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Show DESERET. UTAH. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3. 1895. II. VOL. . WP43 XTf f N MCL.:ENST. P: "CO-O- Legal Notices. DEALERS IN Notice No. 2295. Application for Patent. ; ) MERCHANDISE. GEMEB J wCISCIj . " e : . i; am mil mm we - a wo i 4 j S3 1 E3K3 j j 1 j 1 ,n 1 E?3 j the principle of usiness. PAT-DO- WN locations being the Alto", lot I direct that this notice be published in the Millard Cbunty Blade, at Deseret, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the period of sixty days. Byron Groo, Fkank D. Hobbs, Register. 40 49 Claimants' Attorney. Henceforth all kinds at Merchandise of the CO-O- P RINpKLEY be sold Notice for Publication. Salt Lake at March 15th, City, 1895. f Notice is hereby given that the following-namesettler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Probate April 27th, Judge of: Millard Co. at Fillmore, on10101 1895, viz John Peterson, H. E. No. for the W. H SE. H NE. M SE. H Sec, 20, NW. NE. 7 17 W. H Sec. 29, Tp. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and Cultivation of, said land, viz: Simon Webb, Isaac Jr., Charles Burke, and T. B. Allred Sr.' all of Hinckley, Millard Co., Utahr Bykon Groo, OUT G. W. Parks, Register. 6 Attorney for Claimant. d . , foil-pla- S.-'R- down LOWER than ever before. will - st No. 2,514. Land Office All-dred- MnN.r.nMPF.TTTTVT?, nr-inp.p- fnr first, rilass . Gnods will be d, 41-4- Outto. The Hinckley established. A. Notice for Publication. Land Office HINCKLEY, A, -- No. 2524. a HOME ENTERPRISE and permanatnly iB Co-o- p at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 29th, 1095. ) more-to-busine- ss j Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d settler has filed notice- of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Millard Co., Utah Ty., at Fillmore, Utah Ty , on May 11th, 1895, viz: Alex Doutre H. E. 8135 for the Lot 8, S 2 of NE H and NW U of SE X Sec. 3 Tp. 16 S. R. 19 W. S. L. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuoiis residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Almond Rhodes, Alfred Doutre, Thomas Carter and Joseph Carter, all of Smithville, Utah Ty. Byron Groo, Register. Wilkes and Kearfdx, j Attorneys for Claimant. - SUPERINTENDENT. mm r. ' tr-- . i 1. f Let the doctors administer any more poison to you lor j TV Bright's Disuse; --. i- i Bladder Troubles. flowing water of Deseret, LOCAL TIME CARD. In effect,Dec. 10. 1894. Train arrive and depart at various stations flaily as follows: Southbound. Northbound. Stations, Arr. Leave Arr. Leave 6.30 pm 10.40 am A sure and permanent remedy for all ilO pna" 2.00 am.... Ojjden . Urinal Troubles. Lt 5.20 pm 9.30 am f'.SOpm 3.10 am Ar Salt 7.45 am Lv f Lake Ar pm am ....Sandy.. . 4.43 pm l ... Eureka. . . The water is soft, pure and sparkling, .. Fairfield .L and possesses the Most REMARKABLE 8.42 am. . Lehi Juuct J. pm which disProperties Solvent, 8.50 am Amer'n Fork 4.03 pm solve of out the sysand carry 8.55 am Pleas't Grrove 3.55 pm tem all impurities and for9.1.-a3.37 pm ....Provo...l 8.34 am Spanish Fork 3.18 pm eign substances. 9.52 am ... Pay son. J. 3.01 pm '10.55 am . . . . Nephi . . J.. 2.00 pm Kidney and Bladder Disorder '! 11.35 am Arl Lvl.20 pin Are caused by "the clogging of the 11.55 am Lvl Jua'0 fArl.OO pm channels of the body with iime 1.35 pm Leamington 11.25 am, i sediment. Tha .1 9.55 am 3,25 pm 9.10 am 4.10 pm Clear Lakri 6.00 am Ar j Mil- - lW 7.15 pm I)eseret Plowing Water j 8.U0 am Lv ford f Ar 6.00 pm Dissolves and carries it off ,i nature 4.33 am ; 10.00 pro. .... Frisco ... , then heal3 the patient in a o Arrive .Leave perfectly Bouh. of Juab run daily except Strv natural Traina way. 3 ays . :.. Two through trains daily from" Salt XDn.S'tillecL i j 0 0 , I 2 t j j : i .. ; . : ! i . Lake to all points East. Through PuUman Palace Sleepers Aake to Chicago 'Without change Improved Tonrist Sleepers!. Free Reclining Chair cars! frm Sait ! line opera iiuuium car service The only TVi shartPit .and fastest lin to all toint& I DTEAent, Oasis. D. E.'Burley, Gen'l Afrt. Pajssgx. Dept. S. G. City Ticket OCice, 20f Main St., Salt LaKe. 3. L. Lornax. Gen'l Passgr. 4nd Ticket AgU !E. Dickinson, Gn'l Mngff ., OmahaJ a. u. n.iiar, Oliver Nv. Mink, E. Ellery Anderson, . ' ' John W. Doane, Frederick R. Coudert, Receivers. .:'".' : , hif LOCAL INKLINGS. Location blanks for sale at the Blade Remember, a team from the Deseret office. House meets every train. ff E. L. Terry of Fairview paid this locality a business trip on Friday last. Now is a good time for our subscribers - 4- - la the fol-lowi- 43-4- 8. Or any kind of Kidney or . It won't cost you a cent,1 to enlarge The Blade's subscription wood pile. E. Hastings came in from Detroit on left for the Capital this mornFriday and ' ' ing. James Paxton of Kanosh, has a fine lot of young Boxelder shade trees for sale. 5c 0 10 cents each. Supt. J. G. Mafi came in Monday from the Ibex. Everything Is working smoothly and the mine looking excellent. The (cash store has the beft line of men's and youths' suits for the money, there are in town.: Call and see them. County Assessor Grewnwood has been visiting the people hereabouts during the past Week, listing property preparatory to the annual assessment. During Saturday, EdwardVStevens and Edward Bennett, both of Holden, made the Blade a welcome call. All is peace and prosperity In their snug little city. Q. Huntsman of Fillmore spent a portion ofSattfrday evening in tlie Blade sanctum. Joshua Greenwood also one camped" night with the Blade ' : , UKbAiHUUSt 0.BR & SAfiDERS. RiL ' 1 m Lj-'V all - '.. V- ; -- ( . UTAH.' LEAMINGTON, TO' CLOSE BUYERS, we offer the very ipwest prices on a newj and complete line of General Merchandise. vMail orders from responsible parties at Betrqit Camp, Oasis and vicinity, will i- e , one-eig- ht Mil-for- A immediate attention and coods shipped by next train. receive QREATIIOUSE & SANDERS, - - Utah. AUIKQTON - - - . The beat and cheapest line of hats and found in Millard county are iow on sala at the Cash Store. Call and Soves to be ttrsrarbEfoTe- prrchaslnelsew-here- d. -- down-Easte- rs. n, l ; . , . theWebbHojle - : , i p - " A , j - . - - 1 ' 1 , I Merchandise - - - , editor;? Tom Keough,, the Salt Lake stock Except for freight, jjust-- : observe buyer, and Mr. Ryan of the Ryan-Reathe following: instructions: When you write inclose a stamp. Cattle Co., Bhipped fourteen cars of steers On' Saturday from the Oasis Buy a ten or twenty gallon , cleanse it thoroughly. Send bycask, pre- Station. .'..;' V;':. '.!"' paid freight with just enough monwas Last the annual holliday Monday ey to pay the freight back to you. We will fill the casks and bill set apart for fools, and a large "percentthem to you Free of Charge age of the human family, not excluding for the water and trouble. To those that depend more on the the editorial profession, were entitled to M. D.s than cn common sense, the join fn the celebration. foregoing will read 4,flshy,"-bu- t Georp'e Williams; the father of the we canr furnish- - you with affidavits of those, that have been permanently young man who died out In Tule Valcured. ley, desires to "express his gratitude for Now don't write nonsensical let- the generous aid which L. R. Cropters asking us if the above is "realy per, Warren and rendered otherr Moody true?" what the 'cost is?" etc. Please follow Instructions and for- - him. The Clear Lake precinct organization experience irrigation. ward your casks or demijons to 'i has been completed as follows: C. W. From Camps. Sheep GIBBS1, J. P. Aldrach, Sr., Justice of the Peace; W. A. Bohne of Mt. Pleasant, came Editor MILLARD CO. BLADE, Aldrach, Jr., Constable; Mr. Campbell, in H. M. the House range on Monday. from C. W. Aldrach and B. P. Crafts, Trus', Deseret, via Oasis, Utah. for some time located tees, with David' Crafts as Road Super- His sheep have been on the summit of the range and are dovisor. a is cool If in the warr put on N. B. The weather and the blackbirds are" ing wall. The young; grass is coming sweet and wholeit will remain Well. place, muttons doing even during jthe ,hot again having a good time. Both have finely and the some for weeks, ' an accident met with . Bohne recently Mr. weather.:" fooled us a great number of times during star 'his that ho is iucky the past winter, but the season is almost and' may thank bad just pitched his tent under sufficiently advanced to warrant u in alive. He against which he had on' weather predic- a ledge of rocks 'going it alone" the muzzle of Winchester his placed 'XX: tions. on the ';'";': ;. ;.: which rested in a niche in the cliff At Oasis, on Monday afternoon, as the outside of the tent. Mr. Bohne was East Main Street, DESERET,- UTAH. MConference" special pulled In from the tightening one of theof guy ropes which the gun.Areport,-anon the hammer a tramp emerged from his couch rested beef. Mr. Bohne dropped Mike FIRST CLASS accomodations for North, on a brake beam. As ho did so, the train Tha cartridge had exploaded; the i bullet Commercial, and Mining men. backed and severed one of his toes and striking the ledge had' bursted andonscatMr. B. the striking crushed another one pretty badly. The tered, one piece other several RATES REASONABLE. pieces piercing forehead, man is- being- cared-- for by Lucien his hat. Mr; Bohne is congratulating MiHvWEBB,' J ropr. .Noyesv V. 3Mfv " ohn Greatholse,' Orson Sanders one-fourt- - 40. j h. - said-minin- in one-fourt- - "rib-roaster- ." A Y. Stephensen, Supt. - resterday's .Silver Quotatir . -- j Numerous Patrons. MINESND '3SLLS. . - United States Land Office, .Saxt Lake City, Utah, Mar. 12, 1895. f B. Hill, given that lsaac RobertNOTICE isC. hereby Chance, and Martha A. R. son, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Emil Hammerer of Boston, Mass., have made application for a United States Patent for the Apollo v. WE AliE'NoV SETTLED IN OUR PLEASANT Lode mining claim situated in Detroit Mining District, Millard County, Utah Territory, conAnd carry a full Line of every- - sisting of 1210 linear feet of theA polio Lod and surface shown on plat posted on the ground-aour needed by thing prronnd, beinj: survey No. 3022 and described in of the official survey on the nid noWs and tile in this office, plat with magnetic variation dt: sixteen degrees forty-fivminutes east, as follows Commencing at Post No. 1, a corner of he claim, and running thence south 14 deg. 3f 1210 feet to Post No. 2, thence north min. 'We invite our Friends from a Distance to .wiitinue their Calls, and assure 86 deg.east 15 min. east 552 feet to PostNo. 3, thence north 12 deg. 21 min. west 1201.9 feet to Post No. hsru the same.GcnericAts Treatment as in the past. 4, thence soutn 8S deg. 15 min. west 600 feet to We call attention to our Special Selected line of Post No. 1, the place of beginning. The discovery point is shown on the plat tSnrtlA nnA Crti-lr- , ninlklncr Which we are offering far below the posted on the claim. From Post No. 2 United States Mineral Mon5 BUf 5 OiUIISHIIU Brices. Usual ument. No. 2 bears south 11 deg. 55 min. west t 66tt.2 feet distant. Said claim contains a total area of 15.72 acres, all of which is claimed and applied for, there being no conflicts. Said Apollo lode location mining claim being of lipord in the oftice of the Recorder of district at Detroit Springs, Drum P. C,m m m in Millard County, Utah. The nearest known i IT WILL PROVE A GO G. Huntsman, E. P. Stewart, Wesley Dame and Joshua: Greenwood arrived from Fillmore on Friday evening. They The Leamington Canal An Interesting; Conyention Held Last Saturday. came as. delegates to the Leamington the Deseret school house Saturday, At canal meeting. Was witnessed' a conference of a number Edward Davis, the Oasis and Ibapah of; Millard county's most progressive! and mail contractor, ;has been a v.ery;.sick public-spirited residents. The purpose 6 man,'but is believed to be out of dang'er. their was as per an announcemeeting The "nature .of., his sickness, is pneumonia.- Dr. , Miner came, down .from ment published in the last issue of the Blade. seventy five to a hundred "Zephi last week, and after one night's men wereFr$m Enthusiasm over the present; vv'ork left his patient on the road to rewhich intends doing so canal, proposed much for this county reigned the day. . ., covery. At proposal of ofG. W, Cropper, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rowland and Joshuathe Greenwood Fillmore was Si L. Smithson, came in fiom Snake elected to the chair. A. B. Pack of Hinckley acted as secretary. The presiis the dent galley on Friday". Mr. Rowland under-f.founBaid he supposed every delegate owner of the Lehman cave, that d was aware of the object of the present fairy-lau- d of stately monuments, meeting., and over which it would be un-- . for him to go into details, crystal palaces, and enchanted grot- necessary A report from Engineer R. E. L. Col toes. The party went on to Salt Lake on lier, was read and presented the canal Saturday. enterprise in a broader and mor.e compref Another of the old weather sows have hensive light' than has heretofore .been by the people. Seven and received a March came in regardedmiies above Leamington, the ijke .a lamb- and went out like a full Sevier river has a rock, or cement bottom. and cheaply thrown sheep. The "lion" must heve been At this point can be easily or five six feet in the constructed dam, leep or on a visit to the North. The heighth, to divert the water 'from the gfound-ho- g tradition also received a jar, river. Thence it (the water) will; run h :xt it will bob up again on the- 2d. day along the South bench one and elevaan above at miles und Leamington, ct next February. tion of about 100 feet higher than the .George Williams, who was last week town, until it reaches a point to- the south-weof the Smelter, where it will referred to as having gone out debauch over, Taylor flat, bringing Utr exhume, the remains of his son into cultivationthe several thousand acres of "hose irntimely and terrible death on good land; from thence to the sink of the desert was also described in last' Fool creek where a fine reservoir site can be secured below the contour of the ditch. Bladereturned cnFriday evening. Thence the canal will run direct to. a point J;Ir. Williams recognized the body as about one', mile east of the first cedars. that of his son, but on account of its ad- The canal' will run high upon'the whisvanced decomposition was forced to defer key creek bench and then bend off; toward Holden, thence bending north and removal of the body to a future date. crossing of rich land "below a line Mr. Williams soucts the idea of his the last named body town, thence to a point son's death having been caused through about east of the Bald ridge reservoir, with a little extra cost the canal from rnsanity. He feels certain that he met and could disburse water to within this y with and that the case should be four point miles of Fillmore. The latter part reveals the possibility of investigated. Mr. Williams returned to of the survey of land averaging throe a strip watering on Nephi Saturday morning. or more miles in width and thirty-on- t miles in length, estimated at 56,000 acres, POINTERS FROM HOLDEN. which is covered with ajjrowth of grease-woorabbit and sage brush that Sara PhlnVs Letter to the Blade Propd thrives to a heighth of from five to nine feet. No better land can be found in sltlon to Build a Flour Mill. Utah, or anywhere else for that matter. 1 Holden, March 29th, 1895. to six dollars per acre would comFive Editor Blade: the canal, and after thus completed of land is being plete ; Quite a large amount be worth f 20 to 25, or even land secured below the fields west of Holden, more, wouldacre. per by parties from the North, who are sanAfter Mr. Collier's report was disposed of a water artesian at obtaining guine assumed a' reasonable depth for cullinary purposes.; of, the convention A. J. W. Gardner, standpoint. Several moves are on foot looking to J. O. Hawley and William were future developments and making room appointed a Committea onMcLeod credentials. fdr the many growing young people in report showed theFillthis vicinity Amongst them is a" deep The Committees' present: From delegates interest in the new canal proposition. A more Joshua Greenwood, P, B. meeting was held and delegates ap- G. Huntsman and Wesley Dame; Stewart, Holden pointed to the convention at Deseret .on and Edward Stevens Edward Bennett; the 30th Wm. BarDeseret G. W. t At the same meeting a proposition was ron; basis J. C Cropper;aad WinMc-- . and Hawley sprung, to build aa grist mill in Holden, Lieod; llincfeley A. B. Pack and Frank which met with spontaneous response Leamington Ohris., Overson ; from all present, and an investigating Slaughter; Creek Simon Waikejr; Clear Lake . Oak was committee appointed to find out the C. W, Aldrach; Kinosh A. J. V. Uard-perabivty pf useiug water, or steam were Meadov? and.Ahraham Scipio, " 1 ; power. ; hot represented. This committal 13 eompoaed of Edward At about oueo'cloclf a delegate remarked Stevens, George W. Nixon, a. S. 'he could smell the beefsteak at the Des Harmon and A. Y. Stephenson. These eret House," and, uponi motion an adnames alone will warrant to the Blade for one hour was taken.. readers the success of the enterprise, for journment Session Chairman GreenAfternoon when Holden once makes up its mind to wood called the convention to order at do a thing, it can and does go down into 2:30. Mr. Overson moved a committee its jeans and does it. of one delegate from each preJohnson smiles are plentiful just now consisting be appointed by the Chair to retire, in town. On the morning of the 21st two cinct, somf plan of organization. formulate and splendid new boys made their appearance carried and the following motion The at the homes of Orson and Willard John" were appointed: son. Their arrival was almost a dead heat, Messrs. Cropper McLeod, Slaughter, only 60 minutes between their advent. Aldrach, Overson, Walker, Stevens, All parties-ardoing well, except Orson and Gardner. who is nearly rattled to pieces with de- Stewart an hour of caucusing, the comAfter We are blessed with a successful mittee returned light. with the submission beand accomplished midwife in the person low: of Mrs. Olive Stringham, whose services First That we. proceed to organize a are often in demand from other towns. and that subset iptions be corporation Sara Phim. bpeaed for capital stock in said company. SeoondThat we adopt articles of incorTrain Talk. That the capital stock poration. at Third 500. divided in shares of 000, be $ placed from Deseret in arrived F. J. Phillips the name of said That Fourth $5 each. Mr. Phillips corporation be termed and Milfofd this morning. known as the owns a interest in a four Millard County Land & Water Co. (This was afterward changed to read Millard inch veine of the new gold find near Land, Reservoir & Canal Co.) The ore fairly glitters with the god County Fifth' That ten per cent, of the capital of the stock be paid fn cash, as follows; 2 per at time of subscribing, 2 per cent, cent, bankMt. Pleasent the H. Erickson J. and the three months within er, come up this morning from his fine balance within one yearthereafter, from date of sub gold property, six miles from Milford. scription; the remainder of stock to be. labor at such time ana at sucn Mr. Erickson showed the writer a speci- paid In a may agreed upon by the stockprice vein that runs $30,000 holders of thebecompany. men of a two-inc- h in gold per ton. Quite a shipment went The formula was adopted by the convention. up, under a guard of four min. Messrs. Cropper andWalker, and a man to Hon. James A. 'Melville, went up from Leamington proposed by Mr. Over-sowere appointed, to make locations, Salt Lake last week to attend a directors' same recorded, of the site for have and and Land Snake of the Valley meeting also the site at the the "dam, Water Co. It is rumored that Colonel Painted rocks, and if reservoir to procure necessary arrecent on his Creek west Fool of site reservoir East, the trip Uolloway, ranged with 250 families to emigrate to mountain. A committee consisting of Messrs. HawSnake Valley from Texas and other ley, Cropper, Stevens, Gardner and Greenplaces this season. That is just the be- wood were chosen to form a constitution set of and present them beginning of the colonization of the lands and convention at Its next meeting. fore the under the reservoir, motion an"adjournment was takr Upon n Colonel Hollo way came down oa Mon- en to meet in the County Court House, in Fillmore, on Friday, April 12th at 8 p. day's train and in a few minutes' ofchat to continue over the next day. m. his while the U, P. train rested, Bpoke following interesting table was pThe the at While Texas; Fairland, East. submitted by Engineer Collier in his retrip Colonel took charge of his plantation and port: .:.':; with 16 teams ploughed and seeded 150 Grade Width Depth Velocity cubic Acresof in ft. per ft.pr. irriof per acres in six days, Eelative to the Beavar taile. sec. gated second. bot'in. nvatep and Snake reservoirs, the Colonel says H foot 20 feet 4 feet 160 1.52 ltf,000 " 3.66 ' 20 ' ' 280 slowly In Ve 28,009 the Company will make haste 6 " 445 1.90 44,000 the colonization of the land. - Utah peo- YtH " i'30 SO " 4 260 46.000 f 6 ' 470 2. 30 " 47,000 ple will be preferred on account of their i1 " 30 " T6 " 560 2.4 56,000 in 'Z - bjr-la- ws ) j J I " 6 " 2.06 605 - 60,500 To more thoroughly comprehend the above we will say a Canal or ditch with a of a loot to the mile. grade of one-ha- lf with a bottom of 20 feet, carrying 4 feet of would have a velocity ot one and water, fifty-tw- o 'one hundredth ft. per second. This would carry 160 cubic feet (520 gallons) of water past a given point every second, and would irrigate 16,000 acres of ' land. So on. i i ct .6;-- Detroit Dols A fine Ib'cre of quality is- - received at Oasis at the Irate of tons per day. Charley Lund be-i- p to 20 V-- j J ; is" "Detroit." again Up. 14 some prospectus I this scasoi,-along tte House range.-Orfrom the Utah again roilirig" in ana large shipmsmsl are beioo made almost daily to thi ilbex smelter v?i:i do - e i The. following-namrdparties arrivW from Detroit oa Tuesday't Alonzo Daw, R. "Fisher, C. P. WillUiins r.nd E. W. Gibson . All but Mr,' Daw wil,f go up .to' the Capital and take in 10 Conferencs. and the Constitutional Geo. Busby came in Tu4a day from De troit. Mr. Basby reports the Charmed'' as looking first Class., tfhei rich copper-- ! gold ore is going on dowrt below the 15')' foot level. Mr. Busbj is now run- -' tiing tna Charmed as a p sir sonal propo-si-- ' I !, MoU-cus.- " " tion. rX 'XX ';i X-Vrj- And1, D. B. Huntley, a we of Salt Lake' experienced inining-mah- i Ibex-witout went to tha City, Supt, Mitchell on Sunday, and after, a careful' inspection of the mine retjirned on Mon day. Mr. lluntley?s ijestimate of t'he' was1 camp, so far as could ifcje learned, ' highly encouraging.; 'jilj. h j - General Mining Notes. Excellent. reports of a general nature are bein g received from the Beaver Lake ' ' ij district. J. H. Erickson of Mt.lj pleasant has n remarkably rich gold mind in or near ths Beaver Lake district, It is rumored that J. IS. Riy and J, A.' MelvillG have secured a. bond on John' Forgie's Copper King, it. tie Star district v ': " i and will soon put it in u way for opment. J. j..,; a devel-- ' .. Crafts rdturnd: from Mercur last week, and will retnUin here until the Bingham snows disappear so tflat Mr,Crafts can get to work dp. ja mine which he has leased. ij Mr. Jensen of Hyde,' S; redden Nephi, was a passenger frosii Fish springs' List, evening. Mr. J;ensrj .lias some fine claims out ther. He also reports another fine strika 'of rich oi jn the Utah on' Li. - " - , '1 Monday la3t.A Clarence Rutle'dge, engitieer, and J. C. Grant, foreman of tbciCfui Springs GoJ?1 ' Mining Company's minjj3 came in oa thj Ibapah stage hist evening. j The mill ar running all right and ihe caray moving' aJougnicelv. lJ , i , miuinpt' J. St Jacobs, the ' r to on went South man, bjithrday a pumca propart Inoar Millford,-anin wbijb Mr. Jaii,ofes and Joseph1 MurdoQk are interested." while absent,-Mr- . iveJl-iknow- n lools-alte- Jacobs vyill start wok oa hia proper- - . fend. Cjlriiou. gold cl.iiraa ties ,th'e3Gold-.fi9in the Newton district near Beaver, David Anderson is a half owner ill the Gold-fish- 1 and H. Emrherson in thieiOarbon. Both1 claims are reported to bt3 pmong the best' U l- j; in the district. mm: Colonel Geo! A. lifrtiry ' and Major B. F. Dugda came dowi from Leam ington last week and webs on to tho new Millard mining district iir the north end cf the Beavqr raDge. They will give the" district a thorough investigation, and as both gentleman are vetera n prospectors they will doubtless be BucbetisSuX in muk-- " ing some valuable ind: jiWhilk outing they wiU look ojter the Boaver Lake district. Tha Colonel says hat; everything is moving o finelj'- at the Smelter and there is no Clubt that morefurnaces will bo erected) in the nearfuture. rn-thei- - - Attention Pare!nts. Parents Should understand that the school laws of Utah makejl it compulsory on parents and guardian to send their children between the agei of eight and1f fourteen years to tiis'r ct, or private or have them instructed4 schools, at home. The penelty for failure to comnlv with the law is ibot more than1 flO for the first offense, and., not more' than $30 for each succeeding infraction1 of the law. There are a! number of school1 children in thi3 districtithat, during the'; present school year,'1 hats not attended1 more than five weeks out! of the sixteen v required by law. Notice lis hereby given to all parents of children ia this district, '' that they must comply; Vfith the law or thsy will be prosecuted, fjbsWftW... DMRONt School Trustees G. W, Ckoppek, j i ; ' Jiw. Ai ; 44 40 . Ray. -j The Blade Consrajtulstes. We learned indirectly ijlast week that Thos. J.Yates of Scipio aiida Miss Horne daughter of Joseph Horne of Richfield, were recently married in the Manti temy pie, , The young people jbave embarked1 on the matrimonial sea under most aus' ' picious conditions,! adL thereb is no wdl happy' doubt but! that the voyai nnd prosperous. MrVnies taught pchool in this place one winter,: aUd' is known1 to be onej of MillardijConntv's The lady' and intelligent stons. fot a whom he has chosen sweet Hlio,',vroman.,, is described as j The J3Jada congratulates.!! . most-worth- .life-partn- " er Conference Rates.' Annual Conference of the For the Sixty-fiftChiarch of Jesus' Christ otf Latter-dasaints, v X For Saleii :,X v April 5th to 7th,' the following rate are authorized by the Union raeific for the sale (of 3 good," almost new, second-han- d Waeon. Time to jVood partyV" For' round trip tickets to Salt Lake City: Cooper further particulars apply at ' the Blade Frisco,"...'....,. . .. .$8 00 Oasis,,... .;..4 od7S Olllce.' . 6 50 'a h . y . . ; . ; j ';J-A- : ; , tf.' i"! lJ,'ir Lemmington , :...,48 25 . 6 25 Juab,... 3 00 . 6 00 Nephi, Wm.Gibbs has for sale several huhdrW 2 50 . ' 5 50 Mon, - young and thrifty balm Jof interand gilead. shad . Mona "Priaco. Rilintr ifnt.pa few nativ; tfood forreturn trees andia v khediate"pointa April r grain-o- Milford Smith's Ranch,; . Black i rt i rRock, jn J fi-oi- f-- untilfAprl-15th;l- spotcirtrb;v ; iit. J tc ; |