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Show NO SOCIAL SMART TROPICAL ANIMALS. Ht)W sHt PROCfttSStO. Their' Device to Keep Warm When Modern Woumn Fought Her Way to the .'. Confined in a Zoo. The student of animal life at the zoo J.; i OLYMPIA JUST GREAT IN NEW YORK. LINES. New Position. AFTER LIONS. The Excltlnar Pleasure of the- - Hunt Bring: the Hunters Into Grave Danger. Some of those evenings in the jungle are among my pleasantest. recollections.. What greater pleasure than coming in from a successful hunt to find one's companion has had his share of sport and over the postprandial coffee to mutually recite one's experiences of the day? The darkness succeeding the fall of day is Just Riving away to the bright of the rising moon, whose rapidly Wiuening silvery edge we see througn the tops of the mimosa jungle. The cjrcie or flre in the zareba throws a ruddy glow on the picturesque figures oi t ne men grouped about them at their mo9i nr. rrAnnrintr for rest. In the far distance we hear the howl of the hyena or the gruff bark of the questing Hon. His majesty may perhaps be inclined to visit us later in the evening; very well, Hv him a roval receotion. WA win "Achmed, tell Aden to put the ten bore and half a dozen cartridges in my bed!" Eight o'clock time , to turn in. "Where's my revolver? Ah, here it is. I will put it under my pillow, as usual, SMOK1NC7 HORSES.. The Strange Way In Which Indians Oo-ta-ln Their Mojnt i. A curious method ot obtaining bereea Is practiced by some of .the Indian tribes. It Is called on the plains ''smoking horses." If a tribe decides to send out a war-partthe first thing to bo of whether is there are enough thought PECULIARITY OF THE AVERAGE The question of mixed clubs, being PARIS BOARDING HOUSE. logical gardens is startled frequently under informal discussion, a distin TopENED by the remarkable display, of sagacity guished New York judge expressed his ind Roof Garden, Cafe, thatf is sometimes made by the inmates disapprobation of any attempt to model Americans Tolerate the Discomforts Opera of that interesting place, says the Phil- associations composed of men and wo h Counters Cake Shops and ,niard-Roofor; Fifty Cents somen's men on followed Press. lines for the adelphia by What, instance, Help Make Up for the Table's Dehorses at hand to mount the warriors. .t Remrkable. Amusement could be more clever, more thoughtful cial clubs, says a writer in Vogue. Such World. Comfort. and ficiencies In the Splendor If, as is often the case, the horses of tha or more amazing than the action of the experiments would, he contended, inetnrt, gtr tribe havei been stolen by other Indiana, indigo shake when cold weather comes evitably result in complications which most il HE they decldo to "smoke" enough horses gigantic on. It was illustrated recently. The would" conduce neither to the comfort T Is in the heart of for present needs and to steel a supamusement place first breath of cool air that was wafted of the members' nor to the dignity) of new pans that ply from their enemies at the first opin the world, as its across the garden Informed the indigo the clubs. Fearing, apparently, that which Is called portunity.. projector termed it snake that a cold wave was' at hand. he was laying himself open to the American, says a When, this decision is reached, a runten months ago They could not hide their heads under charge of being ungallant, the judge of correspondent ner is dispatched to the nearest friend an their wings like the robin of the nur went on1 to exolain that, outside of he when the New York Re- nounced his plans, sery book. They could not take vio- mixed clubs,! he, in common with men ly tribe with the message that on a corder. The en- certain day they will be visited by a was thrown open lent exercise and warm up their blood, generally, was in favor of granting trance to the quarof young men, forming a war-par- ty number to the public; for for, their blood will not warm. So they woman every opportunity or privilege ter from the cen- from his tribe, who j require the first time on fettle the problem t by swallowing each for which she asked. In view of this tral part of the On the appointed day the warhorses. evening, other in turn. One indigo snake will attitude of generous acquiescence, the Monday city, which great riors New In appear, stripped to the waist. Nov. 18, swallow his better half, for- example, learned judge could not account forjthe does not always They march silently to the village ot until' she becomes thoroughly warmed hostility displayed for many women smell of roses and is often dingy, is by city their friends, seat themselves in a cirHammerstein's Olympla, on up, and then she will swallow.him until authors and lecturers toward men.f He the wide-ope- n Place de la Concorde. Oscar cle, light their pipes and begin to Square, will stana unique- he! feels comfortable. It is a very clev idid not know' which was the more aston- The obelisk is here, approximately on long at the same time making their tne smoke, for alike er action on the part of these snakes ishing, the keen desire evinced by! the thfi snot wh ere stood the gmillotine a magniknown in a sort of droning of wishes the It vindicates their character. The fact conciliatory,! yielding attitude of men hundred years ago. Directly at your 0, the scheme, the beauty to grant woman all they asked for, or left there stretches a wide avenue, for fear of accidents.'! '.'Good night!" chant. rtnre the rapidity with which It that they swallow one another is usualof amount the Presently there is seen, far out on ly! put down by unthinking people to the bitterness able women displayed flanked by long groves of trees on constructed, a soon we to, are and asleep V hpen "Night!" the plain, a band of horsemen riding vested, the intelligence, skill ignorance. They say that the Indigo when they discoursed upon men. When either side and ending in the famous brief who the from sentry, lullaby steeds fully equipped of energy and pluck snake will swallow anything, even Its away back tn the '40s the reviled wo- Arch of Triumph, seen in the far dis- never ceases t his I3,1 throughout singing TrrVn rnn PAlvprl. horsemen dash up to . for war. These , nlanned friends. Perhaps that is the the man's right advocates, Susan B. An- tance. It is the avenue of the Champs f " .1.. flTlP mau a not slumber; but heavy asleep, the village and wheel about! the band fiend always stations him- thony, Matilda Joslyn, Gage, Lucretia Elysees, the promenade of Paris ele- watch; undertaking to a buc- snake-stor- y we shall both jrrled the the and noise unusual any of Garof beggars sitting on the ground, in the self in front of the indigo snake's cage. Mott, Gerit Smith, William Lloyd ; diversity ?fol issue; in thousands of wakened gant up wide be awake, having which constantly grow smaller, Sosement plan and the enormous He knows that no matter how big a lie rison and others, began the agitation the home of art, because it Wids the movement unless it circles a without suddenly at from which the he as tells woman as the last, they are as close as they until, will snake of swallow for of the recognition nt entertainment, it older salon annually in its palace of in- be that of a hand to a weapon; wide can to choose the smokers without riding common house. .as the were of may. man of old It a piece peer the nonchalantly though English the nightly pleasure ground of awake, to drop off again the moment we j over get patrons dustry; ' Tnen each rider selects of tnem, this moderate of garden hose or some such luxury. law as the law of the land. Under; charge exceedingly the a.rfl sfltisfi ed that all is well. It is a rich and pleasure-lovin- g Paris; man to whom he Intends to present to the But more remarkable in sagacity than the' married woman was deprived of hunting-groun- d Mission that will carry entree of youth and beauty; wonderful mind of human the faculty his pony, and as he rides around, sing- wer over any property of which she and, lastly, the main street of Paris for of tbe great building, says the indigo snake are the tropical birds every to to its enables sleep it adapt ng and yelling, he lashes the bare back irj the aviary. They are probably the ay have been possessed, over her Americans. The avenue is broad and which fteKew York World. our we at home lay circumstances; most a one of wonderful roof ever or ner seon at earnings .the man he has selected with th cmiaren. me proposi fair, and fresh and green and gay. It geniuses niympia combines under at shouted till and down heads was zoo. sleep Is laws the heavy rawhide, whip untlPthf blood U Coming as they did from In- tion to abolish such iniquitous at music hall, the like of which is a splendid sight to see the colony the about who servant has a banged seen to trickle down. If one of ith dia's coral strand and other places not received with eager acquiescence as it is by to lunch, its room not to be found in any other great city home to promenading go ten for minutes conpreviously; smokers should flinch under the blows. concert hall of noble where the thermometers die of the fe- on the part of men. Quite the of the world; a stomach well distended with American the our and or sleep the ver for theatof and the a is prairie, advocates would not get his horse, but would The gungle iceberg unknown, they trary. justice design and ample proportions; at cake and Fuller's. is set on a hair trigger; we wake ten he bought find their and to were themselves women sent home on foot and In disgrace. is be which the for rigbitterly assailed, unprepared re built on unique lines, is in the times in the house This special boarding are we ten times morand or of of as the subversive was climate here. Such night the opinions branded At last, when the horsemen, think of comic opera, burlesque be the home Marbeuf , say half way down Quartier hava naif minute, within of thai a condition of a number of the new bird ality. Well may worker day the avenue and to the left. The houses asleep again their friends have been made to pay a the lighter forms of musical As the men sure is sane! all made night enough in suffering for their ponies. right. a roof garden that will arrivals from Indiav recently. They had exclaim: yit is Incredible are all high and regular, of creamy ing waterto the if we are inthat advances summer after but should pull of glad their each dismounts, places the bridle In the the day argue pajaday nothing light, embrace all the novel ideas since turned white stone, grayish long to mas sometimes ir control over their were women allowed with us, sheets when on open-athe and Tight hand of the smoker he has selected, them, biting defatigable Hammerstein blue or yellow in the damp, smoky at proof over our heads, to keep off the heavy and at the same time hands him the mosphere of Paris. Each house, six dew, which otherwise would soak up to whip saying: L. 7 stories high, has its eternal garniture of the skin. Long before daylight Jama to for a Is you pony "Here, beggar, fanciful iron balconies, like a gray would be called by the sentry (whose mark. have I left which my skirt with a dozen darkish flounces. clock was a star), and in his turn go and ride,for After all the ponies have been pre Each house is large enough to be a ho- wake V, with the remark: "I think so, sented the "beggars" are invited to a tel by itself, with one great central sir; it's half past 3." V drawing his grand feast, during which they art doorway, through which carriages may watch our only chronometer from treated with every consideration by drive to the large central court, there his pillow, would check the accu- their hosts, who also load them with to be washed and housed and have their underof Jama's assertion with the aid of food sufficient for their! homeward i horses stabled. Entering this common racy a match, and, if his, statement held journey. The brav es depart with full a a dozen for families, splendid water, would order a start. My own stomachs ,and smarting backs, but doorway winding marble staircase strikes the watch, a cheap one, broke down very happy in the possession of their poniea view. At the same instant one makes soon after entering the Haud, so we had and in anticipation of the time when the acquaintance of the concierge, her to rely entirely on "V.'s timepiece, an ex- their friends shall be in distress and husband also, and (if one is lucky), of cellent lever watch, for our observa shall come to smoke horses with them. the fresh and rosy servant maid who tions. On one occasion the sentry must J.W.L answers to the name of Marie, though have moment and off to: sleep a her name is really Anna, for she is a then dropped A PRINCESS' DAIRY. wakened up to find the stars obblond Alsacian with big blue eyes. It scured by clouds. Thinking, apparentSaid to Be the Most Ideal of Its Kind. is the business of the concierge (the he had had! a prolonged nap, he that ly, Beout. or in Existence. janitor) to say if you are in who addressed to V. his woke Jama, cause it is a boarding house and quite usual salutation of "I think so, sir; it's Probably the most ideal dairy In exof Wales,' a large one, dt is seldom that she an- half 3." Imagine my companion's istence is that of the princess past not comes out her but in with which daughswers accurately. She onlyshe, when he found, on consulting to most make the learned have a cup of coffee in her hands, which she feelings ters, his watch, that it i was only just mid covwalls are of The butter. is always drinking and yet never perfect j ered with tiles presented to the prince and gives your visitors the wrong night! e Wales, who placed them as a sur-- ; impressions with a certain dazed good DIVORCEES. OSTRACIZED once who nature. She is a stout dame, prise to the royal dairymaids. They had a waist, but her time of coquetry Dnke of Marlborough's Mother One of were made, in Bombay, and are of a deep is passed and years have gone by since peacock blue, the rose, shamrock and the Three Socially Kecog:nied. the also corset. She thistle being intertwined, with the a wore she . guards divorce is just as much Although HAMMERSTEIN'S OLYMPIA. Two no elevator boy. elevator; there is institution as marriage motto, "Ich dien." A white marble legal recognized thempersons at a time can squeeze of Europe, save Italy, counter running around the room holds countries all in cotown property it would 'strike at the selves into the little car, which moves yet divorced women, even when the de silver pans of milk from the Alderneys winds came whistling uieatres; an urientai caie auu D bone. root oT Christianity,' 'ruin the home'- with frightful slowness. And every- - cree has been granted in their favor, grazing without. Above this, on broad to the were chilled lounging-room- s, tage they billiajrd-rooleg room, a telegraph and open the c?oor to license and de- DOdy iS forbidden to ride down because are pitilessly excluded from every royal bracket shelves of marble, is a collecetc., and all to be Their bills chattered like bauchery. And yet these legislators it wastes the power. The elevator is and imperial court of the old world, tion, in every imaginable material, of Instrument on the night of a prize-figh- t, accessible for a single 50 cents Addid argue through mahy weeks of for the use of masters only that is, their and they shivered terribly. Then a correspondent in the New York cows, bullocks and calves Italian and mission. says All bitterest friends. the and their feelings rescue. They stormy debate, paying boarders There are but three exceptions Parian marble, alabaster, porcelain, World. ilr. Hammerstein figures the total sagacity came to their to the runners and with shown rights- servants, laundresses, shop regard of the mar- terra cotta and silver all gifts. A long noticed that as the cooler weather drew being that to 'cost of this rule, namely, propand Olympla at close to $3,000,000. near a to women is on of possess acquire the like must take the stairs. There painted by i the Princess chioness of Blandford in England, the milk can,to match large crop of down appeared The new amusement palace is situated dur- - one to use and sole more never their disposal littered the Indian tiling, is Louise were which np erty who some of the other birds, hallway Countess Tassilo Festetics in Austria on the east side of Broadway, extending took Iner time." husband's It life the floor. second one of In of the corner, and opposite is temperwith trunks that accustomed to the changes Duchess Rignano a stands from the and Forty-fourt- h to Forty-fift- h lovely some continuous of fifteen sima agita between years of the princess' pet Alderney, Here all the public life goes on, ature. They wondered whether Home. And of these tnree only tne the head streets.; The main property was origito get a state legislature, to ex the salons and tion room. Here a its make silver the appearance with would dining ilar plate recording her virgrowth of Blandford is, strictly marchioness laws. nally occupied by, the Seventy-fir- st such who outrageous punge on them, but, like the youth gentlemen may stand around and speaking, a divorcee; her marriage to tues. Here the princess sometimes was but odd which was .des- watches Regiment Armory; This ago, years forty they first mustache, smoke a half hour after each meal. A the late duke of Marlborough having churns in a silver churn, and in the for his same of the not troyed by fire. This property was convdid spirit down The were disappointed. colored gentleman from Algiers stands been dissolved ih consequence of his next room the butter for morning when the has characterized average eyed to Mr. Hammerstein, on Jan. 9 come. place and smokes among the whites. At taThey consulted their tropical in they are in London. The day's supply immoralities and well-nig- h last by! Robert Ford, the consideration wo ever man since. the What zoo for pioneer the two French girls, flagrant scrolls who have been at between he ble sits friends credible cruelties. Of the other two Is made up into little pats and men medical students, art students, who being stated at $1,000,000. Subsequentlwinked latter his The and conversation a the his and more for the all than table; princ enjoy ready Countess Festetics, sister of the y the lots on Forty-fift- h street and one and whisperedyear. a few words to them college students, endured here andmat-In dusky tint with equal satisfaction. the Not a of a order, pats. special requires union first of Hamilton, had her duke lot on Forty-fourstreet were added-. which raised hope in their troubled England, and France is already a in the for in no color line of salt is allowed There Is them, and Paris; to the prince of Mo grainare original site. Ground was brok- breasts. That night at twelve minutes ter of history, and it all constitutes a life of me I cannot understand why all with the now reigning Vatican a dollar, of half size the made on the they out in scathing: commentary on the boasted the wealthy colored people of America naco annulled by the went iteenearly In February, and the work has birds with either of 13 these thickness and tropical the three, past had been wedded unbo assiduously pushed that the the other birds chivalry, of man. But women have do not come over here to enjoy the lib- ground that she while or Q hnHv ind attacked arms coat of the three the the Duchess Rig the crown, der compulsion; enterprise will be inaugurated prompt-- ; who had more down than. they. With greater cause for resentment. Men have on and each. fraternity. equality not been, nor are they eager to erty, nano, sister of Prince Dor ia and favor- feathers stamped ly on the date announced by Mr. Ham-- birds the piucaea does here. board That bills tropical not is It family sharp room-n,otmerstein when he outlined his plans, give women a larger concession of Jib- - not exist in Paris. French family life ite lady in waiting of Queen Marguer the down from their sleeping Ihe Blercle Habit. - ' and the removal, of every injustice ite, Is merely judicially separated from In England an enterprise of this of idea Tjttle by little they pulled erty, the that united" "so accept is Tne "bicycle craze" Is causing. a genand every; Inequality has had to be her ignoble husband, who has been cast to not be magnitude would require at least three forth the feathers until they had stolen is boarders a few thought ing uine gabfestj The scientific men ars off by his own relatives. stubbornly fought for by a few cour of. The uuw" tne years' time, in addition to the services all are of Paris houses Taking possessed. boarding they and philanthropic women, aid attacking the! bicycle in the interest ot ef many directors and numer- - they interwove it so cleverly in their ageous money-makin- g establish honorary ed here and there by a man less inflat professedly morality and declaring it the greatest oas Dad Underneath. syndicates to financier : the under-- 1 own feathers mat it wo Is to Thes ments. money get principle of the age, and an fellows with ed than his overwhelm This kent them nice and do come and help!" gasped a boy, i'matrimonial promoter" taking.. f,.Qi "Oh, at turn, r every j Suppose way, every or sex. see in it a women To not economists and ing pride to aj policeman. "There's the political ran The music hall lias a frontage of sev- - warm. who Of course, it made the other to a up 11 one at room francs Is ($1.20) your to men revenue the of credit such the government. source ef . belongs hnt thev- didn't e You have your room, your morn- la an awful 'fight going on In our street." The tobacco men say it destroying ths feet There are. 128 boxes. hirus qowu vu. as of day. women to measure the of liberty friends "Who's fighting?" kere, and foyers and promenades. This care so long as they had warm r ing coffee, lunch or dinner for that sale of cigars, and the saloon men say day enjoy. touse will seat over 2,000 father and another man." one another. SepaafterIs 4My wine Your extra, your among people. price. it is curtailing the sale of liquor. If the "How long hav they been at it? rated from the music hall by a ten-- ! noon coffee Is extra. Your bedroom has two latter contentions are correct, then I loot The Stamp Drawer. "Oh, half an hour.'" no gas and the petroleum burned in alley is the concert hall, 50 feet if the contention of mea "But why didn't you come and tell it is a blessing; Your fires are ex extra. . and 125 feet deep. Then comes, is lamn your , From .tiara W ate. .,, Tuun In AlehoTi hna medical world that it is lp the in nrapf science of wvvv me about it before?" trrhn had served a term iu hovm extra. Mother ten-fois bathroom use of the tra; and hitherto of dormant alley and then the cominto execution by a New England because dad was getting the an excitant "Why, Jthe first eatre, 60 feet wide. The theatre has emement; passions in the pure young girl letter nas oeen sent to ail tne pany. was best of it up to ten minutes ago." 'r America. South eating capacity of 1,560, and has over Step in his downian for . Mlnslonary na. then it had better go. There New Haven otnrn . in correct, in be stating that physicians bv.v-- , ety boxes. sent be The cierK.s m will of Bremner Dr. Toronto, cases be to of seems sudden attacks of .ill good grounds for the assernnt in most; stores, helped in many There la one rrand entrance to all American South of the council the by tions of physicians anent its baleful Inin stamns from this drawer ness a telephone from the house of, a "RvaTieelical Mission to establisn a k the middle of the block on the Broad-- ; Good. Do Interest May fluence upon the young girl, which are ifiHers. . using the firm's patient to the residence of a physician home in Buenos Ayres, or Montevideo, -Street Clarendon church, The side, it opens into a great lobby, I0r Uieii yBaptist natural mnnM hfl of thft sreatest valiifi Tn mfict accentuated by the extreme democracy froa which candiestate an of from received has for the missionary Boston, reception marble stairways of bicycle riders. In this case, then, the Imposing a few more this need the company announced that dates where the to the concert hall and the prome- - Sr tnat they should take, albe each of . may $1,000 distinct three language, bequests rAniiPRt. political economists had better be -j i ,mnn tlie t r flf a nprann- ln! fh r n.itv. learned and from which, as they are for three if thpv were orucj. ixi& startIriflo ta.3a floors of the music hall and thea-Th- e to one of the income funds, to have their way, and the bicycle by the physician at found ETall? Having made this now-eas- and limits, indorsed elewill be sent out to be used for the poor and needy ,; the in- lowed ready, they large and swift passenger so heavily that it will be taxed; a would be in taxed tendant, telephone placed Z' trouble therefrom, ' one-ha- lf ctors are incased in of the to in come be second of stations the different republics used, -seeiu6 a : of a of out existence. Morality seems io vm mount when house for period glass. the in days thirty' o. tO of the Sabbath School, and this .laae WOTlfftfl. Paraguay, Argentine, Bolivia, for the library music hall will be devoted to it was going out of fashion as It is,' will for the sum of $5, and if the family Uruguay, oItto nrticle was America. South half in for elsewhere other the and and children that help Indigent svllie of the highest order, and nation wants nothing the dollar'B worth ot wished then to continue the service, the to used be of the income third the and Instead of encouraging any erstein's agents have secured It. along. same rates would, be made for each suc v th a dollar it .. thA f.Tit. nt the beSt available music. church tit for the A Negro Girl Preaching. ChrUt. i fad tnai win talent in Europe and then to larger- ceeding month. The plan promises to --Acerica.' the world, we A negro girl is preach in woman from chastity bQ a suCcess. 7lILnt T followed at length by discovwant all the brakes possible put upon ing three sermons daily to large au They Kiss All the Tear Bound. the man.g orison This said is She Carolina. South diences in She (sentimentally) "In the spring the immediate jewel of woman's soul, PrU Lottery Condi. Saloons. the U et.me to thinking. stonTand Against to have all the style in voice, intona all nature smiles, the birds woo, lovers to hold it where It belongs. If the biAjC'.ery Va Icon or! tn r.OVer women of colored Ala., The Tuskegee, gesture of an ex kiss; but, ah! now comes winter." n cf the tion, delivery andRrPnTrftr cycle be to her a danger, smash it! , are BOOKer expense of the exhibition In T. Tennessee. Mrs. In bv milnU Black and ..i.iAn Wasnington. r,rDno0 kiss . . .. . . more that "I know things; or twenty franc3 the homer aDout J.ll.lnir making vigorous enorts to nave tne wnite people mingle at her meetings, allHe j:;3strict never change." very and "I wonder what makes those buttons are round the year They entitled to twpntv admissions a to saloon A""" Tennessee. in the negro are five ministers or In off so?" Dora petulantly exfour concessIon and What?" frequentbursts hinn down She "Impossible! iu the superm- - building at the Atlanta Exposition iy in attendance. Exis exhibition, to 25 per cent dls---"t luo who TrnTVme. balls." claimed. David looked aVher tight-fit- -, He (calmly) "Billiard ox . " cn the ... VlcT- fc8 all to on Monday tllO trrnrlr of admission n the declare price that They ting dress. "For of habit, probably,' , notified hr shows and on railroad fares, Iml man who has never been ashamed change. The beer, saloon in a that t binding ha, Js pause. court house, . must Work UKe presen,? Jo a share in the v"r man who believes nothing, never he said, after a thoughtful The ' himHe will, to is a of want still himself, disexace. and and stranger profits. i they Rockland i Tribune, -vu., Horn. ttll Ram's s3, i caps tmounts to much. have a chance at 6,000,000 white " 1. n. "this disreputable traffic discontinued." self. Ram's Horn. .. ro or - eave. lauwcio Vr la prizes, divided into twenty- aSrd to ''auU wearing tan ehoe, ' -- 3.w in four ii,3, years. Free-Lunc- m y, jt j ; . - j -re J , - gayly-eaparison- ed smart-turn-outs- , ; j ice-crea- m en-.rtainm- -- ! ; j , , finishes, 4 int-thei- m, r . cloak-room- s, i -- ! J keep-her-In-h- er- -- th . to-da- j y, M ! ! ! , ; . ! a-- eaty-fiv- ,1 ! ot ti to.t : ; ! un-"kno- wn a rtL," 'y - j ! ! . --.- mo . y r : j i ! : : Zerrm r ....iiia r ati-cic- nine-year-o- ld i , ; "hn-nrt- ; . - .l T w"" . I -3 ;-- -- T?r. .i I . - , , |