I !: f M 1 ll 11 111 facto i fI lit I A A " t I I 4 H irSilsfl H Mil l United States United States 7 - j i 1 IIII 1 l fl iil 1 t.-- I I1 5? 113 3 W 9 PHI 1 H m'M fV4lJ?ff i- f. J '"SI I V VUII 15.70 22.45 Vs Pff I M H ffiMMl miiMi If 10.6S 16.90 thtmarmlaaHmJf - U.S. Tire Co. $11.40 13.00 21.35 on the above hat Whether your choice b Cord or a Fabric tire, the U. S. Tire Dealer can now give you U.S. 30 Ma tire mt the lowest price in tire uiktory. Tha U- - S. qu a Ifi t y tandurd is even hiiicr today thaa it ever A huge illuminated map, showing the progress of all state hard roads under construction in Illinois is under preparation by the state highway division for exhibit at country fairs throughout the state. jmw 24.15 30.05 80.85 37.70 38.55 39.50 40.70 41.55 46.95 49.30 been abtorbtd by force. 81 tor u 20.45 Ftdtral ExdM To Traffic sergeants, attached to the police department of Philadelphia, Pa no longer walk, but coter their districts in motorcycle sidecars, operated by officers of the an " 22.5 Chin MmESNiMu I FABRIC Nobby I115S 1S.M 23.00 14. 30x34SS. 32x34"" fected by the Bureau of Mines. An oxygen tank permits the wearer to stay under water 15 minutes and to pass through thick smoke. . CL 375 I Ror.1 Cord 3034 "" 31 14 John Landau of the Brooklyn navy yard experiments with a breathing apparatus recently per ! I 335 355 For 73 years we have been making best paints to meet the weather conditions in the west. They contain the best Pigments and oils, pure zinc, and Pioneer White Lead, skill. ined, In scientific proportions with long-tim- s Life Saver Mrs. Frank Ramsey, Sr., left Pjo-vTuesday morning for Salt Lake City, where she will visit for a number of days as the guest of Mrs. Emma Ramsey Morris. -v- Even the little shaved-pateIn the first grades-oschool are taught some industry so that they may help In Germany's industrial revival when they grow up. Here a classes taught hippology at the Chariottao burg school, with one youngster poalng as tho horse. Five turtles are the solo survivors of a Are that cost 2S0O Uvea. The dead are frogs, guinea pigs and white rats. When a fire destroyed a San Francisco frog farm the frogs jumped toward the flames. The turtles varen't a bit curious. But more important, they serve for years longer than ordinary paints. r wide 40-i- n Qt) U sn-k- jj- cost of the paint. Dixon-Taylo- TRICO CREPE $2.95 value, , -- Itor B at Once! - I W 1 $2.39 : on the They cover more surface per gallon which saves . MESS ALINES $1.45 values . .$1.19 $1.95 values . .$1.59 Something That Curiosity Didn't Kill study European condltiona. Six UU U $2.50 Value $1.89 I ' CHARMEUSE $2.25 and $2.50 values $2.19 James M. Cox, former governor of Ohio and Democratic nominee for president at the last election, snapped at the Esplanade Hotel, Berlin, on his tour of the continent ALL SILK H TAFFETAS 40-i- Put Your initials On It Money v GEORGETTE CREPE $1.50 values . .$1.19 $2.25 values . .$1.89 40-i- CREPE BACK SATIN W. Monroe' Paxman entertained at a prettily appointed dinner at afternoon. their home Sunday Season's flowers marked the table centerpiece. Covers for the following were laid: Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Eggertsen, Miss Minnie Nelson and Mrs. Busath of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Garrett. Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Eggertsen, and Mr. and Mrs. Paxman. Whenever you paint it is economy to use the best raints . They spread easier which saves labor costs. " I K This picture, snapped at the reDr. and Mrs. Alma Paxman, Mr. water meet at Georgetown, cent and Mrs. Oscar Garrett, Mr., and Germany, shows six divers In the Mrs. W. Monroe Paxman, this city, Ur at one time. and Mrs. A. C. Busath of Salt Lake City and their respective families Miss Grace Linton entertained at motored to the Geneva beach resort There are approximately 68,000 a well appointed dinner party at Monday. Bathing, boating, games motor trucks In the metropolitan her home Sunday afternoon, In and a delicious plcnjc attributed to district of New York City ready to honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ander the success of the outing. answer a call for motor mobiliza son of Salt Lake, who are here The following young people form- tion within 24 hours. visiting. Asters were used as a table decoration. Covers were laid ed a party to the American Fork Mr. and Mrs. A novel concrete mixer Is canyon Monday: for six. George B. Lloyd B. Williams, upon a motor truck and operated Glade, Miss Velma Nuttall, Miss its engine, and can be URea to hy Whitehead. Bessie Williams, Walter a batch of concrete while on Jefmix Norman Miss Pearl Jones and its way to work. ferles. Jfest Paints Why Save You We Sea sons ost BeaiafiM ,e' flowers formed and interesting A very unique held Tuesday social affair was evening at the home of Mr. and in Lakeview. Thomas Williams and Mrs Chris Mrs. J. H. dinger Miss Thelma Flygare, daughter The guests included members of a Christensen, the latter receiving Mrs. O. W. Flygare, left rlnh which was organized in the the consolation prize. Music and of Mr. and the serving of delicious refresh- yesterday in company with her spring of 1902, and which met ments were also enjoyed by twenty. parents for the Northern States weekly until the early part of 1903, were discont- The next meeting will be held Mon- mission of the L. D. S. church to when its meetings in missionary work. inued on account of the members day evening at 'the club rooms, 32 engage iftavinir town. The club members West Center street. All members In compliment to Mrs. A. C. Bu-sat- h have not met together during these are requested to be present, also of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. twentv-fiv- e last all ladies who are eligible for mem. last Cox in Berlin MisslElda social was conducted yesterday afternoon on the lawn of the Sixth ward meeting house. The affair was the opening session of the Relief society of that ward, and will be followed by weekly meetings during the ensuing The following program was year,; carried out: A vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. Herald R. Clark; Miss Anna Peay gave a very interesting reading, as did also Miss Alene Kemp; Chris Frolsland entertained with an excellent vocal solo, after which dainty refreshments were served. An interesting feature of the afternoon's entertainment was a program of games conducted under the leader-shiof Mrs, W. Monroe Paxman and Mrs. Ralph Poulton. nnenshaw. Glen inn vn Waeenen, Mr. D.,inn Miss Inez of marriage Sale I A very successful The following young people form n Aiuer-caed a party ana motoroa 10 Miss Fork canyon Monday: Hed-auis- t Leah Chipnian, Miss Edith Miss Lorenda John, Miss Miss Helen M Gladys Seamount, Miss GerCleefy of American Fork, trude Olsen, Messrs. Ralph Keeler. Thomas I7ue, A1UUUO .uamuam, and Miss rhioman entertained a num ber of friends at the home of Miss Olsen Tuesday evening. The affair was in compliment to Miss Lorenda for John who will leave Sunday Richfield, where she will spend xae winter while teaching school. Cut were glass bowls of nasturtiums used in decorating the entertaining rnnma wnfiTG fames. IUUBIU nuu a delicious luncheon were esjoyed-by the following: Miss Eaitn Heaaaiu. Miss Gladys Seamount, Miss Lela M8odsley, Miss Kutn cnipman, jnss Lorna Bagiey, miss au Bateman, Mrs. Euun jonnsun aim Mrs. Grant CrandalL "he I Kerby, daughter o Mrs. Nellie Kerby of Provo, to Leslie Cullimore of Orem, took place today In the Salt Lake temple. A reception will be given tonight at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeXulllmore, Jnyitatlons hav been issued 'to 85. 9 The central old folks --committee of Utah stake enjoyed an outing to Castilla dprings today. A " com munity dinner was served at I o'clock, covers being laid for 200 After dinner, a short impromptu program. was enjoyed, which was followed by bathing, boating and sports. Supper was served at 6 'clock, and the return trip made. A delightful time was enjoyed by all. Lingerie w- - ww- ,vr- - ... Rubber Company IS OtJmt and het'tmt tbttherOrtamitostiemntke Wrrid United States Tires are Good Tires Telluride Motor Con A. B. Worsley, Provo, Utah; SprinTilIe r Garage & Storage Co Springville, Utah; Spanish Fork Motor , Co., Spanish Fork, Utah; Benjamin Garage, Benjamin, Utah. " |