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Show , absolutely Independent On all questions whether Social or Rsligious, Politic!, Is the Bladjc. wr jttotto: "Tne Truth without Fear er Pavof.M Terms; i 2.0Q psr year, in advance, Mix ' Jj j j I i I SrfY I Country Pcoplo Read The advertisements in the Country Tapers, and as Tbe CLADC has the Larcest Circulation of any Taper in Central and Southern Utah, It offers the bet possible medium for Advertisements. v :. ; months, j i fl.OO, VOLUME III. NEPai CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, LOCALINKLlNGS MAY 16, 1805. NUMBER 49. I Fruits! Fruitsl Sparks, What's the matter with having a May ride? & A beautiful line of laces cheap at Hyde Whitmore's. THE BEST Leave your orders for Job work at The Blade office. , Clothing, the best, the cheapest in town. Ord Bros. Clia Ho3 Tver Eaon. T.'crds cf Tx&hi The population o! Nepbi is on the in crease. Ladies fine Dongola patent tip shoes ircra a Keis? York Lady fcr The weather has been very cold the past only fl.OO per pair at Chas. , a been has at Fojte's stand still wecK. Vegetation this week. , W. Paxman J. made Supt. flying Location blanks for sale at The Bladk visit to the capital the last of thea week. E. Q. Rognon of Salt Lake was ,rin town office. I would like to add my testimony Id . .' The prettiest calicos and ginghams, for Thursday. to of others who have used 'Ayer's' are that dresses Qo at Hyde & WhitSparks' for all kinds of flavoring: children 's Wall paper and carpets extremely cheap . extracts. ' more's. at the Excelsior. Pills, and to say that I have taken tbeni W for was a WItbeck John visitor who some John many years, and always derived the Attorney Johnston, New minagament and Salt Lake nrioes Nephi time settled in has removed to ago best Thursday. Nephi, score'. results from their use For stomat Lunt's Drug California. ach and liver troubles and for the cure is to The the place get your goods We have tbe best $2.00 shoe on earth In A 25 reduction 80 ' to Excelsior. great of headache clothing caused by these derangel' oeiow em an.Try a pair. Ord Bros. wau ana see percent Wool ments, were numerous in Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled.' Nepbi for yourself and be convinced. At Chas. Sperry's quadrille band cave a dance in the pastbuyers week. , , Foote's. Santaquln last Monday evening. Fresh radishes and lettuce at T. B. D. W. Cazier lost a pocket book last For beautifu 1 summer goods in the lat Foote's, the grocer. est effects go to the Excelsior. week, which contained some valuable Mr. Casier does not have auy Nephi has at last' a first class Drug papers. If yon need any kind of Job printing he lost it, but anyone returnidea where store at Salt Lake prices. call on us we can save yon 10 per' cent. said book to his office will be reward ing Save monev bv buvincr vour flavoring A beautiful line of clothing:. Every extracts "' in bulk from Sparks'. new lowest at Ord Bros. thing prices. Choice lib alaska salmon lOo per can, the matter with The Blade's mustard What's A great deal of wool has been shipped sardines S cans for 25ots at Millard county correspondents? east this week from Foote's. different Chas; TM At WEAR by Nephi ; ' parties. The only place to gel yonr neck wear is Some unknown person played an exAS &STQfi J B L EWI Gents get a pair of Ox breeohes at the at Ord Bros. All the latest things. cellent joke on Mont Whitmore yesterCo-oA full stock or clothing always ARE THE B E5T SHOES IN THE WORLD A. W Palmer went to Eureka Tuesday day by way of the mail. "A large crowd on hand. was in the post office when Mont came in where he has secured employment. and opened his box, took out an importLadies are especially invited to investiCall and see Low we can fix your bo y ant looking package and upon opening it gate stationary, and all toilet articles at up wittx pretty tan shoes. Ord Bros. a little willow whistle enclosnite found Lunt's Drue store'. ed therein Mont began to look sheepish The Fur ner Valley" gold rrlues don't about the time a spectator remarked that A new stock of carpets just in from 35c seem to be looming up very brightly. .. didn?t know he (Mont) belonged to be Chas. at Foote's. per yd. up,' Ladies see those beautiful babies shoes. the band. Mont swears vengance on the Dry farming would be all right in A new line at 60 and 75 cts. at the Co-operson who done the deed. Nephi snouid the weather continue in son were in We have a fine line of arB. James and Clinton tbe f uinre as it has in the past. Wlien niy friends ask me what is the,, just low a very the fore part of the week buying rived that we are sellingJewelry at Nephi best remedy for disorders of the stom-- j .The latest tie can be seen at Ord Bros, wool for a Boston firm. figure. Call and see oa. Ord Bros. next week. We are up to date in ties ach, liver, Or bowels, my invariable Shirt Waists, Shirt Waists large Fo Sale. and fine and1 faaey dress shirts. answer Is", Ayer's Pills. Taken In sea sleeves and sty lish collars and cuffs, all A fine piece of property, in north east Miss Lizzie .McPherson quite severely prices al llyde & Whitmore's. , son, they will break iip a cold preveni of town, consisting of four city lots part Durnt ner nana ruesoay wnue making a or oue whole block, a five is which la grippe; check fever; and regulate iW upon arriva Last little fire. It happened through using coal oil. girl Thursday night ed at thS home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas roomed residence, wita city water also digestive organ's. They are' easy to' a fine orchard of choice imported trees. Qo to T. B. Foote's for your bannanas, Sutton AH concerned are doing well. It is well cultivated and surrounded by a take, and are, indeed, ihe best oranges and lemons. DO Ladies hlack brillianttne and serge picket fence, f Said property to be sold to family metiicirie l have ever The report that the gold found near skirts very stylish and cheaper than you the highest cash bidder over f 1,500 before Mrs. May "&rii$so&j SC8 Rider Avenuei lake went $75,000 per ton is not true, can get them made. At Cnas. Footers June 15, 1890. ,Apply by mail or personytah iifew York City, as no assay was maae ol it at tbe B. x. FBBD BUBENaOK. Born to the wife of Wm. Foster a girl. ally, Academy. The event happened last Monday. This If yOtfr lawn needs clipping you can is their first and Will is happy as a lark. Doings of the Board of Commissioners. the proper machine at the Co-oget A nice lot of Ladie's and Misses' shoes - Word has come from lie van that a boy in the very latest styles at prices to suit fNote. The following should hare appeared Highest Honors at World's Falr.1 was accidently snot through tbe lee tbe times. The In last week's Blade but was unavoidably Ayer's Sareapariila Cures all Elood Disordeix' Thursday. Tiie particulars could not be W received an interesting communi- left out. J learned. The of Commissioners Juab County cation from D. K. Brown this week and County met in the County Court house at Call in and investigate prices on Drugs, which appears on another page. ' Nephi Uiy May 4, 183o at 10 a. m. with Patent medicines, Books, Stationary. all the members present. toilet articles arci st supplies, etc, etc, at Doctors' prescriptions carefully ani corA, or lbygerson of Lievan presented to tbe Lunt's Drag store. first compounded night day by rectly board a certified attendance issued out of class Pharmacist at Lunt's registered Co-oA big reduction in slippers at a U. S. Commissioners Court in Juab Co. Drug store. The Old Keliable . You can get a splendid pair for 75c ts. The matter was duly considered and upon f All to themselves be was ofCom.Foote claim tabled persons tbe motion knowing wifctr WaiH Shirt . A. in Booth ies has removed Lad the y A sperid'iVi ehdwing J dentist, to the late firm of.Bird &Booth, pending advice from County attorney. TROY STEAM LAUNDRY,' his office to the Wool Growers' bniidiug indebted ' '" "' once are to call at xwo Dentists, lor retail liquor best1 1 requested applications r the are Hoods rooms has where two Satisfaction Oar handsome at he the match: to Baby Guaranteed.; . were and settle Nobbyies licence Com. Daprezio presented by disposal of his patients. in behalf of Thos. M. Nesbit ot Main- - Work called for and delivered every week . no more home Tom Booth had than Id town, tiemem'her we sell only good articles got Ladles shirt waists a specialty. OfUee Some people keen shoes. We don't. from the motn, and John H. Rouse of Silver. herd when his wife pre- Gran skeep ted are so sen we tne oecuupe tntui at Sparks' Candy St Cigar store. 16 West prioes at the n And living prices. hi with a finw ten pound girl. Couimisitioner made a then low that all who come to our store buy sented Deprezin came The little E. H. Sp&rks Jr. Agent.! darling along Wednesday settlement with the County Treasurer of shoes. .Excelsior Mercantile Uo. Call and fnspett and admire. : night. reuts and licence collected oy him up to To restore gray hair to its natural color , . .and the have most Ladienwe date, amounting to f 318.75. t prettiest as 'in youth, cause it togrovr. abundant For every quarter In a man's pocket, was Commissioner then ever apand hoes Deprezin in Nephi styiiAh slippera andatro-ngthere is no better preparation and are a dozen uses: and to use there of to the We condition we guarantee every pair. pointed investigate one than tlall'i tlair itenewer. in such a way as to derive the great- - . to Fish and to eaten the .instrtrct and Goods inferior roads, Springs try buy must is a Question est benefit to road the of. district that We have about 3 dozen spring capes thi trade. Uyde & Whitmore's. supervisor We for hi m'elf. solve however,. believe, all make necessary Sophia out be of repairs; closed which will regardless of gravel caved in on Abe Orme of Levan presented to; tbe Board a that no better use could be made of one 0( com in tne next two weess. Uaii early atAthebank ThursCreek of mouth Salt than to erchange it for at canyon for an abatement of her these quarters praying and get nrst choice at Unas. oote's. his wagon witu petition of . Chamberlain's Uolic, Cholera. bottle day wbile be was loadingwas license Granted.merchant n Two home and six out is the ratio at the article. Mr. Orme and DUrrhojea Remedy,, a medicine that', Injured intert he Board then entered upon Is hoped no serious effects it now are but Mormon which missionaries nally of the salaries.of county every family shoald be provided with.'j iLE HISTITUTIOH, fixing cornice and going A ne converts snouid will be tne' result. officials. After some discussion the I or sale by McMaily & L.unt Lirvfggisis. soon Degin to arrive in large number aa a adjourned until Tuesday " at lOrOO Bv dealing at the Co-oyour have ac Board m. a. consequence cess to the largest line of Gents': furnish IBAPAM ITEMS. TUESDAY'S SHSBIOIC. We have now on exhibition a lovely ings and outnttings for children in town. ..The people of Ibapab are highly elated, Pursuant to the last adjournment the 6ver assortment of crockery whtch we are giv- It we cannot suit you it will bef a pleas the news of the starting of tbe Deep' '. on access ure to ail Btock Board to reconvened with', tbe on the you Tuesday: large coupon plan. away give present ing Creek railroad. Yet some are doubtful of salaries Co. The someOrd at members present. Call and make a purcnase and get Bts. fixing Clothing come. They think a few miles t f will if it the county officials was res timed and of - One of the best evidences thing useful and pretty irony the Co-othat Ayer's oi grade was the. agreed indefinite win terminate the work for '"an lollowing compensation 1 of BeatriceNeb. arnv-e- d Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional upon, B. Jones N. Mr. period , of with the assessor, exception SBaBSMSM"'" Haven in thicity Monday last to take charge merit is the facet that the demand for it is county attorney and Mr. of We as Con. the in the learn that treasurer,of the prescription deoartment at Luut'ir constantly increasing.- No one who uses three cases the salaries are solidaied Gold Mining Co. is at Gold Hill , this incomparable dressing thinks of try- fixed definitely store. Mr Jones comes highly Drug by tne Legislature. 300.00 with an English mining expert and that , V3ood9 as a first class druggist and tag auy other preparation for the hair. of $ each Stock Entire out Commissioners, close County my to decided they started up the mill to make a short have JSHerifiT " f,20 J 00' rtt'n, to show how the ore turned out. , is a very genial leliow. olear-e- d , ete. of old our is all stock Remember Garden Tools,Glassware. " Clerk and Recorder, eaub; 1,000.00 There will Gonsi sting of Groceries-- Crockery, probably be a sale of that all new things. Call and see Next week you wHl see at Ord Bros, a 275.00 out, of Schools Supt. before long, 800.00 new line in gents furnishings that can them. Ord Bros. property Attorney 250.00 , Treasurer team loaded With C. T. not be equaled in Nepni. Gents come Roockledge's has" a posiEh H. Sparks jr. 800.00 tools and men ' accepted Collector befere elsewhere. buying passed through Ihapah,-todainspect ad 750.00' " with the McDon. Assessor en route to tbe 'Queen of S'lgbe'!'' We can give you better bargains than tion as traveling agent lie The fixing of tae salary of cohnty sur- mine situated" In Fifteen Mile canyon,-Wherald Candy Company of Salt Lake. T kvo akn a arse Stock ot Men's Ladles and (bildrens' Shoes' any other hxmse.in town. to for here left Monday report, duty. veyor, was tabled for future considera ground for ' are they will prepare the soon 'Ten poople out of a dozen are inva- This is Mr. Sparks first experience in tion. ami Kubberswhich will be sold at Cost. These the intend They putting recent medical authority. this line ot business, but wer have no wofth' twice lids," says a out upon motion' of CohimliSlon'er Jack- - in a Cranford Quartz-mill- '. good 6ubstaDCial ShV)e3nd of these ten, it is sale he will meet with success in man least At that eight 2:00 p tbe Board adjourned nntil : to allow,' are suffering from some form ot the new venture. tbe price we ask for tbemv priggs Bros, are going to locate their same oav. m. of the use a mill in what is known as ToraSi saw which dioeasa blood after-nbrf persistent Tue Board reassembled in. tbe - The Those to Cost' fof laces ,Cash.on the Willow Spring side, and cure. and sure be at. Sold to your Vill place be! vyould buy only AiVriVTT:T'T. rrUa TT.niirA Stnk canyon" Ayer's cSatsaparilla as per time appointed. is at Hyde & Whitmore's. an embroideries invahd after be don't get the mill set up, they in- -, they Tuen,. Foote Commissioner : having reported call should early. tend to a road over tbe Dajs and;, make a secure Hatgain Wishing to There is a very bad crossing' immediate rented room N"o. I, in the Cbunsy Court d.iwo on the Deeo We have a large stock of ladies shoes Creek side so as to.; W. Johnson, with the at greatly reduced prices, because ly south of the bridges crossing the mill house to Jobn that for the people of going are convenient make it the coubly attorney not the tooth' pick.v I'u this raceiipon the Hague street, which was understanding tuey to to the mill. get Ibapab Judiwe include a very nice line ol caused by removing a bridge and leaving and the district judge of tbe Fifth cutap sale Ladies W. G. Robinson of Grantfiville was iaf call and see them. We the ditch dangerous to buggy wheels. cial district were to have aCCess to said NEPHI. Siiopers. .MAIN STREET,- r . sen mem and' you' are It threatens to cost the city some damages room and' Ym our Preciuct a few days last week. le'belongings, are determined-tcr fi'n mm p hVl a t.1 o n of Com. seems somewhat pleased rrn with our minerbefore long. Crossing ditches at angles sure ota, bargain at tne Co-olllIHJIHMJLH gXBtEBSSSSORKnanEHBEEa carand Foote seconded was over is resources. as a that" Mr. i it as al moved, It are not expected good driving good i.wi H. F. McCune was,' on the 9th, ap- -- bridge. Committee on highways, try ried that Huroert Burton of this City be Robinson will invest in our mineral" Dissolution' of Partnership, Tree Inspector" of this stock soon. Tontine- Is ftprebV ariven that the Arm hereto 'pointed po&tmaster in place ol C. F. Anbuggies over there and' report on appointed FruitAndrew HendrickBon" of oi Bird & Booth, i. derson, y. relieved Mr, iV.nderon has your with fore existing under theaiame county, and T. W. Lerwill W. F. Zabels'is doing business in the'" in the .c'ty of Nephi, for the past four years served tne public economy." of ftlona as dentists, doinjr business Levau, dissol this of in found' manner for Reward Dvine Build-,- ; 1.000 is and ddy !?tate a Utaii, $ "way of liquors In the old any shoddy iu Juab County, obliging satisfactory will be Inspectors. Agents for the deputy Fruit Tree so sent. has the building lie 1.000 shoe' calf sattin our ved by mutual-coface missed. arranged his $2.50 per ing." W. and only D. uazier Collector ASsessof ancf genial greatly C, II; Bird, one would know the place, i that v - andno Ord Bros. be dou'ot will hardly However,' his place ably pa'ir. submitted his report for the year 1895. Binders, ..J. A. Booth. Mowers:cCormic bar with clean and McCune.'Thp shining tglase9 and Mr. errors it in filled Board found several by The March 25th 1895.' stove an "'Nephi' is events ol the floor most and. of the One polished appetizing , enjoyable was reierred back for correction. -the children now" ask" season Hiverybody,-eve' was that f a tea party given by 'it for a thirsty pilgrim. 10:00 sight was until An taken ooper Wagons,on our adjournment beautiful silverware, Miss Neva Booth' be found at his for coupous afternoon Dr.'C II. Bird will still Our stage was, delayed last night' on, wishea to in eaeli piewe is worth from $ 3.00" to $12.00. in honor of Miss Wednesday Lottie. Bird who now a. m. VVeonssday. and at intervals, old stand VBl3KKSDAsy'S'SKSSIOir: account of the heavy.fall. ot snow. Wa-- . goods of us and get has Mani for.a home. A" number" jf Sulky Plows,form' his Datrous tbat ne will be prepaied Buy yuuriSiimmer an we have XV6 The" "Board conveued Wednesday at had as heavy a snow-storfriends were present and a pleasant feinds oi worK in ni proiessioo. some of our beautiiui silverware. lady to do all Commistime had '"the at raV all the.winter, with I0?00 during any o'clock to in good goods, other btores try .: Harrows .afternoon was spdnt. Io the evening sioners ' dr. kj. n. nutu. lead W. M. Chastain. follow". Hyde &:Whitmore's. i piesent." eotienSenvfri"endar were present and a 1893.. he 10, stated that Ibapab, Utah, May was had. Miss' Neva .Commissioner Deprezin Notice of Dissolution Rakes; Bird moved his. family to good sociable time DrJO. II. Schools' the cf unsalary, thought hostes and everything" Supt. heretofore existing' un- - Mant! this week where ;they will, make ,is a charmingrher is always a success and a hlcn was f250 per annum; was insuffi eta: Trv,:rt.r.n.rtirshlT by Atfrafded tiv nimn and stvle of MxiNally & LUnt ineir future home".' Dr. Bird, mast have dertaken no" Barb cient for the necessary time expendedin as this was exception. io business at Nephi, Utah is this day dis prospects county Sanpete and doing of nis promising suggestthe duties, discharge re - he leaves, a comiortabie home and a good by er.ivfi bv mutual consent. F. J. McNally coniiighest- Honors Vcr!dV p'e carry' sill Implement-earne..have" just r'eceiveH an irahiense ed that the salary be raised to 30J. Af3Ve biisiness will hereafter be .iwVi.T'hA in this city, lie will,' however, Lunt. under buslcfess of hats, all styles" and prices. ter 6omelitJe discusaibn the salary was V,,i.n Kxr i T rmnt: and &Alfred WDO the Consolidated Impieraent Co? "Will COl make occasional trips to Nephi in tbe in- stockc u. namft of- Ai Luflt bOU, Co'me ahd see them, no trouble'ta show raised to $2701 Mr. Bird" and and discharge terest of his profession.: art t.t dinci- indebtedness The following bills were then' allowed: m lasted by the peo- goods.- Hyde & Whitmore's. ttrm: be wiil old the of EUen $'14.00 greatly family & Snllivan, Janitor Eurekaall Vebb, obligations KnovIes 14.35 A." fcjhearer, J. P. Eureka of this place. The best wishes- - of all J. ple SLUJiT. . , J. SJ0 C. W. Clark their" new home. Dr. to them follow NStlctf to Win. Bvfrton County Gierk Nephi, May 6th 1856.' Co -- I block west'df Court Houseare the 10.97 Did yon say giving away op is draf n" to A. W. Cainp & Co llooks and Staty. The notice of 5.00 white mettle? No. Ali these beautiful section FredNatson, printing Money to Loan . uta'h. 41 of the Revenue law of this ttate S. ' 150 nephi, dishes. , N:Saiebury one hundred to wnicn and Fix. ISastice In any amount from On Furniture provides; James Richfield" has organized a' chamber, of 11.60 improved farm concealed; re- tirace Bros iaundry ten thousand dollars. Any property wilfully Repairs 12.61 an in is ; by G.B Hobbs " Notico. commerce. This Ptock. or on water transferred or step important moved, misrepresented Droperty C. Estray 3.15 & lumbar Ostler can taxAllen, Recorder. and Lthe or of evade industrial to owner line progress, WtNN, County tne de- thereof, T. agent 8.00 & W Eureka tin river F. Co., bare in my poslskn the' followingnot fail oi important results, ait. Pleas- ation, upon discovery roust be assessed Sophia Thygerson, Levan 5.00 liverya should have a similar organization. - 13 45 on P. prominent ant If. double its value,'and the assessme nt so T. A. Foote at Davis; branded Mr, rears old, has Va., 63.00 Yes, and what about Spring-ville- ? made must not be reduced by the board J. N. Sbeppord man and merchant of Goshen, thigh resembling f 20.65 of rheumatism: Pyramid. r We have a population of nearly of county commissioners." &'Luut McNally this to sav on theinsubject Cham44.50 comtowns' noted p above or the to both recommending KTepni. otherwise, Persons who, by oversight equal "I take pleasure ' 23.50 as I 1 orCo are Mer. men' in not lie to our business old 8 rheumatism, for fulL failed Balm and to make. bined have reports ber Jain's Pain i one hay mare and colt about year matters of may assessor in relation to their taxable in whereby way Recorder T. C. Winn was alany the Pee"ce ;Ied ou left thigh f. irom ganized ll personal Know County no a :,j discussed. can be Spring-villfor old, 3 concern it. year to amend claimed their will do well year lowed an assit mt from Jan. 4th to April one black mre about dd all that is property, at in publicougnrby ail means to have a cham-- . statements laid was assessor save up and the " oisce To 30th 1S93, at a salary oi f30. ' this fnflammator? rheumatism and "Jamais and costs on fiaid ni3ttl MOST PERFECT MADH. of Schools the of commerce. Who will lead out in the disagreeable cuvy. of applying the bfd was tbat ordered bupt. ber It with within tea days from be issue a warrant in favor of Juab county A pure Grspe Cream of Tartar Potv der, this matter? Springville Independent. foregoinar p' ovidioa of tije law. tbev wiU be Hold to the highest eu&h Pain Ditto for the sum of $ 320. law be cannot Nephi. of the ' ofChauibarlain's The VisHnci Alum or 2ny other adjUerauts y pound. v' f. f at Nephi City estray etel V m. Th Board th-adjourned until axon-da- from Ammonia, CAZIKK, MayJ, and date oi sale 1 o'clock p. I. Go to Ord Bros. Clothing Co. for all evaded. THE STANDARD. YEARS 1SL13 at 2 o'clock p.. m. 40 June 1st, thin nobby. County Assessor. hats. straw Uvery latest the ' 14," 1S3S. A, Slay Jam e s K. KEtu, round BTocpcr. Druggists. , -- . AVEK'3 PILLS .' - - , . -- ' . a m " r . . " toe RE5I5TER4 or the' in SI 5 J 1 ... v . . 7:;::.J ! j p. EXCELSIOR . MERCANTILE CO p. . , all-rotin- dj , . JUST " Selec- p. Co-o- bion in i Str ms and Summer p. : '' - .: Goods, Dont Forgot - p. ' J " ". ' j ; . , 1 , j . .'. . - -- - : ii H E i B -0 do-do- t ni y 0 evt-ryon-e - ThV-gers- - on f V thecon-sideraiio- WANT p ' Ii Grand Closing Otit p. j - t last-nam- ed - i - Ci e 1 -- saw-mil- l. - .r-- "' , -- on - -- ' . ; -- JOHN S. FAINTER, - r . . p. . I -- . . v i &WEBB. - j - , - - t : n - . - ! " . ; " j Fr& -- 1 - - J1.TI - - . . Tax-Payer- s. - 5 ; tax-paye- rs v i - t i i j j xttaTSou. I : ... Co-o- f ! ! i 4 .- . - |