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Show LOCAL ... INKLINGS. ? - Remember, a team from the Desejret t House meets every train, Jno. N. Pike of Salt Lake, was In town IN a. few DEALERS days this week on business bent.' A. T. Moore, representing the M. & M.. tea, was in Deseret several days this v week drumming-utrade. . un Jake Israel has departed for Darts We ai:e now settled in our pleasant turn UD all - - will verv likelv known, j hnt t And carrv a full Lice of every right when the "ten tribes" are found ' mmLa uaSm Ihinn- - - rr npedp.fi bv OUT W IText Sunday and Monday, May 2Sth j and 27tb, is the date for the Quarterly Conference of the Millard Stake, which will be held in Deseret. Mrs. E. F. Bonnamont of Ibapah, ar We invito nur Friends from a Distance to continue their Calls, and assure rived today from a vi3it at Salt Lake City Xlioni the same Gencrious Treatment as in the past and will take the- - stage on tomorrow of We call attention to our Special Selected line J morning for her Deep Creek home. Which we are offering far below the Men's ?M Boy's Glothim Usual prices. These parts were delighted by a refresh ing snower 01 rain jMonaay auernouu. It only lasted just long euough to par tially lay the dust, bnt so much so good. Wm. Langtun, General Manager of he ., Salt Lake City, and ORSON SANDERS Equitable JoHN' GllEATHOUSE, same firm, were 111 of Knott the Harry Deseret Monday and Tuesday doing OREATiiOUSE & SANDERS. the interest of their house. Let the doctors administer any more poison to you for J. W. Damron, Jr., who has for nearly four vears oast been a missionary .to Papeetee, in the Society Islands, is exright's DisoasD pected to arrive in Deseret some time next week. The Blade, together with Mr. 1 Or any kind of Kidney or Damron's many friends, will welcome his return to our midst. LEAMINGTON, UTAH. Troubles. Bladder One Dollar will be paid for a clean TO CLOSE BUYERS, we 'offer the very lowest prices on a new and complete copy of No. 13, Vol. II, of the Blade. The i.ine of General Merchandise. number bears date, September 6th, 1834. Mail orders from responsible parties at In the flowing water of Deseret, We hone our subscribers will look over Detroit Camp, Oasis and vicinity, will any back numbers of the Blade they may receive immediate attention and goods have and the first one that sends in the next train. DEN INST' C0-OP'"MC- 'L; I- BNBRAIi MERCHANDISE. Yesterday's Silver Quotation. 66 U CtS Lead............. ..........., ... - . $2.95 J The Blade's Pick-upMining briefs have been unusually scarce in Una vicinity the past week. "Ira" LemmoQ came in from Detroit on Monday evening. He reports mining business at the camp as loosing gloomy. s. f . ; - Deep Creep Discoveries. Dr. II, J, Faust, who has been faithful to the Deep Creek; country for the past twenty years, returned yesterday from a trip to Clifton district. lie also' visited ' . White, Horse mountain,' in Kihgsley .. 1?' i now much more, elated and ii than ever before over the future, of. that ' l; , region. "There are forty or fifty prospectors' hard at work," said he, and thev are being rewarded !by some of the richest discoveries that have ever been made in that district I Discoveries are of a daily occurrence, The cou n try has never been thoroughly prospected, because - hereto-- , fore the search has been for silver and Spray Fruit Trees, Shrqbs and V.Inwf,- -, lead. They are now finding gold in paye say ing quantities and,, strange to say, when Iilti:h all the old prospects are tested they show ir( g Pumbs. Buy Myers' Spray gold. By actual test, there are pverl00 Ilesponeible ageatti wanted claims in Clifton district that will horn everywhere. gold, to say nothing about assays. The Liberal Commissions Paid. fact that oyer forty claims in that district are being worked, shows the, faith ol the The greatest varlet.v owners. Right alongside of the bid over from whichito select. " land road; and within gunshot of the Prices to suiUali. burned station, an Italian has discovered two gold claims. Remombdr ...... ijii;: h ... .;:' "Judge J. H. Wolcott of this city, the i F. E. Myers & Bro; are the largest' day before I left, discovered one of the American Manufacturers finest gold properties I have; seep. The of Pumps and Having Tools. vein is about three feet thick, and every : piece of ore horns gold. It is1 located near If you don't want tuo the road, south of Tripp's m;inQ. Cane Spring Company's fine Pump IMPERIAL, "The mills are now in operation, and forty men At a reasonable price, are at work," Tribune. MINES AND MILLS. t; ' dis-distri- ct, j i , - " v . , 'Ira" returned the next morning. e About twenty-fivthousand pounds of Utah and Galena ore arrived today from Fish. Springs and is being unloaded for shipment at the Oasis station. It is definitely learned that should the Ibex, on June 1st, fall into the bands of its original owners, that from five to ten men would immediately be put to work on the mine, and from time to time the ' , number increased. Everything is all serene over the Ibex trouble. The time is short in which the Company can- act in the matter of straightening out the dilemma, and we voueh as our sincere belief that on June llth the mine will fall back to the hands of its original owners. 1, It. B. Giles, Q Sunday morning went out to Fish Springs to do some development work on claims belonging to himself, Fred Kadmond and others. 'Robt." says Fish Springs is the mining camp for him, 6ince the Ibex collapse. More prospecting is now going on in the Deep Creek and DugWay mountains than has been known f or'some time past. We offer until sold, ifq'w 1894 Stye3, It is said some very fine discoveries have LYNCHING FAR TOO MERCIFUL. been made in the latter ran ere. over at $3.00 Eaoh. which we have been reauested to keeD Florida Negroes Lower Than Brutes-- No Order W. A. WboJs' Mowers, White Women Safe. "mam." Minneapolis! Binders, St. Louis, May 19. A special from Ella-villMessrs. L. Holbrook and C. E. Loose HaBces, Tiger ofVVtteat Fla., to the Republic, saysi Sheaf of Provo, and S. F. Mount of Richfield, iiindine Twine, Plymouth, Machine and all were now. a Shipped by Three in dense Extras on negroes Where from returned lynched Detroit, Friday above described copy will receive one dol GKEATHOUSE & SANDERS, on the Suanee white of a swamp a on been for river, by they had couple tf. days lar by return mail. Don?t Wait fprjj tho Rush. a white It is for, men, re of of tour assaulting the Utah. Ibex. girl. inspection They Leamington The Blade force, so much that still re port the mine as looking well. The ore reported that they were flayed alive and Full stocks! j then burned, after being subjected to mains, on Sunday took a trip down ,10 body ia going down all right. Salt Lake CJity, Swan Lake, on pleasure bent. Wrong horrible tortures. Ogden, came in last Pearson Hyrum evening The crime for which the negroes were Utah, Logan,Falls! roads, mud holes, burned faces, nats, from the Clifton district, and this morn y Idaho were in etc. so one found was t.h to of abundance, ing went on to his home at Pleasant death mosquitos horribly put f j and A and many were the trials encountered Grove. Mr. Pearson terrible in the history of this section Moutpelier Iijaho. reports everything most all A for nerrnanent sure and remedy bull the day , but ample payment vyas of Florida. Jersey during at the and mine the Midas, looking will stand during the Urinal Troubles effected in a large catch of the finny tribe. lively Miss Mamie Armstrong, the (beautiful 4J well. Frank Morehouse, th Superinten Season of 1895, t& a of Fayette daughter prominent on Blade via team on the farm of rarely dent, has gone into Salt Lake Special Notice. The county farmer.left her home five days ago ever duns its delinquent subscfibers or business L. 11. Cropper, .. to spend the night with a neighbor who The water is soft, pure and sparkling, advertising patrons. Volume II is rapid Deseret. Foreman Alf.Mikesell ef the Ibex mine, lived aud possesses the MOST .REMARKABLE two miles distant. The next day But two more came in Irom Detroit on Monday, and ly nearing its close. Solvent Properties which disTERMS:-- $1 for the Reason. Miss Armstrong's father went to the solve and carry out of the sys numbers remain to be Issued for the cur yesterday morning took the train for Salt was tem all impurities and forvolume. There are over $1,000 due Lake City. , Mr. Mikesell goes North for house toto bring her home, and been rent Good Pasture for Cows hear that nothing had eign substances. VA60N & i'MAGHIHE Co, the Blade from those amply able to pay, the purpose of personally interviewing alarmed of seen Mr. Armstrong alarmed her. we must time nowcome and the when has Mr, Humphreys in regard to something the and a search was made. Kidney and Bladder Disorders - definite of on a all insist settlement (itas to the future plans, if any, of The neighbors prompt GEOKEQ '. ODELL, Li. It. CROPPER, was coured and the Suanee woods accounts. wi of the the caused standing Are Ibex the by clogging Company. General Manager , river dragged. Finally about midway Deseret, Utah. cnanaeis oi ine ooay wun ume for Fred of and Mr. home between assayer Redmond, the formerly on A. B. Armstrong sedimenti Tha Pack, Thtifsday afternoon came down irom near the Sucker Town the Ibex Company, came down from Salt the neighbor's house, the handkerchief Advertisidg niatterffree on application.' Lake on Saturday's afternoon train and of Misa Armstrong was found clinging Deseret Plowing. Water flat, where be left Engineer E. F. Be.? asa Alexander , next to out went Detroit. were evidences to a brush and all around morning and nis surveying party, ana who ere the beof all the After a of Dissolves nature together struggle.! carries and gathering it stakes official the off, desperate along the line Has opsned a-then heals the patient in a perfectly sticking The searches followed the trail thus of the proposed Leamington canal. Near longings of his assaying outfit at the natural way. finding all along that the girl sucker Town the ditch will run more camp, Mr. ICedmond on luesay evening as as and this returned far had been dragged into the woods. After Hinckley, 1 1 than forty feet highter than the prelimi de to came on He will Deseret. proceeding for a mile, the corpse of survey made by R. E. L. Collier, morning i, Hi, nary for tomorrow Miss- - armstrong was found in a thick Bingham, morning part Q. W. Cropper is among the party. and is J a st Eist of Ray's, a where he has g accepted proposition clump of bushes. The body oi the girl do all kinds of prepared to a a will enter maD him truth Commercial at offered mill. the was in a horrible condition. Every shred It won't eost you a cent, saloon, Many and Wagon Repairing. an a call crowd , of clothing had beea torn from it ad she up exchange, fully says Andreas Jensen, tha Nephi or a two to down and dollar pay on pianK came down from the North yesterday's had been assaulted. The lower llmb Except for freight. Just observe the bill without a murmur, and the repeat the following instructions: afternoon train, and this morning went had been torn apart, her head crushed A SPECIALTY. When you write inclose a stamp, thing several times a year. Now ask that on to the Deep Creek country to look and her throat cut. It was evident that Buy a ten or twenty gallon cask , same person to subscribe for the home after his interests. Mr. Jensen the girl had made a desperate fight for mining cleanse it thoroughly. Bend by pre where he will get several times the is owner of the Vulcan mine at Fish under her nails were found pieces of paid freight with just enough mon- paper, of wort h bi8 money in ayear,or pay up for JLmasa Alexander: ey to pay the freight back to you. men are now at black cuticle which she had torn from her We will fill the casks aud bill his home paper, from which he has had Springs, upon which six Very sang assailants. them to you Free ot? all Charge several times the worth of his money in a work sinking and drifting. k &m Eckois was suspected and was for-thfor over this prophe is uine the water aud trouble. ObserS. Below is the U. To those that depend; more oh. the year, and he will tell you he can't afford erty, and has great faith in the future of threatened with instant death unless he Voluntary M. D.s than on common sense, the it. True; but oh, how Had. ver's Meterological Record for the month Deep Creek. Before his return to Nephi confessed. He did so and implicated Sim will read "fishy," but foregoing "cf April, 1835," at Deser?t. Utah: Mr. Jensen will make arrangements for Crowley and John Brooks. Echols said we can furnish you with atfida vits LOCAL TIME CARD. ot those that have been permanently a shipment 01 Vulcan ores to ttie toaic they kept the girl for 24 hours before TEMPERATURE. 13, 18M. In v in the meantime, cured. her, The forcing her, Lake November killing smelters. Ejection. and Tr.aln arrive aj)Jirt Jtt various stivtiotiK i Now don't write nonsensical let most to horrible submit the to Precip- a follows repeatedly daily The election this fall promises to be ters asking us if the above is 4,realy 1 tation North bo n iid Stiajtlons. in indignities. For a great part of the time Southbound. Notes. etc, the "cOst what true?" General is?" Mining a most Arr. atfd Art. be will Leave Leave ballot the exciting Inches. 6.r?0 jnn 10.40 atr J Please follow instructions and for the negroes said Miss Armstrong was 3.10 pn. 2 AX) am Oct'len ot lessees the Herald that The Mean, Minimum. been one ever reports Maximum. before thau has ward your casks or demijon to longer Lv 5.20 pm 9,;i0 ar-4.20 pm 3.10 am Ar Hialt Unconscious. t ; ( Lake Ar 5.10 pxjii Lv am voted in Utah. The officers to be elected the Galena group, in the Beaver Lake secured the negroes implicated 4. 13 pin Having 8.10 'am i,' a above Frisco, having large district, J. F. GIBBS, are about as follows: A l?m-k. white men proceeded . of Ore on the dump, are about to by Echols, the . amount Editor MILLARD CO. BLADE, to Congress, Governor.Representative Fairfield to a dense swamp of fiends three the with 4.12 pm Secietary 8.42 ara..L,ehil.'liinct.. via of commence the shipment UasiB, utab; Deseret, the grade high 41 Oil pm 25 4. 57 8.50 Fork am were Amef'Ji where river Suanee on I.. the State Treasurfr, Attor to the Salt Lake smelters. The ores run they State, Auditor, 47 S3 3.5ft 61 8.55 am Pleai't Grove pro 2.. made to suffer tortures Similar to that 3 .37 pin 9.15 am ... .Provo of Public ney General, 3.. Superintendent will lead and and prove in silver Very "52"" high "734"' 3.18 9.34 am Spaiitsh-For73 4.. tbey had inflicted on the girl. five Judges ol the Supreme desirable at the smelters. 29 3.01 pm 17 '41 Instruction, 5.. Pjiyson... a cool 31 The white people are terribly aroused 15 47 2.00 pm N; B. If the water is put in whole-som10.55 am . .', . Nrph $ 6 . was questioned as to and swear they will exterminate the e Court, nine District Judges, Members 33.5 18 sweet will 59 11.35 am Ar j U.. xTi Lvl.20 pm remain and Egan it Captain 7.. place,' ' 42.5 23 1 02 55 am Lv i n.' ( A r .00 p m for weeks, even during the hot of the State Legislature. In addition whether the Stewart mill would be re- - negroes if these outrages, are continued.. 8.. 47.5 25 11.23 an! 69 Leaimiiifrtori il.35pm weather; a to the above full municipal ticket built, and stated that it undoubtedly 51 I 30 3.25 pm . .:. Oasis ... y.55 am AO. 49 9.10 am. 4.10 pm 30 CleKr 68 Lake been no had will elected that for 11.. be would but of thB cities be, plans many, 49 Millard Crop Reports. 6.00 am Arjfcil- - Lv 7.15 pm" 25 73 :Vi.. 58.5 8.00 am LV jfprd Ar 6.00 pm 34 and towns. On the legislative ticket made. iHe was sure, however that it 83 13.. y, - 40 Trace. days all 54.5 10.00 pm ... . riseo 4.30 am bright' old 14.. the not be rebuilt would site, upon Millard and Juab counties form the 47.5 27 53 Leave it 15.. Anive doin are Farm vell, week. last crops 4S a site would be selected 25 and 67 .Ttiafo run daily except Sui1 Home of Trains souli Missionaries thought distridt Senatorial to will and !.. Eight 52.5 SO 73 17.. lower down the canyon. Bingham potatoes and corn being planted. Frost DAYS 57.5 one 43 72 elect Senator; i3.: Two through wilns daily from Sall gether on the 9th, iOlh and llth bas injured Lake 56 ' 33 79 and of months the For .19.. to all point East. May 'April, 64.5 42 . 67 no:. much. the" Pullman Palace Sleepers frin Sait men in the fruit very 403 prospects are Through There employed be will 48 dates, 3! June, the following 64 :zt . . Lake to Chioape vritfttt5t 'change oa 50 the MO frost 31 the Meadow llth and mines of Juab County wages Heavy r filled: .;r.;. Improved Tourist & eeyers 52 32 ; 72 ;'. Fllftftore Jottings. Free Reeliningri3bL r ears. and ' ' 30 corn $404,255. vegefor the JT. aggregated 52.5 past year beans, D. Trimble and Smith John potatoes, 75 ' injured paid 24,; day cb'icJfe-- Elegant 60.5 4'i 79 .25.. 75. The output of ore was S.uG tons, tables; no damage to fruit or wheat. 18th. March 10; Scipio, April 14; Des Fillmore, May Petersbui'g, The line opicriiri diniii? ear Rerviee. f,9 only 43 75 xn.. aasai fastest to all poims of cost 5. The the Shortest 16. the 178.783. bloomed SI. valued at E. have 57 Jos. trees eret, May All General fruit 43 unusually east. Ray, 72 Superintendent' p; 51' excelcose rxne 34 Allen RusseU and John Ashman has commenced, baincr ons 63 var XTonrotraia n nlants S53y.4uu. vQ a1J ' heavy; spraying i vuu iituij diuid ucaci vuii. in uvci .. Si Of jT) YE, Ajrent, Oasis. " .47 45.5 33 63 for good crop's.. March 10; Deseret, April 14; Fillmore, vi lent and was Scipio, 130,800, work of prospect D. E. Qenl'l Apt. Passgr. Dept., .37 46 K'J reEurley, 40 a development from works for few davs and 52 the Holden Fine growing weather but May 5. City Ticket OfficH '01 Maiq Pt.. Salt Lake. ore concentrated, of tons of the number "i aiid Ticket Apt. ports things going on finely cold nights. Frost has, hipped early E L. Loraax, lien'i PjasftRr.GeiiM I. N.' Hinckley, Jr., and Rufas Day Miner. Tintic Mngr., Omahap. E.Die4rason, 11,400. t beans:bu.t?-r40Hinck to March 10; as. and A. l4; Melville Fillmore, Aprtl Deseret,, starts for Salt L?ke enough J potatoes 49.1. Max; ret the SuaiMAKYy Mean temp. , . Jiiuk, We are reliably informed that if Oliver ley, May 5. on Monday to confer with the D. & R. hurt; good prospects for hay; plenty of , mine is 'temp. 83, date 13th; rain . temp. 15, date James Abraham and A. L. Rappeleye-Mammoth th ore in cent water. strike G. V. ll'y relative to a slight infringe-men- t John W. loune, more important than Fillmore, March 10 j Hinckley, April 11; Hoi12, cloudy Frederick It. Ocudert, considerably quite Hays clear 17 partly cloudy nvv. reservoir is livceiverai ;.'( thoMarysvalo. 5. Men. making: is stated Some About den. be told. It to May wind allowed direction; been 1: prevailing has ' melted and L. on- the old Survey line of the Denver W. Stott II. O. Labrum and sleet, rain; hail, 'Including that the ore body is on both the 1,100 and Gi.AnsTo:?r. at the age of tjighty-fou- r ': - .; Unovr. ,1G; Holdeny April 14; KaMarch Hinckley, was feet that made about fourteen 1,200 levels and is on an average three road, 5 makiixr? an1 attenipt to learn the IntFrom maximum and minimnm .read- nosh, May 5. , rich-ii matter The ao... is wiir ROGERS, doubtless WlLLARD gold running wide. years a dialect' that lias , very It 23. .srjiao S. W. "Western and J C. Web- l- ; - I Observer. ton. to -i the metal in oz. 60 20 to to that b.r?Voluntary a puszlo plnlol ovists. from "v; Holden, March 10; Kanoshi' April l4t Leam be adjusted without any difficulty. W: in the officials the exercised care by of Hott City, Mr-- s. Wi:.on' Fillmore is In her spring" dress and, 'ha 1. Speogel, to color ore ington, May 5. of the gives strong ;' rr.ost ..ii:i:.v. lr fiaidto' be one Alma Greenwood and Frank F. Merril-- 4 filled with the perfume of shipment air Miner. the with Tintic the report. DESERET, UTAIh East Main 14 ; 10 and in ; Llarch the neiih,':-beautiful vrcnpn Leamington, April Kanosh, The best and cheapest line of hats in 13 an locust Park the from blossoms, this reached Word city .' ," inviting place May 5. gloves to bo found in Millard county ore Meadow, was .the widow of a Gcrru:i.: f1 r . directo .'one which the that if has .1 time. the loaf, last announcing ' evening, married a million:! ivo .usi'jo.. now on sale at the Cash Store; Call and - tors of the Silver King had declared a fore she of is interest Nothing special happep- . maa old enough to be hex "father.. ' jae them before purchasing elsewhere. notices on and the 20th, . dividend sornnarn-Oasis, May 5'. payable cinu m aweet court re- FIRST CLASBi accomodations for its Joun jL. uerj Giuffiths, supveiao sS. GileJ. The Joshua Greenwood and d had bedn mailed to the stockholders. bulisia is a twin sister of Deseret, wi for Indiana,' is called the porter Pet Oommereii j janrl Mining, tnen. 14; March not be' could 10;, Oasis, April dividend of Creek, Oak the nmnnnt choice of A state. Fob Sale-Hoosier the1 ranch of 80 acres of the 'orator on the of tdwn this Ti. paA ,'. 25 advantage cents be ,, to it is presumed May learned, but Hart iro rods of fence and a water title ersburg, is somewha! ojore ehaciy and fpr the Vand, same as formely. There are, 150,000 He holds the same office that Geri. thatit and Charles D.. SJiiiih , JattMcMahon at field the cwu. to r'.ci'x into means the distribution rison resigned Giri cneapj'jf cl and this go vi Oa.si.s, March tOj'I'etersburg.Aprll 14; Scipio, inaLTe-.iSomvjtca to irreater sliuubcjr. shares, ox in worot vrhifh br,l!x the remains 'trthfi rarticnlars:, finnlv to of 7,600, r the outbreak o? v Maj 5. J , Utfhi Trib'TP"" StaV CI. "t fi A Ntrr 3. F, GiBS. . - - . - -- Humerous Patrons. I j : A. IT. Stephenson, Supt. - . i Co-op- - . busi-ness-i- " IGenerajl : Up-to-Da- te j ERCHANDISE . ! i ; e, --- --- -- , 4 "Sir William," full-blood- j j jD5Ls"t:LHcL ed - i GO-OPERAT- IVE j " . if-- ?-- -- 'Blacksmith Shop W.-A- R . XS -- Black-smithin- mill-owner- IORSE-SHOEIN- G out-loo- e : j , . , ) ( ' J7.-1- i ( 5 Si-Jnd- . . . ' . . a . . . . 1 . k pm-9.52a- . . . :' ... 1 , 7-- 2 1 . . : . ; I i f - l Sclpio--Sunshinn- : Bul-leti- -- n. I, t - i j ' j. . - j -- .: ; . , . - ' ; ; T-.- li-n- .:- . : . i ' , . , i V ,i- . - ' - " ' " - I : f i Lv:TT-iage- Til E ; i i. Stft ! " - tj ' .. m.'.i-.nnv- '.'i-'- - ; i " -- silver-tongue- , - , . I . tl EBBnOT ji-t- |