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Show IS A PKETTT HOME. AND CAN BE BUILT FOR THREE "1 THOUSAND DOLLARS. It Alwajrt Wise to Allow tke Contractor , to Blake the Drawing land Specifications Some Good' Advice TTot Im ; to Owners. (Copyright, 1895.) FOR CONTRACT an important building is never made without drawings (working plans and detail sheets) showing what the form and details of the U proposed buildings snaii ue, auu specifications describing how the and the quality be done work shall used. For a be to of the materials house of low or moderate cost, however, which should have equally careful attention, th owner is too often content with imperfect drawings and specifications. Sometimes he simply contracts for a duplicate of some other house, not knowing that the contractor can duplicate the appearance without duplicating the value. Sometimes he allows the contractor to make the drawings and specifications, which is far from being the part of wisdom. Th contractor is always apprehen- - mm. vYii-ix-ou- t Springfield was asked to participate In walls: Foundations, stone and brick; TALKS OF POTATOES. the dedication early last summer an first story, clapboards: second story, has lately been permitted to extend tin Heights of gables and roof, 6shingles. invitation to all Patriarchs Militant in HIS OF REE TELLS 9 PING first inches: MAYOR feet stories: Cellar, the eastern states, which will insure INGENIOUS SCHEME. story, 9 story 9 feet 4 inches; secondwalls an immense attendance. and feet. Interior finish: Plaster soft wood finish throughout. Accom- Many Farms In the Big ' Cities RecomCYCLOMANIA. modations: The principal rooms and mends That Vacant City Hots Everyfiretheir sizes, closets, pantries, bath, where Be Turned Into Profitable Po- The Scientific Name of the Craze foi shown places, sliding doors, etc., areThere Wheeling: in France. tato Patches. is herewith. the given plans by "Le Velocipediste, or Running Cya cellar under the hall and parlor. The clist (Velox Communis et Migrator, MAY-o- r, ETROIT'S attic fs floored and there is space for of Coleoptera)," Is the title oJ Family S. finishH. of cost Pingree, the but three good rooms, an amusing little essay in the Parii estimthe who started the in not Included is them ing in which that familiar divisloi ingenious scheme to Figaro, ate. Special features: A striking and of the human family, the cyclist; is disutilize the labor of cussed an attractive exterior, without display from a naturalist's point of view men unemployed or pretense; ample and somewhat ele"Like the June bugs, which skim buzz-inglthem a large by training gant interior, accommodating over the flower beds," says th on conto raise low potatoes A but fair cost: The family. velox communis flies unused municipal Figaro, "the tract price, built as shown by the plans, the surface of our streets wit! land, has written along including full plumbing for hot and cold rapidity, frequently grazing some suggestions disquieting water, $3,500. To contract at $3,000 it course in its the careless pedestriar about his interest who loves to cross is necessary to make the following crowded thoroughchanges: Omit the second story of the ing experiment for the benefit of other fares while reading his newspaper. Ol rear extension with the bedroom cities. Pingree writes as follows: all animals of the Parisian fauns "The plan will be tried at Detroit it isthe far plumbing and back stairs, which saves the most prolific and multiby $300; omit the side veranda, which this year on a more elaborate scale, as plies with startling rapidity. The male saves $80; use ordinary hinged. doors the commission Will have $5,000 to of a grayish-yellocolor, is generallj in place of sliding doors, which saves work with, that amount having been homely. The female, on the othei $15; omit mantel, fireplace and hearth appropriated by the common council, hand, offers in the harmonious and which save3 and they authorized me to appoint a opulent tiles in the dining-rooof her outlines a veritapay, ble treatbeauty $100. These changes will not detract commission to serve without our charmed eyes. She is for from the exterior appearance. Finish- which I have done. That commission tamed without difficulty. The numbei ing three rooms in the attic will add is composed of the best citizens, those of 'velocipedistes' has so augmented who have time to spare for the work. $120 to the cost. A hardwootf staircase, during the last few years that it has beremove to is commission The $100 add would appointed finished, handsomely come a public danger. The Academy ol the objection of its being purely a poor Medicine to the cost. at the progcommission object or charitable work. ress of is justly alarmed as is called this circyclomania, comuse of We rolls the shall the poor 'PEG-LE- G WALSHcular madness, which was studied for mission, however, to get the names of the first time by the celebrated Esqui-roul- , the needy. An Eccentric Character Has His Tombhimself at last fell a victim "The land has not been all subscribed to thewho stone and Coffin Already Made. same terrible malady. "Peg-le- g Walsh," as he is called, was yet, but asbesoon as ittois the street sweepis to get in the way ol "It dangerous hauled the different lots the 'velox born in Belfast, Ireland, 90 years ago, ings will this animal no1 communis,' and has lived at Piermont, N. Y., since and used for top dressing, and in the being accustomed to diverge from th he was 21. He has never been married future we will store these sweepings in straight line, which it follows . and has never done anything but teach the winter on the lots of land in differi1 The frequency with which school. Fifteen years ago, being then ent parts of the city which are to be runs down and maims whatever hapover 60 years of age, he called on the used by the agricultural commission pens to be in its path is too well known village carpenter and requested that the following season. The willingness to be dwelt on here. Sometimes the functionary to measure him for a cof- of the poor to take advantage of the 'cyclist migrator' travels in troupes fin. The coffin was to be made of pine offer and help themselves in every way and even in file, like the wild stained walnut and to have four plafc they can is shown by the large number duck. The single of antiquity a black handles for the convenience di of applicants who have already asked verse of Ovid augurs seems to prove it, at the pallbearers. When Walsh had for land. least would have drawn good or bad "The returns this year should be "tried it on," and found it to fit, he as omens, according perceived the had it gorgeously lined with plush by more than double those of last season flight of the 'veloces'they odd or even in the friendly hands of the wife of the from the fact that the land can be numbers." village grocer, for all Piermont hum- plowed earlier and those who had their ored and 'humors "Old Walsh." The first experience last year will profit coffin has for the past twelve years by it, and we will have a more perfect BLACKSNAKE IN HIS POCKET. stood upon two chairs in one of th system of supervision. I have obtained from the agricultural board of the state Terrible Experience of Charles Miller ol two rooms which comprise his domiTarrytown, N. Y. cile. Reared against another stout the authority for the statement that of Tarrytown, a trackCharles Miller chair is a white marble tombstone, and planting even as late as the middle of man on Hudson the River railroad, bad near the gravestone and coffin is a tin June is often attended with better re- a with a bla',;k-snakthrilling experience box containing a canister of sults than planting done in May. Sunday and is still suffering "I would recommend to cities in- from the snuff and nine pounds of wax candles shock he received. During ready for the wake. There are 1,000 tending to try the plan that the educa- the noon hour Miller and a companion of is more tional it really worth part good7natured inhabitants and sixteen sat down beside the railroad to eal saloons in Piermont, and when Mr. than the thousands of dollars of benefit their dinner. When Miller had finWalsh goes home feeling particularly received in the crops. Every one will ished his meal he fell asleep. He was tired or sad he sometimes foregoes the concede that we have drifted from na- aroused by a commotion in his troupleasure of a nightshirt and bed and ture's own way of getting a livelihood. sers pocket and was horrified to belies down fully dressed in the coffin. The idea of the many in rushing to the hold the tail of a snake as the animal No matter how tired he may be, howcities and trying to get a living by into the cavity. He wort ever, and no matter how late the hour their wits is not nature's way, and this disappeared trousers, tile pocket ol loosely fitting of his retreat to his humble cot, he agricultural plan will be, I believe, a was torn. which Instantly he felt th never goes to sleep without reading step in the right direction. I would cold serpent coiling about his leg. Hf half an hour from some of his advise the hiring of a fewpaid men, screamed and attempted to free himold schoolbooks, which, to- practical farmers, for a short time durself from the snake gether with a cup, saucer, plate, sugar ing the planting season, and this is all ously, but the snakeby kicking vigoronly clung the bowl, teapot, spoon, knife and fork, the help that need be hired. These men at and intervals squirmed and comprise his household effects. By a should be very practical and men tighter wriggled a.bout. Miller's companion strange oversight when Walsh ordered whose hearts are in the work. to his assistance and by gentle maran hie gravestone inscribed he had cut "From the results of this plan I am succeeded in removing the upon it his age at that time 60 so that satisfied that in the future large cities nipulation which proved to be a black-snakthe inscription says that he died at the will do well to set apart certain sec- reptile, three feet and six inches in age of 60, whereas he is now nearly 9G tions of land for permanent use in this was killed It length. by the trackman. years of age. direction. This will become more and Miller was so frightened he more apparent as the large cities be- could not move terribly for hours. Success of Weather Forecasts. come more and more populous, and no The report of the Meteorological man can do a more philanthropic act Why Folks Shake Hands. Council for 1893-9just issued, claims than to donate land for such use. I When the iron glove might mean even for the forecast department an aver- would favor municipalities purmischief it was a sign of peace to unage success of fully 82 per cent on the chasing for this purpose. cover the hand in greeting. That is how "These cultivated predictions which are sent out each agriculturally the custom, which is so fast falling into day at 8:30 p. m. "Total failure" oc- parks will, I believe, be found as benecurred in only 5 per cent of the fore- ficial in results as the purely plasure neglect, of taking off the glove to shake casts and "partial failure" in 11 per parks, and will be as useful for the hands arose, and that is why gloves cent. "Complete success" attended prosperity of a city's inhabitants; and have always to be removed on presento at court. But nearly 60 per cent of the prophecies, by this I do not mean to advocate at tation thethe queen glove was removed, there and in 25 per cent more there was a all the giving up or lessening of the though was in the rough old days, some still, "partial success," amounting to cor- number of our breathing spots, the fear of treachery, and that is why we rectness in more than one-ha- lf of the parks devoted to pleasure and recreashake hands at all, for when men met tion. areas covered by the forecast. "As the. battle of life grows sharper they surrendered to the grasp of the and more bitter and the cities increase other the right and weapon-wieldin- g Betting: Killed in Pennsylvania. in age and size, the needs of such use- hand. Had it been possible for PresiHorse racing in Pennsylvania has ful dent Carnot, says Sir Herbert Maxwell, parks will become more to been killed by a bill that passed the andagricultural insist on mutual surrender of right more evident. There will be no of sale the legislature forbidding pools in finding those both competent hands, the attack upon him would asor betting of any sort in the state. It trouble and willing to act as teachers and to suredly have miscarried. is especially directed to break up the serve on the and it will be s. While hitting at the pool- of Inestimablecommission, to cities, from SPARKS. benefit rooms it has wiped out all betting. mere of a standpoint utilitarianism, Jones Here's that umbrella I borfrom the fact that it uses the street rowed from you yesterday. Brown-Gr- eat refuse, which is now wasted. Population of the Sea, Scott! What's the matter with The sea has no herbivorous inhabitit? ant. Its population live on each other. Newer Than the Hypnotism Plea. Bookkeeper I see by the paper that The trial of Charles McCarthy at our customer, Soudkins, is married. Tailor Indeed! I shall be Leavenworth, who confessed to steal- Fashionable FOLLY AS IT FLIES. him. to lose sorry Samuel Usher's ing and swallowing club was dreadfully inThe Harold A ballet dancer depends for success $500 diamond and set up the defense Clarence sulted more upon her agility than today. Weally Harhe was made temporarily insane old Tes,.an that old to know wished lady A man arrested and locked up for becure for drunkenthe gold by an taking office. was if it intelligence ing full can always be bailed out. ness, ended in a hung jury. The eviThe New Woman I should like to Galveston News. look at some neckties. New Assistant the of dence that the physicians gold Men of might are often those who necktie seems to have had The department is further back. might have made a success In life, but cure wa3 dangerous the toilet department. I can is This the big effect on the jury, as eight didn't. Syracuse Post. some show mustache ihvigorators, you If we were a young man we wouldn't stood for acquittal and four for though. fall In love with a girl who loves a dog. Atchison Globe. FOR EPICURES ONLY The most profitable business in this Great Odd Fellows' Temple. The world is getting other people to work Shad roe with eggs and parsley makes The great ,.Odd Fellows Temple in for you. New Tork Record. most palatable breakfast omelet, long a cost $950,000, was Philadelphia, which .The onion and; the baseball pitcher recently dedicated with imposing cere- known to gastronomic students. are paying strict attention to their Only the ignorant ever wash strawmonies. This monument to odd fellow- berries. Cleveland Plain Dealer. They should be lightly shaken ship Is nine stories high. It is situated in a towel as a means of cleaning them. When a man goes out between the on Broad street. Offices for the grand ofThe world is full of people who are acts the breath of suspicion usually takes the form of a clove. Philadelphia' ficers of the state are on the ground disappointed and displeased when there Record. floor, also an auditorium 98 feet by 65 is no Oolong flavor in tea biscuits. a seating Alleged currant jelly one buys at the feet and 40 feet high,-witA man appeared In Kansas announcing average grocery shop is a strong sugof 1,200. Directly beneath is that he was king of kings, and lord of capacity of what would be considered red gestion lords. He must be one of those fellows a drill hall of the same size, except in who has solved the monetary question. height. On the second, third, fourth ink. We are told that at breakfast it is Minneapolis Journal, i and fifth floors are 105 offices for rent. allowable to eat watercress with the "There's one thing to be said in favor The remaining stories will be devoted fingers, provided, of course, it is not of the pugilists that go on the stage," to the order. Four dressed.entirely lodge said Mrs. Meekton. "You never hear rooms are upon each ' floor. Veal when roasted thoroughly brown On the them quarreling and bickering like ninth floor there most palatable and least harmful. It is are s, two encampment-roomtenors and leading men." "No," replied saves new! which contain many physicians' bills to remember this and" her husband, "nothing seems to; go as fact. we expect it. The actors all want to novel features for conferring degfees. Vegetarians are seemingly indifferfight and won't act, and the fighters all A. roof promenade, commanding ax ex- ent whether beef goes up or down. As a want to act and won't fight." Wash- cellent view of ttje city and surround- matter of fact,, however, they never , ing countrjv is provided. Canton ington Star. U o y w m, - imper-turbably- Seta Et S La4 p-fcS- '! IIee Ill FRONT ELEVATION, with give, good reason, that the profit "on paper" which seems to be satisfactory may disappear in labor troubles, delays, mistakes, advance of materials, etc Occasionally he will ostentatiously show the owner a bit of detail of better quality than the contract calls for aa proof that he is building him a good Bouse, but all the same he will perform th work just as cheaply as the specifications allow, and he is not to be blamed for it either, although for every dollar he saves by reason of incomplete drawings and defective specifications the owner may be deprived of $10 of value. Example: If the specifications do not require the sheathing of the 1 &3rmv tj I G. SAMUEL. A. KING, Collections Promptly Att Office, First National nisi Rooms 4 ft&d S ' FRANK UTJLB WHITEHEAD, ProfessorP jof ed Ho for Detroit, Fish Springs, Gold Hill Vermel. FIRST FLOOR, structure, why should the contractor spend $40 for sheathing boards and labor, even admitting that the increased strength and warmth of the building may be worth $400 to the owner? The sheathing Is all covered up anyway. Dr. If the specifications dp not call for the sheathing boards to be laid close together, why should not the contractor Bave $5 worth of boards by following the custom of leaving wide cracks? Or, If the quality of the sheathing paper la not stated, why should he not put on the cheapest,; saving $5 perhaps, though dampness will soon make It t worthless for the purpose intended. If the specifications do not call for a double first; floor, which is essential to health and comfort, why should the contractor supply It, although the ex- , -- . -- ( ; 'ESSE! p reasonable tero 8. 1 rxrrr) I 1' 3" 7 S drtH5 i 1 ! JBeofrom 1 J&aatroorrj III K I Wl i ' ri SECOND FLOOR. tra cost Is only $3 per ' square ::'''U' In the flues, in the by 10 feet)? ' ! (10 i-- feet .' plumbing and n a hundred other things the contractor may save a little by reason of Imperfect drawings and specifications at the expense of a good deal to the owner. Below will be found a brief description of the design olllustrated In this article. Size of Btructure: Width (front) over all 31 feet feet tO inches; depth, over all, 42 Inches. Materials for exterior 6 i '. For further particulars, address FRANK WHITEHEAD, and Ibapahl " HINCKLEY, UTAH The Oaslt and Fifth Springs stage leavM Oasis and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Monday and Thursday, and arrives at terminal points within 63 hours. $3.00 Oasis to Detroit, " Fish Spr ngs, Gold Hili and Ipabah. 5.00 " 7.50 COPYRIGHTS. Fare for transportation out and return dm fares. Address, and one-ha- lf e F. DAVIS, Proprietor, formation concerning Patents and of to ob. tain them sent free. Also a; catalogue mechan ical and scientific books sent free. & Co. recefra Patents taken through sMiiim notice in the Scientific American, and specialare thus public withbrought widely bfefprethe out cost to the inventor. I This splendid paper, has Hltf issued weekly, elegantly by far the of anylscientlflc work in the largest circulation world. $3 a rear. SampH Copies sent free. A, Gardner, GK WATCHMAKER, VJEPHI, UTAH. Watches and jewelry promptly-pairedMail orders solicited. Nr CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a to prompt answer and an holiest opinion,-writMUNN fc CO., who havehad nearly fifty years experience in the patent business. Communica. tiona strictly confidential. A Handbook of In, how stl-ate- a year. Single $20 contains Building Edition, monthly, nfimber beau, Everyand copies, S cents. of new in colors, photographs tiful plates, enablinf? builders to show too bouses, with plans,secure contracts. Address latest designs and MUNN & CO.. New YortK.i X ti i boa dwat. . ... Saddle Harness and GEO. W. P A.YSON, WILLIAMS, . . AND IMPORTER OR MANUFACTURER Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips, Nose Bags, Collar iLl I. l I. II raos, naraware, Learner, eicf. f--fc I I . Wholesale and Retail. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vlbijnity, and ha? given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt: attention. m.i i. -.i HEATED BY STEAM. " wmjir ii II p ELECTRIC CALL BELL ' I L. HOLBROOK, H Si r Prop. Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle &IV(ining THEEE CROWN Men ttflJER. BAKIN& ii Leads All the Rest- i - AWARDS. Support 1894, Medal. Home i State Fair Gold Industries Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and Medals. ' ESSSl USES; nor TUttOr Superior Quality Flavoring Extracts Gold 4 (JKMH KROKy 21? Tf Keep j THitBB iCRCMM jCgQUW Your j Medal. Money S Beit Quality and Display of Soda Water. i i ri' m at i i Hornet 1 ss. up-shoo- ts. ";' ! pool-room- , I 1; , m -- ad-dre- Violin lowest prices e 4, "Mnsic Will give lesM.ns ou flaino, Orjraa, nd well-thumb- I SALT LAKE iulTY, UTAH. e one-pou- Eeele Block, I! I! t&: bank Biff., PROVO, flAKKS, LAND and Attorney at Law. - - w: : h - ; - : . . ; r wit ro down. j MANUFACTURED BY HEWLETT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - I - BOX 6S3 Spices Pure and Ground Daily. JOSEPH A. LY AN General Merchadi .... S Has a full line of And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Dwn. Either for Cash or Produce at cost. !! . . .' Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied rith - GRAIN - AND - STABLJNGk Highest eash price paid for Hides and Pelts. JOSEPH A. OAK CITY, MILLARD COUNTY, Don't forget LYMAiST, j : TTTAR. |