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Show Denver Directory. "Who's that girl that brought in the Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Ruthven?" now, glasses just "Only a kind of sub to Mrs. Garrett, -who's getting too old to do all my 'Hie b?st SMO dou ; ble Coucord work." In Colorado "Where did you pick her up?" f for SIS. With $liO. breechlncr, "Why do you want to know?" i ?25 double twm Because it's in my mind to borrow n harness with : breeching ?1Q. $2i her. Will you lend her to me?" steel horn stock "As a model, of course?" paddle for $15. $15 sickle boggy harness for 8.50. Do not be 'Yes. For my new picture. She has deceived; by worthless imitations but order direct from us and get the 'lowest wholesale just the face I want." prices. Catalogue free. All goods stamped. "Is there anything in it, then?" FRED MUELLER, 1413 Larimer Street. Americans' is THE that It MARLBOROUGH DUKE OF supposed Is "There is everything In it. It so Denver, Colorado. to are n ; j sssss due fact that the they qualities ' Goods sent for examination, uncle .does. Master TTnTntifnn arA , wonderfully expressive." An Unassuming: Young Man Who Makes much push while they are babies. should think that ought to be enowzh "I must look at It next time she comes Friends. The woman who has worn tight shoes for blocks from Union AF.1ERI0AII HOUSE 2Depot. can wen unaersiauu uw an arternoon smooth-facefor the 12 per Day. d votes Duke of the Marlborough Everybody like jlad on." yourself. can boots his man with "die "Denver's Old Beliable lloteL good fello"wv He has made a very pleasant Ana 11 you think Margaret has come 'And her eyes are beautiful. Large, aimpression in New York. The men and What this country needs is maple sugar here only to trot up and down-staiof MINING, PRINTYN'3 She would women of society like him, the Willie boys that to limpid, and almond-shapewill pass a thorough civil service ex- MACHINIST Bepalrs etc his the Imitate threadingr. and cuttin?. varments his and manners, Pipe ao your bidding, you're seasons of the all at year. 18th t. i'relffht elevatora. Nock & Garside. mistaken. be useful to me in a dozen ways." girls say he is "a darling," and the report- amination vastly She's got her duty to learn as a good who are perhaps the severest critics, and ''I had no idea she was a wonder. ers, vi Female Fruit Pills PITS All Fits Btopped free by Dr. Kline's Great positively restore all whose verdict is entirely disinterested, say use. Iferve Restorer. No Fitsafter 2tbe nrstday's from whfttevftr cause: price tL. lrregtuaritieB, servant, and to try and repay your uncle Make what arrangements you like with that V G he is a very agreeable, unassuming free bottle ami trial cures. Treatise CaU or Address GAVI MEDIO AL CO., 717 Platta on no airs, but Marvelous for taking her' into his house, and that Mrs. "Garrett, Addison. Whenever she young it cases. Send to Dr. Kline.931 Arcn St., Piula., gentleman. He putsseen l St., Denver, Colo. Lady Attendant. a boy of who little but for of has won't leave her any leisure for fooling; can spare her, the child- is entirely at the world and23,is placed in a most trying po- The very young are quite as anxious to be as you'll soon find out.": sition, he has maintained a quiet, E. E. BUR LIN GAME'S old as the very old are to be young. V your service." ;., furnishes a very favorable conthat dignity ' CHAPTER II. (Coktintjep.) come Mr. Addison secured the housekeep- trast to some of the nobility who have 7 Mrs.; Garrett had (cautioned Peg! not I cannot speak too highly of Piso's Cure our over to with here titles reinforce their '215 remonsMrs. Mobbs, Frank Consumption. to mention the police court and the er's good will on behalf of .his project, millions. His appearance is not impressive, for ' 'AnU Chemical Laboratory. After which, regardless of; W.22d street, New Xork, Oct. 29, 1894. she he and and Is he some not for lEsiablithed 1865. and .lathered, Miss and entreaties, very good looking, Peg O'Reilly hasn't the bone and days trances Master Ham evitraditional of man the lie" said brawn don't who Tne "figures La nibbed and scrubbed Miss Peg and she had Derore; PIIOTOGRAPIIISR9. JEWELERS mute with visited his studio, and sat, nao&A itKa cn-Briton. On the contrary, he is rather under dently, never looked at an election stereopti send your sweepsAND and waste gold containing a: till it antecedents so vlyidiy before the but has fresh, healthy complexion,a astonishment, whilsthe made various size, return and silver for treatment. Prompt O'Reilly's attenuated little body in and talks frank and affable manners, girl cash price paid for gold and silhighest studies of her face and figure.: At the pleasant, unassuming, boyish way about his We have several excellent newspapers for and as clean as her own. eyes: that she sat byt her side, mu ver bullion. Address 1736 and 1738 Law Western reasonable at sale prices. and impressions that is quite end of that time, he repeated the ques- experiences The rence Street. Denver. Colorado. Union, Denver. Colorado. As the girl stepped out of 'her bath a mouse,, lest by opening her ntoifth duke takes a sensible view charming. of his arrest in Central Park the other day, was much satisfied BU buouiq commit gome solecism, and tion he had first put to his friends again Mrs. Garrett American Indians do not improve morally THE DAVIS when he violated ,the regulations about bicyon that "Where did earth up fair The you labor. pick make Mrs. Garrett angry.' cle riding. He was ignorant of the rules, because they have Lo! associates. ffiti the result of her child," Ruthven?" And Ruthven also and was quite unconscious of Brake Horse Hoister was still sadly disfigured by the Safety When yira corns to realize Well, I suppose" X can speak td; her. and admits that the policeman was only permore of how no :, and corns are repeated: marks pone, pain, that your or what is. ises and the forming his duty. for?" cried Hamil ' "Why are you so anxious to know?" His grace purchased four large white mules grateful you feel. All the work of Hindercorns; 15c as and as was white milk, it but sores; ton, his recent visit to Kentucky, and in"and we can i ay a "Because I am sure she is not of com during cleansed game unabashed; There Is no help in the case of a woman to a drag tends to' drive them of draughts together In the even her tangled hair, thoroughly" who can't get a servant. an was to when he Blenheim. returns mon It contour of her features idea of his birth. The trnm the burden of mother earth it had a or be will he same and "it read thinks book. It's wice and the formation of her the ings, Mothers appreciate the good work limbs, tell me great go." own, carried about with it, and well brushed as jolly to read when .you've got some of Parker's Ginger Tonic, with its reviving qualities so. She has the most delicately rormea and nervous. mhoi was transformed into a one to talk It. over with, a boon to the nilj luiuuvui Sake Health's for Undertaken are little and Trips nails her feet, which of flaxen only curls, rtbtmane A person with a thin skin ought to have a gentlemen1 aren't in the aiablt Will be rendered more beneficial, and the- clear You will never make me be to render them as of "Young conscience. attpntion .taA voyif of travel" counteracted, tjij fatigues reqmi playing uhcle's wlththeir draughts was lieve of a born that ;er roughs." will take with him tiostetter girl as silk. house-maiV quo 1 1 the glossy and soft omach Bitters, along and use that orotective and housekeeper, .believe to ever "Did make I you try PIHEOLA COUGH DALSAH appeWell I never did see such a transfig enaDiing tonic, nerve mvigorant ana water ; grimly. ; y and it?" in air tizer is excellent for all throat inflammations and for regularly. Impurities in my life!" exclaimed the a good 'un1! Don't I plajf with are neutralized mat's astnma. consumpIt, and it is a matchless by mat so close ; "No the but upon you're and regulator of the stomach, tives will invariably tranquillizer i.n,0vin(r. "Don't you feel, a deal your y .4 ter altogether, I half suspect, you old liver and bowels. It counteracts malaria, derive benefit from And Peg that Is, Margaret-- can't and to a rheumatism and This Iholster is built entirely of Iron aria its use, as it quickly lighter than you did before?', kidney tendency more than know about it you bladder ailments. ' dog, you and Is provided with a patent AUTOthe abates steel, cough, so read." comfortable," sighed I feel ever MATIC SAFKTY y RAKE holding the load choose to say." renders expectoraI'll teach her," Replied the lad. who tion easy, assisting at any point, and making the working of the His Apology. the poor girl, as, lulled by the unusual "If it's come to this," said Ruthven, nature in restoring Hoister perfectly safe. resue naa disa iiitu laiien A London journal says that tt lively warmth and nourishment violent rancv to trie mass laughing, "! must make a clean breast A. Featdre Not Foenetsed by any other JBorse Hoist. wastea tissues. cussion once took place in a town council in of flaxen curls and the large blue eyes, of it, I have There a is perThese Holsters are built in five sdzes. Caceived, her head sunk forward drearily large only kept silence for the the north of England. One thing led to anof those who pacity bf machine No. 1, with one horse and centage anfrom which the look of distress and child's theone of other till gave oa her breast. sake, so you must respect my other the lie direct. disputants suppose their cases single line,! 800 pounds, 75 feet per minute. The Insulted party fear were already fading. "Wouldn't confidence. to be consumption- Price, Scomplete with sheaves, $90. At her clinched. I rushed The fact and the pair forward is, picked who are only sufferSEND FOR CATALOGUE. CHAPTER III. man exclaimed: you like to; learn, Peg?" he continued up in a police court, wnere sne was this moment the first ins from a chronic a are liar!" 'I reiterate that you me,LESS ii you to the girl. by Tie Fj M.jDayis Iron forts Co, To the astonishment of every one the ag cold or deep seated cough, often aggravated 1 with stealing onions." charge Halm. Uotn Cream use catarrh For catarrh. Ely's ain't going to sleep his noia. let go 'Yes, very much' said Peg1, shyly grieved party he ao Qua tuuuicuii, , remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, 60c. per "Oh, well," said, '.'in that case I accept bottle at two o'clock in THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREICHY 'Her name is Margaret, and not Peg, ; Pineola Balsam, 25c. at Druggists. In quanman he .a the vas saw If she reiterates, says never inquired. I apology 'I new steel hone whim. Will amount. on of On their will ! deliver of $2.50 tities receipt can is ask." all r that any1 gentleman the af te noon Master Hamilton. 25 tonB of rock 800 feet each shift. Is just as saf was hoist me York. New 56 she told she Warren and ELY St., BROTHERS, starving, and reliable as an engine. It can be packed anywhere Well, I don't know Why, you said! Peg yourself Just friendless. a jacK can Ka ivi cuv wuetui or So I paid the fines, and seems peniclock and then The fast gets THE FKEIGMTV'. clutches to ibreak. 90 per cent, is HE PATS JONES if it isn't the best now; besides,, it's a deal shorter and over hand It its at has least will bend tent; to Garrett's Mrs. home her wrought iron and steel and650 always ' brbught In nse before breaking. Over and Farm tiling you could do. easier to remember, and I mean to call care. If she 'turns out well, she will its face. Wagon some running o years without one me dnllar'n ezDense. We make hore Would you like her by it, into the bargain." "Sanson's Xlaglo Corn Salve." want to foreet the Dolice court, so I Warranted ua ou, w noists at prices, Ask your cure or to refunded. money now to put you to a "You're saucy fellow, and I've thought it best to keep her counsel. druggist for it. Price 15 cents. ) United States Standard. All lzes and All Kinds. A If. bed and let you spoiled you altogether," says Mrs. Gar There is the long and thehort of.it." reman office the then seeks the The controlled combination, a man, or trust a by made Not .":! ...i! by sleep It off, whilst I rett, who only spoke the truth in say said For Free Book nd Price List, address seeking offices for his relaby. have ciprocates I you "Ruthven, always nm ont ana see ing so. The boy answered her by sit were. the best fellow in the world; bat, tives. " BINOHAMTON, JONESOP "U.S.A. JSInsIiamton.N. can Tliat l if tbe Baby is Catting Teeth. get in tne way oi ciotuea w ting down on her lap, and kissing her mark my words, that child is better Be and on np. Send for an illustrated circular to THE mud use old sure and Hbs. that mate you decent when you wake up cheek. He was a handsome, lively lad. born than she appears. Can't you VutsloWs Soothino SYKSP for Children remedy, WHIM CO. .1222 Curtis St. Denver. Oolo. Teethins- ; . an . again?" with. insouclanjt air about hjm that find out anything about her anteceClaims. Prosecutes Successfully Is such a thine as cholera in the U.S. Pension Eureau. there Examiner If 3ed!' ejaculated Peg, ' opening her most; people mistook for honesty.- He dents?" Principal DR. GUNN'S J' Jlatein last war, 15 adjudicating claims, attyBince. '.":.; spirit land it must be cholera in phantom. his! IMPROVED eyes again with astonishment.. "Am I generally own ith the way got "Well, to tell the truth." replied to sleep in a bed?" who from had him housekeeper, knqwn Ruthven, shamefacedly, I have tried, "BIes3 the gal! Did you think we a baby, and therefore, as a rule- - he be without success. , Mrs. Garrett told me A MTiXMJJL ULICU WUU fill II ceaat to let you lie on the floor? That haved well to heri but if she thwarted the girl's mother had died in a certain 1 centrales all : lin't the way Mr. James does things, I him in a. single thing, however trifling, so I went there to gain all One Fill for a. Done. A'Mild l'nysic. can tell you." its Misery in j Q jJ A movement of the bowels each day is necessary for And catching" up the he would fling himself out of the room the information concerning her I could; health. These pills supply what tbe system lacks to make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the slight figure in her arms, Mrs. Garrett in a pet, for the next! twenty- - But they had none to give me. It was BH n n Ifa A HI t want to feel it con- tf 1 XJ Kyes.and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. carried it up to" the top story of the four Mrs. Garrett, as' she tbe old story. hours. They neither gripe nor sicken. To convince you, we A womar who called will mail sample free, or full box for 25c. Sold every house, and laid it between her own watched him entec into eager conversa where. DR. BOSANkO MED. CO., Philadelphia. I had come into the Nan herself O'Reilly, JVWVUVVUVUVVV"V"V'JVUVUV " sheets. tion with Peg O'Reilly, and pjlay with house some ten years ago, in a dying "Abed!" exclaimed the girl, wonder her as though she! had been his equal, with this child in her arms, Tie Best wished she had thoueht of. askiner Mr. condition, Ingly, as she drew her hands -- admir the and knowing nothing authorities, ingly o?er the pillow. firmly believe that Piso's "My! isn't it James whether his nephew had not het- - further, were compelled,- on! the mothWaterproof Cure teautifulL I feel as if I don t ever want ter occupy the dinng-room the even- er's death; to bring, her up. Three kept me from, having Coat ' to wake quick Consumption." Mrs. again." ings for the future. It had been all years ago they drafted her but into do In tho And I and such as I He down in very well for hirn to sit in jher little j; JL D. DARLING, Beaver mestic service, from which she ran ose every 1895. N. no was June one 18, if l1 the apartment when there but away, and they had never heard of her Y., Meadow, night, and grumble WORLD 3 nattress ain't been turned Lord for-r- e his old nurse to wait upon him, but a till" I came across her in court. usr thought Mrs. Garrett, and the young girl about the place made things again Depend upon it, the child is nothing tiought prompted her to stoop down different. Howeyer, Mr. Jalmes was more than she seems." iis3 the poor pale face on the pil with his beloved CannibalsJ and did I don't believe it. Besides she low. not return home that evening, so the doesn't seem so. She is starved and The nSH BliAND SLICKER Is warranted water- Veg did not respond to the kiss. She boy and girl, after, the fashion; of young- - pinched at present, but she will be a nmrf. and will keeD vou drv in tho hardest storm. The new PtiMM 1j cijitvjt is a neneci. riumK cuai. nuui All Else Failoi BEST COUCH SYRUP- '.j stared as LIt fell upon her brow on sters, naa consiaeraDiy auvanceu in in Where Cures and graceful woman : some beautiful Don'tl covers the entire saddle. Beware JA MS BY DKUUU1S1S. GOOD. TIMH. ROID USE IN - of imitations. TATES aneEide and shed weak tears." 'A :'. , T Ibny a coati lr ine x isa xsrana- is not on u. iuunixtimacy before they retired to rest. On day." Vted Catalogue free. A. J. TUWjek, Mosion, jwbbb. "No one never did that to me before, the next morning, the whole occur "Poor Peg! I really must have a look rence seemed to have passed out of at her by and by," replied Ruthven, said, brokenly. Something rose in the housekeeper's Ruthven's mind, for he eat his break i quietly amused. tiroat, and prevented an answer. fast and rang for his boots before a But the look resulted in a wonderful uTca lie still and go to sleep," she single word had been spoken between "Tbe Companion has been growing better, brighter erery year for more than sixty change for our little heroine. Ruthven TtTparting, "and I'll be back within Mrs. Garrett and himself respecting his observing that his friend Addison's ft tour." importation of the day befcjre. But aj opinion was correct with respect to her After which she took the note Ruth- - she saw he was about to leave the house TTTT personal qualities, had a talk with Hamsh4 Tea had made bold to It, ntnn Shore "on the subject, when the given her in her pocket, with without attending nail door key. and sallied forth to to broach the suDject. lad assured his uncle that Peg showed her purchases: for Hamilton "About that young girl you brought such aptitude for learning jthat he be re did not come home till the even- - home yesterday, Mr. James;? " 52 Times a Year." Subscription, $1.75. to think he should be doing her gan caresaid c&. and few viaitnr . the he way, "Oh. yes! By were Hkelv to an injustice by bringing her up in a The value of the next volume of The Companion is suggested by the titles and authors of a few of the oitle her master's bell at that hour lessly, as if he had just jrecalled the menlal capacity. Articles announced for 1896, as given below. e day. There are of shops transaction, "how is she gping on.' is no doubt she will have "There plenty London where you may clothe the "Pretty well, sir, considering all beauty,, and Hamilton says; she is very at short notice, and Mrs. Gar thlnes. She seems anxious 10 piease sharp. If I give the child a little edu Series tig learn; but f be I shall ft found little difficulty in procuring and willing to Mrs. able, therefore, by cation, Garrett? I'm in a and by, perhaps, to introduce her to the The following Articles of exceptional value from the most Eminent! Authorities: Ti,it what. not only underclothing; a dress, hat and Jacket, which hurrv. as usual."' The Lord Chief Justice of England. stage, and put her in the way. of earn otiId render THE BAR AS A PROFESSION. "Do you wish Master iHamiiton o ing her own living, and any one will do her charge fit to appear Judge Oliver "Wendeljl Holmes. mv room of an evening, as he to public at any moment. Mrs. Garrett with her pails and UkkUti; help Hon. Tbomas! 3.' Reed. DOES. WHAT THE SPEAKER tea Ehe had waked up from a long has been used to do, sir brushes." :. HOW A PRIME MINISTER IS MADE. By Justin McCarthy, M. P. Sireshlne Sleen. and Mrs Clarrptt. to "I'm sure I don't carej I leave all So the old housekeeper's mental h child's wonderment and delight, had these things to you, you know. onninhrinm was sorelv unset one fine the a in with young girl her in decent linen, surmounted Tea, sir; but morning by the curt observation of her Cabinet jMinisters Adventures. neat pink frock and black aDron. house she must look; sharp about master that No other periodical has ever been able to announce articles AMONG CHINESE PIRATES. Admiral A. H. Markham. her fair curls off her face with "Does she look dangerous, then? Wttine Margaret O'Reilly a suitable o by three Cabinet Ministers. bite him?" !. , By Admiral T. H. Stevens. outfit as he had maae arrangements Hon. Hoke Smith. SEA PETS. SECRETARY OP THE INTERIOR. ritxn, she looked so primly will she Mr. will have your you l. James, l:tf a2! delicate, so like a conven-a- l "Lor', for sending her to a boarding-schooSECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE j Hon. J. Sterling Morton. LORD NELS0NS SHTPMVTEJ Sir George Elliotj K.C.B. outcast in one of Lake Addison's joke. But don't you think it would be Hon. H. A. Herbert. THE CAPTURE OF RANGOON. Admiral P. H. Colomb. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. (TO BE COXTINUED.) ' of the London poor, that Ham- - mnrfi like a gentleman if: Master nam Vn":;- P'e3Shore, the upper to occupy to Nlffhtlnfirale's were begin Message s Florence house-;3rllton rushing into the as tall as Florence Nightingale recently sent Serial snuS little sitting-roothat rooms, now that he is nearly to the of message vniTrself. sir? Z. girls following the paused in the act of flinging From the great number offered a few of the best have been selected.; ck3 in a "Put him Just where you. like, Mrs Great Britain. It will apply to Ameriheap upon the table to A Thrilling Story of Southern Life. THE VENTRILOQUIST. can girls as well: the; tiles, if it suits your "Hallo! Garrett, where did Garrett-- on By Miss M. G. McClelland. to to 1. would be: girls I leave everything "My 'message' IN THE CLUTCH OF THE TSAR. An American's Life among the Russians. convenience. np that Jolly girl?" By C. A. Stephens. to to the he left your t.Ad work; your RuthvcnJ Train yourselves .tora a new hmiRP,mniri as vour yuu, ROSAMOND'S VIOLIN. A Story of fascinating interest for Qirls. By EUen Douglas Deland. or thirty The last twenty-fiv- e life. n CaeS has fnnnl fm na MEADOW. INDIAN IN Adventurous Pioneer Life of two Boys" 90 years ago. footpr By Charles Adams. rm,0' nnohot of which was that the years has recognized beyond' every- V' was the withering reply; z. the thing this necessity having communicated a irnr.nN TJn rr h fl.Tl thn tvi VI Margaret nor I don't want housekeeper, fthliVr o. 10 xutiatc nave a "'6" - J'cur Send for Full Illtistratcd Prospectus and Sample Copies Free : rude expressions nor re- - b101, f tViP ronversation , i. i onrl saw in all you undertake. y Aynrnr an When we fail or are disappointed, we (For Mrs. Garrett had llton, got iau6uCu i ' Z xr Nodded that in order to main- - him sitting closer to y remamaer OFFER! lose heart and perhaps 'strike work.' tbe f": CI . l riirh f-- i me iwo 5-cui&iiiin; uuLwyea iL t. if we have recognized ourselves Kew Sutscribers who will cut out this slip and send it AT OITCE But :Pife, who must be thrown so r with name and address, and $I.7S, will receive: as (I will not say only) a wheel or a eVl1eration between them, however CMiiS slip with mer, the familiar appella-shoul- d I. of week TSEE The till Youth's that hands January came Companion every the Almighty in it and tool ensue,! to TKZE Thanisglviiigr, Christmas, Kew Year's Doutle ITambers. s be exchanged for and best, we have Ibout though the instrumentality of highest and truest -- garet.") Calendar (1 x 10 inches), littoFREZ Our Handsome of being a part of the V, blessing 37 that cents. 50 A. grraphed in nine colors. Eetail price, to am I, Margaret?" re- - Lake Addison, R. most inti- whole, and, whatever our! own failure, Tanuary Ii 107. wflr. Ruthven's was man This down. 3. As one of cast ingayly; "and if you are never are oftenest who one workers: of our day i com see wny vou mate friend; the at Kensington, the best women now house little the THE YOUTH'S ''cOf.lPAFIIOH, 201 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass, vaded same is of rights, not time. talk atJolly at the 'The the from says, at Onr Rislc Send ChecS, you'll give me a little more and lured the dramatist f flee or Express Order, or Registered Letter, Let that not be our case. I O Reill right.' arid Peg of the club; a prisoner from illthe morning than Girrett tractions of tne family many am myself always but one :'s 3 been not hod It with" as a all the mora I miser stingy ness and overwork, before the artist noticed her ap- HARNESS '"X liar-nes-s 4 ! ' s - i -- 77 - a & t go-ahe- ad t j I d. rs U15-1- T , t. - ' well-bred ": '. I . ASSAY OFFICE i j ; . ! e wux-jt-nous- ; . News-pap- er ' ; wrong-doin- g, , half-heal- ed she-here- . -- . four-in-han- d . . . s -- filbert-shape- d. 1 ; ds -- ; j . i -- ' ; " - - . ! j sr YV I . common-sens- e ' 1T T' .'J " ; 5CALES. . i : i . well-trie- d ' : i ; . - ..; 1 . J work-hous- e, and-sul- k . f j i j ya ' r3 - m , FO J . o) R V " i . , 1 ye-- j : I .. ' 1 E -- M ME ii 1 i -- IliLlMIVLM 1 j ; A Notable i j e, jdy-mad0 ; - j . i - 1 ; , i ! 2 ""-y- 1 Jea Naval Three t -- i 1 Stories for the Year m -- 'All 3 j ; l4-at- 's V -- :t-- ' -- sr i . I r.i- - , r-e- .tti. oi-u- ? - rt 1. rrT--i T I hbmarkabiv i - i SEND . , i . ' "; v- . - as much hot water as vour days pearance. ! wish you God "speed." Tost-O- |