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Show r that occurred General Territorial News, Culled and j about two weeks ago down at Leaming Condensed for Blade Readers. ton, has just come to The Blade's atWasatch Wave. from r - Another missed. ;hole xpl03lonioccarred last week atParkCity,' In the Daly Mine, from, which two men will each Ipse the sight of an eye. Their tiamea are 'Andrew and Jacob Jacobson. Tintic jlliner. The Bnllion-Bec- k is carto the making considerable addition penter shop both ia area and in heighth. Tne change is rendered necessary by the additional room required In operating the new timber framing machine. EIngham Bulletin. The latter half of the year 1895 which i3 just commenciag, promises to be even more prosperous for Bingham, her miners and business men, then the six months just closed, for the new bodies of mineral which are constantly being developed, and the steady Increase in the output of the "Old Sellable" is bound to bring increased prosperity to our great camp. Coalville Times. Prospects for a good harvest are looking somewhat better than a week or two ago, although the lucerne has not fully recovered, and some will have only about half the usual crop. Wheat and oata have mostly recovered from the severe frost, at least that which Was killed out entirely. Potatoes are tomin up again and looking well; those planted Late are doing better than tho3e plauted early. Peas are coming In bloom; early radishes are going out and the sec i '" i i f j ond crop . coming on. Is - Arprua. Sim Duggins oJProvo is an rnate of the penitentiray, having been entenced to nine month's imprisonment for adultery, "31ai" doesn't like the prison fare and in a moment of mental aberration said so In a letter to .'a relaletters are tive. Incoming and outg-oina and attache read by penitentiary always trou-Min himself found poor "Sim" boon Tlie letter was confiscated and the emelope which be had addressed with so touch care was returned to him and then he knew hi3 cake was all dough. To his t all he was hurried; placed in solitary The confinement and official responsible for bis punishment evidently thought better of it and ordered hi3 relai3e witlita aa hoar and now oath that the ljggins la readv to mike is best in the the friuiteatiary prjvealer Felix Stark is a Warden that J. land, model official and the institution over which he exercises such aPooh-Ba- h sway the pleasantest summer resort in the in- s e. ,1 V i "bull-locked- X ." country. Salt Lake Tribune. Here is an item whicn ha$ a lesson in it: During last week the British Government ha3f occasion to renew a treasury The tendloan amounting to f 3,000,-000er amounted to 60,000,000, and the loan s of 1 perwas placed at cent interest. This is doubtless the low est rate of interest ever paid in a regular business transaction. That simply means that the agricultural interests of Great Britain are so depressed, the manufacturing conditions of . eleven-sixteenth- J eDisode An interesting fMia 1,; plain severity of more primitive eras; have been brought about so quietly as to have scarcely mada their presence feltJ The greatest transformation the Ihistory of the nineteenth century shows is the ? Improvement in the condition of the com-mon people, accomplished, not by bloodshed, or even threats of war, without menace of revolution and almost oblivi ous of the existence of law. Portland Oregonian. Leamington Gets "Looney' CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES Great Britain are in such a ehakey state, that there are thousands of people who have accumulated or Inherited vast Amounts who dars noMnvest theirmoney m anything which Great Britain offers Jhem, but prefer to loan their money to the. Government at'.a percentum which Mttle more than keeps their prioclpal intact. With half f the world to redeem; with millions and million of poor who want employment; with new fields everywhere to recltim; new mines to open ; With the fact which has been, shining out &rlsrbter and brighter since the beginning Of the time that all there is to this world Is what labor makes of it,- 6tlll in our cities hoardeid wealth Is heaped up; the poor is crying for bread and for work, and we call oarself civilized. It Is a mistake. We are not half a3 much civilized as the Japanesefor they have learned the art of Aavlng a government under which, no one becomes very rich, where all who want can find employment, and where Snose who' are desperate I pior are the j I tention by meeting a gentleman the Smelter town. About two week arm riooaivar Wm . E. Humphries of the Ibex Co. , went d6wn to pay off the mn tor the week. After eettiner their pay the men threw down their toola and refused to work ,any longer unless tne amounts due them for April were paid. M. Hnmnhries could nromisa them nothlne definately, ana" the men became noisy and threatening and gave the Re ceiver to tinderstand If they were not would shut paid within 24 hours, jthey the smelter down. The men took sides and a light was narrowly avoided. Mr. Humphries was, however, in a box and telegraphed the situation to Mr. Underwood in New STork. who wired the Receiver that the men would be paid in 35 days, which will bring the limn on Augr. 2d. That satisfied the men, and they returned to work. During 24 hours of the negotiation the furnace, ws fed just enough to keep it alive. The outcome will be watched with Interest. . - -- ex-coii- on yx-..-- rather than the rule. .... ! - i r 7 r. LEAMINGTON LEAKS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, VQ, 1895. ) ; J June NTOTICE is hereby given that the following 1 named settler has filed notice of his intent tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before CounWilliam Burton, Countv Clerk of Juab ty. Utah, at Nephi City, Utah, on August 11. E. 17th, l9o, viz: Georgre I. Ercanbraak E- - j Thft-wno- ; t inter-mountai- Hy-rur- litE: camearjdwent very quietly fiilberty pt ex-Se- for the nolle of let off who the boys consumed all there were iu the place. The men used dynamite and rfaadea bigger but not more noise than fire-cracke- rs by" ihe urchins. Daring the day, the smel ter poured forth its stream of molten treasures at the rate of 200 bars every 24 liours, or three cars of bullion and two dars of matte per week 9inca Supt. Paul Johnson ''demonstrate - dd his ability to reduce the rebellious portion o Horn Silver ores, v every one ba3 words of praise for him, and justly: tbo, for he has proven, himself to be one df the very be3t smelter men in the West.! "Water in the old Sevier- Is lower, V for; the season, than ever before knovrn, yet there is a plenty fcr irrigation purposes. , ffload Qlbbs, your "irecent By article on 'Indepeadent JournaH!sm, rias 'cau'ght on" to public favcr. What vveneed i3 more independence in journ-a'lhi- n and in politics, with less wire- - pull-ib- g and cringing piiKsa:jirci; Keep up your independent lick and it will be on- , i i : - the-way- "15" a shorti time before fellows! will iftone."' be" j of the sooi-- 'other "turning the grinds r Yours.1 'M:,-- ! - i Ciladstone's Letter of Farewell. Edinbutg,' July 3, At a meeting of the 4i idiot blan Liberal Association this aiter-aoo- n a lcitar uf farewell was read from the Kt. Hon. WilllanEi Gladstone' says that thonjjfi n resard to public affairs tb 5rj i3 uc is disputable, something thai belong to history. It is, for i'xixor.le, ha adds, beyond question that the Tonttiry expiring haa exhibited d fran-cb- ! in matter the of progrcEa of the people, and he claims an irr.i.Tproportion of those reforms tbt unei-at-jple- tiv--7'- ' - t -- ctta-- t7--1 u bsral party -T f ilYKOH GKOO. T. C. Bailey. Attorney- - . Kegister. . No. 258G. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Salt Lake City. Utah. f June, 25,jl895. Notice is hereby given that the following - J . named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the: County Clerk of Juab County, Utah, at Nephi xi. xu. Utahon August o,iyo, viz:vv jens.meisen . N. and Lots l ana No. 87S9, for the E. Ms E. Hs names the following witnesses Ito provft his coLtinuous residence upon and cultivation of, said l.and, viz: George Larsen, James Christensen, Vt'm. u. Brown, Soren P. Jensen, all of Levan.'Utah. 8 BYRON GROO, Register., Sec. 19, Tp. 14 S., R. 1 3-- Legal Notice. In the Probate Court of Juab County, Ter- riiory of Utah. In the matter of the estate of John Fleming Deceased. 4-- 6 yet, though inj.Boine important branches larger than that or any other In the Probate Court in and ftr Jua) County, of Utah. year. Daily payments .through clearing In Territory of the estate of Benjamin D. matter the houses in June are 28. 9 per cent larger Thomas, deceased. than last year, though 8.6 per cent, Order to show cause on sales of mintjs or lmn- smaller than in 1S92, the last year of full ing interests. business at this season.' A rise of more It appearing to this Court by the petition this day presented and filed by William A. Loose, "a than a quarter in single year is the the administrator of the estate of Benjamin D. more significant because, in spite of re Thomas deceased, praying for order of sale oi the mining property of said estate, that it is to cent advances, the price of commodities the best interest of said estate that all of said as a wnoie average a iraction or one per mining property should be sold. It is therefore orded by the Court that all cent, lower than a year! ago. Two influ- persons before tMsi Court on interested ences of tremendous power contribute to the 20th, day of Julyappear A, D. 1895 at the four of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Courk room of the rise, encouraging crop news and con said Court at the County Court House at Ne fident replenishing of stocks which have pal City, Juab County, ofi Utah, to cause why an orderTerritory should not be grantbeen for two years depleted to the utmost. show ed to said administrator to sell all of (said minWhen business payments have so long ing property : it is further ordered that a copy this order be published four successive been 15,000 millions yearly less than be of waeks m "The Blade" a newspaper! printed in Juab County, at Nephi City. fore, it is not strange that the .increase and published FREDERICK VV. CHAPPELL, SEAL or race a D9 tne uooaia at ai.uuu millions Probate Judge of Juab County. year when faith in the future inspires (.Attest) WILLIAM .BURTON, I'robate Clerk.of stocks. Dun's a3 I., 'y.j, ' ILMh-'- t 2-- From Public Opinion. A'i4 I TItE LOCAL) In effect, Do' OA lip. JSJ.IPI'4. ' Train arrive and depart ;t various stai ijaily as follows: . Stations; IS. ." North bouT-tSouthbound. U n n rr. Leav Leave ' .Arr. 3.10 n. 2.00am.... Og1oy:..i. l.ao pm, S.10 am Ar SaJt P'n lv 7.45 am Lv f Lake i 4fr a.l pm 3J 8.10 am Sanely. .1;. i.l0 pm . .. Eureka1, f. .. Fairfield I. 13.45 pm 8.42 n,m..Lehl JuTJt-t,- . 8.50 am Amer'n Ftuik tl.'.'S piu 8.55 am Pleas't Grote a.a9 pm' 9.15 am ....Provo:i.j 111) pm" 9.34 am Spanish Fo3 i.io pm . Pay sou J1. t.W pm' (1.52 am 10.55 am .. . Nephi ii t 1.50 pm' 11.35 am Arj Ti, Ifvll5 prn 11.55 am Lv1 j fj Arl.00 prn rl.35pm Ijeamingfoh ll a.55 am J3.25 pm Oasis,.v 4.10 pm p. 10 ajfi Clear Luksfi 15 pm fl.oi) am Ar J Mil- ' S.U0 arn Lv hfordlf i 4.1M a m 10.00 pm ....Frisco-, Leave Arrive Trains eouh of Juab run Ua ly EXCKI'T St'K ; ) - )! v J. . Ostler, . m a 'SHOES : rd : j - j water-w- orks BUTCHER I 4 -- UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, E. R. Booth, Manager. NEPHI HOUSE, Mrs. E. Golds Drough, propr. ' . A. W. PALMER, Is the place In which to get a Painless Shave and Hair Cut. . Wagon and Carriage Shop. General NEPHI LIVERY STABLE, Jno. R. Downs propr. UNION HOTEL, Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr. GAZETTE SALOON, J. W. Hartley, propr. M. McCCNE, ' Black-smithin- GEORGE : " 1 Bakery and Confectionary. Druggists. COOPER, PYPERxfe CO. Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and Plumb ers. . i I j., 3VI ill till ' ' LWAYI' THROUGH U: Mw, Shoe and ) IIAItIXf A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. MeNALLY & LUNT, Blackett Bros. Proprs. Liquors etc. Boot anil H Up-to-da- te - GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON, g. j OSTLER & ALLEN, 1 Repairing in al its branches. new st5Tle. Special attention called to his Universal feed sewing machine which Does all its work inside of the shoe. Two doois north Union, Main St., Nephi.: 8. f mm 51 T S .; jo. 4. i V. 1 W j Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishing Good Sample Booms for CommercialTrav-elers- . goocis. B. FOOTE, Hack Meets all Trains, Free to Patron Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. to and from the station. Be it ordained by the City Sec. Council of Nephi City, that it shall be unlawful for any person of the. age of T. alism as follows:. sixteen years or under, to be upon or A. V. HAGUE, Butcher. a am a socialist, uutl insist on my about any of the public streets,! alleys, M. STOUT, W. or vacant lots within ht corrigni to aenne tms wora wisely: not in Repairer of Boots and Shoes. any exaggerated or, extreme oense; surely highways CHAS. FOOTE & SONS Dos wiin any gross materialistic meaning:. porate limits of this city after the hour Dealers in General Merchandise. Is not its noblest meaning that the of 8 o'clock p. m: during the months of NEPHI COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE IN strength of the strong and the wisdom of December, January, February and STITUTION. the wise must by the lawa of nature and T. II. G. Parkes, Supt. of nature's God be used to help the weak March, and after 9 o'clock p. mj during W. II, PETTEGREW, and foolish? Social progress and the the balance Of the vear. without being ' Manufactur of and dealer in Harness, glory of great cities are superb. But the. s- up leaves a submerged tenth accompanied by his or her parent, j struggle painter Socialism tome means that the mishtv guardian or employer, or having a writ- in General and green Groceries Dealer power of the State,, of the city and of so 14. ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, 4.1, r :T cial organization shall be judiciously aud nobly used to help the submerged tenth guardian or employer. It shall be the OSTLER & OCKEY, up Into fuller life and also to give jus-tic- duty of tl&9 City Marshal and all Butchers. police H . II. in full measure and equal opportuni HAWKINS, ties to rise to the solid ranks of worthy men when they shall see a person viola Boarding house and Restaurant. worklngmen and women who are the J. M. C. OSTLER, 2reat proportion of our population and ting this ordinance, tp request the said Boot and Shoe maker. to to are the strength and. hope and- glory of person immediately go home, and H. THILL & COMPANV) the new civilization. Socialism means arrest the said person upon a failure to Merchant Tailors. uw v. Duvicijr But uuitoauu FRANCIS SELLS, as or failure delight to remove hard and unjust comply with said request, Furniture anct lmdertalrlacr. conditions and to ive just opportunities to exhibit a written permit signed by birchalla ostler,oi me io an men." Clothing dealers. tbe parent, guardian oi employer, giv NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. ing the said person permission so tb be A. Cazier, Supt. Social Reform by Evolution. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO;, street. the upon ' person violating Any ,: From Public' Opinion. Dealers in General Merchandise. James of the provisions this section after sueh W. Paxman, Supt.:' A lecturer before the Chicago Society of on conviction for the GAGE & EDGHEILL, Ethical Calture on a recentSunday morn- - a request,-fihalStore. City Liquor be a took a up very Interesting theme in first offense, ing punished by fine not PEXTON & CHASE, developing the parallel between the wbrk- - exceeding the sum of five dollars, or by Blacksmithing. & webb,ings of nature's- silent ' forces and- the imorisonmeht in the citv iail not tn ex- - KNOWL?s VVneel Wrignts. X-noisless and unnoticed growth in ceed live days,- and equally conviction & whitmore! hyde the world of sociology.- "Nothing is of second time for the upon General Merchandise; same offense, shall value," said the 'lecturer, Mr.. Mangas- - be punished by a fine of not over twen- j Boot and shoe Maker. arian, unles3 it is the Work of the ages. or THOS. in the BELLISTON, v dollars, ty by imprisonment Ileform must come as the product oi all Mt. Pleasant Marble Works. Agt. uot exceeding twenty days, th e erolution of the past as a legitimate cit7 3all ild." V Perhaps the failure to recog- - Sec. 2. The marshal and policemen niztf this truth of history underlies, the of this city shall arrest with or withfutile incapability of our popular latter-da- out warrant all,persons found violating philosohy, particularly in the' ex- this ordinance and imprison, the ofr pressions it finds in the promulgation of fenders for1 trial as iu cases of other theories and social and governmental violators of the ordinances of this city. problems. The work of the earth quake Passed June 29 A. D. 1895. or tho tidal wave is as nothing compared B. J. Clayton;, Attest:-to the operation of such forces as light TIMETABLE and heati such laws as those 61- attracMayor. of Nephi City. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 7, 84. tion, such manifestations of energy as G. W; McCtjnu, Eecol-dcrN"d.2 Leaves 8:00 a. m. Manti erosioa, electricity, plant assimilation. Territory of Utah, Leaves 8:30 . "No great revolution of principle ever ... am. Ephraini County of Juab, ss came about by vlolance. The French City of JNephi Leaves Chester! . . ; : .9:00 a. nil revolution was a savage outbreak against li Gr. W. McCune, llecorder Leaves Moroni. . . ; . :9:15 a.' in. centuries df oppression in practice." in and for, Nephi City; in Leaves Ft, Green'.' . i i.;9:48 am ' Juab County, Utah Terri-'tor- y Nature, the apostl63 of social and politi' ' Arrives Nephi.1.;:. .10:40 a. ni' ' do '.hereby certify cal revolution: may be reminded;- - is at o.l Leaves Nethi .11:25 l. m. that the foregoing is a full work among her human race as weir as true and correct an of copy LeaVes In the decomposing tree or the consumFountain Green. . 12:27 p. in. ordinauce entitled "The Leaves Moroni". . i 12:53 p. m ing light' from the' noiseless ' sun. To Curfew JLaw ofNephi City , what end she 13 leading her latest earthly ' LeavesChester! i;4".l:06 p. m. sj3Atii as passed by . the City offsprings, man, we do not know.- We Council, June 29thv A.. D. Arrives Ephfaim. .i i:40 p, m. can only tell what has been done by trac1895. In testimony where-o- f A trivCs Manti. .... .2:05 p. m. I have hereunto 'set my Trains leave Manti for ing back thd devious, toilsome paths of Sterling Eunk's Lake' hand and affixed the cor and Morrison al 2:15 our species. Thesa show us1 that penal p. nalj Monday's, Wedhes-day'- a porate seal of Nephi City, reform, postal reform civil liberty, reliand arrive at Friday's. , Iturtiin this ni nth day i 5115 m. at Manti p. gious freedom, the achievement of comof June, A. D. 1895. fortable and beautiful surroundings for THEODORE BRUBACK, U. W. McHune, U.S. KERR, th- - hardships- - and- - ?rlX Gen-IBeerdet-- f . Gen-'- l Sapf.: City. ManagjeF. L m mm jost umwimn m . Li 'sail t tMlJ AND tu,l It Chdics of Three Djs Dealers in Wines, . ' PSE' ..'X $ &?-4W&- i 1 AX" -- Curfew Law of m.p. kong, t j uaomei anu uoma iviaK.er. j A As a UTAH. PROVO, point, Nephi recognizes Utah. It is the key to but one distributing superiorandin with Southern Utah, the advantaga of two railroads stretching out to the east and south, furnishes, wlthotri question, the best point in M. C. Utah for the establishment of manufactories and wholesale houses. The attractions of Nephi as a residence DAYS anufacturer: anil BOOT town, are unique in their variety. It is situ Two through trains $t y from bair lifcpairer.i ated on almost the highest portion of the di to all rjolnts .12aatJ Lake vide that turns the flow of waters north ihto Pullman Palaojft Hjieepers fr m Sa;'i4 Throuffh into the Sevier riv Utah lake and south-waAll of kinds Shoes to made order. to lake the dead the Sevier onward thence er, improved Tourist sleeper$J sea of Millord Cotmtv. Its attitude, gravelly to second notie. Free Iiecliniing: Chair cats. Workmanship best of soil and perfect drainage insure the 1st lilecrant of door south Tabernacle. aay coaclies. health." in fact, the conditions are snch, that The only line operatiucr dj( vtic nervic.. but two cases of diptheria have occurred in to all poinit The shortest aKd lastentj MAIN STREET, NEPHI. five years among a population of nearly 3,000; ,' east. and The are citizens Its progressive. thrifty E. D. WICK INS, A1 nt, Nephi. . wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, D. K. cosey cottages, beautiful lawns and elegant Barley, Gen'l Asrt. Prtsilsgr Dept., modern public buildings, make of Nephi a City Ticket Office, 201 M.- itv it.; Salt Lake. is a real luxury. E. L. Lomai, Gen'i Passgii.: apd Ticket Atrt. place in which life iE. Dickinson, H'l It is supplied with a complete system of flows the water from 8. H. II. CI krk, along whichsome three miles up the Oliver v Mink," pure springs distant E. Jfiilork' Anderson, canyon. To the west about five ofmiles, the acmountain range is low, rolling and Wji Doane, easy ITo John Frederick It. Coudert, cess, and abounding with rich pasturage. Choice Fresh Meats, the efast a couple of miles, the Nebo range Receivers. Muttou, Veal Chipped Beef and rises, to the north east a few miles abrubtly the top of Mt. Nebo rises into the regions of Bologna. eternal snow, Your patronage solicited. Without exageratlon and without coloring, the foregoing is a discription of the lovely in city of Nephi, the Capital of Juab County which are found the mines of Tintic, the won THE der and admiration of the Great West. Besides Tintic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a portion of Deep Creek and other wealthy axid Growing camps are situated in the Western part of Juab County. Following is a directory of Nephi's business vmAmMMttikt i trim hustlers : C. ANDREWS & CO., BARBER SHOP, R. ffl. McCUNE, Prop. Dealers in Wool, Grain etc. 1. Robert Treat Paine, at the recant Na tional Conference of Charities and Cor rection held at New Haven, defined soci- I Vtlt44..-a..af- -- City Ordinance. t i - if i i . - 5 i , I i ' EACH . rains DaiT WAT EtlTVniijJ ' 1 li L AKE OGE.EN,-..SAL- AND DENVER. II. GOIiDSBROiTJGH, , Proprietor, li Mcflally '& i- Lunt, f ess 1 ;: V - il ft j DBUGGISTS. u. u. - 'I XJOD(iE, general Mangaer. F.-V WADLEIGH, e ' ' .'V j. i - - Synimtte'sja Factor In Celefcratlnd,at the SmelftfT, Town The Sevier Low. The j Natal-da- y of Editor 'ri: X palace; v No. 8745 for tne Lot 2, S. W. H, 1 N. i and N. Y. S. E. M Sec. 1, Tp. 11, S. R. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation a of said land, viz: Harvey Partridgei and Finch of Goshen, Utah Co., Utah Richard Younar and Ous. Keet ofMona, Juab Co. Utah. i Socialism Defined. PnYSICIAN AND SUKGISON. The ; Notice. Time appointed for proveing will. Notice is hereby given, that Monday, the 29th day of July, A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m., of The Week. Haid day, at the Courtroom of said Court, at He who sees a setback in business at the County Court House, in the Cbunty of appointJuab, Territory of Utah, having been! Ithe this time must be gazing through a;tele- - ed as the time and place for proving Will of hearsaid and for John some at other Fleming, deceased, scope pointed by mistake application of Denis Kiely, forthejissuanee country. From all parts of tho United ing to him of letters testamentary thereon. William B carton. States, the last advices obtainable tell of Clerk of Probate Court of Juab County, Tera rising tide of trade and industry, which ritory of Utah. 1595. threatens here and there to mount too Nephi, July 5, too far and fast. The volume of all busi ness is by no means equal to that of 1892 L3gal Notice. ; C. S. HOSMEll, -- Solution. For years it has been known that the gravel bed upon which Colorado Springs, Colo., was built was impregnated with flour gold, but no method was devised for extracting the precious metal in pay ing quantities. Recently a large Pierce process plant was erected In the western part of the city for the purpose of collecting the frold and platinum from their aqueous solution as found here and in all the earth's great gravel bars, as well as in the ocean. The machinery was started tonight for the first time and the plant will from now on be in constant operation, evaporating 108,000 gallons every twentv-fou- r hours, representing net re turns of ?83. The water is lifted through a shaft from bedrock. Recent experiments show that even the city water here is strongly laden with gold in solution. Ex. ; i vea-etabl- In general replenishment Resources, Advantages ana Attractions. Nenhi City is situatod al most in the center of Utah. Its latent natural resources are practically unlimited. Its active resources consist (1) of Agriculture ; (2) of TTnrt.JMiltiirft: 3i of the Sheen industry and (4) OFFICE: nf minerals. To the North. .West and South lands is a large area of as fine agricultural At the Goldsbrough Hotel. as can be found in Utah. Abundant crops of Hours to 4 p. in. Of hUS the itlf Jtlfa Mess the labors orraln anrl To bandmen. the North.thousands of acres of watered by larffe spring's natural raeadowt Utah. vrn.r1 mi liir a. prpat emerald carpet. The Nephi, of Nephi' .... are unexcelled GO TC- in the west. Its fruit and that of its contigu ous townsj is as perfect as can be grown in can this latitude. In order to illustrateis what necbe accomplished here with bees, it only sea cssarT to Rtata that a Nenhi farmer last son. shinned 8.700 pounds of fine honey, and t.h ntilarv Is mi-Alan adiunct to his farm. 1st door north Union Hotel, l Indns'trv of this locality, is one of to the demand as Buch larsrest in Utah, and is KENDALL & NORTON,; Proprs. attention of two wealthy firms and large ' warehouses foir the storing . and handlin . Ton DELICIOUS and-neaA couple of miles east of the city, Icq Cream and Confectionery. the mouth of Salt. Creek Canyon, is a veritable mnnnuin of nure crvstalizert gypsum, oon venient to the quarry, is a complete mill for is which S3? Ladies may enter south door where grinding and refining the: toproduct n the shipped parlors are seperate- from store.' being continuously states of the Pacific Coast, 300 tons last month belnarthe output Up Salt Creek canyon and north easterly about nine miles, pure salt springs gush from THURMAK & WEDGWOOD," the mountain side, and by means of one of the most complete salt manufactories in the Uni Attorneys,- - at - Lav.' ted States, the brine is converted into table and packing salt that has but feweqiials dairy and no superiors in the world- - The brine! is 35 per cent, salt and the supply practically unlimited. In addition, to tne manufactureu Room 1 and 3, product, there are several mines or.' quarries First National Bank Building. be of rock salt, the extent of which canno ; -- Pay-Gol- d ef rrrrarhicAllv. j i fr&e-for-- all Nephi-H- 1 If you are going Prescriptions carefully compounded. Mail or Express Orders promptly at tended to. Large stock at Salt Lake prices. . Southern Trade Solicited. & LUNT, - - ; ii liABCOCK, attic Manager Gn' llass. to1 A rent. ! CHICAGO. i MeNALLY St NErill. mil KANSA - CITY ,i il ' . : l, - - UNION - - - - San Pete Valley - Meets All Free to Fatrons: Trains; Two Sample Booms. - 1 - I F0OT,; MRS, C. R. ' Proprietor. so-- No Tiresome Layover, Close Connections in tlbion Denote, 1 & Ockey,. From: TOAM Wholesale and'Retail' 4.0 . tne lireat liivers and At an lie Ocf nr. Elegant and thorandhjM niotiern ' . Cured Meats,-tiee- equipment 44 d RECLINING CJIAU CARS, In wlilch the seats are ttn eIo holders ;ot regular train tick-- f , , Mutton' Pork and Vbaf Also Butter, Lard and Sausage. ' Call on or Address '. S. V; 1 ! f I H, Commercial Fr&igtitlarf Pass, Agent Koom 21, Horlan mot Ss It Lake or- 4 the-twent- PACIFiC Nearest to' Business Centre J : ; - ill MISSOUR I A'- - Hack - . t- ticket -- Railway Ostler . - , I Is the LEADING HOTEL of NEPHI - y, 'ft foE li. sure to ask that reads via He - 1J y er-Nepl- ii - . - -- Nephi City, Utah. SFree Delivery to any pakof-tlfarCttr,- jH.,0.-- Towxsend, GenerabPass. and ' ; ticket Ajrt., 6t. IniiihrMissour ! |