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Show . ' 7 ' ..'. . . . ." .!'' ' " ......a xm Tmra Txmir a at zii'X' JJLlr i i J jit r jL.vni a Staoe. wvd '; .'' . v.. J "'!' - l . U . . - - ' I , ., ; ' YC j, , Y ,y-.;- - - i Yyy. -- yy .Y Y 'if, Y -- , v.; ! . t B- ' s" - YsY Y-j- ' - ' Y . "i Y Y vM,::-- .!' Y- - "s " ' - "I I : pecially should the breeding birds AN; IMPOETAN rn CASE. i take an abundance of exercise in T X! o. GTfjc 2HMarb walking about and scratching, in order IT COMES UP Published Ever Wednesday at BEFQr TILTHfc USEFUL INFORMATION PORt to promote their health and vigor. UTAH. DESEItET, CURRENT NOTES OF FASHIONS UNITED STATES COURT LERS OF THE SOIL.. Youn pullets are not the best for AND THE HOUSEHOLD. CO breeders. Mature birds about twtf A Salt for an By The MILLARD PUBLISHING EstoppelThe Eureka Ch 'in. .not Grown of Commonly Vegetable age; are to be preferred. years of jLHcrossej leal Company, to Root Crops for StoeUKollins Pas- Breeding from voung and immature Newest Goods Bon Striped THE DIRECTORY. Th Trouble. Mail ture Land Ilarnj ard lire. Effects ithinestone Duckies and OrnaFrank J. Cannon. Delegate to Congress parents is sure to result In rapid de Covered Bodice A White Satin ments of any kind of stock, fowls TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Papers have been filed Ip fhe United The family to which I belong are all terioration . Caleb W- West. with Guipure Swell Jackets Note. Governor Included. court of the western jdistrict of States . C. C. Richards. Secretary...very fond of vegetables fresh from the It is time for the geese to be in the Wisconsin, by Tarrant & JCronshaco S. A. Merrltt. Chief Justice Ifleo. Bartch garden. With this pronounced taste midst of laying. They should begin attorneys for the HE3 newest goods Associate Justices. . ... . . .. . Wm. II, King. Sterling Beiredy coin A goose egg makes one s. W. Smith. may safely and cbrrectljy assume mi February, to run much striped of pany k Chicago and New York, in &; .J. W, Jndd. Prosectitlne Attorney quite meal and) forms a fine omelet. that the table is very well supplied, Better Muslins effects. Nat. M. Brisfham. U. 8. Marshal..;..'. suit for the eggs under hens, estoppel and damages against' BrrOD UTOO, fthat are In accord Iinrt Offlf all the season through, I wiih almost so the incubate Ttp1trnr on 3 tobacco ah old will Imitation of Harris. laying. geese keep Office ..Frank Land Receiver with this style can be all T. B. Lewis. the can that breeds of Commissioner of Schools grown vegetables the: habit cure. j improved Furthermore, action ,'ls The be enhanced by brought as in Toulouse and such Ji,nibden, York. the latitude southern n New the! geese, COMMISSION. concern a called UTAH against laying bright fre Chemical eonmanvl nf Ta CrnRAf Eureka This brief article is to all attention are sol heavv and clumsy theywhen Logan every George Thatcher. along xvi, Salt Lake City A. G. Norrel... or fourth quently step upon their charges third to a few products not are genthat In The Salt Lake City involved pro.' J. R . Letcher.. ihese principles ' allowed to bring the little goslins up. Cheap ribbon Salt Lake City stripe. crown. Sherman.... Hoyt are erally utmost the of ceedings important Give to Salt Lake City, suffice if a B. W. Tatlock .will The tii st of these is okra. In the Hence hens fill the bill better. the !ofj jA.meric& interests proprietary to sod for effect clover a of bit the pick pretty MILLARD COUNTY DIRECTORY. in general, and form. In many respeeti Fashion and Fancy. gardens of the south it is as common at. goslins only a few wear- They need grass above all tnings a test Probate Judge.... ....Joshua Greenwood as other our and southern any case, the outcome of which will woman stood hands who growth, The with her will stock like be are (Andreas Peterson. Inga is wanted. But she who is wise as else, grazing they well friends have learned worth. on its out looked the washtub and carefully watched by the many oth. ' John Styler. Selectmen. ...... . k ribbon in a good in the to cows and sheep. select an in But seldom northern is er, it IJames Gardner. see crowd dressed street the gardens important manufacturing (cbncerng. gayly . . .. .O. C. Holbrook. strong silk. In which case the muslin, . The duck is more useful than the Sheriff seen. It is easy to grow as a hill of imitated, .wot only he quessimilarly ..AlmaA.Greenwood. ribbon and all can go to the wash as go by and cried for frivols and fravols corn, Assessor on the farm, for it grows very rap- tion of imitation pig and will corn it A. a wherever be had desire of name, trade-mar- k that grow Hinckley. Collector search easily might the in as grati necessary. When, on and apfed when the Clerk and Recorder... ...... Tbos. C. Canister. often cheapest idly fied If form Or grows. The edible pods are the part and package, enter Jno. M. Hanson. for stuffs, the striped failles are 1895. she were living in this good year, used. Attorney most worthless kind of into the preparation the are never a was parently valuable in For there time the jprlopositioi for also for but stews, case, Wlllard They of like Rogers. all need tricks that Just reached Surveyor ...Josenh D. Smith descrfvYl for increasing tlie beauty of the memory of womankind when ruf- soups, for pickles, ragouts, etc. They food wastes, and lays an abundance whether the actual advertising litera Trpflmirer Coroner Sidney Teeples are very delicate in flavor, readily as- of large, nutritious eggs. The young ' ture xised In establishing the! bublicifr Orvll Thompson. the gooa Is left far behind. Proof of fles and puffs and frills and furbelows, Snot. Schools grows so rapidly that It Is a of a preparation can be stolen with im. it Is given in this illustration, whlcn little stripes of this, and little bands of similating themselves to any more duck meat producer, and it is safe to punity, word for word, by an! Imitator, that, lozenges, diamonds and cubes of highly llavored product, and are quite great portrays a dress of white faille striped one can put a pound of The decision in this case will jsettle on set the farmer material and upon another every mucilaginous in character. So long say with pale green. The front breadth of Recent developments go to show that the of effects small meat had as and easier Is borderad on each imaginable caprice the pods are kept cut off others will wide cheaper upon a ducks of the vital points In United State the peculiarity of a green carnation sid withgodetvskirt a as is reached such evident back than and copyright ' law. Madilace scarfs ending in ,bows upon a steer's. There is a trade-mar- k today come, and a half dozen plants will pitch H restauIs that It Isn't green, and i not a newest models. And in hotels the the at and demand son bear all Democrat. V with near hem general the fastened (Wis.) chrysan through the season, sufficient large rants for tender, plump young ducks, themums. The bodice is draped with a makeup is withal very pretty, at least for an average family. is dressy, and that passes for the Brussels sprouts is a vegetable rare- and the man who produces a good arpoint lace fichu whose ends are tucked it The list of fatalities among train rob same are and XVI. and Louis the Into seen in farm gardens. The prouts ticle to meet the demand will find a thing. Simplicity severity belt, ly Possibly we might stop some of tnes attertheis high bers e needs enlarging still furitper. ornamented with four rhine- - done away with except in the strictly-mad- are as easily grown as a head of cab paying business. PerSumner M, illegal Chinese entries if we cut off th stone buckles. At the shoulders there tailor costumes that are still ap- bage their cultivation is the same. kins in Ohio Farmer. pig tall of every Chinaman who enterj are full sprays of proved and one of which is an chrysantSpain seems to forget thatj thje pros They, like the cabbage,- are troubled addition to the wardby fraud. hemums. These rhinestone buckles and of an apology lies in its, prompt in some sections with insect pests, but perity Root Crops tor Stock. wom ornaments are still qultfe correct. In robe of every so delicate, to our taste fully are ness. they are equaling cauliflower, that one should and cording Braiding deed, so brilliant are many of these an. The rapid advancement of the dairy Enough wine has been spilled at Nic- stones so into is and accustomed the coming again popularity, public be r to loath leave it out in the garden. branch of farming In this state inaragua canal banquets to float a The British lion is a solemn creature rhines'tone and while embroidery and fancy embroidto of the grown sight One this across the isthmus. But still, paste worn with all the confidence that ered galoons are in the posses succuadvantage vegetable more that roars at anything excepting! a real- height of favor. is that it can be kept late in the win- creases the necessity for where's your old canal? month. food winter the y good joke. lent only real diamonds used to inspire, that One comfortable and interesting charduring and thus prolong the season while many a dame possessing only a modest acteristic of the present styles is that ter, food The main source of this kind of adding to the variety for the table. Ens While the train robbery business is Japan is the little busy-pe- e In the list of material for salads, lies in the silage and root crops. A In all and the those appetizing and graceful adjuncts good steps handy occupies " appears to be "erv little crop of roots can, by right meth- boomingin there to a meal, one should not be contefft islands, and If peace is made on the at it money present. VfeFWAL with lettuce, either the cabbage or ods, be grown cheaply and with as basis of possession, Bhe will be the cos type, but should add fetticus, much certainty in this locality as a possessor. A or corn salad, as it is variously crop of corn; and the value of roots, for arailroad generally begins' to ask the time there called, and endive or chicory. Both when properly used in the ration of isn't receiver toabout Whatever the outcome of his little li receive. anything of these, when blanched white, are dairy cows young animals, breeding libel suit, Dr. Dana may soothe hia admirable constituents in a salad, and stock, and even fattening animals, can are as easily grown as a turnip. declining years with the reflection thai lt is learned on good authority that be They have hardly he has dwelt for a season in the storm the Spinach has of late years become a dietetic and health-givinEmpress Dowager of China lis very effect, center of a great cyclone of legal most a quite generally grown, and is stimulating the organs of digestion anxious to become a new woman. desirable article for "greens." and the functions of the animal body, Dandelion is a most wholesome and as well as furnishing nutriment, A St. Louis critic thinks "II palatable addition to the list of greens. though they should not be relied on to Trovatore" is. musical There are fresh complaints of opa dead steal. He says It must be planted in the spring and furnish any considerable part of the ho has heard pression from the American missionabefore somewhere. it cultivated through the season. Early ration. It is safe to feed a full raries in Turkey. It Is beyond doubt that the next spring you can have a rank tion and a fair allowance of roots in these worthy people are in arduous It is not entirely ont of the range of growth of leaves for "greens" or you addition. During the past four years can cover with straw and blanch them this straits. Indeed, to the unprejudiced station has grown for experimen- possibility that one of the main ibs iet materof them excellent salad observer they seem to have taken hold making tation a dozen or more varieties, and in 1896 may be the Monroe doctrine. ial. of the conversion of Turkey by the we down to thi'ee kinds Kohi-rab- i Is one of the best of the for have settled stock The victors of all Cuban engagements "wrong end. If they had begun by concrops, with the adThe hardest thing to find in ditiongeneral family. These horses. carrots of a for the sultan there be wouldn't verting the market is a really good turnip, varieties are red or yellow globe and appears to depend entirely on whether Mussulman in Turkey by this time and they are really not an easy thing the golden tankard mangels for early the news comes trom Suba or Spain. or hia head would have adorned a pike to grow. But the kohl-rabwhich is flat turnip the strap-leave- d In the imperial seraglio. much the same in flavor, is easy to planting, If the reports from New Orleans are a and for medium white late planting grow, and is invariably delicate and or yellow carrot for horses. There are true, it is apparent that the Mafia sweet. Most of the colored people who went doesn't know when it has had enough. similar under other varieties Sorrel I used for the first time last perhaps to Mexico a year ago from Alabama names are as different about that season, and I think highly of it, both and Georgia are returning', to their old A traveler writes that the women oi as a soup constituent or when cooked good, but in our experience we have none found homes. They were misled by roseate better and feel than these Morocco seldom know their ages. Is and served like spinach. It is very in Iowa safe them. recommending pictures of Mexican land and society, in is and in that popular growing France, really so, or is he just kidding us? which closer inspection proved to be popularity here. E. G. Fowler, in the Experiment Station Bulletin. New England Homestead. false. Now the victims of this deluRollins Pasture Land. sion are anxious to get back to their Made a Good BeoorerfFood. native homes in any way possible. The recover from that falS Rolling the meadow, and sometimes "Did Jobbley Green bones, which have heretofore the mllliona of colored people in the south soon as as "Should the frost had?" land, say he did;.go pasture he been thrown away or given away by leaves are here to etay. A few may find their from cash the city treasclean the ground in the spring, is $1,500 the butchers, when "cut up," not often done by way to Africa, but 500 are born where Courier. farmers. The ury." Boston one leaves this country to remain ground up, are the best and cheapest action of frostpractical often throws many egg making material extant. Green abroad. bones are rich in albumen, phosphate stones to the surface, and when the K E. L. COLLJEIt, C.E. of lime and phosphoric acid, which ground becomes settled these impediThose spiteful persons who had an go to make egg and shell. The re- ments are thus left in a position to Idea that a portion of the Gould milsult has been a revolution- in the cause serious Engineering in all its Branches. to the cutting aplions were lost to all good now that economy of egg production in winter. paratus of the injury mowing machine. Upon An immediate result has been the in- land liable to heave they had fallen into the hands of a by action of frost Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty vention of mills and manufacture soil is thus surface will the uneven, read with profit foreign nobleman, to "cut up" the bones. And so what many tufts of timothy left are nearly this paragraph culled from the society fcr ft ntrsl Land una" Irrigation has heretofore been actual waste is thrown out of the soil, and these the Co.EEgiceer Clear lake Land ard Irrigation columns of a Parisian journal: "Le Co.. array of the genuine thing, gains credit they are susceptible of such modifica- converted into eggs commanding a roller presses down smooth, not only Fillmore Isr. i IrHgation Co. and WLiu comte et la comtesse de Castellane, for having a big store of gems by judi- tions that last season's dresses may be high price. more healthy Mountain Li.;- j.iid Irrigation Co. a done nous annoncons plus loin le mar-lag- e, cious A good plan whereby a farmer may Insuring but better and of paste with the real. So rearranged and pass muster with the mixing growth, leveling the field for the Office: Court House, Fillmore, Utan. ont voulu assocler les pauvres long as she resists the impulse to pass new ones. New York Ledger. utilize more waste is to have a pot set more of the crop. economical de Paris a leur bonheur. Us ont envoye, Very big mock stones for diamonds she aside, into which all the kitchen and Fall sown wheatgathering and rye fields are une somme de vingt mllle francs au may be suspected by her dearest table waste in the shape of meat often benefited by rolling which To Season Meat or Fish. cure du Gros:Caillou, leur parolsse, friend without being caught. The frivscraps, pieces of bread, uneaten vege- should be done the same day that the THE olous child forof or DESERET DAIRY CO. A marinade is a kind of pickle which tables, etc., may be thrown. Heat field theatric operatic pour etre immediatement dlstrlbuee tune who soon to or is seeded clover, after, a astonishes her season to meats is used and fish either this up in the morning with boiling public by aux paurres' action of the roller in crushing S; HAS FOB SALE display of all her jewels at once sets before or after they are cooked. To water and mix with bran, shorts, pro- as the and mellowing the surface will lumps the fashion for many society dames prepare cooked marinade put into a vender or whatever is cheapest and FULL CBEAJVI CBEES own good taste does not forbid, stewpan two tablespoonfuls of butter, most abundant on the farm, until the make a good seed bed and covers a - A very old whale seventy-fiv- e feet whose seed. of clover the now and proportion more large is should tt it usual two of of than three each chopped bacon, whole is a crumbly mass. A small long was killed off Nahant, Mass.,March be for a woman attired in Deeeret is noted for the fine onion, carrot and celery, one quantity of black or red pepper should chopped 9; It was the same whale seen some qualitv by and to dress one of one clove and reception to leaf, bay How garlic, Fatten Fowls. be dusted in before mixing. Let the ot Swamp8cott fishermen a day or two be- make her gown a blaze of gems. It is tiDd its Butter Cheesemilk, Giyi sprig each of theme and parsley. Let mixture stand for a few minutes until fore when they were out In their boat, Exercise is not condrcive to the lay- o ur products a tiial. especially the fashion to follow the line them cook slowly for twenty minutees, partially cooked, and feed In a narrow, and forced to make for. the shore to es- of an Imaginary cut-owith a glit- then add three gills of vinegar and one clean trough to the layers in the morn- ing on of flesh, and as birds do not N. S. BISHOP, cape a rush attack by the whale. The tering row of baubles. , of water, one teaspoonful of salt and ing. A light 'feed of oats at noon, and thrive when closely confined in coops, - party who secured the whale struck half a teaspoonful of pepper. Simmer a liberal ration of wheat, buckwheat the process of fattening should be a SUPT. White Satin Bodice. Aim with a harpoon, when It at once for twenty minutes, then strain and or other grain for meal the one. Ten evening is very quick long days A is cool. white satin bodice Is shown here This marinade particularly nice should dove under water and bring plenty of eggs. Each enough to get a fowl In good condition. reappeared about which is covered with guipure and for cutlets of game and poultry and layer should a mile distant, swimming, be sent to roost with a An excellent mess for them in the round and draped front and back with lavender for fish. to carry her over the long morning is mashed potatoes one-hal- f, full round, and seeming to be entangled in satin, the crop drapery being garnished at the line attached to the harpoon. In (Lat B gu r U. S. Land Office.) night fast. It is imperative that green and corn meal one-hal-f, fed all they In food - the of unmarketable the eat. will Feed every three hours and shape body of the whale' was an old rusFashion Notes. Land and Mining Attorney! HI or lawn clip keep the coops clean. clover vegetables, hay The other meals on ty were which harpoon n marked the of dress A ' two latter dried in summer should consist of ground oats, midcrepon stylish words, "Hiram Kj Swain, 1853," which has a round' skirt, very wide at the pingsthe Correspondence solicited. Twentr to be steamed for win- dlings, and corn meal equal parts and away put words were still legible. of a velvet three and ribbon hem, trimming ter use, should be years' experience. If green with plenty of wheat and corn before M set In at the waist line and drawn bones are fed theysupplied. in be may all given them as as the well LAKE clean SALT time, CITY, UTAH down over the skirt about one-ha- lf the lieu of any of the regular rations, re water and sharp An incfase of 25 per cent in the Feed all gravel. the meets it where very large distance, the quantity of grain in pro soft food the fowl will eat at one time, price of . beef simply means that the ends. There are ducing to the and with bows loops quantity of ,bone used. and then remove that which Is left. speculators have resolved to make livof these bands around the skirt, portion eight The more practice of cramming the hens The grains kept before them may be ing costly. An increase of such on either side, four at every; ration is the very wheat with by parching them every alterproportions is due not so much to the A dress of India mull with stripes of way not to; get eggs. Too much wheat, varied nate decrease In the cattle crop as to the green food also, and day. a has corselet belt made of buckwheat or barley will go into fat as soon as Give embroidery fowl is fat send it to the increase In the greed of the monopoof hese are ribbon, five bands gathIs a disease market. rather than and fat eggs, Land Agents ered into a series of loops, at the back, in poultry.! The morning mash should lists who eontrol the markets ' r Attorneys, five fair belt ribends this from of and ' i fec a in be narrow about long, trough Slttinsr Hens. bon, spreading over the back of the one and three:quarter inches In width, Each succeeding story of th Arsleeves are finished with nailed to Ithe side of the The skirt. The hen best for a sitter is a medmenian atrocities is worse than ail house, so and there is a ribbon bows, very large "with one ium sized smooth shanks, as the hens cannot jump into and SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. the others. It is appalling to think of collar with a bow at the back of the that soil food. the Feed soft the feathered are enough only i varieties liable what these unfortunate 'people will leg neck. ; food to ;; ;,.: satisfy, never so much as to: to break the eggs in have suffered by the time we receive "White linen oollars and cuffs are with jthjinest ,:; gorge wear. ladies' for a few more reports." in Some favor on the feathers their again When a hen has: had so much food! of the new, shirt waists have; adjust- that she will go Into A nervous, flightly hen should never corner and! a able collars and cuffs that may be mope,! she has had tco Great .Britain's foreign p.ollcy ihas much, and' If be chosen, as she is liableHo fly oft laundered likef those worn by men. the g is continued she will the nest at the approach of anyone Pure been tersely stated In the commons. This has advantages as collars on the become too fat to Wines, Whiskies and and do more damage 'than she Is cut If is lay. Whatever territory gained by theft garment do not do up as easily as those bones are fed. it should be in thegreen no pro-- ! worth. There are better sitters p and! held by .force of arms in' spite of that are detached. one of old to than .the portion sixteen every fowls; pound barnyard though the defrauded owners', protests is Black satin and moire skirts will be Brand If fed morning and night, aj they are beginning to get scarce, we, worn with velvet waists as soon as hens, '"within the1 sphere of British influfeed of oats at noon and night are glad to say. The cross of a Legthe wrap can be discarded. One of the small AT THE ence," and any attempt to regain it is is all will be necessary. Exper-- ; horn with almost any other, breed that is favorite of waists black velvet with a of not ' an fact unfriendliness," if' the back with three rhinestone buttons. satin sleeves. Another is of dark blue lenoe .will teach the "happy medium" makes a good sitter. declaration of war.- hens be should handled The lavender satin sleeves have gui- velvet with velvet sleeves and a pro- In feeding. Farm New?. ' Sitting very OCCIDENTAL SALOON soon as they as cuffs and ribbon trimmings. The fusion of jet garniture. at firsthand pure carefully Nothing but the most implicit trust skirt accompanying this is of the lavenlearn that they are not going to be A dress with low corsage has la nichPoultry Sussrrtntlon. j ALSO PURE ALCOHOL. In the truth and goodness of the New der stuff, Is moderately wide and has I hurt they may be handled ' with per-- ? of chrysanthemum leaves jat the ing the hens This Keep cannot be busy. feet; ease, and become very; docile af--i York Evening Post enables us to be- two correct plaits in back trimmed with upper edge. Theee petals are' taken ; Wood ia 17. A Keysor, Proprietor, lieve Its assertion that the republic of bows and festoons of the : same' shade from the artificial flowers and sewed reiterated too often. Idle hens do not ter a few. days. George ; o: 'i Farmof ribbon, and no satin arer 'News. therefore of Eson to use. lay, a band. a make In men. nineteen They Hawaii consists only Don't think that the fashion of black an4 becoming trimming. very pretty - UTAH. DESERET, , : - - "istJP .-- ; iffr I rlb-.bo- skirt with fancy waist Is being overdone. Far from., it! It prevails everywhere, and the Idea has its artistic excuse. The object Is to concentrate all attention on the beauty of the woman and of the toilet above the waist. After fashion has allowed and encouraged this trick as by the wear of hoops the present method is surely the better. The skirt Is almost invariably of crepon, silk crepon sharing humbly with wool crepon the measure of popularity allowed to the weave. For the demi-tral- n and the swirling skirt eatin is more approved. A velvet skirt is and bodice very rarely seen unless skirt e bag-likvest in A soft are matched. the front of gowns is a much favored aocessory. Satin Is the usual material, but crepon, crepe, .chiffon, lace, silk, brocade and velvet are all permissible. White seems at present to be the only color used, no matter what the shade or material of the bodice or the occasion for its wear. I'SOME TOPICS. EARM , r t No-to-ba- c, . I i j i i 1 all-sil- i ! ! , vari-color- ed - well-dress- ed man-of-wa- THE; as pWl I r I vet-tico- st over-estimate- d. g i, ' 1? j . . - Egg-Prodncl- ng - ; ; high-neck- long-sleev- ed ed . ut . : Prank ; i D, Hobbs pale-gree- . 1 ; i ; ; ; BIBD & LOWE, ; j & i . , -- ; ';; ? " ' .: Just over-feedin- j . ; . f . i : j j j I ; Received! 3 I ! I |