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Show J ' imOETHEEAIl. T i ' UTAH. -- f mm. . ' - ETER JONES was my engineer the last year I run as fireman Him and me usedj to take the. night... express and bring in a way train next day. A whiter man than Pete never lived, which is more than altOBIAb OFFICERS. Crr s. A. Merrltt. CiLr fiuif-'i.- iiStf CS- C- " ,Ni.L M. Brtrham. - tlrron (in Frank Harria. T. B. Lewi. OfflKr. ahrtrt UTAH COMMISSION. ; Wir--Lak! S . . e r lt . City. Lake City. 1'W VAttktY DIHEOTORY ........ .Ful JSmV 1 ifr?''! - Collector " BurtooV WwSfiJi .. i5T most firemen will ay about their mate. When I first went mh him from a. swltchin' engine I was Iretty green about keepin' up fires on i long run; but ie never found fault or rrumbled-jus- t got down now and then 'or a rminute.-ai- d showed me 'how to lx things. After I had been runniix ith him abou six months he got to regard in me - as a good friend,- "and ften would tell me himself and about ' - W.Chappell Deptezin lis alvgo v jA, plans. ;J. T.- Sum ran He used to go to church every .D. W; jailer ' : ! (Geo. Bartch-- , Wm. U. Klny 8. W. Smith. 'Si "7, , V T'winn lidward Pi ke l t'. - ' ; Sun-ta- y night, bein'j unable to attend in the norninj because we did not get In till ifter service had begun.-l- don't think a member, but he took just as i Sii (Kajilf! out Qckev . . . . JoLa Poote Ue-wa- s aiucn interest as if he was. He got to tnow a young woman there named Liz- lIe Sparks and it wasn't lbngbefore'l wTLLlBD COUNTT DIBEOTORY. law ' v7. Jndxt that he was badly smitten," as "the wood ,Jo8hoaOren lay in, is. Once1, when he wa3 partlc-alarl- y ea. frame .Gardner. confidential, he told'me te" was Holbrook. CtO. CoInVito .""l..- ..- -.furnish ". it' by .Alma Q renwood. means taket "a house, r" of the' 'inoney he had In' tHe . :tS V.Recorder 7 V Hinckley Calllster Tbos.,0. ffaJ y&'. bankj and' surpris; her' 'when Tor.V. : WUlard -lloz ra. they were married. ' .'Ttr" :'; Z Josenh D.- Smith KL: he had Naturally"! supposed" .idney Teeplea. her and that everything was fixed;asked but one night' when . he"came on" duty hie was I pale andj tremblinj 'so" tnat: thought he was-- sick,' and I wahted'nlm .1 of the world 1t I to Tl tyuu.' .Tjtmnlon r . . Taint . what I' you "think'; ICS m a noarse wnisperas ami L. affairs seems to be Gov. Culber- - ll";1 4 m. rwof.,Teias. uicu persuaae mm 10 ko over to the drug store arid:get Wmejmedlclhe. Vr58r , r ! ; - 1 f ! ." " .-- ..- I - 4..-- , warriors have put in 'op era-jc- a a convenient and economical jiod of disposing of prisoners ' cap-sre- d i in combat They eat them. Chinese Enop ifTier mm pinned- between the tank and the cab. There were lots o yells and screafca and groans from the coaches, but I didn't need to be told to help Pete; first. I crawied over, and by hard pullin' got him out onto the bank. He was senseless and like a log; but, grabbifi' off my cap. I run it full of water: from the tank and threw it on him. .Then he come" to. "What's the matter, Jack?" he mumbled. By ana 'by he gazed around and the blaze from1 the coaches which had took fire, caiighf his eyei "My God Jack! " where's Lizzie?" he shouted, and jumpin" up he started back to the sleeper. The cars 'were all broke up and,' as I said, were on fire. It was an awful wreckthe worst I ever! was in.; " The sleeper was slashed up too, but hoi like the day coaches, the berths 'beiri down, which made it twice as bad. When Pete and me got there the porter, who was nursin' a j broken arm, told us everybody was out exceptin'ia man and 'a woman in the state f room.-Know- in by instinct it was Lizzie and: herliusband, Pete made a dash through the fire which was already eatlnf away one'" 'end rof the sleeper, r and ; crawled t tWbugh ' a broken window; - Before 1 ;h'ad tIMe to follow hlm-a- nd I confess I' " J j j 1 -- postmaster him js'to """ The we read that a cp by highwaymen 'd ' Trans-Baik- al PRESCRIPTIONS . mouth. 1 " -- ! 350,000 337,600 you-don'- .'!,. -? ship-buildi- J. M. ng OSTLER, ;t BOOTS AND SHOES. Bank tellers are not so called because they " are quick to tell where they're squandered the ;,: bank's money. All kinds of shoes made to order. !,.., ; M'v, .'. Workmanship second to none, The Ktf Cheng commission finds that w First door south of .Tabernaole, 140; Chinamen ..took (part in the massaNEPHI. cre of the missionaries. Of this num- MAIN STREET, ber, 59 have been put on trial and forty-two have been convicted. ' This ' is a very good record, of quick justice 'for a heathen country. It is unfortunate GENERAL MERCHANDISE that the wheels of justice cannot be made to turn as fast in this country and """M'PRODUCE--""'other Christian nations. annex AT THE fifty cigars a day. The struggle between grace and nicotine in his system xonst Goods at bottom prices for spot cash. stupidity last week. In an Placement of a meeting of the "W." Campaign Club," in flaring the line appeared 'the "W. W. Champagne Club." ,The blunder ra discovered before the papers were BEEP "1 spoke to Lizzie tonight, and my God, Jackshe's engaged ' to Silas Hun'. V v ' f straight ahead. After that (he was changed a great deal. He wad just as fair and kind me run j . ! and nearly every (day let feud has broken the engine and explained things to me; b earnest near Harlan Courthouse, but he never (referred to his private afJamSampson Brock was shot from fairs again but twice; j , and killed on Straight creek, About, three months after that night JJay by some of the Belchers. In he handed me a paper, and pointed out !at three months nine or ten men a paragraph stating that Silas Hunter side have met death In like and Miss Sparks were Ito be married the ; fc:er. if Kentucky could only belch next day, bu he said- never a word., fros3 matter out of her anatomy Next night was about; as bad an even-i- n causes these cowardly feuds she as you ever saw. It ivas half rainin', feel a great deal better and get half sleetin', and the track was as slipof a ' lot of rubbish at the same time. pery as glassl Times like that, luck has more to do With gittin' through than or airbrakes. I don't know whether periments have been made in Ans-;- 4 skill Pete he suspected somethlnl or not, but to test n' the likelihood of a war watch-iback around the coaches hit when fired at. A cap--- 8 hungthe passengers get aboard until UHooa at an altitude of about moment, and then he ?:et waa fired at from a distance of nearly the last came to the engine, got up on the box, Tzris, and was struck nine times muttered: and, with a ghastly smile, are sec-; fceing: a in the In brouSbt down. and groom TfTal the bride a captive balloon, at a heighth "Jack, ' sleeper."A:Czt of 5 feet, was fired at from If you want to form a little idea .f Pete's distance. A violent wind, purgatory, Just think of bein' in '.'z balloon to plunge a good that night, rendere(i the aim very difficult, place We had a heavy train, and the engine taiioon was not hmusrht down dtdn'tisteamjwell. It was a long uphill s down grade.' round. pull and then a heavy wo were When we reached the( summit after the ; report cf the British consul twenty minutes late, but we onUhe down began slope. on the trade of Ger-ft- e train got was 'time. It pitch that the German mercan- - to make up lost see r!- fifty feet baa now jar 0UtdI:-tmcedark and we couldn't The wneei3 Degan w riv2j. notwithstandlns the ahead. and It wasn't any cctiragementa given to the louder and ouder, 11 were ciippm on a wuo :; appears that the German fleet tima till we b"ch in 1SC3 was still be-- 2 every minute. :,r"r5French An of nntre a red light was waved now reaches a total tecs, thft Prpnfh Vtp!no mil TiKht In front of us, and before we could cases n& tie North American wink we had passed ft. In such by acts imore byinstinct than The Dsfflish commercial saw the Pete reason, and! the instant -tl 9,533,000 tens an3 the the engine and put ircial fleet 1.4S5.000 tons signal he reversed We didn't have time to ;0 --1 3 that Germany, althmigh on the air.! was the matter, for, island, ia etlll far behind peculate on' what reduced even a adda that the before speed could bea crash three or was trade. i3 caking little bit. there twist, and the terrific a 3, tLcuh net to the four bumps, whole train was in the c'.ltch. but when ed; I wasn't' hurtonly 'see istralchM fuPd Pete was - . $er , i bal-..ift-el- ng . . , -- - ( 2.-- ! th d - . Prc-rcc- y ATS JBlJj B utter, HIS LIFE IS WORTH MUitui THAN MINE TO HER. .1 .'':. ter." of case ai a that What can man say in kind? I climbed up onto my box and diirin the whole pretended toibe busy watchiK' him, and all I edition run but kpt his moved eyes from hasn't the time he never T3mltbr . of regular train tickets. " ."' . Call on or address Jack," he said simply;1 then he S. V. DARRAH, COMMERCIAL j FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT - Room 21 Morlan Block,' Salt Lake City, - Utah, OR H. C. TOPSEND, General Passenger & Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Mo. DE3CSCT. j Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. Mill Work a Specialty. GRACE BROTHERS' Lumber PORK VEAL :ALSO- - ss '"' u i MDTTON as-eve- r, ty-Eix- ;WholesaIe and Retail - Cast Main Street, BiiiclricrB, CURED double :J3 In which the seats are free to "holder " i JI10. DEVSHUP, MGR. 0STIER & 00KET, ! STORE DESERET CASH kt mere at time. Mill Lard, Sausage OSTLER & 0CKEY, disapManufacturers of and Dealers in . peared. VJ Doors, Windows, Mouldings, The heat drove me back, tut when I f Mixed UTAH. NEPHI CITY, Coal, Hardware, Paints, saw somethin' movin' inside the car Coffins, Pickets, Caskets, again, I made a dash; to the broken Free delivery to any part of the city. etc. Combination Wire; Fence, window and caught qjn outseretched Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. arm. I gave a jerk and; a pull, and then By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to this the blaze come in a big wave and I K. E. L. COLLIEJR, O.E. point. tumbled over. When I Icome to I found Pete had shoved out Lizzie's husband, and it was him r caught. We were both En gineering in all its Braneljes. badly burned, but not fatally. j Poor Pete's body was1 found the next Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty day, and the superintendent gave him a i Ecgloeer for Ontrel Lend and Irrigatiot big funeral at the company's expense; L n d snd. Irrigation iCo., Clear Co., but neither Lizzie or her, husband ever Fillmore I.nr ' it Irrigation Co. and TYhJU. showed by the smallest sign they! ap: Mountain Lm c tid Irrigation Go. preciated what Pete haI done for them. Office: Court!! ouse, Fillmore, Utah Maybe they, mourned! in secret, and maybe such love and pravery was beyond their ken. I don't know. THE DESERET DAIRY dO. Dealers in and Manufacturers of GEMS OF THOUGHT. " HAH FOR SALE f Modesty , or rather fear, is one of the first virtues of love Balzac. FULL CliEAM .CHEESE. .1 It many times falls out that we deem AHD ourselves much deceived in others, beDeseret is noted 'for the fine quality in ww. j umaj cause we first deceived ourselves.- - Sir uiimu4mi.n, iniiu. ' its and of Cheese. Butter Give Milk, , Philip Sidney. o ur products a trial. ;i Oh; what a curious place the world NOSE SACKS, ETC. Is, and what 'a number of things are 1 N. S. BISHOP, found out a fresh in it! What faded old " ' "T facts stand forth in startling colors as We also carry a full line of SUPT. wonderful and new when youthful genius gets a chance of sitting still while It passes, and making unnoticed studies .',. j. T , , Broth ers, ; I NEPHI CITY, ... UTAH. j OSTLER & ALLEN ' HARNESS ADDLES BBIDLES, ' HOPPLES, " of it Jean Ingelow' pp ylV.tn difference is this There between those two ' temporal blessings, health! and money:' Money. Is the most envied, but the least enjoyed; health is the most enjoyed but the least envied; and this superiority of' the latter is! still more obvious when we reflect that the poorest man would not part with health for money , but that the richest would gladfor health." ly part with all their ' '. money ' " : Colton. How easily, If fate would suffer it, we might keep forever these beautiful limits, and adjust ourselves, once for all, to the perfect calculation of the kingdom of known cause and effect. In the street; and in the newspapers,1 life appears so plain a business, that manly resolution and adherence to the multithroufeh, all weathers plication table will insure success. Butah! presently comes a day, or is it only a. half hour, with its angel whispering which disof nations and comfits the conclusions ' of years. Emerson. ; ' : . Horse Furnishing' Goods ; j j ;"" ; . ' : . . THE DESERET HOUSE. and eoanty Newspapers from all- parti ' Utah. fGtj ' On fjHsiaiens ' from DetrcJi - j - t ' - Erery tLinj RS3PECTABLB. '. 7n ef THE PJQIlCnT T7ATSII ON I1ARTTT Ca tl PrexaLies. TLis Water la a iiNTESD CUS3S far O - '1 EI:5to StetiiafraiaLi on Application. "CUPIDEKE" pfjiru'nnn ncornncn This Vegetable grreat .11,11 i V. i DESEHKT, - 1 - r w BEFORE rrTrBtT-TT- AND TPre-t.rnB-iien- f of tlie generative orrraus, sucb as Irfjst Manbood. vou3 or acic, Seminal Emissions, Ncrvotm- Debility. Insomnia, l'aina in the V PlmDles. Unfitness to 'Marry. Exhausting .JJrains, Varicocele and disf-fis- es )! o . cleanses the liver, tho the horrors of Impotency. CU'2.1,AE organsof aii impantleis. Sidneys and the urinary and restores small weak organa. , MRS. J. P. GIBE3, - i Perfect Satisfetctiori j Diseases of the Kidneys and and Cowboys' Outfits. WE GUARANTEE eel E::!nrten fir uniDlll whsr.: Sheep Men's Pr-p- - . UTAH. Add- - css ' Chair Garb Reclining " It is said the Rev. Sam Jones smokes a great or Belcher-Gro- To the Great Hirers and Atlantic Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly'( ; rrt1orn'TniiinTnnt-an- : j s 'Prprq IJteit s Poghkeepsle, N. Y! "prohibition ?r was the victim of a printer's proceeding any cold water on Mr. - And positively the quickest rcata ,! Including tongue the entire ; -- wn A Abated and -- si. This No tiresome layovers. Close connections in union depots,. - i ears. He' has before and after electa features also, and faces both ways. 'ce rcr" RAILWAY. t Kentuckians evidently He not all around. Its surs and ask for a ticket that -- Vice-Preside- nt a Kentucky girl, it saw a Chicago politician. --7 has two iaces, but he had Ter ST. LOTOS, OR -- " street car was She is regarded as but the . j has two fully developed and ."illj different faces, although she has "i one pair of ears, and teeth in only "salt, . fflSASICITI. CHICAGO, , j lightweight champion. : you! axe going to - that the very day that :jISam told John Bull he could not ni any31 more Venezuelan "territory, it American pugilist, - Charles Helper, defeated Arthur Valentine, the Kyrtlf Donlvan, If DRUGGISTS, a la ominous i Bald, Your patronage solicited. MoHALLY & LUHT, - In Chicago we :3t remember that j quite possibly izn waa not a house within five miles i Sis scene of the outrage. j ' and Bologna. - j When Mutton, Veal, Qhipped Beef . e then."1!-Before-w- f ' Choice Fresh Meats, CAPITAL SURPLUS at Dunneilon, Fla., oalj way to get Repairing ia &U ta its branches. Special- attention called mahit nsw style. Universal feed sewing chine does all IU work inside of the shoe. Two doors north of Union, Main St., NephL " - ; taken all of the government funds ii gone to Cuba to help the patriots.' x Island. . 12. y Q 'X 0120 ; is ' , g Gate A perfect fit ffaaraateed."1 : HAG-T- J so-M- tlMmen will be thoroughly iad on this point. Ti ' -- is the i Before trouble is over with all - ' A. V. GEORGES HARDTTi Boot and Shoe esction of thw Sinow berian IUilway is completed. The original - plana i tor" this railway : were Carefully compounded. to. abandoned owing to the fact that they or Mail express orders promptly atteacd v Lake at Salt Stack would "Jiave necessitated the carrying prices. Large of the line to an elevation of 3,000 feet abbver tne eeai 'through srid districts SOUTHER!!. TRADE SOLICITED. where but! few settlers could make' a r M'NALLY.& LUT,' livelihood.1 A'more southern route has . nbw?'beea adopted; which; though' con HEPHl7" UTAH. run four of the siderably longerwill by principals rivers;, through regions rich if In salt, soda, silver, copper, iron, lead Piret Nat am Rant and gold, and 'in which many mines C have been opened out! Som 750 miles Smsted of the Siberian railway are "open for Iwal'most" afraid to. do ie NEPHI, UTAH fas.; Chelablnsk to Omsk; in the jaifbther window frbmi the inside and r traffic, 5C0 miles, and Vladivostock tb cbm'mehced1 t6r 'push somethln white west, In the east, 250 miles! Thus Grafskaia, through 'the opehin'. It was ' Lizzie, . but whether dead or senseless no : on: Omsk li placed in direct communication St. Moscow and Could tell Petersburg. Of ... s got her. out with of 6,000 total miles from the St. length ' was the fire ragihr all over the? cart' and- even as: It was, we" were singed; Petersburg to Vladivostock, about 3,700 miles hare still to be- completed f- pretty bad. GENERAL BANKING , t ' - fter they carried Llzziei away I A very large order for naval and mil reacned down to help P6te out, but he '; In All Its Branches. supplies has just Gne to France, shouted: "Not yet' Jackal must 'save ttary J.' II. Ericsson, agent who was in Russia. 3ab. C. Whitmobb, her husband." I yelled in agony : "ComefJ a French President. beenxintfusted "the recently by W. WAbmstrono, Cashier.- Ui tpi lieaVenrs sake Pete J you'll never""get having Moscovlte with orders government to out If come hbwHef looked the" amount of $12,000,000.' The orders at me and smiled ih'a pitiful way; '"His were sealed and he was instructed to ' life s f worth3 hiore - thaii mine to K'er'l transmit them direct to two French "'f'vrriVn men id'j.' C. firmsone being a leading well-knocompany and the other a Manufacturer and Bepairer of powder manufacturing firm. k and not England country of America, Tenseuela RELIGION AND REFORP.l. AnEndeavor society has been organized in the Home of Incurables at Bal4 '" ' , timore.. : The' Christain Endeavor Societies o? Australia have sent seventeen of their menlbei to foreign mission fields.'' -Los Angeles has a Chinez 3 Christian Endeavor Society of fifUsn boys and, girls' w o support a native helper In China. Christian Endeavor in Madagascar is not yet four years old. Neverthelesa e societies; it now numbers ninety-on' ,"' V" ' with 3,377 members. CO.. P. O. Box 2C7e, San Francisco. Cal. Fir hv II IVOh McNALLY & LUNT, DUGGICT3. BY TOR SALD ' IIEPm. , |