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Show V j .' i' C ' :.:;v,t9iv TndeDeadcnt lC3aii,uv. ms A V Coxintry People Read 8: I.I whether questions or Social tteligloui, Political, Is the xiiAi& ; , ttQ..:ra,Tru,ta Without Fer or Fa or. Ob 11 4 The advertisements In the Country Papers, and as The BtAPE has the Largest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern Utah, It offers the best possible medium for Advertisements, J'' 3 : Termf $2.00 ; . pr year, in advance, "VTTT tiix mantha, fl.OOl. VOLUME ii .B ,i . - - ' - EPmlCITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, JAN, 11 - ' DUMBER 11, 1893 - . Deserf,t Dots. Yes l we celebrated. How do you like Sp.ring weather. IocaU.on blanks for sale atTha pADB office, Onions for 5pp per bahel. Jnqulrp of A. Gadda. .The hauling p.f leg. seems 0, be th? order of the day. and State of Be nre and write 17 tab instead ol Territory. Lou SDerry is down frqm proyo visit- event tKatt occurred, lat Saturday when President Cleveland put his autopenograph tw th,e proclamation ed the great door of Uncle Sa.m's magnificent federation and bade waiting Utah, to step in -out of tha cold, and tak front seatIn anticipation of theeen important selected event a com mi ttee had to formulate a program wbipht was well carried ovt by the citizens of Hinckl- . Close out for the esLson we will sell a lot of L ADIBS WRA.FS' (8 in all) at S5 per cent To ! : BELO W COST, - : 'irfAH and ohildrona Good Wool Uose at :uand 33 cts per on a haf price, g IiZ 'ti suits of Childrens Under wear a,t y goiue Winter Dress Goods at Less than cost, 6 Dozen Ladies' and Childrens Winter Lined. Shoes at cost, T ' LQTS OF OTHEU GQOns AT GENUINE: RAPGAINS. Do.. Ladies -- pr. ... jj you want Goods at low prices call and see us. EXCEL SI - MER GANTILB CO Leaders. in Low Prices. V -- 19, t . before, W. W.Jenkins and Harry. Goldsbrottjrh. went to Mercur Tuesday to start up, in buatness. Last Monday's train carriedlkliss Measie Wright on her way to Logan where she will attend school. E. H. Sparkes Jr. returned to Logan last Sunday , where he is attending the Agricultural College. Walter Mayhew, started on his mission to the Northern states, yesterday. The BxDB w tabes him success. J. Morgan returned to his sheep heard in Emery county, Wednesday after r a two weeks visit to Nephi. Harry Fopte's heart was made happy last daday by the arrival of a fine baby girl. She cama as a statehood present. Misses Estelle and Nettie Neff, Annie Sorenaen and W. C. Andrews after enjoying the holidays m Nephi returned to sphool at ProvQ. Is over The Now that all the celebl-atiqwill appear on time and we hope Blade, we will be pardoned fqr being a little Jate with tb,e last two or three issues. Therp will be a young' people's dance next Wednesday Evening in the Opera house, the proceeds go tor the benefit cl (he Second ward meeting house, rickets ' i cents. The Castle Valley News, published at Price. Carbon county, Utah, lias chang ed hands. With the new management it also changes from a Republican sheet to a paper. There was a small blaze at the saloon of J. It. Edgheill last Monday evening, caused by one of the candles starting fire tq the lace curtains, no damage was done, however. The Excelsior Mer. Co. have only eight Ladles Capes and Jackets left and to close them out they are selling them at 25 per cent below actual cost. Call and see them if you want a bargain in cloaks, "Utah1' is the name given a little miss who made her appearance at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jd Stewart on Saturday last as the whistles and bells morning were heralding the arrival of Statehood. -- Tribune, The attention of our readers is called to. the revised Ordinance, of ,Ji ephi,,C.ity , quarantine apd sanitary yeg relating towhich will be found in another ulatiqns, part of this issue. Every one should read it, A subscriber who his not paid for his paper in five years," says an exchange, writes us to k.now how we, stand on the financial question. We have telegraphed the sheriff to arrest and hold him until we get our shotgun repaired. J. W. Brown having retired from the of H. ThiU&Co. the underpartnership signed will continue the business and pay promptly all accounts saia arm apa inviies an creditors against come and settle as soon as possible. to ; an ; - Stand rT3 nciPJ A; Night Glow That burns 200 hours; ' . of S at the cost cents without smoke . out-standi- AT FBR OOOPBB, &i GO'S. 4EPIII. ng r H.THI1.L. The best ahodyne and expectorant for the cure of colds, coughs, and all throat, lung, and bronchial troubles, is undoub- Cherry Pectoral, the only tedly, Ayer's specific lor colds and coughs admitted on exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair. Qld, yet ever new, and simple and beantiful ever," sings the poet, in words which might well apply to Ayers the most efficient and scienti-fli- c ever offered to suffering Sap-saparl- lla er blood-purifi- Nothing but superior merit humanity. keeps it so long at the front, The departing oi last Sunday's train took on his way to 'England one of Nephi's moat popular young meu, Q. W. McCune, who eroes as a missionary. The BLAD& wishes Mr. McCune all the success possible and that he ' will make a . good missionary we have no doubt. An Ogdeo. paper says alfalfa seed was first introduced into the United States by a citizen of Utah, who sent to Australia for it and with the seed the first crop f alfalfa hay - was raised by irrigation, therefore the two greatesfboons given to the arid we3tr irrigation and alfalfa are to be credited to Utah residents. Died --In this city Snnday morning at 9 a. m. of spinal troubles; Morgan Hickson of; Mr. and man, the Mrs.. J. R. Hickman. The Bla&e in behalf of the entire community extends condolence to the erief stricken 'parents. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from ihe residence of G.- - W. Hipkman. "Mary had a little- wheel, she- .used lit as a breather, and everywhere that. Mary went the- wheel.- waa undemeatb She took the wheel to-- ' church one day the prist felt off bis perch it mad the squirn to- see; a wheel at congregation But mark the eonseguenees church. of innovation; the priest Mary's giavecon and gregation r too 'p now bik lifee , . . . THE- - : . vtite fiittc Oasis stati on. Jfeser't'tthp " Hotel be- ohlv tween Hephi and Milf ord. Is the : - - - . " s ..;. ...., ".in Eatos F. - ' harmony mtk tiis times. ::; vretl - - 't ,h-er- . : - r Te Have a . ffve-year-o- ld First-clas- s of the famous Water on th preiafsesv, ' thundefatioa. - : . 0. E". Thos-Baile- r. . , : Sbrensen? and: Wm. three of our young, men whi have jTolley, on missiona- took ) their called beert Wednesday- - They go to Bait and which: i a guaranteed cureLast wnere iney win oe joinecv Dy uv VV . McCuue and Wm. Grace Messrs, Grace tjr Urisht's anciall diseases of th go- to- England, - and tainal trssftfe. ; ; Bailey andMcGUae xndn.fy8 bladder- and: all other Lake jleaPB Salt todays Messrs- Tblley to the Northern statesthi water, go rour faJth Ju ortT; to, sho best wishes ;TheBiA-DErallv wo maJje the- toHawlngr pcopuaitaoa towto. r Mrs-E". TO;. January Friday evening' ' " large-aud:. .; . ;,, Burton Pro ga.ve'a" enjoyable.. IS Sgresfsive HJgh Five- party in-- honor of emixaavsAQ above troabL'S thewith, any q? (Miss Amy Pbwersof Salt Lake City whb a- - few" her for visiting: onedays. months , nr jfc relieved: Pink" and: Blue- was; the- color scheme carried out throu gh- the- evenings The ami cured! ia, three- months, ifl'rsC prize was rewarded to Mr; Itob'Mo-Cucr- e a handftome- photo- holder and' the do charge- will". be ma.de- for boardL McCune.-booby prize to of)' see-- bethopioershe mighc pairnextspeck,, time.. Those', -present were-Mister, Miss- Millie' McCune, Jennette Sperry,. Booth-Miss- - Vina Fenu of Nevat Mies J.. F. GIBBS,, grogrtetor MamieHyde,- Miss' Pearl Provo,, Miss iMeSune; Miss" Essie- Sperry , Mis Florence McCune. Messrs, Ed.- McCune, Mont Whitmor,, Ernest' Evausy Shed of ProLuot,.Itob'McCnne Lon Sperry iJJhrd: vo,. Harry- iTendall,, Oea-inlimit-,Art.: ii vTual);and; c,r dln paper" Tnj.aaerraodillob-QJt-d- , Peseret-iiithia- . : - de-Ipart- ure " - ;- -: i j - - - land-Sorenae- - - - - n ! " . : l; go-wit- S' ' ; , - - j - has-been- - i-- . , . - - - - . - - ; - - Miss-Florenc- e-' a s :' ;;os; , - - - ; : '- inr - 'i-- - , - ! OF CELEBRATION . non-partis- cm January 4, 1896. v ing friends and relatives, beata celebration The unythinjr Monday that ever happened in Nephi ia tnat line 60 Qi The Proolamation was Issued ; ,., i j " ; tt IS NOW A STATE. , CUEEO BY TTSIKC, ; . A PREACHEft'S EXFERIEUCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio:. lent cold which resulted in an attack; of acute bronchitis. I put myself; UTider medical treatment, and at the end of two nionths was no better.; I found it very difficult to preachj, nql concluded, to try Ayer'p Cherry ey, Oasi and Deseret. INAUGURAL DAY, m voice LOSS; After Acutp Dronchiti ; Stateho.ocI found Descret and her sister wafers alive - to the impoxtant ' I 31. U. Q. Oam.pbell, marshal c,f the day pulied his boots on, eariey and made Grand Success Gms Roared, the welkin ring vvith repeated, salvos of Was artillery! , Bels Rung and Joy was Thfe m,orn,ing fro.st hung ove.r the Unconfined. , nd obscured Iing Sol who, valley ttie importance of Eariey In the morning the booming of seaming to realize was doing his bes.t to discannons remindd the people that Utah the occasion, a was sovereign state. Ia every direc- pell the ha?y mantle, a,n hf ten oolock tion flgs and banners met the eye, and shone out warm and bright and gave at 9 ai m. the band serenaded the princi- to us an ideal winter day. pf the city. Wm. T. Black was made chairman pal parts At 10 a. m. the citizens met at the Tab- and conducted th,e entertanmant with ernacle and crowded it to its limits. JJiishop John Sty-le- r becoming dignity. The house was magnificently decorated of Oasis, offered up $ brief but eloand the committee received congratulations rom all sides for their splendid quent prayer for the safety and proworki National colors were displayed gress of the young State. L. RCrop! delivered the opening address and everywhere. Outside was a large arch over th gate upon which was themotto per the past history of Utah and "Utafi's Star Shines." , On the inside in reviewed Unalfti Sam's her front of the sta nd was the motto in sil- latch repeated W.pvUls made a;few A. Ray itring ver letters, "Union and- Liberty, One 4ucob and remarks. terse ' The and Inseperable, and at back of tle appropriate stand IIail Star of Utah" on one side Christiansen, representing the sous of Of the galleries was '18i7 Ring out the Scandacavia the daughters took care 1896 of old 147" on the other side was themselves made an eloquent New 1S06" and in front f speech. Ring iin the "Qncle" Daniel S. Cahoon the stand were five young ladies dressed who is. as chuck fid of Arue: jcar pain white with silver stars on their beads, as he was tlfty years triotism today the center one represented Utah and the a made and brief touching speech other four represented the adjoining ago, sister states; beritting The occasion. eminently The programme, as printed in The Bishop Milton Moody was also eloBliADB Jast week was carried out in a in his joy over the freedom, that were quent splendid manner. The speeches Chap-pelcome to Utah. School teacher A. has l. that of "Judge P. Brown recited an appropriate poem, 'The Binging was excellent and the and J. S. Black Sr. made the closing male quartette was all right. was which address worthy of the ocThere were too many speeches which the too we the casion; way, ''Billy'1 IcLeod madej By meeting long, but furnished a dialict song and Frank T. scarcely see how it could be shortened. In he afternoon there was a grand Slaughter also rendered a pece from sleigh parade and over a hundred sleighs his inimitable; repertoire of songs. turned out. The head sleigh was occuwere other speeches, but as pied by 27 young ladies, each had a ban-- ! (There her,. Representing the different counties, your correspondent, for several days of the State. The children; also had a past, has been intently studying me-- , ' dance in the Opera house.teorology ;jnd prepari ng some imporr In the evening at 7 p. m. the - business tant weather predictions, the dear pubportipn of the town was lit up by bon- lic must pardon any lapse of memory.) fires; and the different business houses, VVe come to the sisters God and public buildings were riohly illumi- bless now 'em who proved themselves nated with wax candles and different colored paper. The most attractive of equal to the, enfranchised condition in the public buildings being the Court which, by the grace of Grover, theyhouse which was lit up by four hundred now find themselves. They are mencanqles. There was also a grand Inaug- tioned last on the theory: that': dessert ural ball in the Opera house which was (for heaven's sake don't spell it deseret) well atterided. whole comes last on the bill" bill of fare. Altogether the .. affair was a genuine success. Miss Maggie Peterson delivered 4 very fine speech. Mrs. M. H. Wobb pinned FATAL MERCUR FIRE, the bright star of Utah on the blue empyrearn of the national flagi Mrs, to Moody made a qne speech tiu beOne Man Burned to Death Loss Amounts' and of the new political element half to Over $25,000 names of the ' eminent the recounted The fire fiend went out on a devastat- advocates of and their efforts .in behalf tour last night with the result . that of woman's ing were some one man, George Barnard, of Brigham other fine rights. There toasts and by tbe speeches and other death, City,'was burned to an ' excuse the but ladies meteorological persons subjected to experienoe that In all about must condone omissions. they will never forget. was 25,000 worth of property The choir, under the able leadership destroyed. Not one cent's worth of insurance was of .S. XV, Western d id excellent serviee, carried. it is safe to affirm that in no town The fire, it appears, had its origin in and out-sid- e a half dozen of the large a room of the Lwis hotel where an atof towns Utah, was there better! music tache of the place was eneaged in draw- furnishe.1 by Professors that than ing off gasoline. From some unknown cause the fluid ignited and in a remark- Petty, McLeod and their assistants. A masked ball- closed the day's fes ably short space of time the blage had en: ; til. veloped several of the nearest buildings. tivities. a Being lumber concerns the flames found smiled: Those that have derisively at easy burning fuel. The news of the ca- the efforts to introduce ' lamity that had so suddenly 'overtaken the camp travelled even faster than the itself and the miners ap- Asa medical beverage maynovvi let the conflagration peared on the scene from every direction smile deepen into a broad grin on the and worked as only, human beings can of the face.'' A strong under such circumstances". But proper "other side been has facilities for fighting fire were not at company incorporated re-in Salt-Lakto handle slow the most hand and they made very progress. City When the dames had been beaten back markable fluid ever distilled, by Darns and extinguished, the hotel wh?re the Nature, and which has been provea re blaze started. Caldwell Brosr. outcher peatedly to be, an absolute cure for saloon, Joseph Brights'disease.The company is capitalshop, the Golden Gate cigar Lippman's recently r purchased at $30,000, with Frank A. Druehl, store, F. M. Bishop's assay office and ia ized n SaltiLake druggist as number of other buildings with their the contents bad been reduced to ashes. The president: Capt. S. 11 Whital of Fort total! loss, it is said, will closely approxiat, Dr. O. i Douglas as mate if not exceed $25,000. The lamen- Deshon of Fort Douglas as secretary: table; feature is that there was no guard and treasurer. Dr. CJ. Lj. Ueizeman of all the insurance companies against loss, R. I. is a Stockholder as are! to write policies until better Newport, refusing, are made Col. George A. Henry and several for extinguishing also provisions and Salt lUake City. flresj But far the heroic work of busi- others of Deseretwill be reoted in the ness; men and miners alike, the loss Bottling works would have been ranch greater. The spring and the new industry will bo ; Mercur hotel and immediate surround- p roBecured vi porously. ' made special marks IONOT. ing buildings were were with for protection and overhung wet blankets, kept so by continuous streams of water. Other buildings were f A Big Fire at Fillmore. torn do wh ia order that the jiath of the devotrrer might be cut off. Fillmore was visited by, a most unext George Barnard, a bartender at the pected and disastrous fire early asTuesday Lewis hotel, and a resident of Brigham morning.- The Duildlng known Liber-- i reCity perished in. the flames. His amusements used for Hall, principally ty mains were charred beyond all human Brothers, was ' semblance.'" He wi thirty years of age and owned by Bassmussen . The Inaugural, ball destroyed. totally and Tlamarried. S, J, Moody, of Ogden, had been dismissed but a few minutes who occupi eda roo m .in the hotel near when the entire structure was ' enveloped that of Barnard, had a very narrow es- in a sheet o flamis. cape as did also several : other persons. A hastily organized bucket brigade,, Lewis, the owner af the hotel,' recently consisting of about fifty men , prevented went to Mercur from- Bountiful, his- for- the fire from Boreadiag to Green wood rs mer home. general merchandise! store and -- other' buildidgs near by. The fire is supposed No Room for Doubt to nave originated from the explosion of When the facts are before you, you a lamp. The loss ia estimated at $3,000;'. insurance, $1,200 must be convinced . rs Pacific The facts are that the- Unionr leading all competitors, is the acknowJudge Zane Chief Justice. ledged dining car route, and great soon As after the first ofScial receipt- of through car line of the west. action in signing The line vja' DenTer and Kansas City to President Cleveland's rMwitmin nnivnpflt.inn wit.h the Ohieacro the proclamation- Judges Zane', Bartch-anMiner, of the State Supreme Court, & Altotr PJailroad, with : its excellent ttpon previoni determination reacting to the Federal court room and bePuHman Palace Sleepers and Pullman paired of state Hammond' fore of the attention every Secretary Diners,, demands to draw lots- as provided for by traveler to the'east. Ask your nearest agent for tickets via the constitutsonv The result wan that Judge Zans secured this route.the three year term and is thereby made E. L. Loma1', chief justice of the Su Drema Court . Gen. Pass, and Tkt, Agt. Judge Bartclr drew' the ' five' year term' and Judge Miner the'aeven . Unequalled Service. OenVer to Chicago via: Kansas City is Methodist ChaPel.given via- the Union Pacific and Chicago On last Sabbath evening' the- pastor" & AJton Railways-Throuerh. Pullman Sleepers-,--: Pullman took for his subject; "What is, Methopresent, good audience was! Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair dism?'.' Ashould have been a crowded Cars leave Denver daily. The Union but there Pacific is the great through1 car line of house. People, in general; are not the west. AsKyour nearest ticket agent principles of Methodism'. tickets-vlThe subject for next Sunday evening for thirline: : Greatest Thing in the World, , E. and thV preacher- - invite- - everybody, to Tkt. Agti fen.. Rasr.-aaQMAHANeo. j : . " - ? mi- :.!im:fi-- Mi . Pectoral. The first bottle gave moi great relief the second, which I ami now taking, lias relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms and I feel sure that bne or two boU ties niGre will effect a permanent cure. To all mmisters suffering f roify throat troubles, I recommend Ayer'fcji Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley,. D.D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Baptr Publication Society, Petersburg, Va,. - good,1-particularl- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral THE WORLD'S TAIR GOLD MEDAL AT - . j i ' - . : , - ; !. j. i S LEADS ALL QTH1R SARSAPARILLAS. AYE NepM RabUo Schools Roll of Honor- tyames of Pupils Neftner Absent r.or Tar- -j dy 'During the past Mnt. Central school !: First Grammer Departme at ; A. k , Mrytla Biglev ' Jessie; B.Urover Mesie Wright 4 Albert aall3 Srah Big?er; Pannie Candlacd; William Sella Allen JMcPheraon. Roscoe Cola LizEe McPnerson Maggie Miller Elva Rigler c ; '' Lizzie rtcott Joaie Chapman' . de ; , - ; t. '',.'. . - - - , - . ,j Alonzo Ingram William Sells Becoud Grammar Department W.J. aiaiMix Teacheir" ' Jack Hyde John Williaois Nellie Winn Clara Cole Laah Qckey Williams ijrama Cole Usear Sparkea llaby Heoer AlcFherson-Sopii- ia Birdie Wilson r Mel vi n Man L'utley Blac Jbssia Sparkws 7"' Dell Sperry Burt Cowau Jean 10 ricoit TjKs. dtephansen1 idsToll Bartlia MePhersoai Floa3ie Caier Lula ilcPxierson , cum-JElme- 'r Ferl Ingram '. : Primary Department Mar Bortha Bailey K,oy Blackett iisali Cowan . d . proi-ceede- d - - - . : - Silly-Pfexto- Mnbel Scnofield Frank Warner North - e' ;is-"Th- - . d . SCHOOL lot Department Ge o. Goble Artie Kendall HaberFowks Harold Py per Abner Bigler Aid a Pyper .Jane Kendall '.'thai Wright ft : Nejshi Anderson Teacheir John H. .Bowers Jane Garrett .( Ethel Bigler Ada Bowers Wneeler Barrowmaufc , ttilas Marble John F. Wright Leonard Pay ' If .irrison Boswell r Primary Department Z,. : - t :ky Z ' J Matiie- nelson Teache Flotsie Pay. t, Ruby McPherson Edna Cazier Hidnsy Wright Thoma3 Householder Nina riidwell Leon Jackson Ilenie HarrisHilda Pyper. Edgar Ferner Xetd Tincey ' Norton John ' v" Roy Sperry, Lyane Wright Cecil Goldaoroagh1 Hoy Pay Blanche Sperry ; - . . fc ; ,, if-,,- ' . South school ,f- - Wat. Department . Thomas Carter Mamie Black Winfred Adams Louis Burton Vickers ." Xvosco Primary Department Ida Burton Ethei Carter llalph-Bellisto- liay Brought Jerald-CaziePlannie Elmer! Burton' Annie Latimer r , MarthaTryon n ' Teacher Willie Park Atlie Booth ' Hyrum Brough Wwrner Stephenson Stevie Alien Earnest Brough.1 Minnie Latimer' Artie Booth :? . Alta Carter School of'thjfoekb Hazel Try an James H Ockey. . Julia Linton ; n Jennie Cole Adams"-Vermo- Ockey Theodore Garter v lacey Vickers Myrtle Booth Mervin I. Lloyd Adams Eddie Pitt . Joan , O.' A. Bates Teacher" : 7 GEdUDALLTeacher.' Wm. Bi Tryaa Edward Ockey . a ! , Sove Hugh Delia Pexton Kay Pexton Emma Sbiramin - - -- IJ. EJvarts Teach Cnarlie Black Liucile Cowan Hex 11yd a Bsrtha Hilberg Wacrea- Ma ogum well-know- vice-presi- Kendall Teachejr An'exchange says that a western editor ' who heard of a local scandal, hinted at-- it and; announced thai if a battle of champagne should be sent him he would r' M refrain- from mentioning that He received seven bottles 'little affair.' from seven persons, with nntoa 1. " - i-- n jto keep, quiet-- - |