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Show THE BLADE. In ari editorial May $jtho New York IIerad contained ; ihis statement: . ... . . ... Per year " (Payable in advance), $2.00 evident ithat the Her freshing. , aid feels the demonetization of silyer , for. other-Wis- e has cut prices down ALF. ORME Publisher. remonetization could not double them. This is precisely what free been made the at has Nephi Application coinage advocates have been contendfor transmission through the mails as ing. The Herald wil not claim that mail matter.' debts and interest have been called down in the same manner us products, and it must, therefore, admit that a SATURDAY MOHN., MAY 16, 1896. grave injustice has been done to alj It-i- s onej-half- ; post-Mc- e j econd-clas- s debtors, all producers', all owners of real estate and ownersi Of the stock of BLADE AGENTS: the great transportation lines making will in all by far the larger proportion of Below is a list of our agents, who for and receipt Amerioan people. jTliis admission the feceive subscriptions payments. is, in fact, made by all gold standard Wm. Chastain, Ibapah, Tooele Co. papers with any pretension to truth MILLARD COITVTT. fulness, out they say jthat the wrong City. Joseph A. Lyman, Oak has continued so long it cannot be unChristian Anderson, Fillmore. Thos. Memmott, Scipio. done. They lay less stress upon the Chrip. Oversoii. Len,Luinpton j . argument that the higher prioe3 which Geo. Crane, Kanosb. s Jaoir-- iiattou. Petersburg. would accompany free coinage would injure working men whoe salaries would not be proportionately increased. This sophistry has ben thoroughly disposed of by the leaders of the TO OUR PATUONS. great labor organizations. There is no man living by the skilled labor of his On the sixth day of June The Blade hmds who does not know that his will have been running t,ne year in Ne- wages are now much lower than they phi and there ;ire a reat many who wre and that employment is harder have been taking it ever since withoui to find, and often cannot be obtained paying any portiou of the subscription at all. Denver News. price, which is all well and good so long as we have not demanded it, but A Missionary Tells of His Travels. we feel as though we have shown leniency enough and ak that all delinBlade: quent subscribers pay up by the first of Editor Id might nu prove uninteresting to the coming month, so that all accounts the readers of The Bladk to hear a may be balanced at the end of our year. voice from the North the Fatherland of tnousands of Utah's adopted and Call and see us. respected citizens; but I do not propose to tell you about Denmark this EDITORIAL NUTE3 lime, will leave that for some future be lay as 1 believe your readers a would acin brief more interested The Beaver Utonian is talKing of count of what J havereading seen and of what suspending. The Blade will wager I have been doing since I left home. reader to that it isn't because- the publisher has .Sow 1 do not want you dear am one moment for that think l to live going got enough out of the business or the latter, ouiy as to all tell you in luxury the rest of his days. much as I think will be good for you. 1 left home on the 17th day of March was set apart ;u the JSi.h, by and The Silver Hammer, published in Heber J. Grant and Johu Idaho by Ben E. Rich, and which is ApostlesSmith. Lefi Salt Lake City one of the brightest weeklies on our tleury the next morning over the U. P. arrivon the morning of the exehai.ge list, hcis bid its friends and ing rn Fremont two days here very I Jlst. Ben with spent went down enemies adieu. pleasantly with relatives, feasting upon Hying colors, the last number being an cue good things of this earth. Fremont, is known as the Forest City and exceptionally good one. is the junction of the Union Pacific, Sioux City, Pacific & Fremont, El khoru More railroad woric is being done io Missouri Valley railroads. OperaUtah, just at the present time, than tes its own electric light piant, bas in aoy of the twenty seven miles of sewer mains, twenty miles of water mains, six large Gradiog is being actively pushed on school houses, six tev-- churches, and a the iSanpete Valley line, also on population of ten thousand people. On the Salt Lake and Pacific, generally the moruing of the 23rd I boarded the known as the Deep Creek I'De, while train again for Chicago, here. I to meet with the rest oi the f - twio Grande Western is vigorously On entering the car I spotcompany. at work on its Marysvale extension, ted six geotleri,eu conversing very and also has surveyors in the field be- earnestly together, one look at them tween Provo and Park City. Denver wis enough to convince me that they were Mormons. After disposing of News. valises I my approached them rather and asked theu where they abruptly were of the party who. was One rrinirMv a track ThA going. cili'pr fansfl as who impudent as myself and comgrowing in all parts of the country. just for to be the spokesman Noman'of intelligrtoce can reject it, appeared pany answered rather sareasticly that after gi.vjng it any study, unless he be chey were going to Pniladelphia. Tii u j 'j tur unf) li a a hu nl'tiri rur tn ho u Tnismanl selected for a discussion. Told him I was! of the opinion that servant of Jonny Bull, or Uncle liotbs-- . they were ail Ai6roious nd ought to be child. The- - free silver principles were seut back to Utah, at this' the fun begood for more than one hundred years, gan and for. half an hour or more, times in faut, so long a3 America was an in- were lively. Trie old gentlemau quot ed me scripture from the Bible, Bowk dependent nation. It is now time for of Mormon. Doctrine Covenants, the people to declare a sacond Declara- Pearl of Great Price, but all to no use, tion of Independence. In demanding and finally concluded by saying I was great many others full of prej 4.ue restoration of silver, they are do- like anever having been in Utah, and 3 juth Omaha Diily Sun. ing so. knew about her people only ' nothing t " : what I had read from newspapers ect. I could see it was getting time (Joseph Close upon the heels of the change of, like) to make myself known to my 1 of did. the Lake Herald I will not Salt management brethern, which looks but their describe to camati change in the policy of the paphanda to suffice after it general say er. With the change in the policy came well we were fellows hail met, the resignation of B. II. Roberts as shaking and they treated to oranges and pea' y !.,' editor, rne main portion mat caused nuts. , at Chicago the. next the resignation of Mr. Roberts read as We arrived! a. m.: Here Elders 1:30 at morning follows: and Jacobs Hickman, myself bid adieu The Herald will not- concede - to any to the four, other '''.missionaries they church or the leaders thereof in this free rewe to on and going Philadelphia, state (admitted under the solemn pledge here While mained I in : Coieago. that it should remain free) that it or mine a found cousin who of formerly tney may dictate or advise who of &U its members may or may not engage io pol-iti- ca lived in Salt Lake. About twenty or become candidates for office; for ago she married! a Chicago law the acknowledgement of such right at d years name, of Strong, moved to yer the toleration of its existence would sap Chicago and has resided there ever the foundations of the free state, make it some of the princi-- ; We visited since. the tool of the church and in the end of interest. pal places tarn it into an instrument of its propag. From here we Went to "Washington anda. ' City D. C. and seeing the Stars and ' ' :': Stripes, waving from the White.'House . . or business (which is the signal that the President Every trade, profession at home) .we thought it our duty to has its trade organization except the is remain a few hours at the Capital and farmer, and all the trades, professions pay our respects to the1 Chief Magisetc., progress "more , rapidly than does trate of the land, while our "vahses going on1 to Philadelphia. We agriculture, because of these organiza- were a Penn. Avenue cai; told the boarded tions. They are enabled to meet to- conductor'to let us oil at the White gether and discuss matters of interest House as we had important business the President, lie looked hard at to their business and by this exchange with d he stepped into the next car of opinion all receive much valuable I heard as him what next?" At say information which they would other- the White House, we were met in wise be unable to obtain. The far- front of t'ue west gate by a clever little upon his breast a badge mers, at least the majority of them, fellow wearing the containing following inscript'on, exown must depend largely on their He Guide.", informed us that "City know-'leda Mr. & Mrs. Clevand had just gone out perience for information and of crops. If they were organi- for a drive, but he was at our service. dropped him a few coppers, zed they could learn from one another We then which be'shovved us after the nnd thus easily keep pace with the pro- White House; gave us thearound names of gress of other professions, trades and the 'different rooms and what they r.rts. During the summer the farmer were used for. In front of one of the is, of course, a busy mant but during gates, lies a large door stone almost worn in this our guide told us could meet with had been two, the winter months-hworn thus by the foot steps his brethern, and learn from them of Washington, Benjamin Franklin, We were re-whar knowledge they h;:d gained dur-- 1 Webster, and others. our - the prist reason, and in turn tell his 'quested to place right foot, upon would ,? which rock, the surely bring us cmn vp. rience during the season, and d luck From the Wnite House we thus ail would be mutually U nelltted. went to the U, S. Treasury and the ' Sprite viile lndepfjt.d3nt." Army and Nayy buildings. From the Virgil Kelly. Bnrbank. Hvrum Adams. Meadow. James S. Blake, Uinekiey. -- Trans-Missouristate- s. n ex-pecr- ed ; u-di- ce, ' - at-taai- pt . -- ; . -- by-th- e : ; ; - . ..- LA ','Free coinage of silver,!' 16 to 1, will surely send prices booming up 100 per cent, higher." The; confession ;is ; r& ' subscription rates: conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This act shall take effect upon approval. - us,-an- 'hl ; 1: , Approved April 5, top steps of the latter building Mount Vernon can v be ' seen, which is only three miles- - from Washington. We next visited the house in which Wash ington and Adams lived during their administration, tne home of lieniamin Franklin, Daniel Webster, Grant, Blai tie, Garfield and many others. While at the Capital iwe failed to see Utah's Senators and Ren resAn t. At.i vr perhaps they were at Buzzards Bay. We left; Washington at 12:01 a. m. and arrived in Philadelphia at 4 a. m. where- we remained t,wo da vs. Thft first place to visit when here is. Liberty! riau. ab you enter tne ouuaihg from the north, the room to tjbe left is where the Declaration or Indetvndenee was signed; here hangs also Liberty Bell. In the room to the right stands the frame and yoke whareon hung the old Liberty Bell, when on the 8th dav of J uly 1776, 12:05 tu., it was rung obed ient to its motto, proclaiming liberty to; all the land and to all the inhabitants, strange to say it was also cracked the same day of the same month while they wee tolling the funeral kne.ll of Chief Justice White Julv 8th 1835. Here is also to be seen Washington's sofa and spectacles, the lightning rod from WestManson built I765.under the direction of Benjamin Franklla; Franklin's air pump; a portion of pew from old Christ Churcn, in this pew! sat George Washington, Franklin ad the bell used at Valley Jarayette; Forge in 1777: the silver inkstand from Which the Declaration wan sicmd. purchased for the speakers table Aug.! . price ?ouu; tne arum beaten at the ba'tle of German town by Geo, Esher a drummer bov: also the hahv clotnes made by Mrs, John Adams for; ner son Jona Adams; a brewing jug over Win.i Penn in the with brought Welcome, 1682: Penn'a chair: chairs of - lo, Colonial J uacice8 etc. j I see that my letter is crettim? lengthy, eo will close for this time. We boarded the steimer Pennlaod. Friday eve Mar. 27th and left the har bor Saturday morning at 8:00 a. m. ailing down the beautiful Delaware. In my next 1 will let you know hovy 1 tared crossing the pond for the third time, and in fact up to date. Yours Respectfully, 23, 1806- .N. B. Mv address is April 2G, Aalhorg, Denmark. rieuds write to me. D. K. Buown. Urban si j?ade N"n. ' the Law Reads la all Matters Connected with the spraying of Trees. Section 1. A State Board of Horticulture is hereby created to consist if a president who shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, and one member from each county, to be appointed by the board of couuty commissioners thereof who shah be fruit tree inspectors of their respective counties. The salaries of the inspectors shall be fixed by the board of county commissioners: Provided, That their compensation does not exceed three dollars per day tor each Jay actually engaged in the discharge ot their official duties, and they must be practical horticulturists., i'ne board of coun y commisioneis may, upou the recommendation of the couoty inspector, appoint deputy in spectors when necessary, and their compensation shall not exceed Si.oO per day for the tiai actually employed, which shall b certified to before one board of county commissioners. Lt shall be the duty of the president to preside at ail meetings when in his judgment it is nece5sary to call a convention of the inspectors which shall uot be oftener thf-- once a year, and also, to direct, instruct and compel the inspectors to carry out the provision V of this act. Sec a. Prior to April 15th of each year, all and every orchard aud vineyard shall be tnoroughly cleaned and all dead leaves and other debris which shall be destroyed by tire. Sec 3. It shall be the duty of every owner, occupant or person iu charge of any orchard, vineyard or nurseiy vwtth-tne Statt,o disinfect all fruit trees, oushes or vines that are infested with any kind of fruit destroying insects, their larvaa or their pupa3, etc., that are injurious to fruits, by spraying with a poisonous solution or disinfectant of sufficient strength to destroy such insects.their larvse or their pupaa; Provided, .That nc such disinfection shall be done. while said trees, vines or are in bloom. bushes ' Sec. 4. The duties of the fruit tree inspectors of each county shall be to serve or cause to be! served a printed notice or mail the same to every owner, occupant or person !in charge; said notices shall state time or times when it is proper to disinfect the trees," bushes and vines; also give formulas to be used for their disinfection; said njtices shall be signed by the inspector serv-mor mailing suoh notice and he shall rpte in the stub ofso said notice the notified and the name of the persons date upon which such notice was serv-e- 1896. April 6th, OUR EXCHANGES m r DISEASES OP THE fclMN. Tlie intense itcliing aml. inci-dent to eczema, tetter, muI cthct tlisease3 of the ekin is instantly allayed by live and SUn applying Chamberlain's Ointment. Uany very bad cases have been It is equally permanently enred ly it. efficient for itching piles and a favorite reim edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chili blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes, For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. i 1890. f; : : " nrit . nntox CU100, Reprister. Wm. A. C. Cryan Attorney for Claimant. have made Lehi such a busy and prosper ous place for the last five years. --rrLehi ' Good Sample Rooms for OommercialTrav Banner. Durinsr this week, the odor of roast rabbit has prevaded the Court House. Since the Qrst of the month, 2,305 rabbii 8calp3 have been brought in, upon which, a boandy of 4 cents is paid. The rabbii ears are burned in the stove, and make good fuel during the cold weather. Brigham City Bugler, The Mail is to be the name of the new jo ooalvuie by paper to be publisned Messrs. J.J. Jones aao u. Jtj.. Aioore, tne latter with the nrintinf material, bavins' arrived here from Kansas last week. The paper will be straight Re politics of the so tell us, and the publican, . nsproprietora . U.1 tiling uo turn uisn Mi. uuuiuci mey eipeuk iu next week, Coalville Times, Payaon city it in darkness, the Electric having shut down last Light company Saturday on account of not receiving the expenses oi enough patronage to pay J. he company, perthe plant. running would Dot have shut down had not haps, the coal company proposed to raise the coal 25 cents a ton. The coal people, the however, after they found oat thatstauo Electric Light company could not the raise, proposed to furnish coal at the old price, but the order came too late, so draw from the city the $60 a they will nothave been drawing! heretomontk they fore. Payson Qiobe. The Jittle J ron County Record; girl of 'Mr.: und Mrs. Hyrum Dutton met with an accident last Tuesday that came near being fatal. It appearV that the child undertook to swallow a of buttons, sticks, etc. , and a quantity Dart of them lodged in its threat. rs was at the time and iu screams were heard 'by- Mrs. Dix ana Amelia Webster in a neighboring house, who hastened to the scene and sucoeedeo in .removing a cornered stick of quite large dimentions from the child's throa.; not, however, without hurting its throat somewhat. The child is all right now. I . A. one-year-o- ld 2878. - Notice for Publication. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 20th 1896. f Notice is herebv-trive-" tlmt. uameu seiner nas niea notice of his IWIlUtVllJintention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof wJU be made before tlie County Clerk of Juab County, Utah, at Nephi, on June 3, 1896, viz: Zenos Whittaker, guardian of Maprgie L. Norton, Minnie A. Norton, William O. Norton, John R. Norton, Tobitha L. Norton and Ilasel D. Norton, infant children of Drusilla Norton, deceased, who H. E.9033, for the Vflt NE'4 Sec. 25 Tp made 12 S. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Sperry, William D. Norton, Elisha Russell, William A. Bowles, all of Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Byuon GlRoo, Register.. S. W. ' for n - . Claimant. Darke, Attorney , SECURE THIS COURSE ' To advertise our Collsre we will fflvo in Douthorough course of instruction g ble and Single Kntry and Commerciai Arithmetic, by niail, at a Book-keepin- Estray Notice. I have in my the following described animals possession One roan horse 3 or 4 years old, branded on left thigh resembling DS. Also one bay mare two year old both liind. feet white and white "pot in forehead, branded on left thigh If damages and costs on said animals be not paid within ten days from the dale of this notice they, will be sold to the highest bidden at city estray Nphi Time and date ofpound. sale 1 o'clock p m. May 20. 1896. - to-wi- One-Fourt- Regular Price h t: ( t Nephi, May 11th 1896. James It. Reid, Pound Keeper. How to Treat a Wife. No. 3537. Proprietor, , 46-5- 1 OF THE - II, GOLDSBUODGII, j REPORT OF THE CONDITION d -' Vi Important to sheep-ownerFor several years complaints have been uade that adequate facilities for shearing iheep did not eist at the head of Salt Jreelj Canon. This year however a decided improve-nen- t has been made Larsen liave constructed a new shearingMoreley corral it Hollo way on the Sanpete Yallay Bail .vy at which there will be one hundred shearers-a- n ample number to handle ali usioe3s offered at this one of the most jonveniently located corrals in the state. Th-chil- out-doo- elers, Hack Meets all Trains, Free to Patron to and from the station - to a limited number of persons. ' This course will b"t completed in 40 lessons. No charge for diplomas. Address, CAPITAL riOMMERCIAL jiTY College 116 West Sixth Street. - - TOPEKA, ' KANSAS. s. ' s (Prom Pacific Healt Journal.) First, get a wife; second, be patient. You and perplexiat Nephi, in the State of Utah at the ties inmay have great trials do not.there-ior- e, but business, your close of business, May 7th 1896. carry co your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wife may have trials, resources. vhich, though of less magnitude, may . ....... .. 108.75fi.0f $ Loans and discounts be hard for her to bear. A kind word, a LOCAL TIME CARD, . . D40.I9 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured tender look, will do wonders in chasing 12,500.00 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation In effect, April 5, 1896. from her brow all clouds of gloom. To Premiums on U. S. Bonds..... and depart at various station arrive . Train ... ........ .... etc r 4,520.8? 4. this we would add always keep a bottle oi Stoeks, securities, : as follows Biinking-housdally furniture and fixture. 2,000.00 Chamberlain's Cough. in the Remedy Other real estate and mortgages Stations. house. It is the best and is sure to be Oe.ve owned 3,141.75 Leave At. Arr. sooner needed or Your wife later. will Due from State Banks and Bankers.. 12,856.8" n.00 pn .... .... 2.30 am 5.00pm 2.10pm Ogden then know that you really care for her 87y..-- ,; Checks and other cash items. ) Salt j Lv 4.00 pm 7.00 pm 3.10 3.30 Ar am pm to 369.03 wi.h md Jtfor her health. sale Notes of other National Banks protect 7.40 am 6.00 pm Lv f Lake Ar 9.45 am 6.30 pm & Lunt Druggist?. Fractional paper currency, nickels McNally by , 4.65 8.0ft am 6.26 pm .... Sandy .... 9. 15 am 6.01 pm. and cents Lawful moket reserve in bank, None But Ayers at the world's Fair, j 9.25 am ., Fairfield .. 4.38 pm 10,GG0.25 Specie fund with U. S. Treas- - r Eureka... 3.20pm 10,45am.., lidemption irilla enjoys tbe exttra C63.50. Ayers Sarsap urer 5 per cent of circulation) . . of been distinction the 8.40 am having ordinary .Lehi Junet. . 8.40 am 5.28 pm $158,7.23 only oiood purifier allowed an exhibit at 8.50 am 7.00pm. Total............. 7.10 pm Amer'n Fork 8.89 am 5.18 pm the World's fair, Chicago. Manufactur- 8.56 am 7.17 pm Pleas't Grove 8 23 am 5.12 pm LIABILITIES. ers of other sarsaparillas sought oy every 9.20 am 7.40 pra ...Provo.... 8.00am 4.5-- pm $ 50,000 00 means to obtain paid in a showing of their goods, i.40 am 7.59 pm Spanish Fork 7.44 am 4.3 pm Capital stock fund 37,500.00 am 8. 12 pm .. . Payson... 7.29 am 4.21 pm Surplus were all turned away under the 9.57 but they Undivided profits, less expenses and 11.00am 9.15pm ....Nephi.... 6.40am a.ao pm. en9,629.38 application ottbe rule forbidding: the taxes paid... 11.00 pm Arj ILv 6.00 am National Bank notes outstanding.... 10,950.00 try of patent medicines arid nostrums. 10.35 pm Lv 1 T.jK f Ar 5.09 am 380.36 tate Banks and bankers The dicision o the World's fair authoriDue 12.01 am Leamington 3.35 am Individual deposits subject to check. 49,372.84 ties in favor of A.yer's Sarsaparilla was 2.00 am ....Oasis...., 2.00 am , mo and certitieates of deposit.... ... 760.00 in effect as 1.05 am 2.50 am Clear Lake follows: tAyer's Sarsaparil129.65 Cashier's checks outstanding 6.?5 am Arj Mil- - Lv 9.10 pm la is not a patent medicine. It does not 7.05 am Lv ford f Ar 8.45 pm It is here $158,722.23 beloDg to the list of nostrums.' Total 8.45 am 7.39pm ..Frisco..., Leave on itsmerits." , Arrive State of Utah, 1 Sleeper on No South, Tuesday, Thursday County of Juab, fss and, Saturday. A Cure for Muscular Rheumatism, I, C. S. Tinr&y Cashier of the above-nam- l Sleeper on No, 2 North, Monday's. Taes- bank, do solemnly swear that ot Lamson "Ii. R. Mrs. day's and Friday's. Fairmount, slfj.tpmeut is true to the. best of my knowledge Cbamoer-ain'sPa- in used sister Illinois and belief . "My says: .;':',. C. S.Tisget, Cashier iiahn for muscular rheuma- OATS Two through trains daily frxim Salt effected a complete cure. I and it tism me to Subscribed and before 'sworn this lotrr-da-y of ilay 1S08. in the bouse at all times and have Lake to all points East. it Keep T. C. Wisx, Notary Public. Thronprh Pullman Palace Sleepers!frDm S1,L, always found it beneficial for aches and. Lake to Cbieapro with out change My cpm. Exp. Apr. 11th 1897. pains. It is the quickest cure for rheu: Tourist Sleepers. Correct Attest Improved I lameness and muscular matism, pains M. A. Grovkr, Free Reclining Chair cars. ' ' For sale by McNally hive ever seen. M. E. Whitmore Directors. Elegant day coaches. & Lunt Druggists. The only line operatiug dining car service. W. S. MeCortNiCK ) The shortest asd fastest line to all pointa 8 E. D. WICKINS, Agent,. Nephi. Gen'l-Agt- FIRST NATIONAL 'BARK I. e, Soutb-boun- North-bonn- d. d 1 I - i the-abov- e : 1 D. E.Burley, Passgr. Dept.,-CitTicket Office, 201 Main St., Salt Lake. E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Passgr. and Ticket Agt. . THOSE 'APEEoTED WITH .V. E. Dickinson, Gen'l Mngr., Omaha S. H. II. Clark, . Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellery Anderson, John W. Doane, Frederick .R. Oondert, Receivers. ; . 23 SAN PETE g Of YALLEY RAIL WAT the Kidneys, d -. shall auuually report to the president of the board of horticulture, and to the board of county Commissioners on or before the first day of Jauuary of each yearfevery item of interest pertaining to bis office. Sec. C. Tbe board of county commissioners are hereby authorized to provide for, and pay for the printing of notices and ail matters pertaining to the departments in their respective counties. Sec. 7. Any personor persons spraying trees, bushes orvines for hire shall obtain a certificate, from the board of county commissioners and be under the control of the county inspector who may cancel his certificate for violation of this law, and he shall be subject to section eight of this act. Sec. 8. Any person who shall in any manner hinder or interfere with a dnly appointed inspector m the performance of hu duties or any inspector or person who shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this act, shall, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 0. All acts and parts of acts in . m, NEPHI HOUSE , 1 or mailed. 5. Each Sec. county inspector shall between the first' day of Febannually and last the day of August inruary nurl spect every orchard, vineyard or counsery in his county if the! board of ty commissioners deem necessary, and nin H-- eslt-thcU- Notice is hereby priven that the following named settler h&s filed nnti nf hia to make final commutative proof in snnnort of inry Limiu, niiu vud.li Biiu j.rooi .wm ue made before County Clerk of Juab County, Utaii And General Culled State News, and at CourttheHouse, Nephi City, Utah, on May 23, 1898, viz: John BurrasUm n. E. No Condensed for Blade Readers. for the SEI4SW H Lot 7 Sec. 6 Tn. 12 S R i ii Plans aud drawings have been com- - S'BKSBM Sec. l.NE N E Sec. 13 Tp Try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, they niatoH fnr t.hn nrnnnsArl npw T. D. H. ct itno r. m fol lowlnur names lie the are to be erected hou3e in Park just what a horse needs when in bad condi, Oity. his continuous residence "'vuiiwc!, prove meeting upon and tion. cultivation Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. said land, viz : Andrew Johnson, James E ' Charles Twelves, a pioneer residing at of, T. and John tra Eav Abraham Kay. u .r For sale by McNally j& LuntDruggis tt Provo. passed away Tuesday morning. ' Co., Utah. Ha would have been 77 years old had he Juab Any ter8on who desires lived until the 22nd of this rnoath. The the allowance of such proof, or who knows of funeral was held Wednesday at 2;03 p. m. any substaneial reason, under the law and the of the Interior Department, why a week or two the usual sights will regulations such proof should not be allowed, 3ln to tri,,. ha coon on our streets of a morniusr. that en au opportunity at the above will mpntinr. ... . time tn ...n in i, n,ndnla,ee prnsaipromi of a host of little fellows with buckets apilK, wituwij t said claiment. and to ...uuuO hand wendincr their way to the beet fields of dify to thin oat those important plants which onttal of that submitted h,y clalment. OP CREAM How u 2334. Notice for Publication. Land Offi.ee at Salt Lake City. Utah Enlargement of tho Prostrate Gland, TIME TABLE NO, 16. Effective Sunday, November 17th, 1895. toneJn The Bladder, South. Or any kind of Urinal troubles, ,Can secure immediate, . And a permanent cure by using the -- North Dist. No. 1 from Daily Manti 11.45a 12.1 Op 12.40p 12.57p 1.15p 1.32p 1.42p 2.22p 2.45p 43.0 H.0 33.0 29.0 23.2 19.5 16.0 8.0 Stations. lsv. Nehpl Ar. Salt Springs llolloway Fountain Green Draper r v Moroni Chester EphraJm Ar. Manti Lv. Diat. from Nephi 5.0 10.0 14.0 19.5 23.5 27.0 o a-.- 43.0 No. 2t Daily 11.02a 10.4tt 10.27a 10.10a P.45a 9.25a 8.10a 8.42a 8.15a Trains leave Manti for Sterling.Funk's Lak and Morrison at 3:00 p. m., Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. Returning, arrive at-Man- at 6:00 p. IIATVA "" " 'l '' i i,r.iir. rai1,f1l''-'- - m. Direct connections at Nephi with ' Unio Padlflc Railway from and to Salt Lae City,, Ogden, Butte, Provo, Mil ford and intermediate points, and all pointe East and West. Stop on Biprnal. The, Company reserves the right to vary-ror1 . For sale by tiio S1SITH DRUG CO., . (General cAgents,) this limo Table at pleasure Theodore Rruback, Pre3. & OenM Manairer, Bait Lake City, : SALT LAKE CITY, UTAII, ti H. 8. oapt. s.u. ' xr. Kerr, p. Agrent, Mftot: a |