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Show ! Nephi Her Resourcesl Advantages and Attractions. A REVISED ORDINANCE. Money to Loan. Chapter XXIV of tlye Revised Ordinances CltyRelatlng to Quarantine st ? ; , L ; t I T 1 L i SECUEE THIS Is all It takes for a Year's . . V i t COUUSE- - ! Thn i is To advertise our College we will give a thorough course ot instruction in Doug ble and Single Entry and Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at inter-mountai- j One Fourth Regular Price Is tho i to a limited number of persons. This .course will be completed in 40 lessons. Ko charge for diplomas, ,Address suoh-remov- ADINg HQTEIi of NPHj i 116 t "1. - . "J" KANSAS. .1:1 F lHiBp when ' . West Sixth Street; TOPEKA., - $ack Meets All Traiugi, Free to Patronf. . Sample R,oom?. Tyo y.ea.r.esv o. justness pentre. A APITAIi COMMERCIAL t nee-lec- . . n . l UNI ON; Book-keepin- to Sul)SQriptio -- 7 - . . fi Lj Nepbi City is situp.tod Geographically, of Utah. Its latent natural center in the Sanitary Reaulatlons. reaourees are practically unlimited. Its active resources consist (1) of Agriculture; a) of (3) of thi Sheep, industry and (4) herein provided, Horticulture; up by sajd boar as. hinderv-interferTot the North, West and South of mineralse OP IIEAIiTI. BOABD nor, in any manner is a larg-- area OfIn as fine agricultural lands Utah. Abundant crops of found with, or delay said board ' in the per- as can be Seo.: 1S& A board of health is formance alfalfa and ojess the labors of the huscereals duties. its of thousands of acres of. hereby established, to consist of the North, the To bandmen. watered by large springs, Sec. 196. livery : person who shall natural meadow, Mayor, QaarantJ ne Physician and one Tiolate out like a great emerald carpet. The any of the previsions of this- spread are unexcelled of Nephi vegetable gardens to be appointed bien- chapter, is gujlty, of an offense and up- in the west. Its fruit and that of ts contiffU; person or persona !inri 'Jill' hi. 1,1KMirv CMtv f7rnnil. ous towns, is as periect as can oe grown in tnll.r I 1.11 I VJ1 11. VJWL11W1. to illustrate what can one a this latitude. In order tine in any sum not exceeding matters relating to quarantine, sani with here bees, fit is only hwj be accomplished in tarv regulations and all nuisances and hundred dollars, or to b.a imprisoned to state ihat'a Nephi farmer, iasfc acV-assary honey, and ou, hipped 8,70ft Rounds of fine otber conditions affecting the public the city iail not exceeding one hundred the is merely an adjunct to his faiuu. and fine to apiary both or de imprisonment. The days, health aud cleanliness, are hereby wool industry of this locality, is one of clared to be under the supervision and largest n Utah, and is such as to demand the attention of two weaitny nrms ana large control of said board warehouses for the scoring anq naniUng of Recs l&L Nenhi Cit? and all that GREAM OF Otj R EXCHANGES ;l the product. a onnnle of miles east of the city, and near district of country embraoed within a is veritable iftve miles of the limits thereof, and not the mouth o.f Sajt Oreelj Canyon, mountain of pure; crystalized gypsum.millConr included in the nroner Quarantine lim And for the quarry, is a complete General Territorial News. Culled and venient toand Its of any other oity. and including refining the product; which Is grinding Condensed for Blacje Reacjsr. shipped to the300 rialt Creek ahd Its tributaries to their being continuously tons last Pacific of Co.ast, states the to source, is hereby declared subject un cne cwin uic. a uinian Indian was month being the output. and north easterly found dead 00 the strip near Fort Duch Up'SaU Creek canyon ouajantlne regulations nine miles, uure salt springs gush from firm 1K.V If anv uerson shall he esne, nothing ia known concerning: the theiniit of the side, and by means o,finone frmnrl in n.n tin hpialthv oondition from causo of his death,. 01 This is the second mostmountain the Unimanufactories salt complete an Indian on tne ted States, the brine is converted into table, disease witbin said mysterious death anv nnt.5iiTinns few equals that has but during ninety d$ys pas?. rCastle dairy and packing salt niiarantinn limits. he shall. U in thO strip The brine is the in no world, and news, vaney superiors of said board it is advisable he supply practically 35 per cent, sal V and judgment o he manufactured nr npnAsarv. be reauired to remove Iast Alonday yoancr Rosco Tew. aeed unlimited. In addition are several mines o.r quarries product, there he forthwith to such nlace as the said is, 01 mis city naa nis leio xooc caqgnt of extent of which cannot be rock salt, n board may direct and provide; and if Detween a couple 01 freight cars at .Frovo. computed, i As a distributing point, N,ephi recognizes home and He. JJunu am nk nurjann Khali shall be optherail to lie waa Droucrnt one s'uperior in Utah. It is the key to putated tne crushed foot, savinc a portion but duty of mmDlv therewith, it he advantage of two Southern the The member. boy isdoiner jaicelv. railroads Utah, and with Af r,hf hoard to so remove such person, p.ut to the east and south; stretching apringyiue Anaepeqqenti best point in and may be at his own wlthqui question, the furnishes,the establishment or manufactories; Utah far nonso Tf in the iudzment of said An extra coal train in charere of Con;holesale houses. hnarrfit shall be deemed advisable foi dactor AlcKenzle was struck bv a Xalliner and attractions ioi iNepni as a resiaercei Tqe are flfftoted to remain in his roci near isoiens on Tuesdav afternoon. town ; unlqvie in t,neir variety, it is situ-m of the di-- i weienine DernaDs six ton ated oh almost the flow highest portion usual pldoe of abode for care and treat xne tockdown of waters north into the on a, car of coal which was vide that turps, south-warmerit, it shall oompell a strict quaran plunged d and into the Sevier riv lake Utah car was set The wrecked. out and er, thence onward tQ tne oaniy lake the dead tine of said plaoe of abode by causing? Seyer so the rock basted it could be unloaded. sea of Millord County. It altitude, h h lfPnr, disnlaved conspicuously on gravelly no one was ioiured. Very . soU and perfect drainage insure the best of nromkcK! rhirincr the neriod of rnca fortunately j in fact, the conditions are such, that Advocate, health, hut. t.wn faseR of dintheria. have occurred in danger, a yellow flag, to be provideda uear youner ladies, do vou realize that five years among a population of nearly 3,000, establishing by the board, and bysame year is here? If you will avail vour- - Its citizens ai thrifty and progressive. The leap deemed if 01 tne special nrivilee'es accorded Wiae streekhi aim avenues ui iurt;e uiictue trees, guard at or near the eeives necessary, and by regulating or pro- tq you py oustom. yousnouldaet nromnt- - cosey cotta?e8 beautiful lawns and elegant from ly. UQn't put it off modern puhuc rjuuuings, maie of Nephi too late, Vnen place hibiting ingress or egress to and qntJl in which life is a real luxury. infrom all until this opportunity passes H will he many said premises danger Tt is supplied with a complete svstem of wat flows the water from fection thereiu shall have oeased and years oerore it will asrain be troner for along whichsome to dast yoqrself at the feet of the pure springs mies up the mstant; threenve the most thorough measures for disin- you ro west tne uurnu mues, tne aooui been ilUErler. canyon, have shall lonenam ujreaiures. said a " premises fecting mountain range is low, roiung ana oi easy ac To taken. xne name 01 ijia&a postoffice has cess, and abound ingjwith rjch pasturage. the east a couple of miles, tle . Nebo range Svn 18fl. The board of health may, to the north east a few miles abrubtlyofrises, at any time, when in its Judgement the out; iiu wyuiuBmu wuiua may arise pwips the Mt. Nebo rises into the regions of tap 11, proniou an to tne eiirence 01 an office of the same eternal snow, public good requires or assemblages of any uluo m exageration and without coloriitsr pbblic meetings yuiuiuK ine cnani?e o. win iiii hQ th,eWithout ia a description of t.he lovely ureen of very foregoing is UiVer schools, weipome. the or bqgn kind, keeping open oi Juan uounty in oi JNephi, t"eI'UCuapitai city ana mineral deagricultural ot any public funeral within the 111 Ull. , bUC xr a r rt rv ant IJ.J YYXlllU (IIC. XVUUt n 14011a VIJ now ft uauiL der and admiration of the Great West. Be fected distriot; and may also prescribe question; iiucu.iuqS of the immediate 8emi Anv sides Tintic, the rich mines, of FJsh Springs, a the time within which any person dy- (,unru wuuso rauroaa ana future, n amo portion nostal anq otqer weaitny and l?eep UreeK shall disease are not tae same suffer to cansirlrahlo .growingqtcamps are isituatea in tne western ing from any oontagious be interred, and the manner thereof. qi jqaP Runvy-part is a direptofy qf Nephi'p business Sec. 187. If, at any time, the efFollowing : cona in hustlers, fects of any person be found Echo yestepday. The little av.v0ir.nM C. ANDREWS & CO,j! dition liable to engender any conta- daughterjof Mr, and. AJrs?, dealers in vyooi, 4raln etc. was gious disease, the same may, at the piayins? who a do?, whan Qhausse it. m1Hann UTAH WOOL QROWUBg ASSOCIATQ$f, discretion of said board, be removed attacKeq ner and bit a Japa niA of fl.Qh !.. K. iiootn, manager. and disinfected or destroyed, and the uub oi uer tuien. Mr. Dhamhera n jste;phi house, same may or may not be done at the MrsFiSSea the injury, uqfu i uoitisorougn, propr. aq,d which though paJafQl jg not dangerous. A. W. PALMER, expense of the owner thereof at the op- Tnis savage turn in b dog's disposition Wagqn and Cajrlage Shop, Qeneral Waek tion of said board. In the event of was a smithing. quite surprise all, as he has been , the removal of any person infected Kreai, LIVERY STABLE, before NEPHI anq pet exhibited nvp with any contagioui disease, the prem uy in teraper,y0awije Times. Jno. li. Downs pronrises from which he is removed, and the UNION HOTEL,, household thus exposed shall be strict Many oi the Qhjnese ways are funny. airs. U. R. FQQte, propr, car BHiris ana tneir wamAn GAZETTE SALOON, ly quarant ined until the danger of in- - wear he drestmakers men. the troasea, fectiou shall have passed: and such J. - Hartley, propr, are JtsoQfts measures for the purification, disinfec M. spucr.ooy8, I McCUNE, na loot notes are at the destruction of said premises topjpf awvrarai IJakery nd Confectionary. tion or The pagg, they speak McNALLY LUNT, shall he taken as in the judgment of isn t WfiB and thelanguage they write Druggists the board shall be necessary: Provid isn tapoa( When language Dut on mourn-'n- g COOPER, they PYPER & CO. or wear white, and bridesmaiHa ed, That before any property real thiy Deaersi1n IJarqware, Tinners and Plumbwho ar not maid, but old married woers. personal shall be destroyed by order of men. , lamt. Wear hlaok. Thir namAa said board, the same shall be appraisGOLDEN EAGLE. SALOON, a Chinese you dine with ed b three suitable disinterested per- nrst, ftBd when eat BJackettBros, Proprs. Dealers in wines, oanriw flraLiquors etc. sons. to be seoleoted by the said board-Sec- . gentleman tou M. P. KONG, 183. Whenever the board shall Cabinet and CQffiP Maker. df our gven ladies have adopted youne deem it necessary forth protection of & ALLEN, OSTLER Very novel mode of aleicrh riinrr the public health, they shall cause to Seven Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles smalf sleds are tied together, one and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishing he inspected, any flour, meat, fish, behind the other, and a horse hitched to vegetables or other provisions offered the front one. The girl on the front sled A, V.goods, HAGUE, for sale as food, or held where fooi Is holds the reins. whil. th ntho Butcher. al-mo- j In any amount irom one nunaroa io ten thousand dollars. On improved farm property or on water stock. T. C. Wink, County Recorder. : Of Nephl an.d ; ?&$S, Q. R. FOOTE, ' Jproprieto.. ' t. - . al - - naLa rwVwnwl 111 Jf you are goiqg to raqp;e yqvir sleep. west Write immediately to tfcie HINCKLEY For prices on graiD. Bottam Pigrest W esareti fif . - OO-O- P Sheep-men- mLn nLaSpq - Supplies a Specialty. s' er-wor- - x htj 7 I Fotr j miles frojn Oasis StutiQXl. -. JL 1 V V wrra THOSE APPEqTEB 11 . ! - K- Why - Not VY- . -- - within this city, and in the vent that khy article of food or provision I found to be stale, tainted or unwholesome they shall sieze. hold, and when necessary, destroy the same, and may offender to be arrested and causeitte r an l f: vi t.h annnrrlinff fn lom SecI 189. It shall he the duty of ,every'phpsician in this city to report to thes Mavor, in writing; every patient Who is" affected with nny, contagious disease or infectious disease such as cholera, diphtheria, yellow fevr, scarlet fefer, sraa'l pox, variolold. or any of the gnades of juch dieaees. immediate- -' ly after he shall bo satisfied, of the nature of the disease, and td report to the 8aue officer ; every case of. death from a,ny of the said diseases Immedi' rl ately after it occurs, f j ; Seo.j 190.- It shall be the duty of eveiy householder in this city to report,, )h writing, to the Mayor, the name of every person livingj boarding or lodging. at his house whom hf shall have reason to blieve lick or affected with any of the diseases mentioned in the last preceding section, immediately upon the discovery same, and any death occurring at his house from any of jthe said diseases, unless a regular physician iis in attendance 'upon such. person.1 :;. 191. No person, except a phy- Bician, attendipg upon, or otherwise U P.iminirr in P.Ont,!iff. with . .v anv tut; uiB- iitj, ases mentioned in this - in such a manner and. to such:chapter an extent as to render him liable to communicate the disease, shall without the permission of the board of health; go upon any public street, or in any way with persons not affected .with mingle or ex posed to tne disease, and such physi cians; snau Lase . sucn precautionary measures of disinfection as shall be necessary to prevent their communjca such diseases to others., ting i .11 o xt in.' oku. ivs. person snaiii remove a patient! affected with any of said dis eases id any public? vehicle or from an bouse or place within this city; or shall remove from any nuiiding or premises any bed or bedding or any clothing worn oy any patient ahected iwith any diseases, without permission of tfthesaid board of health. Sec. 193. No person shall, within the limits of this city, barn any bed or beddingiused. or any clothing worn by any parson affected with any of the diseases mentioned in this chapter, except by th.3 c;asent of the board of - : j -- ; - . : of-th- e -- v--v , ; . - io : ; health., .j -. The said board shall have power, during the prevalence of any epidemic of contagious t)r infectious diseases, to fumigate and disinfect any Sb:o. 10L ' nnMTuses? wnicn, m judgment, 1 'quires disinfecting. fciisc 195 down or fem-jv- re- - No person shall tear the yeliy.v so put Vt .n alongr behind for a considerable distance. I hey were but on the streets Thursday eveuing and created considerable merri- ment. Thejdriver did not much about turning corners, with aknow Btrine long of sleds and. the result was that the cirls were dragged through deep snow ueaiqa banks and covered with snow. few A days aarb the skeleton nf was found down on the big sheep ranee called Hoffup. some twenty below aeuuu. ine ueaa nan Dean miles cnnwoH by the coyottes and the bones of the nlroi. etoavrere scattered all over thnMono Nothing yr&d found to identify the remains, but they are thought to have been there manv months. , Tt .nma -- k. ably a tramp! who had wandered off the L. ir track, lerot lost and stanori tn n the lonesome prairie, man v mllpa fmm any human habitation.--BrighaBugler. A broken trolley wire causer! nnnairipr- able excitement at the intersection of State and Fourth streets Monriav After noon; Two cars were coins' smith rn tho State street line and were within three feet of each other when the trollev wire broka. It fell between the few inches of State Senator Booth, who was on the rear Dlatform of the imnt. and brushed the hat of a nasspno-- far nn' the front platform of the. rear car. The wire then struck the ground. and com. ag in contact with a St. Bernard rfr killed the animal instantlv. Rmt.m Booth will have a pompadour for some time to come as a result of his scare. . Tribune. m " I r Stone in Th Or any kiad of Uriq&l trQubles Can secure immediate, Arxd, WW II "TT a ,rf Repairer of Boots and Shoes. Dealers in General Merchandise. NEPHI COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. T.H. G, Parkes, Supt. ' W, H, PETTEGREW, Manufactur of and dealer in Harpe$s, Saddles, apd 3heep-Men'- s supplies. JNO- S. PAINTER, Dealer In General and green Groceries. ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, Dealers in Clothing and Gent'a furnishings. ' For sale - v Butchers. ' II, H. HAWKINS, Boarding house and Restaurant. . J, M. C. OSTLER, Boot and Shoe maker. H. THILL & COMPANY, SMITH DRUG CO. by the (General Agents,) OSTLER & OCKEY, j 1 Iffislfflfe '4' , Merchant Tailors. Furniture and undertaking. .1 FRANCIS SELLS, . i BIRCHALL& OSTLER, Clothing dealers. NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. A. Cazier, Supt. , ' EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., Dealer in General Merchandise. W. Paxman, Svipt. ' I j PEXTON & CHASE, ' . ' l James . ' i'f, Blacksmithing. ; "rtSSfii5. aAT . The specifla and universal opinions, condensed, are as follows: "You deserve great praise, and the gratitude of the reading world that portion of it, at least, that is fortunate enough to read THE GREAT DIVIDE. Having a field entirely its own, it la and character." intensely American inuscast to Bay; the illustrative It is useless for features and typography are superb ea.ual in quality and un usualness to the fascinating and Btranee contents that fill our columns. TEN CENTS a copy; ONE DOLLAR a yea. Your newsdealer has it, if not, send to The Deseret Lithia d THE i if y&b?.:i .. . i) 4 ::-- f r. a rl IT HAS CURED III EVERY HISTAIIGL il n vitti t tsrs RAILWAY? J. - Notice to Sheep-MeSheep-mewill find It very convenient and profitable to take with them to the wihterrange copies of the law of 1894 relallve to "diseases of sheep and the duties of Inspectors. To meet that want a number of copies of the law have been struck off at this office and will be sold at lQCents each. ' Call early, IE n. n n if n p - aural ' Agency for i..i.i'ifi! ...r. win li, s n n - i is a home water. Free 'from Sulphur, Absolutely Soft, Pure and Tasteless,, Free from even a ,waee oi umv anu is a fjuwk w ' Deseret, Millard County, Utah. Address all correspondence to ..KSTHCWOIiLD. The SaaMtOa. 1Dm& Oc. ' Two by IiITHIA WATER and the patient is now persuing his-v, regular employment Ladies will find in the DES DuriDg preguancy, and Chronic Constipation, the ERET XJTH17-- WATER au invaluable remedy. fchaicecf Three w:siin.t. Routes, Sdentifio American prouoanced incurable by leading Brights Disease that had beenmonths the useol DESERET pbysfcians, was cured in less than three . Tt tiOST MAfti!FIGEHT RMiOAD 'SGENERT wa A case of. ; ; t Water cases, Has been tested for trjore than five years in tbabove-ameand there has not been a case of failure recorded against the water. -- i I.AKE CITY, UTAH, A THE GREAT DIVIDE, Denver, C t . Fast Express Trains Daily v . Salt Lake City, Utah. , Gen'l Agents for tne DESERET LITHIA WATER COMPAN ; Y. EACH WAT EErW'EEN 1 OGOEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. CAVCATft- - TRADE MARIfS. DESICM PATENTS, - ana rre0 Handbook write to XVAtixV1.11011 & 861 Broadway. New York. m .y coJ kJIZIKTIJ,0 8ecilrlnff Patents in America. out by uh la brought before Every the public by a notice given free of charge iu the CVS r a ft 11111 CHAS. FOOTE & SONS KNOWLES & WEBB, Wheel Wrights. HYDE & WHITSIORE, ' .General Merchandise. GEORGE HARDY, Boot and 'Shoe Maker, THOS. BELLISTON, Works. Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble ri. &. nerr. general superintendent Of ' ' ' & BIRD the Sanpete Valley BOOTH, to returned railway, Dentists. headqifarters at Manti on Monday after- -- W'MIIIMMHWWWiillMilllWWI 'II)WJl.iM.M.iW .!' .1 a per,m,aQent; pure by using thes W. M. STOUT, 1 noon, having; been to meet President Bruback, who; has just returned from a Journey to England. 'From an intervfew with Mr. Kerr we are warranted in stating to our readers that the work of broad the road is an issued fact. The guaging new rails will be ot heavier steel, wili release 51 miles of track. Thewhich that the company does not intend fact to allow this iron; to lay by the roadside and rust, coupled with the further fact that they are contracting for all the ties that can be supplied at this end of the road. 3ust at this time.- iTVery,gniacaDt Manti Messenger. ::."' The little ann Mr. and Mrs. John Carlile met with of wkat nave been a serious nfFlirM-.- r i..t might at iuckilr there will be no serious results. Upon cut of Sundav school the child coming fell down in the snow in front of the Stake .House causing his hands to become damp and cold. Childlike, he nerer thought to put on his mittens, which were in ht3 coat pocket,, but proceeded homeward, a distance or four blocks, barehanded. A very cold and penetrating1 breeze wat blowing with the thermometer below freezing point and the child's hinds were severely frozen upon his reaching borne. The prompt action of bis parents in patting: the., frozen finders iato a bucket of ice water, besides applying other methods for extracting thfl frot, wa all that savad th5 little fellow 'b hand9t for bad they beg-uto thaw out before aid ' was renderc?d. am putation would i'ery Jikely have been the reault. Wasatch Wave, Bladder, Subscribe? " f?old, Enlargement of the Prostrate Gland, Larprcf5t circulation wmtm of any uclentiflc world. Kplendidly illustrated. Nd Pffi vu4nt man should be without it. weekly. i'mn. year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUV'& CO I'VfcUttuiiKS, SQt lroa4way4 Xsw Vorbi Ctty ELE6AHT RECIJNIN8 CHAIR CAR $1 : i Charge. Uy.''Y, Direct Connections mada in Union nSiHC3T TEC3.0UG.uLl I ill FCriTPED VJ THE TTEST. - it to keen time, or at Close Figures. uruers iroiaiue uuuniry tsoiiuiiuu. MaiAireet, Organs and Pianos Tuned and Repamd.- DODQE, - S. II. BABCOCK, Traffic' Manager. General Mangaer. BV A.i WAD LEIGH, Gen'l. Pass Ageat C. JZXFEHT WATCHmAKER and JEWELER. Dscrs - ' , ejtu |