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Show : DESIGNS THE FLOATS. it Ex-Sena- it UNIQUE PROFESSION OF MISS JENNjE WILDE.' P f YOU HAPPEN to be a visitor In New Orleans at the carnival, viewing the wonderful Mar-Gras festivities, you will surely be prompted to ask In astonishment "Who does it?" and "How is It doner and you will be apt to dl DP find some one at your elbow in the crowd who will volunteer. In proud Mystic tones, to Inform jyou, if it Is a an ui that Krew of Comus parade, was gotten up by a young woman, the chanced are that if you are :nd a biograpn-icat all curious you can have artist given talented sketch of the told that be will You on the you spot. possesses and fine is Miss Jennie Wilde, beside the gift of brush, a clever pena that has gained for her more than local reputation! as a poet. Besides ! al j pluck ability, it requires considerable to undertake the work of so large an involving so enterprise, at least, one as a large an expenditure of money run even procession. These pageants, cost less on economical lines, seldom In than J25.00O. Miss Wilde's courage of success the for standing responsible is viewed by many a great parade, that ' be thousands of people, might also materon the counted as heredity, for nal side she had for grandfather no less a 3oldier than Gen. Wilkinson,sevof revolutionary fame, who was for of the eral years commander-in-chie- f TTnltPr! RtatPs arrnv. in one instance lmmediatelv sucbeediner Gen. Washing' ton. As to how the work is done, Miss l Wilde, on being; interviewed, said: am given simply the name of the subup, im ject and have to think up, read costumes, agine and then design floats, invitations, tableaux, souvenir pins, dancing programs and further arrange the plates for the newspapers. "There are, as a rule, more than twen-- . for a Mystic Krew procession-Bacty floats one requires the painting of a plc- -. tiire on a cardboard about 18x24. Then each figure, ancj oftentimes there are several upon a single car, Is painted on an 8x10 card, the minutest detail In each picture is jput in in colors, the ame attention jbeing bestowed upon tableaux and invitations. As the latter are Issued to the number of several thousand for each ball and are sent to all parts of the world, special attention is given to their production. Now, how long does it take to do all this? My part, the subjectj is given to me immediately after thej close of the carnival, the choice of which is frequently jinder 'discussion beforp that event. At the committee meeting at which this choice is being discussed I am invited to be present, which is no slight compliment to a woman's discretion. .1 begin to study and work it once, and by the last of May have tbje pla tes for costumes and such parts jas have to be ordered abroad, ready t'oj forward to Paris. The floats are built in New Orleans, for which the designs have to be ready, by the latest, in July. By September my share of the work Is finished and, as you see, occupies considerable of my thought and time for at least six months of the year." There is other art work connected with the mystic shows that claims Miss Wilde's brush, for there are several that ;give. tableaux as part of their ball room entertainment. As there Is considerable rivalry among these organizations, the fact that the oldest and wealthiest of them, the Mystic Krew of Comus. intrusts the design- - tor MEN WHO WILL estlng Figure In New York. No woman In New Tork City looki the grande dame more than the wiflii Thomas. C. Piatt. She of cx-Sena- fTke "Mystic Krew of Comus Farad ot ' Hew Orleans the Work of This Inter esting Toons Woman Keep Iler Humj the Tear Round. SOME NEW SENATORS. MRS. I. C. PL ATT. an Inte The Wife f the LEAD AT THE NEXT SESSION. j tor tall, has a regal carriage and the finj ' TeUman, El kins, Butler, Barrows and oj Thurston of the Incoming Hosts An patrician air which Is the heritage ex conscious power. Handsome hardly Exceptional Array of New Talent la presses the word to describe her gentfee Upper Boose. eral appearance. Her hair is white anIs a is combed around her forehead Martha Washington, bringing out Is HE NEXT TJNTT-e- d an4 a face regular States senate strong contrast complex-Ioa and In oval somewhat will contain an .exshape the with and vitality large glowing pinky ceptionally of health. Her luxuriant hair seem, of new number of some prematurely white, and yet it does nol men, no Mrs. had Platt'i of age. convey the Idea whom have bright, clear eyes and her smooth comexperience in legisadof all lative life, but have thoughts plexion dissipate a recalls She winter. forcibly been more or less vancing In politiline in Plutarch from one of the Greeh prominent Gov. once affairs. a form autumn cal of 'The poets: comes who Tillman, fine retains its beauty." Mrs. Piatt from South Caro has Just reached the autumn stage o will life, when her influence and activity ar lina as successor to.M. C. Butler,in the? most felt. She has been a helpmate of of course be a conspicuous figure her husband for many years, and In new body. Whether be will exert there he has enjoyed in victory or defeat she has never faltered the large Influence determined, but be to said is is his state or failed to encourage him. It yet force, that she knows the politics of the state he will undoubtedly be a positive and nation thoroughly and has certain and may be counted upon, we fancy, better to keep things moving," especially in unerring Instincts, Intuitions, or,reasonthe populist group. still, the gift of swift deductive deducMarion Butler, the populist senator of the ahead which ing, leaps of tions of her noted husband. One thing from North Carolina, is a gentleman tendenliberal of and been marked ability Is sure, the has never great aptitude for handicapped by his handsome spouse, cies, who has shown friends his and he on has anticipate for the contrary always politics, but found her equal In mental grasp and him an honorable and useful career. He the generous sympathy to any emergency. was the chief factor In effecting reshusband In to fusion the last her which, Her days are devoted campaign, and her grandchildren, and while she cued the old North State from the old moves In society she wastes little time party. Mr. Butler Is now In his 32d in fin de siecle frivolities. Like her year. He early "manifested a lively husband she is fond of the drama and Interest in local politics, but he was soon convinced that the party was managed by machine methods, and that young blood was not wanted. The party managers and established a system which enabled them to control nominations and selections in every county. The young man determined to smash the machine in his own county. He bought a watkly newspaper and made it the champion of the farmers and the plain people of the district. He challenged the authority of the politicians to dictate nominations, and al lied about him a body of enthusiastic j " -- I v ijjv ' ... i A "j tt to-da- y, j i severest forms yields Sarsaparilla, I anal a minister in the Method Scrofula in to its potent jits powers blood poisoning Protestant churehjand it affords me mnth and salt rheuni and many other diseases pleasure to recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to are permanently cured by it. For a remove general Spring Medicine to accumuafter taking EjKK$'8 became healthy &j those impurities which have lated during the winter, or to overcome fleshy and has the bloom of girlhood agiin.n ; MABION BUTLER. new group. A J. Mm v. tana, is one the youngest Rev. That Tired Feeling, nothing equals j of the r nin n jilii IL li ti nun Buoiuaa POPE LEO'S PLAM. $4,000 DINNER. Pate, Brookline Station, Missouri M. befor w wer half through, Ol R AOVZRTISEXtxn WEU OTUWIUUu eeutobiWI so no: wiuidnv one th advertising and iofrtwu devote rry enerpyuwi to JUSuf the ordm DISAPPEARED. Why An eminent clergyman, who is prominent of the Catholic church and has with which we wet flofStid. Thi we did. and, bandied wit Philadelpians Fnjoyed an in the affairs returned to the United States from tmsooabie nrti I most impreeedented yr' bnntnau. recently ES LARGE D KALTORIfcS, IXCRKASKD an extended stay in Rome, says that Leo A WDWITH prompt FACIUTtrt. Extravagant Repast. TWISTY BRAJiCH HOJSfcS FROM WHICH TO till XIIL is anxious to distinguish the last TRIBCTK WS ROW CAS CARS fOR faOIK GOOUS, of the New Tork can not claim all years of his pontificate by accomplishing COJU. Last year we could not reduce prices becauseALLwe Vug mous banquets that have tickled the the complete reunion of all Catholics, and compelled in oroe Vy to limit; the demand for Aermotor food. We wocld have been satisfied with lower prices, but why emit cities Other of the gourmets. palates of the mother church the Greeks, the Rusdemand which we could not supply f We bare made tot alhave served feasts which have an porch ases of steel and material boncht in America tag sians, the Armenians, the Anglieans and all heaviest and at unprecedented prices, and have made tenai other branches which have separatedi year, most historic interest. In Philadelphia the, which enable them to make unprecedented prices. from the holy see. over ques-- dealers character variety, finish, and accessibility In Gowen, themselves quality, since forty friends of the late F. B. Central the of tions doctrine and discipline fall stock of goods and repairs, wo are without eompttitoa. much who was then president of the made proPeter. He has In our plan of advertiinf last Jrear, we proposed to f orou ( days ofin St. mw) mtbir tin1r Mprtaift Aftntfiifinna rarBl&- - For kumii the Eastern nations, and the rela- .above railroad of New Jersey, once gave that gress we did not complete the adrertisiDF, and the feedtav Greek Vatican between and the the tions ter was not pot out. We now propose to make amends gentleman a dinner at the Bellevue .church in Russia have never been so friend- the We will annonnee in this paper That ISWfollowing manner: which, says Current Literature, was a ly for centuries as they are TXRT BIFERIOR fXEJ CITTKU, W0Bl presentamarvel in its way. The room in wnicn fact is demonstrated by the recent of a friendly letter and a costly diain which it was served was thirty-eig- tion mond by the czar to the archbishop of feet square. Every foot of the Poland,cross who is the head of the Roman wall was covered with green foliage, in Catholic church in the Russian Empire. father is especially desirous of with order, f. o. b. Chi capo. Only one to one person, hsji which were concealed small electric But the holy back the church of England, cash to have sos furnish addresses ox ten neighbors who bringing itroom" The of colors. various lights which left the Darent church more recently thins in our line. Cut, description and full informal! aa n soma. it will appear self was a veritable flower garden. So than any other, and not because of a carding caution yom agoiiai paUf Wt tsptcia. lly derint t9 schism, but because Henry. VIII. could not tsetxvpriceafortnmi'j4.J(JjKiU abundant were the masses of blossoms obtain outfits. TKt trmpt. Anne a from divorce Boleyn. "w dialer to oeercAory, a bon on tJu part of thm that It was almost Impossible to move to press. $10 added &CT .SRr" cf profit Ufitimm from the table without crushing some to tk $10 Hear JtCJJ'pric it To be euro Ota so pel W1 dealer. mrf'rSZ of them. The table was oval In shape, '' proper price and artide, urrits f ,.jw M.tWeWB be vroUeted. it W, Hour meed, and the center being filled with American oTt., have and believers are, been in always pricat, "t output of our low necause of tbe prodigiousbeautyrroses. From these radiated maifactories Bow .Forty J . I to-da- y. ALL-STEE- L oog-h- t - j iJ MRS. THOMAS C. PLATT. the opera and Is often seen at the theatre. All In all she Is the wife ideal of a successful Republican leader. On - A denhair ferns across the table, thus converting the inner edge of the table Into a field of green foliage. The dinner was giveh-4- n winter when flowers are more expensive and when game birds are hard to finctThe element of cost, however, seemed- to have but little weight in preparing thibanquet, Frozen trapped reed birds; snailaespeclally imported from France diamondbacked terrapin from Maryland, hot liouse grapes that cost $4 a pound, champagne. and still wines of choice old vintage gave to the feast a richness seldom JULIUS CEASAB BUBBOWS. equaled in gastronomic history. One to 1891 hundred dollars a plate was the subelected was men. he In young the state senate by a majority of 500, scription price. after an energetic canvass, in which the methods of organization adopted in the A Poet of Luxury and Leisure. recent election were anticipated. In 1892 Thomas Bailey Aldrich can be called he became the president of the State Farmers Alliance, abandoned his party our one literary man. He has had a and from that time onward has grown career of unusual advantage for a modern man of letters, his muse never havsteadily In Influence and prominence." 's John M. Thurston, who succeeds Sen- ing been inspired by bills. Mr. verse is the poetry of ator Manderson from Nebraska, has a polished national reputation as a leader In re- leisure and luxury, his very first stories publican politics and a man of large were scribbled on a mahogany desk, attainments. As an orator and a lawyer and his dainty sonnets are the inspirahe holds high rank, and he will unques- tion of concentrated thought amid tionably Impress himself largely upon agreeable surroundings. This Is why the legislation of his time, says Les- his books and verses are not "thrown lie's Weekly. He was the party candi- together," as is the work of sov many-clevedate for senator from Nebraska in 1893, He belongs fo Americans. bat was defeated by a combination of wealthy people and spent his younger days traveling. When he married his populists and democrats. The republicans of Michigan are glad pretty bride brought him an heiress' of the election of Julius C. Burrows as dot and his finely cut literary work has United States senator. Mr. Burrows always been the source of a liberal inrepresents the best republican thought come. He has been editor of the Atoi the time, and has achieved during lantic, which is New England's literary his long service In the house a high "good work card." He has three homes, reputation as a wise and valuable legis- two in the country and one in Boston, lator. and three handsome and talented sons. Gen. William J. Sewell, who will succeed John R. McPherson as senator Mrs. Hart On the English. from New Jersey, has already served Mrs. m 1881 to 1887 In that Hart, who has covered the one term-froher notebook, declares the with capacity, and Is widely known In re- globe to be the most garrulous people man English as a of high abilg and publican circles of any she has enof Durquarrelsome character. and force great Ity She countered. there Is more bickIn senate says was he the service his the ing associate of the foremost men In pub- ering and distemper in the Englishlic life, and his counsel, especially as man's family and more homes are made to economic questions, was always unhappy by domestic squabbles than highly regarded. He is a strong protec- in any of the other nations she has she attributes tionist, a stanch supporter of existing visited. This condition Anglo-Saxoto the in and fullest chiefly fondness symcurrency sysem, meat a She diet. for a for demand with the the says vigorous great pathy g people are notably We are only animals, and the sequence of meat and fits, as demonstrated in the animal kingdom,! has a significance in relation to the human animal. Mrs. Hart has gone further than this, and has studied the gentle Japanese, the mild Mongolian, and the other light-livin- g races, which research confirms her ideas touching flesh eating and family jars. THIEF'S RUSE. Took Advantage of the Widow's fear of Her Dead Husband's Ghost. A tradesman's widow of thirty-fiv- e summers decided on marrying again. She was In comfortable circumstances, but was haunted by the dread of the apparation of her defunct husband's, are enabled to have special f , thus reduce the hand labor I the material and laying it become the cost of labor put 111 sell that it is not worth come the largest dealers in the material, of course, be- steel SAFK TOWER j BECaXSB THSY CAS BFY OF IS CHEAPEI THA5 THEY CAM BriL&l BECAI SE WE ALONE ARE PRC PARED TO GALYAMZE EYEKYTHIKO AFTER IS CO I. ILETED, AJCD COBPLETB BY8RYTH1S6 EXACTLY R16UT. These concerns aro wise, for, even though they may not furnish the best of wheels, the heel will have the best of Send to us your nsme and address, and those of your neighbors who may need something in our line, and thereby d them a good turn. The Aerihotif Co. is one of the roost success if I f 4 , recent tiroes. In succeeding advertisements will be discussed and mad clear the lines on which that success has been worked out ft was done by a farmer's boy, A jcareful following cf these mav suggest to some other farmer's boy a career Brings comfort and improvement and ArTliorSU.,CWeari. tends to personal enjoyment when Aermotor CO., rightly used. The many, who live betj ter than others and enjoy life more, with more less expenditure, by promptly IJeadqnartirra Jp or s adapting the world's best products to B SS AKD.SADDLEs the needs of physical being, will attest Dro bo not decelvd by uareli- the value to health of the pure liquid fltititiou-- prices. 8cc"i nb! laxative principles embraced in the 35 iema itameas f of 113, 130 steel cimha. cowboy born, amble remedy, Syrup of Figs. saddle lor J15, bat before Its excellence is due to its presenting Kend for my naw illu. tratedind descriptive in the form most acceptable and pleascatalogs free, and see what you are and to the ant the taste, refreshing truly orderinsr, and if good are not as represented, yon beneficial properties of a perfect lax- can retnrn same at my expense. I use the best oak tanned leather and em ploy only first class workative ; effectually cleansing the system, men. J. H.. ,iVILSO 1749 to 1751 Larimer St. DENVER, COLO. dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and DenTerE.Tent and AsVning Co., 1637 Blake. E. BURUNGAME'S me with the approval of the medical i Kidon the because acts it profession, neys, Liver and Bowels without weakAnd Chemical; JLaboratoi-jr- . ening them and it i3 perfectly free from j lEstabi&fed 1S6S. every objectionable substance. JEWELERS AD PHOTOGRAPHERS, gold Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- send your sweeps and waste containing and silver for treiatitsent. Prompt returns gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man- and highest for and sipflc;pald ufactured by the. California Fig Syrup lver bullion. cash 0736 andgold Address! 1738 Co. only, whose name is printed on every Street, Denver, fioloradfo. also the of name, Figs,, Syrup package, and being well informed, you will not tlnhnnl a train. L.I1 Ui.ll iheIII. school torfteacHeIIUI1IIIHL, A.M. Priaciptal Denver Directory. 3 . " & i g, j ASSAY! IOFFICE Law-renc- e Fid Dick, accept any substitute if offered. "COLCHESTER" SPADING , n's MINIXO, PRINTIa MACHINIST Repairs etc Pipes threading and cuttlaj. Freight elevators. Nock jb aaraida, 1115-1- 7 lith rvroRKs & mto. cxx nClIlCD U CM f til novelty! 1530 LawTono St., P; O. Box 31. SeaLs bwncug, hud per Mamps ana Ktoctrxc Supplies. FARM,UK CHURCH 1810 BEST IN MARKET. XLt h 'i y ml BESTIN FIT. BEST IN WEARING 1, QUALITY. j ea lf -- r-f Our new! in COCC i i i . et&ble and I ASK YOTJR DEALER THE ROCKY land dont be put jimu aVUOOB. MOUIITMIl IIURSERIES, FOR TBLKM uuuwi vv off lAdy- - 1620 j FemaleWeakness of any kind 30 Viavi Cures Lionaoner tss.,vau Arapanoe st.t)enver plants, trees, shrubs, cnt etc. C H. GALUU 1 Lillian Doesn't Agree With Edmund. (jrKAllN ALk KINDS BOUGHT AM tends he whole length: down to heel, - tectinR thethe boot in pro dir--$ pin? and in other hard work. T)pr I P Blake Street, Denver, Colorado. ed. I SCHOOL. f BOG BOOT. trated catalogue of OCC veg-flow- -' Wl OWerS. 1610 Arapahoe St. Denver, Colo. f, j rC i- Tbe oldest and largeit Kursery in the State and the only ene propagating a general Stock. If you want to be successful plant COLORADO GROWN trees. Send for COIsCmaSTEB. ItDBnERCO. f Lillian Russell, who is generally acknowledged to be able to give the world Catalogue and price lift GAII01I CITY and mention this F&P instruction in the art of looking well, ' klKWKESE tt Pi- takes exception to some of aesthetic COLORADO. Proprietors. Edmund Russell's dicta. In regard to his theory that silks and diamonds take away from the brilliancy of eyes and complexion, she says: 'The admiration We hare which I may have been fortunate the cheapest and enough to excite has come In greatest best watered volume when arrayed in sheen of satin Ferry's Seeds at your dealers YI as fresh and ferule as though silk and and with my jewels all upon you got them direct from Ferry's 7 me. To my eyes, a woman's eyes shine n ine woria. or Large . small . brighter when there are jewels in her v ..Alexander policy both in the development of do- hair and on her corsage, just as turmestic, interests and the maintenance xenver, : quoises get an added lustre when sp ; of our rights abroad. f around with diamonds The election of Stephen B. 'FniciTia as ... C" v.j..Lj...... are knowri and plan ted every senator from West Virginia restores to i where, and are lwys tlie a V life ... Mrs. Crnear jjoveM Yor. gentleman whose services public best. FrnysSccdAnnnal Ilk N for isfts tells all about in the past have been, always useful. Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer whoi. A them, Mr. Elkins familiarity with affairs, books have made kV0. Sffk SURE CURE FOR PILES her jusSJ fkmou and especially his knowledge of finan- and whose by moiatnre like lineage dates back to the Itchi6 Piles known eaose cial Questions. Will be Of CTPa t valno wewhen warm. This formperspiration, and BiiridJBlext-inUMejtchinif is pilgrim's ark, ,very fond j v. of pearls, his party In its formulation of a safe She has a ivuuuui( jtuob yieia at once to heavy rope of most beautiful PILE REMEDY. .'DR. and stable national policy. His large acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tumors, ai-specimens, which she wears over her wbicn Identification with the Industries of his shoulders, uys tteauag'. effecting permanent crrre. Fries eOe. in falling , mail. MJT. uMiaaKO f anflf lrm state makes it certain that he will be tm waist ZZ2': 24 ae. An about nrnklsc monev ta Graft oums was painted by in all respects a real representative of tT 6tocks aad In by "sesJina; tbe market" oa marrtns his its interests. Personally Mr. Elkins is portrait of Mrs ,ww. cn ifevuioa Tes. All scalers mac which was Cruger exhibited at wo courteous LaKsae $t Co., lot Qul&cy St,, Coloao. the affable, and to an. Unusual degree: He considerate portrait exhibition a few weeks Rest Cough Syrnp. Tastes Good. Use has his home man's In time, fold by dmi?,?i5tL ago, and created little short of a senj on the line of the West yfJ&U-i- . lever.; j Vol. Xli. ISo. 594-- 1 Virgin1 Ca- - sation. aU advertisers Fruit Lands' -- epi-der- mls ful business enterprises which has been launched in KNOWLEDGE r m. 111 g - t Aid-rich- flesh-eatin- galvanized-arter-com-(tiltin- tools for each piece, b4 on to merely picking as down again. So small km on the material which s mentioning. We have bs material in the country; ing made up in the form at pietionc windmills, towen To such si pumps, ete and to such an extent hat account the roi- oh that and fixed), tanks, extent has this become true, the price of our goods (and urns oE our trasiness ren-smiel, tr.at ruiKiiiKtig mimiLI, l(I.Mt,(SiRS BITIKS THEIR TOWERS Or IS THIS YEAR. THEY DOIT BE. CACSE W MASK THS OSLT JtBSOLCTElY REUARLB1 - ghost, and thought that the presence of a successor might have the effect of keeping it away. All went well for three months after the wedding, at least so far as the ghost was concerned but neverless the couple somehow fell put, and determined to; apply for a divorce. In the meantime the man went his own way and his spouse remained at her abode. A day or two ago, just as the witching hour of midnight had struck, the lady beheld, by the pale moonlight, a figure wrapped in what she believed to be a shroud, entered her room. Convinced that this must be the dreaded ghost of her first husband, she hid her head under the bed clothes, and so passed the night in a state of abject terror. She grew bolder when the sun was up, and then perceived that her wardrobe was open and that the sum of 550 francs had disappeared, says a Paris letter. Manifestly the ghost could not have been the perpetrator of the theft. A visit was promptly paid to the police commissary, the adventure related, and, It having transpired that the locks had not been tampered with and that husband No. 2 was provided with a key of the apartment, he was sent for. At first he tried td deny, but at last he confessed that he had taken the money having wrapped himself up In a sheet, as he was aware of his wife's weakness in regard to ghosts. The police commissary cleverly seized this opportunity of reconciling the couple, and there la no more talk of a suit for a Subjugated ii :.-- s f iil tiiy i1 - hr It Their lder Slaters tack the Schoolgtrl. Fashionable New York school girls nave a new fad for decorating their rooms. More precious now than favors in college colors, or photographs, or masculine neckties and handkerchiefs nailed upon their walls, are advertising placards of somebody's soap and; another man's chewing gum, orthodoxy oats, and Sampson's strengthening malt extract. The bigger and gaudier .these trophies the better. They are of triumphant thievery; theytrophies are all obtained by the girls or their; admirers by plundering tradesmen, and the best girl Is the one who has plundered the most tradesmen the most times. It is not a form of epoliation the tradesmen mind much, and as the girls fire apt to be good patrons of the shops they frequent Is not made very difflcult for them. But nothing must be taken as a gift from its legitimate owner That is against the rules of the game. Of course, variety is sought after, and the trading ofl.the exchanging of these treasures becomes rge leature Of the entertainment i - ht . THE POSTER CRAZE ' if tor BELLE OF VIENNA. Countess Ellae Wllczek Is the Envy of the Court Damsels There. A curious bit of gossip comes from the smart set of Vienna. The Countess Ellse Wilczek has dominated a large part of the best society there for the last ten years. She Is as beautiful and MISS JSNNIE WILDS. amiable as when she: came out, but Ing of its parade to a young woman, some of the younger thought argues that she s, at least, a fair rival she ought to give themwomen esa chance, of the more experienced artist, Mr. A. pecially after she husher presented B. Wlkstrom, a atlve of now band with his third little count and bea resident of New Orleans,Sweden, whot la the gan to near her thirtieth year. During creator of. the other processions. The the holidays thev tried to crowd mechanical art work of the processions, into the at! the big recep background that is, the building of the r floats and tions, to nave her name pushed down-their accessories, the painted canvas and papier mache decorations, is built by a Parisian, George Soulier, at pres ent living In the Carnival City. ;. Jii 1) JLj that three years ago w "I wish to eaybona Is absolutely necessary in order to have a beautiful to us At the age ol boy good health. The greatest affliction of months he breathed bis last, a victim to the human race is impure! blood. pure blood. On lAnj. 4, 1S31, another boy There are about 2400 disorders inci- was born, who at thej age of two months t. dent to the human frame, the large came afflicted with the same disease. We majority arising from the impure or believed the trouble was constitutional, Cd not coibmori sore mouth. I procured a bottle poisonous condition of the blood. The best remedy for all blood dis of Hood's Sarsaparilla and commenced to gfr9 it regularly to both toother and baby. Iqj. eases is found in Hood's Sarsaparilla. have succeeded Its remarkable cures are its loudest provement began at ojice. We blood from eradicating the scrofulous It is not what we say but in praise. wef blessed are with a nice, system, and what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that fat , the old 18 months very boy, baby tells the story. Picture faf Health, No remedy has ever had so marked enormous sales. full of iscMef thanks to Hood'i and all life success, or wop such 1. ex-sena- r3 2) n h ; tral railroad, in a town whlcii he founded and which bears his name. Donovan, the one democrat In the In Michigan legislature, made a speech nomithe McMillan, Senator of favor nee of the republican caucus for .reelection, and then voted to make the election unanimous. It Is said that there is no other case of the kind on record. Donovan was warmly applauded by his associates, and later on wai by the house, presented with a bouquet which also passed a resolution of thanks by a unanimous vote. Lee Mantle, who will represent Mon- - ' 1 a J - .. v COXJ3TTESS ELISE WTLCZEK. ward in the invitation lists and to scatter the crowd of friends who have gathered around her wherever she has appeared.. The whole plot was shipwrecked, however, ' on the countess' popularity and she remains the belle of the young set. She Is the daughter of Prince Kinsky. She was "married In 1S84 to Count Wilczek.: founder of Vienna's Volunteer Life Saving society, and in deference to his wishes she Is likely to lead a less fashionable Iif after the present season. MmM Seeds j .' ' ... .?h"."r ' " ; Paee, v ff) VV ! m. O'S 1 . -- Car-olus-Dura- nd! i m, me ps, SGJALPER 1 tiS Z!. 3 the advertisement Inplease this pap i f 1 |