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Show G. Xi. PARIIS, ' Oar. Stodtraisers' Co'umn. I nnk contract at culty by a score of cattemen. Tho effects of the dissipation on some passed off soon, while others were in ths "sobering up" process for two days. CORNER OF ODDITIES. Tim BhXTn will coo tlnuo In each to publish brands uader yearly ' nominal price. QUEER AND CURIOUS HAPPEN- The advantage to the stockralser :Oi lamll llNCS LATELY RECORDED. tarlzlng: the publlo with hU brand and mara 1 I are to well known. to need attention. ' ike stockman as valuable as an advertlemev Tho Dog Answered the Steamer's Salute U to the merchant. j . - t How Money I Spent. and Funeral Together Texas Steers on a Spree A lsee Hunters Lack. ' - F. "Cams'. eWi.: J RANGE 1 Lower Setter and IV , Sink of Heaver. Address r jk V' w UMli, . "- J J f j --J- . Y ; . f Deseret, Utah. Jos Dowsnap slit right, under sll in left ear. Undeif l 1 -- 11 in MBifr" ii : ft i "., Deseret, UUh .A ft Y Smitb Join : Horse Grower and Dealar ! RANGE : . I Houb M:ountaim an-Lower iSevler. i Oasis, Utah. Address, , . trrerson Bros Breeders an4 dealers In Short horn Durhama. Horses brand 3n left thizh. Cattl- eUpper slope la each ear. Rang rivw Seviejr and monn tains U v.,-.,- . k t... Hon v.. tio T7 P HtJ and Ism IJV u rn JJtlJi. MillardQo., Utah; Address, Leamington, lngton. sans .. CV f Parley Alirid same brand on left thigh. Cattle close crop in left ' and slit in rigat iear. Range, Bones .Vj ; . " . . - j Lower . Ranee Crlekai Mountains a.! eerier. r'wAJjLovFer - fir if'-n Address Li He wore a little dress like me, And had his hair in curl. 85,000,000 We played with Brick . . ...... Potatoes 110,000,000 doll and tea Churches ... 125,000,000 set then, Education "165,000,000 And every kind-o- public Silk Goods i 165,000,000 toy; Furniture 175,000,000 Jut all those good times are gone and Molasses...... 225,000,000 Sugar Will turned into a boy. Woolen Goods ,250,000,000 Boots Shoes and 335,000,000 Mamma has made him little suits, Flour 345,000,000 With pockets in the pants, . and 370,000,000 Printing; Publishing. And cut off .all his yellow curls Cotton Goods , 3SO,000,000 And sent them to my aunts; Sawed Lumber 495,000,000 A.nd Will, he was so: pleased, I believe . . Tobacco ...... 515,000,000 He almost jumped with joy; and Iron Steel 560,000,000 But I must own I didn't like 870,000,000 Meat;.. IWill turned into a boy. 1,080,000,000 Liquor .'. And now he plays with horrid tops The Dos Answered the Steamer's Salute. jl don't know how to spin, From the Daily Eastern Argus: The And marbles that I try to shoot, steamer Forest Queen, Sunday, had an But never hit nor win; excursion party from Biddeford ' on ''back"1 a leap-frog I can't And give board, and at the request of some of Xike Charley, Frank or Roy s the excursionists Captain Oliver ran feel Oh, no one knows how bad I out by Wood Island. As he passed the ;Since Will has turned a boy. llght; he saluted it with the customary three whistles. Scarcely had the I have to wear frocks just the same, echoes died away when a dog dashed And now they're mostly white; out of the lighthouse and ran at full I have to sit and just be good. speed toward the fog bell. He was folWhile Wili can climb and fight, lowed by a man. It is needless to say But I must keep my dresses nice, the dog arrived at the beli first, and that And wear my hair in curl, ' he all of immediately began: to jump into the And worse Oh, worsest thing air as though trying to reach someI have to stay a girl. thing. When the man arrived on the ' spot it was readily seen what was the A Presidential Barber. The bell rope was hung upon Presidents of the United States since. trouble, a and nail the dog could not reach it. Lincoln have been shaved daily during as soon "as the man removed However, their occupancy of the White House by the from the nail the dog seized the same barber, a colored man, who at it inrope his teeth, and with a great deal the present time because of this fact of satisfaction answered the apparent enjoys a $1,400 clerkship in the treas- steamer's salute. .The dog his ury department. He is a good clerk and business, and never fails toknows a return writes a fine hand. Notwithstanding all steamer's salute.' this )ie still pursues his calling of presidential barber.. Every morning while Historical Bits. the president is in Washington this to God that night or Blutcher f'Would clerk goes to the "White House, carrycome!" exclaimed the duke of ing jn a satchel razors, soap, cups, would brushes and strops. This duty is al- Wellington, as his anxious eye surways finished In time for him to be at veyed the dark masses of Napoleon's his desk promptly at 9 o'clock, and few forces. r of his fellow clerks know why he never "Night will be here in three hours and eleven minutes, your grace," said leather black appears without that chief of staffs consulting his watch. his eatchel. emLincoln was the first president to j'Oh, I ain't so particular about ploy him as a barber at the executive night," responded the Iron Duke. "All Is lost save honor," exclaimed mansion, and for some reason he has Francis same to I., as he looked upon his depriviget the always been able lege ifrom every successive president. feated army. "How about honor?" asked a sorrowWhen President Grant Returned from of his inauguration, the door the White ing courtier. TOh!,we didn't have any of that0 House was opened for him by this barto exclaimed what 'Soldiers," Napoleon, ber, jwhom he questioned as position he held in the' White House. "forty centuries look down Upon you Something in, the fellow's speech or from the pyramids!" manner" pleased Grant, and he told him "Oh, they look down on us, do they?" he was to consider himself installed asked Murat. "Well, I should think during his term. During the early days forty centuries on top of the pyramids of slaving the presidents the barber would feel stuck up !" his meals with the other servants "Stuck up!" said the little Corsican; took in : the White House kitchen. Whether "they are out of sight!" or not, in addition to this, he was paid "Gentlemen of the English Guard, a reglalar sum or tipped each morning fire first!" shouted the French Guards he has never been known to state. In at jFontenoy a they ensconced themvall matters he is close mouthed and selves behind a brick wall. Boston occurrence of in the any rarely speaks Transcript. Whiti House. . Bee Hunters' Luck. ' .A Mean Speculator. t. From the Bangor. Daily News: Sev ' eral men in "boom" shares young Cambridge copper mining Thej recently has brought to the ,front at least one went on a bee hunt, which, in some recandidate for the position of the mean- spects, wa3 a remarkable affair. After est man in Boston. A State street a 16ng tramp and much patient . waitbroker tells the Observant Citizen that ing! they located what they thought when :the excitement in Montana was was a swarm of bees in a hollow tree. at its height a couple of weeks ago, a Axes were procured, the tree fell, but business man, who had not previously investigation revealed nothing but a traded in stocks, came into his office hornet's nest. They were sure there and gave an order to buy 1,000 Mon- were some bees somewhere, not far off, tana. The stock was not delivered un and the next day went again. This til next day,1 and so he did not. put up time they found a big birch tree that a cent of margin. The next morning showed all the signs of containing the prize. With renewed "Monty" opened some four points up. went to work, the tree came Man Mr. Business in with a rush courage they and said: "Sell my Montana." His order fell, a large piece was cut out where was executed at the market. "Give me the honey was supposed to be, and they a check for the full amount," was his found another hornet's nest. There next utterance. The cashier wrote a were at least three quarts of the buzcheck for $4,000, whereupon the man zing, Infuriated yellow jackets, and said: "That's good.' l am going to make the would- - honey gatherers beat a this house a present." Sure enough the hasty "retreat. V ., next day the house received a valuable gift inj the form of a box of 50 hardly Wedding and Funeral Together. fair domestic cigars. In other words, Ashley, Mich. Special .to Cleveland this thrifty merchant succeeded in Leader: John A. Chittenden, on his ' ' death bed, requested that hisx sister, making $4,000 within twenty-fohours without a cent invested capital Louise, and her betrothed, Charles A. at an outlay of not more than $2. Bos- Holmdon, be married over his coffin. ton Post. The wedding originally was to have ' ' taken place September 25, but the date L was changed to comply with the wish; ITexas Steers on a Spree. of the dying man, and while he lay in; St. Louis Patrick Gormaii, an extensive stock feeder, a his coffin yesterday his sister and her few days ago shipped to his ranch, ten sweetheart joined hands over the coffin miles horthwest of Fort Scott, Kan., while the Rev. John Glase performed a herd of wild steers from the plains the marriage ceremony. Then he deof Texas. During their first night on livered the funeral oration, and the a Kansas ranch they stampeded newly married couple occupied the first i through the line fence of the pas- carriage behind the hearse. ture injto an orchard on the Alf Cleal farm. The prolific fruit season had made Gay Jackets of Fish Skin. It unprofitable for Mr. Cleal to gather The Eskimos of Alaska make jackets' more-tlaa small portion of his early of the skin of the trout of apples, and the burdened trees ' had that region, known as the Dolly Var-- j dropped their ripened fruit on the den,' which they tan for this purpose.; ground full three layers deep. The The Dolly Varden Is a handsome fish of apples jhad rotted, and were in that a purplish gray color. It attains a state of fermentation that makes them length of feet and a weight of 10 to a most; intoxicating feast for cattle. 12 pounds.2z The skin is waterproof, and,' Until the next morning the beasts with its bright red spots, it makes a; j themselves, and were they glutted very showy jacket. found in a condition of inebriety that A genuine caused them to conduct themselves with compliment, especially; boisterous hilarity. They were round- from those who rarely speak so, is very; ed up and corralled with much 3iG- - delightful. - and Mountains Lower Sevier. Address, : ii of girl; ji' Upper slit In right, under slit la left ear. Range :Crioket ! used to bo The nicest5 kind Jno Dewsnnp . brother Will, lie The following are aggregate amounts of money spent for liquor and other articles of consumption, by the people of this country during the past year, as well as for education and foreign missions. They are compiled from the internal revenue statistics ' and other reliable sources, The exhibit is startling, and should awaken all Christian people and good citizens to unite their influence to reform- and suppress the terrible drink curse of our land: $ '5,000,000 Foreign Missions Seviar. Des.Address. eret, Utah.; ' L on lsfS this! same brand on tefl of cattle. hip Willow Springs. Address, j Rga F. J. leaner, Flsk Springs, Juab County, . GT on left thigh, double 1 wallow fork In left ecar. ! Range, Lower, Address ee- rier.- cms. TiQEmsn Oasis, Millard Co. UtaX Mark, silt ta right and two slita Sana tneftear.l on left brand shoulder on horse P. N. Petersen, Oasis Utah, Range, Low er Sevier. Address,! - Same leftthigli on Horseai Upper slope and one under lellt la left ear, and two under silts tn right ear. RANQB :OU Creek. 1t Sims Wplker : ' , - Addrosa, Oak City, Utah, - O. S. MAKTEST, AALT LAKE. I . HOnissioQlerctat i Dealer in j FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, Eggs, Poultry, Game Veal Pork kni Besf, Smoked and Fresh risk, 4. . riour, Hay nd Grain. i It will pay you to ship your goods to us. e&arge 10 per cent, for handling and re ait m tooa as goods are sold. Can give first-claaunter references if desired. J . ss j . ? much-looked-f- or , W. Q. M STEWARD, C3 VV. De-i- 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY P. . COX 449. Hand Samples . . . $1..0D - Iron Assay il.00 l.00 .Copper Assay Bottle Canplei 3. CO . ur . Globe-Democr- at: . Frank ! I D, Hobbs, Land (Late Keg;frter U. S. OfSce.) Land and Mining Attorney.. Correspondence solicited. Twenty-t!iryears' experience. SALT- LAKE CITY, IJTA E. e - j Lend Agents & Attorneys. j " . 8ALT LAKE CITY, UTAHi H SAMUEL A. MHG, ED-HEAD- ed j 1 Is It a Phrase Merely Denoting Hot Temper or a Psychological Fact? The general supposition is that to "get red headed" is slang for getting angry, says the New York Herald. This is based upon the prevalent belief that persons" are more excitable and liable to sudden passion than other people, a belief hardly in ,, harmony with the fact that the dark-skinnraces of Southern clliea are more highly strung and LAND and ' ' Attorney - at - Law. 'Pnnpflr CclleoDois Booms 4 asd 5 Eagle Block,' SALT LAKE CITY, UTA U. AH-eSc- J L1IHI1IQ red-head- ed FRANK WHITEHEAD Office, First Nations! bank EM;., dark-haired- ed Iii D UTAH - - PSOYO, i rofsssor of violently passionate than the natives of the North. But does not the hair really and act"Will tfire ies.hr.riR on Piano, -rj ually change hues under the more violent emotions, just as does the complex- Ho reasonable wrrcs. ion? There are plenty of "instances For further parliculaiv, ndlree where intense fear and mental suffering Hill Gold have blanched hair to saowy white in FRANK WHITEHEAD, a few hours. Will it turn red with a . . HINCKLEY. . passion? "I know it to be a fact," said a lady Tks Oasis as a Fish Springs staffs leavs friend of mine, with light brown hair OmIi and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Honda? in which there isn't a tinge of red unand Thursday, and 'ftrrireg it terminal point within 2 hoars. der ordinary circumstances. "I got terribly angry one day," she Ostsis to Detroit, 3.00 " Fish 5.00 continued, laughingly, "and my hair Springs, " Gold Hill and Ipabah. 7.CC turned red as could be. Fortunately COPYRIGHTS. X Fare for transport ion out &sd return 02a it went back again to its normal conCATS I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For fares. A ddress, dition. A brute in human form cut off &a prompt enswer ard an honest opinion, M UNN fc CH).. who have bad marly fihy vJS the tail of my; pet cat. I could have F, DAVIS, Proprietor, hi the patent business. Comrannica tons strictly confidential. tMrpeieTice seen that man hang without the quiver A linnet book of lsj formation ooncerninK 1 a tents and bow to of tn eyelid, I believe, My husband a tain them sent free. Also catalogug ot Bsechanob Ica.1 and sciontifla books sent free. came in about that time, and, rlthout Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ppectal notice in the Scientific Ainericnn. ani knowing the cause of my wrath, sudOK fair-hair- ed Or-'a- for Detroit, Fish Springs, and Ibapahl j ' . 'J . one-ha-lf . A. Gardner, denly exclaimed: ."'Why, Allie! your hair is turning WATCHMAKER, red!' , " 'Well, you'd get NEPHI, UTAH. too,' said I thinking of the slang for getWatches and jewelry promptly 'if ting angry somebody chopped your paired, aiau ornprs soucirea. dog's tail off.' "But I don't- mean that,' he replied; 'it is actually getting red! Look in the glass. It Is queer I never noticed it "red-headed- ' t5 " - before.' ' "And, don't you know, I looked in the mirror, and, sure enough, my hair was of a distinct reddish tinge! I was so astonished for I then supposed with him that my hair had been changing for some time and that we hadn't . largest circulation of any scientific work ia taa a year. Sfunnle conios etnt free. worki. xitriruiviK cuaiuui umuLMiy, jjua Tear. t'iDciQ cents. Every number contains beau, copies, tfeful plates, in colors, and photoprapbs of dmb houses, with plans, enabl ing builders to show the latest desisns and secure contracts. AtWrpas j ," r&- - I MUNN & CQ Miw :tlii W'oadwat VOTtK. Harness and Saddlery GEO. Vi WILLIAMS, I I ST, -- A.-5TS03- MANUFACTURER rrT-u- . - , AND IMPORTER OF , , Harness, Saddlery, Buggy! Whips, Nose Bags, Hardvare, Collar noticed it up to that moment. "'I must have caught it from MagLeather, etc. Pads, said I. was our Irish gie,' Maggie Wholesale and Retail. . Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. servant and her; hair was just fiery. "We laughed bo much about it that Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hart I soon got in good humor again. And to then I went, the glass again to look given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. at it and I let it down about my shoul-- r aers ana we both examined it. But, HEATED CY STEAM. ELEOTRIO CALL CELL, don't you know, it was just as usual. It wasn't red at all! "After that I noticed that whenever I lost my temper I got for the time being."; red-head- ed No Need of a Judge. "I think," said, the man in the middle flat, politely, "that the boy upstairs with the banjo has a little, the advant' age of you." "How do you mean?" asked the lady from the lower flat. "I think he shows greater powers of endurance," explained the man. "He has more strength and occasionally he " seems to put mofe energy into do not understand you, sir," she "I F - L. HOLBROOK:, Prop. I ; , - LI . .. interrupted. "Now, pray, don't be offended," he said. "Your daughter is very naturally the weaker because of her sex, and she THEE does remarkably: well. Her speed is remarkable. really Many a day when she has been at the piano I have sat, " watch in hand, and timed her ; : ,i t j f"k ! O Bfl ! . i OL ji mr oneep, uauiBQ mining TPTO-VO- ; ' - i , nutiuuuar iurs . R UTAH. mm BAKU CROWN! Leads All the Rest- - "Sir!" "Madam, I assure you I am simply giving an unprejudiced opinion. I have AWARDS. known her to get through two pieces to his one, and while I must insist that he has the greater endurance, I think she must cover quite as much ground in a day musically speaking, of course as State Fair he does. It gives me pleasure to bear 1894, Gold testimony to her earnest- Medal. "Sir! Have you dared to set yourself up as a judge of my daughter's play- - Support Home ; ing?" "Not at all, not at all," he said pleasantly. "No judge is required nothing but a referee, and: as I am between the " two contestants to She waited hear no more, and that night she and her daughter worked the relay system to keep the piano going. But he did not care. He had left for the seashore for a month's vacation before they had fairly begun. Boston ' V Post,'- ' - l'r ' K, v- - ! Industries Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and Medals. Keep f Tttr nag twbc THrrs Your Superior Quality Flavoring ; Extracts Gold Medal. Money Two Great Crimes. "The crime of '73," began the financial conversationalist, getting himself into a position of ease. "That's nothing to the crime of '95," interrupted a short legged man in sandy whiskers. "The crime of '95!" exclaimed the financial conversationalist. "I do not understand what you mean." "Well, you ought to," said the short legged man with firmness. "Haven't you heard enough the last ten months to teach you that the crime of 95 is the everlasting blowing about the crime of at Best Quality and Display .of Bada Water. i '73?" New York Sun. . ' MANUFAOTUKED BY CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Startling Announcement. Slowpay "The Old Time Bank must be short of money?" Depositor "Great Caesar! Why do you think so?" Slowpay "I asked them to lend me some, and they said they couldn't -- Pope's Avignon Palace. The town, council of Avignon, France, nas agreed to spend 180,000 francs upon the restoration of the former palace of the popes. A part will be made into a museum, and the chapel and conclave hall will be ceded to the Vatican. Mustard used to be eaten whole and instead of in a pa3te made from mustard flour. Prepaid gas meters, nre growing in favor in New York. Ycu drop a Quarter ia a dot &d gti.SwS test of 6a.V7 , 1 Jt3JVOS - 9 BOX 623 JOSEPH !Al LYMAN General Merchandise, . txty - i Spices Pure and; Ground Daily. A' Old Way of Eating Mustard. Home. 3STV . . red-spott- BIBD & LO WlB, 'DON'T GET Has a full line of-- And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down, Either for Cash or Produce at cost. j ; Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with HAY, I: G-RAll- N -- j AND - STABLING Ilisheet cash price paid for Hides and Pelts. . , . Don't forget JOSEPH A. LYMAN, IHLLAItD OAS CITl,' COUNTY, j i . 'j'1 ; : - : ! |