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Show friends in the city, NOTES. GLASS OF FASHION. may be anvisiting invalid for life for this reason. Desiring to present an elegant apIN DEVELOPMENTS RECENT pearance he put on a new; spring overWOMwent FOR and NOVELTIES was as LATEST the day bright, coat, INDUSTRIAL FIELDS. but with his friends; his collar turned AN'S WEAR. flown; and himself, gotten up regard-to A Lamp for Use In Mines An less,, so to speak In order to conform Tb.V Popular VoAieWtUt hir of propriety. ?HIs friends ideas of Concentrating , Jlon an ulster, but this .ld not' suit Power Method with Yoke Traveiliigr Oowns-rPrl- T-' The Bloycle Watch, and Holder to com. In n Girl - him, and he: went tout, ink Drtfiet--pr- iie -fingeMedlcaL chilled to the bohes, t his. lips and Fachlon Notes. ; a ; r In his and r-tipslungs blue, congested condition;- Only sucLAMP 8 t r 6 n g saved hi HE POPULAR p&i cessive hours of hard work '' enough to resist the la front In';bodicei action of burning1 i frequently3 i "made within it, which gas the concentration Is perfectly ventilatof all elaboration In ed, and which gives a r costume, j j ;Terr ' a steady light' In a of ten. .this yard of of air.i Is current material is .richly In the acshown all encrusted ,,with ' companying illusmanner of beads, tration- in which ' With portions are broken spangles, and inter-away to show the larded with inlayor Interior, f The lamp proper, screws deings of solid metal designs, and It isshall in.o ing t reservoir at the tobase, creed that In coloring the front seis; which it the cosupper portion, so harmonize with the rest of the the in cured by a safe and strong lock; tume that np one may accuse the wearof a spring bolt wlthi a catch on form with er of having one front that goes its puter end, which enters a socket in everything. These overhanging fronts the lamp body.: In the outer tube, are so numerous and their effect is atthe glass portion, r are top .and above tained in so many tasteful ways that bottom perforated sections, opposite designers of blouses that doarenot droop are internal shields, the lower which obliged to hide "the belt in front oner being adjustable up anA down, as to accomplish something very novel if desired, these shields preventing any they are to succeed at all. he rapid propulsion of gas through: at closed is shield The upper lamp. Waists with Yokes. above a the plate,top by perforated The liking for long shoulders still conare side apertures. Extending which for tinues, and, though the necessity from the bottom up through the oil looseness somewhere about the waist reservoir, is a tabular way in. which' is acts as a check upon thesdemand for loosely fitted a piece of wire, sharpened them; the difficulty is surmounted by at one end and bent to form a pick, the introduction of a yoke as in the picby which ihe wick may be conveniently ture here given. Yokes, by the way, raised or lowered, or freed from invanwill be much worn thls summer, and life, and all from a bit of personal The construction is such crustations.; the stores are full of the" materials, es- ity, or a lack of proper consideration the cannot be projected outflame that the perthe situation. The veteran, pecially arranged for them, as well as of the lamp, and all parts are collarettes with yokes and son who knows what riding in early ward from the made-u- p flounces which will be the principal spring means, dresses accordingly. The easily examined at any time. trimming for so many summer toilets. ulster, wrap andofhigh collar are aindismy patients, lady Medical Uses of Sugar. The fashion of introducing a yoke into pensable. One a fancy dress is found very userui, since who Is extremely delicate, but 'goes out Is a very strong opinion growThere rears a ing up among1 medical men that sugar it can be so easily removed, thus mak- in all weathers, invariably handsome costume. mackintosh under her short of the dress an has a remedial value that has hitherto evening ing been wholly unappreciated. As a tonic and invlgorator its value has been, in experimental cases, extremely satisfactory. A case in point is related where a person from force of circumstances had fasted for nearly twelve hours. This patient was subject to the most violent headaches from hunger or lack of food. After a certain period a peculiar pressure or congested feeling was noticed in tho. head, invariably followed by (acute pain, sometimes by severe nausea, These enforced fasts, occurring at frequent intervals, became the subject of some concern. One; day the Individual in question tried the experiment qf taking sugar and water, this being the only available article of food at the time. Several blocks of cut sugat were dipped into water and eaten very' slowly, with frequent dippings so that the sugar was almost entirely dissolved. VThen the operation began, the pressure In the head was already very marked, and the headache was coming on. Strange to say, the unpleasant symptoms almost immediately left, there was no return of them, and the stomach was In nowise disturbed. Repeated: trials had the same effect, and it seemed to be a foregone conclusion that with this at least the sugar application patient was a success. Further experiments are being made with a view to demonstrate the value of cut sugar as; a luncheon when other food is not to be had. It would be a simple and easy matter to carry half a dozen pieces of sugar '.n one's pocket, to be indulged in with no other accompaniment than a glass af water, by this means preventing or probably postponing those frightful attacks of cerebral congestion and agony that many persons are subject to. Tcfcrt The Gunmaker of 'llioh; JEFFERSON M. ; CLOUGH RE-FU- A TEMPTING OFFER SES tXU FROM THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT. Healtn W Too Poor to Admit At tentlon to Business. ;. " Im-prov- i &fe-ver- ely i go-to- ; ' Wln-ttheat- er "over-wroug- ht oil-ho- ld ; : . -- j s. . - ; ; dogs?" ?KM off my dogs? Say, don't let any of my folks hear you talkln' Why, Great Scott, mister, them liounds of mine have brought me more y. the last three years fur premiums at dog shows I" The Ladles. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may:. use the California liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy, To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the ' , . California Fig Syrup Co., printed near 'the bottom, of the package. Suitor. A pretty story of romance attaches to the visit of Paul Ransom, a rich cattle-- ; man from Idaho, who spent a few days the week in Wichita, Kansas. At a of dinner party he met a Miss Minnie Worthlngton, a pretty girl",, with whom he at once fell in love. Next day he proposed and was refused, and on his suit, but with "Thursday he renewed the same result. ' ; -- - ; Yesterday Ransom4 called again at .Miss .Worthington's house and bade her t - , W -- . nerve-destroyi- ng looks tell the story. Brace up quit. No-T- o Bac Is a sure, tuiclc cur.( Guaranteed by Druggrist3 everywhere. Book i titled "Don't Tobacco Spit or o Smoke Yoiit r.tfA Awa-oMug Remedy Co., New York City or Chicago. " a. . h4Are thev1 STiTJDOSed to inn it tcnrlr rn -the new postoffice every time it rains?" eaia tne Dioiicai student. -- I v . t "Certainly.", , t "Gracious! What a lot" of comfort those people could have gotten out of the forty days' flood!" t ; ft 1 : "His him j She Always Does. mother-in-la- again.-- ' w ; has gone to see "I shouldn't think she would." I wrap, and over a light cloth jacket. She declares herself able to face the bitterest northeaster with perfect safety. Another woman; has her cloak interlined with mackintosh cloth, and finds great benefit thereby. It is a well understood fact among women who give great thought to such matters that one may go out in midwinter even on the coldest days with a mackintosh and moderately light wool jacket with perfect safety and comfort. New York Ledge. Traveling Gowns. Traveling dresses are usually simply planned and novelties in them are consequently srare. Usually, too, the Innovations are not favorably received,' but one thoroughly unconventional;; traveling costume had much to recommend It.' It was made' of mixed tan tweed Of light, weight texture. The skirt clearpd the ground,; se out prettily at the back, fand was,, almost close front and? sides. Ayitn this was a;trim waist of checked wash silk, so crisp that the enormous sleeves istood ' stiffly out, .and so;llgh that; those same sleeves .folded away Without injury in the capacious sleeves of the tweed coat to be worn pver them. This coat reached to the knees;-wadouble-breastand had a high collar. LA pretty golf fcape, lined with the check silk, .swung from the golf straps .that secured it over, the chest of the. natty traveler.; A Tam 'V, O'Shanter "j oplie silk tweed, with, a folded band of the and a single mottled; brown cock's le feather, completed a thoroughly jprac-tlcab' traveling rig, suitable for all Seasons and climates. Under the" skirt, but 'of course not showing, was a pair of - leggings that extended to the knees and were there met by zouave knee breeches of tweed, lined with silk. More like the usual traveling dress is, the gown the artist, presents. ?' Its skirt is of woolen suiting, and has a pleated Tuffle of the goods around the bottom. The back Is laid in triple; box plaits, stiffened throughout. . A ' fitted satin vest appears on the bottom, arid Is ornamented by two rows of buttons. The loose jacket fronts have revers to match the vest, but the sleeves are of the plaid. The bodice is d In back. "Hullo, Patlon! Haven't seen for three days." "No. I went overyou to Philadelphia day before anJ yesterday spent a week." I."- . ed ; "Why not?" "He called her an old cat the last time she was to see him." "Well, she justifies the name the cat I : 7i . k4 . '' ; . Came back, you know." , : I'm All Unstrung'. Is the remark of many a nerrous individual. cease to talk that lie or she will soon and persisting in a courseway of after beginning Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Nothing like It to renew strength and appetite and good fullness in the front of the corsage is digestion. It checks the Inroads of malaria, urapeu in corresponding rashion. The and remedies liver complaint, constipation, hat is a combination and kidney disorder. of black net and dvspepsia, rheumatism n It is ia every sense a great household rem , rosettes. f , . " - sage-gree- ! bias-plait- A Hopeful' Beginning. ; a i - : Hood's ;PHIs;,ligsa$iSg 2 X m -- wi;-I!- .... . 1 i i ; ; 1 ftB 5 1 r. 1,1.. THE BEST 3ftd mm j PO . Pt. A ,n Vi' -- a " Pi JOHN CARLE & s6NS, New York, 4r tween as the wheel Is revolved, thus imparting a smoothly acting, and powerful reciprocating movement to the levers. The framework is preferably of an octagonal shape, thus giving a combination of strength with an artistic effect, and also the capacity for operating a Sever at each of its sides; ;The power .s especially adapted for falsing the underflow of surface water for irrigation as it will pump kd other purposes, a from group of pumps simultaneously fifty feet apart if desired. - The Invention of the Telephone., t j, ft-- Denver, Directory, I i i Ilpajdquarterj For HARNESS AND SADDLSi ro not bp docelyl by' abrjll. able nctitlotts prlcsi, ti 135 team harness for $13, ti) (teal .. dbiible cinoi. horn, icowbay raddle forf flS, but bafors pur. chasing.fr'end for my nw ilitu. traced audi deacrlpttre oataloju free, and Bee what you ordering', and If goods are iotas represent, y 0a pan return same at my expense. 1 use the be oak tanned leather and employ only first class vor men. 1749 to 1751 Larimer s DENVER, COLO 7 1 I ' ' ! I o: I .1 ! F ti M ! a: a recent address Prof. Hughes says O AliriMlin co , A It. Is 30 years since his first experiments DENVER TriiT oc imyv riiriu Write tu. wfth a working telephone. I In 1865 while wpiake. icrii 'Best known thing to at St. Petersburg fulfilling a contract ill .grasshoppers Anr With the Russian government for the COAL m&ntity you want establishment of his printing telegraph W ATKINS l A.Denver, Instrument upon all their important Mdie. Co. 15th. and Waz Sts., CoL lines, he was invited by Emperor AlexE. E. BURLING AM E'S ander II to give a lecture before the !.. is i th ei 5 TAB 12 : 12: I i v. ASSAY FFIOF. And Chemloai laboratory. LEstabU8Kt ,. ; JEWELRRH ATJn if TT Tk t nnrno Send your sweeps, and fita nnn tdtnlnrr ivaIiI nd sUyer for treatiaeiit. Prompt return and highest cash price paid for gold and g!l er uumon. Address 1Z3Q and 1738 Lawlorado. rencjB Street. Denver, D ATCIJTO Obtained I all conntrfps Tf A. 1.11 I "iXXftl :1v - 7 GRAIN Pa; I ia Fr; lot : Drlvlns: Dresses. ; ' v ; "It would be Interesting to note the my boy will be number of persons whose lives are' sacrificed every year because they will not so?" "I've got an Idea that President some day." "What makes you think take proper precautions as to dress "Why, when he ain't fishing he's when they go out to drive," said a city fchooting ducks." physician with a large practice. "Within the past; three months I have, had Wipple "Whatever Induced you to half a doen patients who have suf'.name your horse Nail?" fered severe illness, barely escaping Wapple "Because my wife can't with their lives, of their him." j i on-accou- One of man out of a from towp young, tl'jito In this particular. ed coat-shapei low-pric- livi Ur a--s time-tellin- fier i to-- thij Kel fro; ed ' fon her i ; . the . . A- ; Xlotsam and Jetsam. i - . . ' ' i and shaking without losing or gaining a minute a dayr By means. of the holder it may be attached in a moment ' to either the frame or the' handle' bar,, as shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2 representing a back view and Fig. 3 a face view of the watch clamped In the holder. AS will be, seen, the. watch is held by, spring fingers," an upper finger engaged fey the watch ring straddling the stem nd holding the watoh firmly in the chitch of the lower fingers. .By releasirar .the ring the watch is readily rentbved. With a pair of pliers this holder xay be ' ' fitted to any case. , . . , " j ? twenty-seven-kn- ot f j I- 9 , v .; Asa to tO -- J; - FATKICKQ'fAJaRyLL, Waahlngton, D.C. Anti- 'Th nAi camhalt !lIAir tClea&te! and beantiftes the Never Fails to B store Gray xair to xtm Touthful Color. hair itJling. Curecaip gir, and t. 9t DircwM -- tral diee : Vale, ASSURE CURE FOR PILES but t: il;, I.' . v:.o'1.-3;.;Hr."v- c&tc; i - s don she 'Wh PilTENTSiTRAOE MARKS dT,0e PtontabiUty of HSS?S Patent?"' AI,Srentort' Gu,d. or KowtoM I - owr JtiaTe cured thousands of nmea nnrAOAMt cr nounced hopeless by bestphyslcians.iYomflrstaoi uisappear; in ten dsya at least twotairw ,ai symptoms removed, $end for free book testljno mlraculoua ourea. Ten daytftinen ,rree by.maiLIf yoa order itrlal aend lOo ln mumv to pay postage. Da.H.H.GKN & Soi8,Atlanta,Oa il you order trial return this advertisement to u - Coal Consumption on Torpedo Boats. For the following interesting particulars respecting the coal of the de'isrpedo boat stroyers, we are indebted to a correspondent of the Glasgow Herald. He states that the cruiser built, by Messrs. rhornycroft, on a three hours' run Just made, maintained a speed of 27.S7 knots, practically 28 knots, or for the whole time 84 nautical miles; and while running this distance burned in her three water tube boilers 174 tons of coal, rhs rate of combustion is 63 pound of TirlTmna. iwr-sumptio- n. ; Mai of I thai PostUTtly Cored with T FREE., re table Remedle. A lice foof cora PI V n ,;: Tommy Pop, what is a popular song? Tommy's Father One that everybody Phila-- i gets sick and tired of hearing. ' ' del phla .Record. :;Bllly (the Gdat) That mknuscript I Just ate has given me an awful pain. Nanny Yes, dearest; that's called writer's cramp. Harper's Bazar. ?j "How. on earth did Smith become a colonel?", "Easy, enough.' Train was delayed in Georgia and he attended a picnic" Atlanta. Constitution, Mr. D. If you get my coat done' by. Saturday I shall be, forever indebted to you. Tailor If that is the case It won't be done. New York Recorder. Nell If you really liked a young man what would you do If some day he should kiss you suddenly against your will ? ' Belle He couldn't. Somerville Journal.' i The Tourist You seem to be proud of your family title. The New York millionaire abroad (proudly) Of course I am. I paid for It In good hard dollars. Chicago Record. Jack Borrowit I woke last night and found a ;burglar Jn my room, j George Genrus Well! Well! Did you succeed In borrowing anything from him? New York Weekly. "I gues," said the, sharp-nose- d "that I will take the wind out of girl, her sails." "Why," asked the fluffy girl, "don't you be up to date and say take the wind out of her tires?!' Cincinnati - ' -it world.1 .,v ,coa; J0.? . Hw eta; use '. win ' 1 :i Tn royal family, which he did. As he wished, however, to present not only his own telegraph instrument, but all the latest novelties, Prof.! Philip Rets of Friedericksdorf , Frankfort - on - Main, o t s'snt to Russia his new telephone, with which Prof. Hughes was enabled to transmit and receive perfectly all musi-m- l sounds, and also, a few spoken Vords, though these latter were rather O Bailey 66 suitable Bldg., DenTer Ml uncertain; at moments a. word could be FemaleWieakhess of kind 30 clearly heard, and then from some unViavi Cures Londoner k,16S0 Arapahoeany sl.DenTer explained cause no words were possible. This instrument was based, Prof. PRINTINU Hughes states, upon the true theory of MA9Hl?IST Bepalrs etc Pipe;4'MjNING, and cuttlnj. threading Freight elevatore. Nock $ Jsreide, Jil5-1- 18th t. tftlephony, and contained all the necessary organs to make it a practical sucALL HI 3NTD S BOUGHT AND cess. Its unfortunate inventor died in' SOLD. g. m ADY, 1620 19th enver. Street 1S74, almost, unknown, poor .and neglected, but ,the German government has since tried; to" make reparation by ac- II ATfi Y & CREAMER Y SUPPLIES. knowledging his claims as the first inseparator,! hand and power, sold on The Bicycle Watch and Bolder. a .and ventor, easy monument and long H;fm. to A. vvATKlNS payments his erecting Whether one is "making time" on a memory in the cemetery at FriedericksMUSE CO., 15th andiVfazee Sts., Denver, Col. wheel or leisurely following where fancy dorf. H' THE COMPANY PAVS THE FREICHT may lead over new paths, the Conven-- f their eommon-eens- e inier steel horse whim. Will en fence oi having tne correct time .always ifc 2S tons of rock 800 f eefi each shift Is just as ga Munitions of War. can be packed anywher at hand, to be noted without the trouble ', v There are a number of new inven-tfen- Uxd reliableaa an engine.' a jack cna ao. No cog wheel of s of taking a watch out of the pocket, or clutches to break. 90 per cent if in the of armor to way be wrought iron and steel and850will bend laking the hands from the handle bars, in rm before breaking. Over some running 6 years without on cannot but be appreciated by all bicy-sllst-s. by soldiers in battle, lit is estimated by prepared statistics that 75 to The improvements which have carefully hoists atlprices, $25, 50, J00 fOt 5D per cent or mortal wounds from bulmade this possible have, therefore, at lets are In the trunk of the bodv. an.i once sprung into great popularity. .The SV-:- . some new of the armor g a plates are Illustration represents to an be effectual said preservative fron outfit of this kind, which consists of an hullets at ordinary line of battle range, excellent watch and a sim- the is of great value to the easily applied holder. The runkinvention ple, light and "ironic to THS file of soldiers. Heads are tMHTiufPoeni?a,,1158ttod and r .. St ixuxver. Cola. watch is without fine adjustments, Small marks compared with bodies, and heavy wheels and fine pivots, being de- a volley fired at a mark .six feet from amount of to stand any banging the signed ground- would do comparatively little execution. Of course, shots in the DR. GUNN 'S more are fatal had than necessarily IMPROVED those in the body, but taking Into consideration the difference in the size of VFR the target, the chances are decidedly In favor of the adoption of the new proteca mild physic. tive device.' As the efficiency of imple- "Olt A DOSE. a mfcntsj of slaughter increases, so,., to keep pace with it, the possibilities of r Weadaohe, Brighten tin precaution multiply. Some day we may, Ftl inDv li" Complexion better than oAtoiT no ,Uher sicken. w iflfL T1?0 To oonVin out of all this murderous mass, evolute a peace idea that will dominate the . S .;;. j:; 1& The costuree here shown is a crepon of a light but dull green on the sage tint, with a black silk dot scattered through it. The skirt is trimmed with large, loose bows of sage-gree- n silk, three of them set near the bottom of the skirt. The waist is made with a yoke of sage-gree- n silk veiled with black dotted net.' The has the long shoulders of yoke 'i . Tbbaem-Stin.www w1MIMM,;H, bH(MI years ago and gives the gown a fifty p. . on The crepon is uub lb decollete appearance. vwwnjo t compare with, the vaiijr aiuuuut power about the, shoulders, taat tobacco at work and day to draped prettily naake vou weakkeeps Into the puffed sleeves, and the and Impotent night "Dull merging loss eyes, of interest in sweet .words and ( - j farewell, as he left he handed her a sealed envelope' asking her not to open It until night.- Ransom left town almost Immediately. When the letter was opened Miss Worthlngton found a &eck for $200. The letter accompanying the check renewed the proposal of "marriage, and added that while Random did not expect his offer to ;be' accepted ..at once, he hoped, the young lady .mind and In. view of "might change her that possibility - he had sent her the .money to pay her expenses to Idaho. . Your, Health Depends ; f reached 79 pounds; but then the powef per square foot of grate area is very high; 24 indicated j horse60power The tons of fuel Upon pure, rich, healthy blood. Thiv boats of this class carry at a pinch, and this wonld. enable them fore, see that your, blood fa made puraly to go at full speed for a period of over rilne hours during! which Ithey would The coal travel fully 250 nautical miles,; A m hundredI tc ) .consumption i ils 'equal. weight . per sea mile; that Is to say, B I during the ) 2 minutes 9 rseco'ndsl taken to a sea mile 4 hundredweight of coal aref burned.-- r A ton pt cbaL therefore, in only 'true' oiooa; pro- -; akea vthe boat five seat miles. ?I 35uti It nently in the ipublio eyjo punier todayf would onlyi be on a rush that such speed woum ne mamtainea. .now, oiner teiswo hive been made at about half the speed 13 knots and here, Instead of five miles,9 the ? tori of coal carried the ije strpyer for a distance of about 38 nautical miles, so that the total distances) at 13 knots with the 60 tons of coal would VA:6PECIAtTYSS be nearly 2,000 miles. This shows the home for sme price Under eatne rn... r great cost of doubling the speed. The r prefer to cons o here we J tract ty Iftojovl coal per horse power at 13 knots was pay raJlroadfareandhotelbiii. ... 1.61 pounds. tiochanre, it we fail to cure. If y on hare taken cury, iodide potash, and till liare acheg Ju rains. Mucous Tfatch.es In toonth Sore Throat Copper Colored Spots, Clcrifi An Improved Horse Power.. Pimples, , any part of thelwdy. llalr Of Eyebrows falibS POlso? The accompanying illustration repre out. It Is this Secondary oltci the most obitu to cure. We fULoorj guarantee sents, in perspective . and sectional ve world for liate cases and challenge the Disease hasai.J: views, an improvement in horse powers caae we cannot cure. Ibis skill of the most eminent phr.;. bafiledthe designed more especially for pumping cians. . behind our tmcondi. capital 500,000 purposes. It consists of a revolvable tional rnarajaty. Absolute prpofs sent sealed Address COO(v IKEMEDT co cam wheel held in position by a suit- ftppllcation. 07 Alasonlo Temple, iillCAGO, 1L& able framework, and having around its Cut put and .seijd. thlf acvertisemeBL outer rim a series of. inclines, as shown. A vertical cross piece upon the inner end ASK YOUR DRUplIST FOlf of each lever carries two engaging pulleys, of a proper distance apart toll allow the alternating cams to pass fbe- - ; . . nal npr souare foot of grate area per hour, although in some trials it has . : Prtpoiteront Proposition. Traveler "You have a magnificent farm for sheep raising, but I don't see any sheep on the place." Arkansaw Farmer "Sheep? No. my dogs would kill 'em off in no time." ?Then why don't you kill off your ;'. I ' cine compan v. 1 ed I -- gen-irall- y. ; arr j -- Perserverlng ed - - $50 in clean cash in. sug-gest- s Half-Grow- (From the Springfield, Mass.. Union.) There Isn't a run manufacturer in th 'United State, who does not know Jef- He has been intimate IeraonM. Clougrh. ail his life with the deand of the. Bemlnarton velopment rifles. "Winchester For years he was & of the E. Remington .liona"' great factory at Ilion, N. !T. Alter leaving there he refused a tempt-to ing offer of, the Chinese government China to superintend their government factories, and accepted instead ,the superintendency of the Arms Co., at New Haven, at a of $7,500 a year. alary after this long term of active It was found labor as a business man that heservice himself incapacitated for further by: the embargo which rheumatism had laid tipon him and resigned his position more than two years ago, and returned Mass., where he now 'to Belchertown, owns the lives and Phelps farm. man of means he did not Being acost and was treated by leadspare the by baths of celeing physicians and any brated springs without receiving sumbenefit worth notice. During the mer of 18S3 and the winter of 1894. Mr. was confined to his house in dough from risesuffer--InBelchertown, being unable toand g his bed without assistance, with acute pains and continually with no.taste or desire for food, nor was he able to obtain sufficient sleep. Early in the year 1894 Mr. Clough heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale 'People. He began taking these ipills about the first of March, 1894, and continued to do so until the first part of September following. The first effect noticed was a better appetite and he to help himbegan to note more ability self off the bed and to be better Last August (1894) he was able to go alone to his summer residence and farm of 163 acres on Grenadier island, among' the Thousand Islands, in the River St. Lawrence, where from the highest land of his farm he commands a rlew for thirteen miles down the river, nd sixty of the Thousand islands can. 4e seen. Instead of being confined to his bed Mr. Clough is now and has been for ome time able to be about the farm to ilrect the men employed there and he is thankful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for him. These pills are manufactured by the Or.l Williams' Medicine company, ScheN. T., and are sold only in nectady, boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 60 cents a box or six boxes for, $2.50 and are never sold in" bulk. They may be had of all druggists or flirect by mail from Dr. Williams' Medi- than nt Brng-Wro- ' that-a-wa- SCIENTIFIC ws . - . I . - ... ... 1. SL to. W ... hujtj. t-- i mt ih ' A i .il iter . rum vy uruyyiBia. - . - A I I LA:IC M.ri , Sir liii ' n mm,aw v: g il ii I ft- -, i 1' V. il. ti, lUVr. fVni.'Yfl.. Nn.Haa i6s.'sk '..)' 'When, nr.lM, that you saw the aatertisement in thl paj !! I . 1 -- 1 5 - z. .'7 m . i .!' - f I ( ' '5 |