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Show AND GARDEN. I sed by C. A. Sessions of Shelby ' ' :' 7 :Y others. ' ' ' The '"Growing of Peaches, in Central .fTERS :OP INTEREST TO Michigan" was the subject of the paper AGRICULTURISTS. of H. P. Gladden of the Agricultural College. While peach culture is not successful CaltlTa-iio- o Hints upon the low lands, there are About lode many ridges throughout the central and of the SoUund Yleldi Thereof southern part of the state where they ilorticalture. viticulture and Fluvthave been grown for years nearly as profitably as In the famed "peach belt" Itself. While an ; crop was HE QUESTION OF lost In part, there occasional had not been an en" lp-to-Da- to Pine IJnrrs for Pipes. A new kind of pipe which Is said to . Dogl and Sheep. ; Dogs are a great menace to sheea husbandry and there is nothing more exasperating to the shepherd than to feed, and care for a flock of sheep all the long winter through and then have them run down, maimed and killed of the by some of the worthless curs - b AJ10EL A. KIIIQ, be sweeter and in many ways Euparicr ito the corncob or any other inexpensive pipe now on the market is to be made ' in Nevada county, Cal., from burrs which grow on the pine trees in that pipes are said to region. The pine-bi remain freer from nicotine than any have been used long other, and they j locally. A factory has been started to manufacture the pipes for the general : market, some one having taken out a patent on the pipe. - 0b. Attorney - at - L I t fJLW K WLcichVri LaY7. Kctr.il Butchers ur neighborhood. Ccllefe FrGiily Att ii:3 U More than once have I met with n BEEF losses in the spring by dogs belonging to neighbors who thoughtlessly alOffiee, First Nation! fcaaa Elij., 'VEIL lowed tc roam about the comthem comspontaneous tire failure for years where the orUTA until finally, caught bustion In ' fodder chards were in favorable locations and munity at will, a are The tolds. ALSOsheep dogs Rabbits. 11 stuffs has received were properly cared for. It is desirable raiding Idaho class of animals because, no considerable atten- to have ravines lead down the slopes, privileged In three rabbit drives this season In of used been their doubt, by having tion from aCTicvil- - as these will aid in drawing the cold air all county, Idaho, some 8,000 rabin the chase, and as out- Cassia: turists from time to to the lower levels. As a rule the north doormankind been killed. The animals are Ho have Dotooit, bits of sentinels to inhabitants lodges or numerous a and northwest very. time,, and has been slopes were preferable as or; mansions. astonishingly is A round-u- p hunt nuisance. serious discussed in ; the on a south slope the! buds are likely to Gold Hill at no time in the progress to be held Probably Btart of in week the ; and literabe hope killed every early . by spring agricultural of world's history has the dog been ' . ture ot the day as frosts, while an east! slope is not desir- of the exterminating the pest. as Is to man little as now, he worth NEPHI CITY, UTAH. as the morning; sun does harm by supposed cases hare able, It Is one of : the difficult questions yet FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. the supposed quickly thawing out the Imdss after a to settle arisen. Nearly all Tka O&sU and Fifti ftprfecs stage leaves Free delivery to any part of the city. to the average satisfactorily severe cold a located near 8 If snap. m., each Xfon&tj have originated where conQuia and Ibapah atarrlTtfi ( cases Prick a nutmeg with, a pin and if it and owner. The inherent friendship of dog at terminal pclntf and small or Thursday, n c5ty the fruit could be dog and master village of clover hay l is fresh and giderable quantities will oil with 1 instantly good hours. clings wi&in x marketed without for trans expense been have stored, eltner la stacks aptitude. No worse combination spread around the puncture. at a somewhat hit.'her nrlce of sheep-kllllnC3.0Q Oasis to Detroit, In nearly and or barns, g It every portation an from To fresh if is experi-ascertain my put egg dog Fish 5.03 than could be obtained for Springs, fruit case the stacks or buildings have been ence than a bitch of the neighborhood, in a pail of water. If good it will sink Hill and Ipabah. " Gold 7.CQ rrom a aistance. 'Although thebrought prices with the dogs for miles around, that doubtful. is 'coisumed, so It was impossible to suffifloats if it it Immediately; out aad return cat Tare for not run as as In large cities, dis- - aad cas-ha-lf transportation a and ciently understand the circumstances mightwould not high become form have Silver that destroy fares. frequently compact AtidreBS, spoons as! low. go of the cases to determine whether they they with a vengeance. colored by eggs may be cleaned readily Prof. B. W. Barrows F. JAVIS, Proprietor, of the ActIcuI sheep ere of spontaneous or incendiary oriCAN I OBTAIN A rATENTf for Next Is the ferocious small dog and j by rubbing with a soft cloth and a llt-ft- le tural :was who rroir"Pt answer and an boit opinion, write toto talked College, have ' A recent to of be fire, supposed l t! N As CO., who imwe t gin. nearly uy yearsdry salt. "Bees and Horticulture" was an hound or bird dog, with no unmistakaupon oonOiJential. A Handbook ot inm ble pedigree long as the moral law. TO" extract the Juice from an onion spontaneous origin, occurred In a hay able to be HonsoUf bow t Jnrinniiow eonofrnlmr i" trnm nl OX present and the question mow in one of the college barns, withW. g G. and PARKS, Most Btates have dog laws recogniz-ncut the onion in half press it dent free. Also a catalogue xoechao was A Grand of Pearee J. opened by low! and BQientlflo bootai pent free. out damaging the barn to any great exownership and holding 'them as against and move it slowly over a grat-le- r. Patents taken throaEh Wenn & Co. receive tent and without consuming very much Hapids.a successful; fruit grower and taxable tiottoetnthe Krlentifie Atnevirnn, and PTeolal town of run off tax said the The property, paid point juice will; are brouKbt wldety before the public with-o- ut apiarist. He spoke of the value of bees thus ef the hay. The following detailed accost to tbe inventor. This epletdil pst"r. ship trustee, to pay for losses of sheep the grater. fiurtb Issued weeklT,eerant)yiJ1nsrsteo,lsk? count will enable the reader to form In fertilizing the flowers of our fruit incurred of the purpose scientific work Su tbe by dogs, yet To bronze a plaster of parls figure lartrest circulation of some opinion as to the origin of the trees, as without them many of the va tree. sent conies a world. S3 year. Sample S2.50 a Rooms 4 aad 5 Eagle Block, Balldlnv Edition, monthly, year. bm.Tia rieties of apples, pears and plums would the law is not complied. with' in the cover it with a coating of shellac varfire: numoer contninfl oeaw conies. 25 cents. of instances. some Is mix this When majority nish. of new dry tiiul plates, tn colors, and photorophs In the evening of October 16. 1895, be unfruitful. He claimed that it had to nhow ers tb ouili with of enabling Indiana forms had several plans, has bronze powder with the varnish and SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. fire was seen to be dropping from the been demonstrated that bees cannot and secure contracts. Artdrest designs )steft on laws in books Btatute thir the PkoadwAT. & dog lAUN CO, New York, atil apply to the figure, then cover with anr ceiling of the cow stable underneath puncture fruit, although they feed upon ty years, and none of them were strict coat of varnish. clear other of which been the skin has the east wing of the college barn. A specimens ly satisfactory The register and tab An excellent cure for hoarseness is general alarm of fire was sounded, and broken by means of hornets or birds. law was doubtless the most effective roast a lemon until it is soft all to Immediately a sufficient force .of .men In reply to a question, Prof. Taft stated since It provided for every dog to be 'through; do not allow it to burst. While assembled to prevent the fire from that it would not pay to use a mulch the after within days registered thirty trees to about retard out.. peach blooming 1st of April each year, and tabs were still hot cut a piece from the end and breaking Investigation soon and save G-EO- . from spring frosts, as al- furnished by trustees at 10 cents each fill the lemon with as much granulated proved the Are to be confined to a mow as eat hold. will Then while a have effect of hay 18x23 feet and about 23 feet it it sugar it slight high, though it might numbers corresponding hot which occupied a part of the wing over had been demonstrated that the flower containing those given in assessors' books. the cow stable mentioned. Precautions would open while the ground was still with Palms, rubber plants and all foliage' MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF were taken to exclude all drafts of air frozen. If the weather was sufficiently Anyone harboring a dog (male $1, fe used in the house should have; plants law male not the with $2) complying from the hay mow by filling the holes warm. a weekly wash day. Using a soft cloth Buggy Whips. Nose Bags, Collar Saddlery, The afternoon session was opened had to kill their dog or allow the of- or sponge, each leaf should receive a burned through the floor over the cow ficers do It for them. ftable with wet blankets and cloths, by J. W. Stearns of Kalamazoo who light washing with lukewarm water, Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. The Gooseberlaw and township "Currants empowers present and the soil should be loosened about ind also keeping the top of the mow spoke upon ries." He favored a distance of six by assessors to list dogs at $1 each, $2 for the. roots. Plants breathe through their Wholesale and Retail. covered with wet blankets. It was be Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. lieved at this time that the only means five or six by six feet, the liberal ujae of every additional dog and female dog leaves, and cannot grow well unless stable manure, frequent shallow milti- - for taxation, collectible as other tax, they are kept free from dust.. of saving the whole barn from Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hav burning vatlon up to the first of August and by county treasurer, and returned to was to remove the mow of that hay given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention.. vas already on fire. Consequently open- the use of Paris green for the currant trustees of the respective townships RIVERS. WORLD'S THE to defray damages to sheep Incurred by ings were made in the side of the barn worm, applied when they first hatch. for ounces sufficient is The Tiber Is only 230 miles long. fifty gal dogs during the year, the balance reand the whale mow of hay, aDout thir Four more to can Not be school used fund. in this Bordeaux the The Zambeze, in South Africa. Is verting POWDER. ty tons, was pitched out. While re lons, and are assessed and the is than half the which effective the mixture dogs miles against in 1,800 length. moving the hay, which all through the Slow rivers flow at the rate of three center of the mow was smouldering mildew and leaf -- blight disease. Goose tax collected, consequently the most to liable and those worthless until remain should dogs upon seven miles an hour. berries to ripe and ready to burst out in flames when taxamost cause the escape States bushes. United damage in the the Twelve creeks exposed to a draft of air, it wa.s found can be bear tne name 01 itnine. and tax a currant Don't believe Victoria tion. The dog Downing to con j of necessary it keep the top are productive varieties regulated by "weight," since the eooseberries was note of located ancient wet. a from hose city Every stantly Fortunately, a nearby hydrant and pails in the and are particularly desirable on ac smaller dog has frequently been as on or near the sea or a river. ' of much the cause of attacks as the largAWARDS. The Hudson river, from its mouth kands of Btndents afforded ample count of freedom from the attack er when permitted to run at will from to the lakes is 400 miles in lengtn. Support mean 8 of keeping the top of the mow borers. The subject of "Strawberry Culture" farm to farm, either by day or night does For over 1,200 miles the Nile constantly saturated, which prevented was treated by R. M. Kellogg of Ionia, time,, when most of the mischief is receive a single tributary stream. not the hay In the barn from bursting into who ascribed many of the failures with Home done. Where law recognizes the dog as The Ganges is 1,570 miles long and State Fair flames, and also prevented the hay that this fruit to the use of plants from old, taxable property, they should be rated miles. 1894, Gold was thrown out of the mow from burn should al according to value, say at $10, $25) and drains an areainof 750,000 issquare out They run plantations. 2,200 miles Medal. Siberia, The Irtish, ing. All of the center of the mow was ways be taken from plants set the pre $50 each, paying a tax respectively of Industrica thoroughly compacted, hot and smok- vious year and before they have borne $1, $3 and $5, accounted for by the as- In length, and drains 600,000 miles of of the ing. The high temperature hay sessors arid tax paid to trustee be- territory. The most extensive protective river made it decidedly uncomfortable for fruit. the land by plowing deep, tween the first day of April and the Prepare and. those who were, working to save the and subsolling if there is a hard pan first day of June each year, receiving , works in Europe are at the mouth of' Three Cream barn from burning by removing this near the surface. Light land should be certificate of register and tab numbered the Danube. Baking Powder Gold smouldering fodder. The continued ap- rolled, after it has been thoroughly har correspondingly, to be worn by the dog of the on Medals. water surface the plication of In order that the moisture may to secure rowed, Keepr ac on mow alone made this possible to supply the newly set the law for be up brought count of the excessive heat. Not until Then loosen the surface with treated as estrays provided by law for Twer nwrj twep tkcbi all this lot of hay was removed from plants. shallow-workin- g harrow In order other stock. But if found running at some Your; Superior Quality the barn was the danger from fire that the evaporation into the air from large with no tab may be killed with no Flavoring thought to be over. The floor of .the the surface may bje checked. penalty following: otherwise malicious Extracts Gold barn on which this mow of hay rested culset are start to value of dog and the the After subject plants killing of MedaL is constructed of two thicknesses M. in Farmers' Review. Honey once, using a weeder, prosecution.-- !. at tivation to per and keep it up once a week and wide inch boards so placed as Carefully compounded. Mall or express orders promptly attened to fectly break joints. This floor forms of tener in dry jveather through the ' SwMt rM. Large Stack at salt Lake prioe. the celling over the cow stable and is season, using a Planet, Jr., or similar as of As. soon after the first The holes cultivator after the runners start. Cut April about eleven feet high. ' " sweet if not S0UTHER1I TRADE SOLICITED. the peas the over X were plant floor possible burned through the and blossoms as soon as they appear all off to the done. up Spade ground near par the first year, and remove many of the already rten .middle uf the stable and not Display of . M'NALLY dt iUNT, of Homo. inches, work some maof the From position or titions posts. Bod Water. so that if in rows the plants a' depth runners s. wood also little thoroughly, these holes burned through the floor.- will make a thin mat not over a foot nure in and .UTAH. work the soil until it is NEPHI, If ashes, not impoaaiseem ". would V improbable wide. mellow and thoroughly mixed with the ble for the. origin of the fire to have fertilizers. Make a trench six inches been either accidental or incendiary. and Winter Wheat Rf. Winter deep, drop the peas along an inch : The First National Bank, The side of the barn is of . matched UANOTACTUEKD BY averted a tito nnrtnnhtedlv1 Reports have been received from the two apart andtolevel up. A pretty ar in uTt , i"1' innv..; qu " Review rangement is plant' them in a circle, correspondents of the Farmers' of serious loss by fire by preventingtoanycome wincondition on when NEPHI, UTAH. up stick brush on the in ten states and they like a draft to supply air thing ' . aide the of inner circle, bending the rm fire. Geo. C Watson, ter wheat and winter rye. v,n-center in cone CAPITAL toward the in BOXx6S3. the fair tops in is wheat 8ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH winter Station. Illinois In Pennsylvania Experiment so them there fasten and the shape . shape, but has been injured extensivewill grow over them making a SURPLUS peas and Spiees Pore and Ground Daily. freezing late the thawing ly by aad of Sweet mound Talks on IVult. fragrance. beauty weather. The percentage of damage reReview Special Farmers B'to 60. For- peas also make a beautiful hedge when from the all runs (From way Round-u- p Institute.) are not many reports planted along garden fences. there port xf Michigan GENERAL BANKING tunately, of the Michigan of The fruit cession amount or near it. A like latter the Horses- or Cattle. A reader of the was held upon Wednesday, condition exists in Indiana. In Ohio Eound-u- p i Review Farmers' is recently reported In All Its Branches. the Feb. 12, at Grand Rapids. This city and present still loss is the greater, made a had he mistake in .great that belt, fruit the Michigan 3. H. Ertcksos, In the center xf interests fair, Michigan re- breeding horses instead of cattle. He Gso. C. Whitmobb, of its Im- condition is below President. taknd as the fruit the condition, , a ranch in Kansas, And as part ports great loss; but W. W. Abmstkosto, Cashier. mediate vicinity are of great and grow- ing the state as a whole, is a little bought he a secured his of purchase large It drew out a Urge the crop is number of horses, the only animals In fair. Kentucky on ing Importance above, of Intelligent and experi- in a very uneven' condition, some coun- the place. After feeding for aeveral DESERET, UTAH, enced fruit growers. The :rt:npon ties having good prospects, but others years he was unable to sell for even (One mile from Oasis Station.) a half more the program was Rowland Morriirof crop. than cost to for little of feed. He pay expecting enough who spoke upon The The loss from freezing " and thawing now laments that he did not raise catBenton ... Harbccry if Peaches. The SALT LAKE. does not seem to be much of a factor. tle instead, as then he could at least at !First-oleis- s was talk given at this of substance have had all the veal he wanted for Missouri also has an uneven crop South Haven and has already appeared the conditions have family use. This but illustrates the re- General Gommission nerclianl was dis- thla time, and. Some counties have a sults of raising commonplace horses. In our columns. The ofpaper various. been Haven. South cussed by J. Monroe vd start, and no freezing and thawing Modern inventions have mightily af Dealer 1m of "Marketing Peaches , tnvpn nlace.1 Other counties have fected the market for horses, but never by Hi.D. half of the present stand from this can affect the marketfor edible fljesh. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, lost 'leaders the of one ) RATES I!! HABMOHY WITH THE TIMES. v cause alone. We may summarizeby Rapids, who has been faPoultry, Game, Veal Fork afii Sheep in the West. Favorable rein securing better transportation that the loss for the state has 8moked aad Fresh Flak, saying Beef, in come from the West as to the ports and that the present cilities, and considerable, been Hay and Grain. Flour, Kan-eas KeiU flocks. The loss this in condition of the y We have a well of the famous ior the peaches grownmovement of the crop are fair. In conditions 1 me. to to will foods been It to ship your .." has buyers not pay you winter very small, fair in is the only on the the crop As a ; result of Water Llthla Nebraska premises. Deseret and 10 per eeaL for haadHuir and remit aa the winter has been exception- ekarg in s as foods are sold. Cam fire toon shippers have come and last year, eood condition. Little loss bas been because and which is a guaranteed cure also because but herdthe mild, desired. If and ally references thawing, Grand ouatrjr Rapids, hers to from freezing for Bright's and all diseases of the comers . had made preparations to protect daya un- experienced tohen the sales were upon some correspondents of the some fact In ' Kidneys, filadder and all other urinal troubles. as much their sheep against unusual storms. had not heard of 20,000 bushels have plain thafthey One man with a flock of 20,000 sheep In order to show our faith In this (handled .without loss to cold as they would like. In Iowa ofthere dur. but lost thirteen rereports having water, we make the following propo. . heower . loss on account small and at fair prices, Q been has wua winter. If anyone afflicted went home ing the tion t: Changed packages and cent changes of weather, and the crop With any of the troubles above the cash in their pockets. state isjin fair condition, in Scours.-Amo- ng diseases to which the In , enumerated are not relieved in on quite calves are subject scours are the most The principal reason for complaint Wisconsin the Crop Is reported omcEi losses have been frequent. These are generally the remonth and cured In three months, V the eastern was poor, and the recent charge will be made for board. sult of either sour food, uncleanllness 63 V. 2nd, South. SALT. LAKE CITY :c2 by a high freight condig. Winter rye is in much better re-rt- or As in all other cases, P. O. BOX '.per cent Wgher.eastorBuffaioinan Central is generally and ounce maxim: of the of "An so that golden within the limits tion than wheat, in every particular. at an average of fair to good. He gave as an in mind the Deseret House Ufirt-cla- t prevention Is betters than a pound of Eand Samples. Bear ..$1.00 true in this one. Iron Assay 1.00 Uipme.'ts from Lame cure," holds his dog were calls man 1,250,000 1.C3 over ihn.hAH hlle man always spoils hlj Copper Assay...... broken A pelf-mabas Bmaiiir Itll Cocfun h. CO 2. beusa Dcttle Canplei .... ;from Aliegan Bomewhar , Job an p-. .v:'v, was uil quantities from Berrien, question The Oceana and Uason, inn J is rrnp mill i u -- ! Butter, Lard, Sausage ;. for 1 OSTLER & 0CKEY, Springs, and Ibapahl ; ; Fioh ' j , . i , semi-barbar- ic n rur n n ; , J copyrights-- . ; LAND and MINING " F-ve- fro-use- v Harness W.and Saddlery WILT JAMS, , Harness, ' , THIE -- BAKM Leads All the Rest- ; t. J ! , MoNALLY & LUJST, DEUGGISTS, PRESCRIPTIONS j f ; &y j. ' '" te otr-oori- v at HEWLETT 3IOS., v . $50,000 $37,500 i ? THE - Deseret House, Vice-Preside- nt , at-:tenda- noe : ... O. S. MA.RTLN, Hotel Between Nephi and. IMllforcL Is the Only j a .waited ; j co-operat- ion Et " r .... . a first-clas- ; eowrs W. M STEWARD, t . lo-wi- . . . ""JSj .j ?. over-feedin- Sr-&- Q. ed ............ 'KttOOO de MRS. J. F. GIBBS, Proprietor. |