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Show .I III i ' W II Copyrigb ; 1 Wt.. am age prevented ma writer o rm .. . The other iarffa tree are Calamities. which also includes Lepido- - .iZ ciiina composed growth .Thonndftr- - ucuof. from describing tb. geological nomena of the "fourth day" in other terms than that of the creation of the "greater and lesser lights." Indeed stead of refering to the event in a few hrfpf naracrranhs whioh, when undr Mosaic writer from VBhftPof discrenancv in his record, he would have been forced to write a The pbe-Lycopo- ds in-fer- ns, of 'vi Tbt ifJlla!r4 Pub. Ct Props. mossea, lichens etc. While tha scene above r.p M VIII. v purely 2toa Jh Fourth DayTfte Carbon! feroua Agt, .W. iFeryetr strata Carboniferous in the a!'-.vegetation JQ advance), And God said, Lat there be lights In the enabled the artist the a reven in im coal, r and treolocic treatise on the Carboniferous firmament of the beayen.to divide the day the from forms be for origi Iter. from the night; and let them P. 01 S3 to reproduce the signs, and for seasons, and fqr days, and years, tne age. do we where All around the. earth, nals. flrmat Thus again find how the light the aa Jn be for And let them simlights Enteral at tHe PtofSceof Oasis scones was situated, land favorably ment of the heaven to give, light upon of science has dispelled the .clouds of eco ad lass matter. the earth; and it was so. ilar, to the above could have been witand unwarranted 5 the over an area of thousands superstition.of wrong Mosaic And God made two great lights f leaand nessed, WEDNESDAY, APRIL-3- , 1895. record, the irrpater Mcrht ta rale the dav. and the the same monotonous interpretations ofsame but little usei jBetail Pjealers andi square miles, ser light to rule the night; he made the warm, and heavy bodies of vapor; were of it the at and time, deprives l QtConsumers --- ....l... how, f nrlfh are buying ,at their ovua nnir.H all of from r also. stars portions rising continually BLAD AGENTS We crutch of the soifcit correspondency' only the flgur.es. skeptic carping , , 1t . v Qod set them in the firmament the ocean surfaces, each rising anq set- tropical vegetation prevailed. The face 5 before elsewhere. Caplapipg lelew a list of our agents, who will ofAnd me ordprs uuu com n naa to the heaven give ngnt upon suwaiq was marked only by of nature vas shrouded in j vapor and JW sun matter &nd prictii of the talogues, advertisingting for and earth. receipt sceire subscriptiena mailed promptly on request. v , to rule oyer the day, and over the twilight. As time advanced, and evap- gases, and with the moist, humid at- mg pmioiopuy. And meats: jPy And the( evening and the morning nitrht.. Ana to divide the lleht from the oration became less, more light would il: ' mosphere that was uniform throughout were the fourth Chitlaa Andt8n,rUloire. darkness? and Qod saw that It Was day." TUos. Hemmott; Scipi. have penetrated the gloom. That some all lands, vegetation was stimulated to good. O. A. Bates, IIlden. 1 were And the evening and the morning ight struggled through the zones! of the greatest possible degree. Even the Chris. Overson, Iamingtn. i the fourth day, .Genesis, jst cnapter, Carbon and vapo: is proven by the fact lands within what we now term the Crane, Kaiinh. Oe. EDITORIAL NOTES. James Hattn, Petersburg.. 19th verses, inclusive. to 14th Kdward Webb, Burbank. that Trilobites, one of the earliest frigid zone, were garnering. fuel for VVjw. Chastain, Ibapah, Tele C. found the is there In the foregoing forms of organic life, possessed eyes and the use of future man. 'Yet, during the The regular conference storm started a A. Lymain, Oak City. Jsph of UvniM Aiauas, Medw. onlv discrepancy in tbe succession each' eye contained several bundled early portion of tbe period, little too early this time to be realy effect events as recorded in the Mosaic and lenses. Nature has never yet created tbe almost interminable stretches of jive. We offer bar ironaad giesl, steej:. Tba discrepancy anything in vain. In the dark chambers trreen were, in scenes of desolar We are in receint of some beautiful Geologic records, reality, wire nails, burden liorse Bhoee is merely apparent, and the of the Mammoth uave, Kentucky, there tion, aNb JRn-birds flu t- - Between the constitutional Dear-ga- r Stpvesri and . Steel Cooking plumaged peclrdens of fossils from tha southern however, bright . X '' :j does will follow ti which are fish without eyes. Existing, as they tered from bough to bough. No song- den," and the spring Conference, Salt foot-bill- s of the fjouee range. August explanation grind-stone- d mounted and un be to add but the t, Pleas-&nharmony singular n Mt. do, in perpetual night, eyes are un- sters warbled happy; thanksgivings for Lake should be a lively place this week, from TTyberg, a sbeepl-raaSisal audi mounted, Plymouth Manilla necessary and it would have been an life and sunshine. No winged fowls sent them lb md reports a wide tween Genesis and Geology. aopoi 0 The first statement of Genesis is that; act of mockery to have created them disturbed the humid air or broke the Review continues to give ,K0De of the sheila and other fossils pun's surface of the water, No gay couraglng reports as to brighter indus- which cap a bed of marble. The shells "In the beginning God created the with organs fop which they have no Not the earth and heaven tbe earth," use. wmgea Du&iermes nuiierea irom nower triaI and business conditions. The panic principally belong to the Brachiopoda. and tbe but just as we found heavan, Si to Lower the the come from and According geological record; to fiower. The spiasn of amphibious is about two aniily, was the case 'n our examination long ages must have years old and should be elapsed between reptiles, as they plunged from the firian. Tbere are, also, a number of of Agrents in Utah and Idaho for' the Nebular hypothesis, According the appearance of "dry land" and the pretty nearly full grown. d morals and tbe posterior end portion of BaineVVagonsJ John Deere, Mc shallow lakes margins was one of line to Earth and OJjlver cast and steel. tbe that c Articu-I'Jjtttheory, of commencement of the true Carbonifer and bayous, might have been heard; the ot the back of a njember W. A.Wood and Champ-Io- n Convention Constitutional The Plows; Mdrags from last the that globes emerged large ous age. .During that time no air- and the hoarse croak of early family. It strongly resembles the imachinery; Dia. harvesting land its slow length along." If the entire tar- - its firey oibit. The Sun being tbe first breathers could have existed, and geol inond E barb bead and "feelers't of a plain wire;; might have disturbed number of empty words that have been of the Solar system to assume the glob & Co, engines, threh.-mr- s Jlussell ai not is tbe sustains and of because being strangar, ogy rantula, proposition, the stillness of those primeval quagID. Myers and eawmiils; & Bro. Itnfirial f. Spraying' fLrured in any of (the American works uiar form. Thus is the first statement the excess of Carbcn in the air. This mires. Otherwise, the sUenoe of death uttered by that body could be bunched Genesis perfectly true and in har- obstacle to terrestrial Pumps and Haying TooJs; Coand sold for a bit per dozen, the sum a wilderness in of (land) pa geology. One of tha specimens re- qf rank vegetaorganic reigned lumbia, fowler and Lindsay , is It known to life, was beifig gradually overcome by tion. The scene was that of Nature would run the state government at least ceived is about eight inches long, and mony with science. Bicycles, Plymouth and Sbaf Of Wheat Binding fa a mass of shells jsimilar to those fig- every intelligent boy and girl, that the the growth of vegetation and its ab working industriously, r Twine; ; ten and years, silently Solar is held the system itwo complete by lineofjoxtras. together weeks Blade It in the ago. ured sorption of Carbon during theDevonian alone to the end that man might be In additiotl jib the abova ve Vivould be a fruitful field for some of the attractive energy of the Sun, If that age and the carry large stbeks of light vehiStandof an and Glassman Wm. almost If the period, ineJEhaustable warmed, pgden were from blotted exist the onlvi things not fit cles, globe great the entire so that, near the close of the latter, power conserved for bis use. Utah professors. In fact, was ard will just let George M. Hanson of this It are dry irbods, groceri,. stock out and would ence, every fly of, planet and water breathers) just another link in the wonderful Jrange is full of geological surprises. (air amphibians and We buy goods iai olothipgJ County run ail of the editorial departfull carloads and meet comets- Ir. Nyberg has tbej Blade's thanks for away from its orbit almost at a tan could exist. Near Pottsville, Pa., a slab chain of events that has made possible tion regardless, eoualizina' gent. By parity of leasoning, we also of fiis addition to our collection. rock was found the existence of humanity, and that is ment, the Standard will become a good , us with a Favor freight ratesj know that the Solar system could not readable paper articles M.'s George order save tbe of trial the and foot the byftnail now furnishing them with temporary have existed during the first Mosaic bearingof an impression extra cost like in shine diamonds otherwise the necessary "LUCIFER.' rnjade by amphibious reptile and of means of still farther advancement. meb.i travelling hours each, prints days, even of twenty-fou- r which Prof, Dana writes as follows: has been carefully estimated that Egyptian darkness of the Standard's The Blade has deceived a copy of without the attractive force of the ("There is a succession of six steps: it It five feet of vegetable mould editorial page. - -Lucifer,'' published at Topeka, Kan- mighty central maget the Sun. If the along a surface a little over five. feet lone. to required one make of foot bituminous coal, feet sas. We are ever ready to "give the writer of Genesis did not understand each step is a double one, as the hind-foreTakethe enemies that any to anone form of and feet of foot trod inthe the eight nearley impressions law of gravity (and there is every feet. The I devil his due," and will concede that in the fore-feis someprint of tbe WAGON & newspaper makes in the course of is considered Go. j the copy of his Satanic majesty before reason to believe he did) he would have thing like that of a hand with five stout thracite coal. When it business a and in them stand soma of of beds the anthracite the whole four inches broad; that row," says GEOKEG 11. ODELL, jus, there is much thit is commendable. known that plant life such as he des fingers, of the hind-fois similar, but coal in Pennsylvania, are that an old Missouri balance the feet "and Judge, thirty 'General Manager, Jits defense and advpcacy of the prin- - cribes, and such as the record of the somewhat smaller, and was therefore large; this thick requiring a deposit of 240 feet of of the community will say the editor Amphibian s Intelligent and rocks forces us to believe did exist after The . jfripal of is also evident from the leneth of the vegetable mould, a faint idea can be the ought to be proud of the enemies he has of aiie some tbe could ideas in There its appearance land," which was thirteen inches, and obtained of the "dry jforciabla. strid, extraordinary the of outer breadth between growth made." Bingham Bulletin. the edges But its not have lived in total darkness which the 9 sociology that are jtimely. is of vegetation during the Carboniferous inches. There eieht footprints, . would case have been Articles on "Dianisjn" free-lov- e not the bad are the also a distinct impression of a tail, an THE While the Blade is not ia favor of State Sun been in existence from "the be- inch or more wide. The slab is crossed age. jsimply silly and execreable. a few distant ripple-mark- s or All of ithat vast amount of Carbon prohibition, it would rather see the ex Tbere are many apuses in the mar- ginning." We must, therefore, look by nine inches apart, whicb are (eight partially was Gange; necessarily gathe;ed from the at- - periment tried man to nave the present There is much that is for some explanation that will har obliterated by the tread. The whole sur riage relation the U covered if face, ne monize ,UU31JUD1Cinciuaing the Utie. oi practice of open terrible in its associated crinie and seeming incongruity that is tippling . . , with rain-dro- p " shoos continurtr tt . throughout HAlLWAYi impressions. maroon was in involved aosoroed. above the the from uay The We by i Locai ontion thus learn that there existed, in quotation misery. great tuistake, however, a good method and deals .day region about Pottsville, at that time; air oecame 1.1, into which tbe advocates of "Dianlsm," Genesis. In Bo doing, it will be neces- the ngnter ana less poisonous. out d a mua on or justice to local majora or tne nat . - THROUGH border Tnch h m. body tha , o inv, free-lov- e w' uu or the loose association of the sary to retrace oursteps to the first water; that the flat was J Jm Ba"K . . wave means ities. by local It to swpt those prohibition lets, leaving rioole-niarkthat the ' deeper into the obstinate "swaddling flexes, fall, is in charging to marriage "day" or Geologic age. were communities that want it. a larce ,ba fresh still when ripples 4Deiauiis idbd are justly cnargaoie to It was pointed out in the fourth ROCKY those that .assume its sacred obliga- - j article of this series, that, during the a brief shower of rain followed, dotting ' firstj time in a11 those of year when many of is This the time d tne mud that ages, his glowing face burst throutrh the And many of them may be just- - igneous period or the age of fire, witn its arops .tjon . J "uw y.wwao auaiu llWOU UV1 LUC ilitt. t the country jakes" and cousins take siifficient weameuJ in majestic triumph the various gases that were afterward making new deposits of dstritns, and so tiuuua with a fund of ly credited : v. i a i j i ji iime voonug on the world that, for countless cen their hoarded ducats and "pilgrimage" the records)." C bales cf Three Distinct Roirt8, earin, nung in buried Ignorance oi ine laws xnat ougnt to j uubui ubu uy to to In the addition e Utah in had advance blow zone-likthe and up in his awaited marine turies, it for capital envelopes around the coming. For the gbvern in the marriage- .relation, to bal- vast ahce the account. It is a truism, that earth. It was also urged, that those life at the commencement of the Car- first time in the Earth's history, the dry goods at an advance of 25 per cent . MOST l!AimeMT RAILROAD SEEKERS iiiemand-wome- n 'suffert from their own j gases were arranged at lesser or greater boniferous age, there was a correspond- circling shadows of trees mutely her over the same articles for salle in the IT T&S TORl4. ignorance, and this is itrue in the! just distance from the earth's surface ac ing advance in terrestrial plant life. aided the rising Sun and marked his country stores. They will pay 7c. per Other course of land had J above risen. the to deheavens. acts portions of At in their their his through cording consequences specific gravity; that every yard for 5c. muslin, and feel supremely Two Fast Express Trains Daily1 partment of life. Under, the practice the heaviest gases hovered nearest the the ooeans, thereby largely increasing setting, the full face of the "Queen of happy. of free-lovignorance would govern earth, and the lightest gases occupied the area over which vegetation could Night" rose above the ocean of green and dispelled the Egyptian Ust the same, and the evils complained j a position, as the outer zone of the gas- extend. (The entire Carboniferous age still-lif- e A0BI VAT BBTWKBW How to tell how many of your trees was marked by gentle upward and blackness of the nights that had pre- - have been winter-kille- d As fast as the earth of, by 'Lueifer"jas existing within the eous envalepe. OGDEN f SALT LAKE AND DENVER. without a close marriage covenant, would be contin- - parted with its heat, the hoavier gases downward movements of the earth's ceeded the victory of light over dark- examination. Take a calf to which you For the first time the water ued In 'the practice of i'Dianism" just and acids were absorbed, until.with the crust.) The growth and deoay of vege- ness. have fed five dollars' worth of hay, and ELEGAHT RECLIIIIIiG CHAIR CARS! so long as Ignorance exists or there are close of tbe "second day," the gaseous tation in the low, marshy areas, fur- gleamed like polished metal, and was found men and women in whom the j zones were principally composed of Nit- - nished soil better adapted to a denser kissed into silyery ripples by the same that won't bring more than $3.50, and J animal predominates. J rogen. Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon. growth and also to higher and more light that, for centuries, has placidly turn it into the lot. You can then count Direot Connsetieas nads in Union ' Depotr. shoneon the human family and has been the number of dead trees at4 a distance, One of the tnost common evils per- - J The principal component of the earth's complex forms of vegetable life. TEL HOST TH6bOUSELY EQITIPPED RAILAT and closely estimate the number that will taining to marriage is that - of a the IN THE VEST, union oX youngsters that ought to be soon die. ror their lolly and sent to D,0aSXSQEi A. E. WELBT, J. S. BENNETT, V spanked Our esteemed G. F. P..A. the Provo Dis friend, school for a few more years. !. Those patch, and the youthful twickler of Salt young people cannot be expected to Lake, are vs. woman's suffrage. Let the know more of the marriage refation able of those two iournals than its purely animal 4ide. Thev en- masa Alexander please shie a reason for their opposition leron the highest and holiest duties of Ufe entirely; ignorant, as a rule, of the into the journalistic arena. There is no Has opened e- arid of hws transmission, the result is, fun in striking at shadows, nor glory in that more jackasses than lions are the Give us something fighting: wind-millof such unions. Through their tangible, bretheren. ioa of ignbrance, innocent liUlei ones a.re brought into the world and tainted Just East of W. A. Ray's a rid is Charley Crane's organ, the Ogden w ith the very instinct's of sexual crime. p'repared to do all kinds Black- Standard, t,h Salt T.0v ''thinks and - J o Wacoa lUpa Force follows lines of least resistance," in touch with a great majority of the iw uuies iuo .sexuaij passions; are people,' when it says Mr. Crane 4is pop properly), controlled, the! indulgence! of HOR5E-SHOEIKA SPE TA LTY ular with tbe. rank and fil' frr rnv. bose passions becbraea rlines of least (,v xne roregoiog applies; to nori" Just giTe the norl a h n n ra An1 r,;sjsianoe d middle-ageae see well be as to the sense what a misyht.v miif .1 in ffsa Alexim dm of victims All less both the Standard's and Argus' Idea of of early .marriages. the evils above enumerated will cling what the people think! of ilr. Crane and tba human family with; the marriage the cold facts. relation, and would be ten fold intensi- ! association of the md under a free-lovThe New Star, Salt Lake City. under A d so? $i?xes v. long as ignorancq prevails -the headline, A Capital Already;" : ' ' . Jersey bull As each succeed i ng generation $teps will stand dnrirlig the proposes to sell the Salt Lake and: Season of 18?5, n spon a higher jilane of intelligence, the . n imr'tii !. 1 tfmm' in i,,,nn'Ci.'W'W r County building to the future state of uu i neiarm ot ?vils complained of by ''Lucifer" will Utah. The proposition is a good one Ij. 11. ( Iiopper, en- (for grow iess.. in tne Deseret. bait Lake) because it would give that am u rc Btmognherfl n" tli fl n.T tj 10 The accompanying illustration is an a spectator of the heroic struggles they bitious, pap-fe- d fourid the; nanacea for all Dhvsical for tfio SdaoJ. town a dead sure" TERHS:7-$- 1 and , .ana r n nn wiTuon tMca tivnrn(rin ideal of a the lBWWUMilu have made to reach exon intfttarwi.il ' picture landscape during 1 the capital proposition, and a Ar ho becomes,1. more - ills. higher planes of grip i li p air nnn; n, when nature was one Goodpasture of age Cows.. istence: preparing less cool million besides. That is good finan 4t, he will be correspondingly accordins. to thft ammint. rtf the necessities to comfort So the as the far greatest surface of the Earth was animal. His thirst for knowledge and whinh th tnini,. ... of man, and one of the most Utah will ciering, put it won't work first of concerned,the important ua theSun r.JV appearance to never 25 the uaf U B. CROPPrL of the heavier gases, adjuncts to hia civilization and permit per cent, of . the popula ysu pro- and Moon was a bran-neof ltast 1. absorption' creation. It c4, . 9 Dst4jrity will become Deseret, lUtah. gress that has been bequeathed to us betokened the closing of another geolog- tion to dictate the location of theCapital. rest'.4 ance." .While the sexual instincts occuDied the tos5ti Is Provo the natural and numerical centhe by the ages of an distant ical age, it presaged the dawn of higher I ' wholly p.lim in atd from the71ca.ii.ii, willnevp.r i nas composed, as nrev- - past. To the left immeasurably juu tre of Utah. If given a cbance the people of the center of the forms of organic life, and in very deed tbe natures of men and; ) women, v ionsTv r.f.at ro s LUUilV J "'""u mm, illustration, stands a tree-fer- n with its marked the passage of .another "indefi- Will so decide. Under any circumstances, 13 lt,cke up in the tens of thousands of ' bare a and trunk in adorned at the top with nite and progressive lapse of time be- Utah doesn't .want a f 400,000 higher enjoyment, pension building at Ube blessings that will surely, cpme. as. a square miles of coal deposits; in the long, graceful fronds. The ' slender. tween two definite" events." The ?GOO,000 in adyanxe.bf . hat. It. ought OiiturU consequence. and. crass: that now. cane-ljk- e stems,, ju&tAathjUefMf the of .th.e-earllaogn.Tha-icSiidej; T I The carbonic zone, in wltn the heavy clouda that w ere continually formed by the vapor from oceans and seas that were not yet a clomJUband all pool, formed around the earth through which the jftiU Jight of thp apn pould not have uat penepratea. juvcamuvn mii, absorbed been of Carbon has vast body and stored away in the recesses of the earth, it reauires only a comparatively email quantity of moisture in the air to obscure the Sun ana mood, jjurmg the morning of the "third day," or the water was quite Silurirn age, when exist. Secured. GENESIS AND GEQLO&T. I; J couueu-tio- n . .....,. (Pyti t -- ia low-growi- ng . : ... j ; iaeai-.uuuu.- u q r? -- foe! is 9 t-- M 1 j . - j . In , Hew Linds coal-formi- ng ' en-plac- 1- id IXCtUSljK -j moss-covere- j Lab-yrinthodon- full-grow- ts n - i Sub-carbonifero- us Sub-carbonifero- us j i CO-OPERAT- IVE j - SGNIIE et ot four-fingere- d. on Standard foot-print- s, . I 1 t., s: . f . 1 MOUNTAINS!' g 1 1 m THE even-hande- slow-creepin- nan-drie- : " I , 1 - e, ' - ! I ' ! i , j i quill-drive- rs -- lacksixntH Bhop s. iv-?u,l- t fc G Sir William e , a V--- r ever-twiaemn- jf-rr- T - - - full-bloode- . 1 --- - g -- : s T r- ,MJ: - 1. 1 - 1 si 1 . I.ffir-sJSiAhrub- - . w Subscribe for " I - ; - ictI . bej , y, , A":-'- - i |