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Show 8 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Thursday, January 16, 2003 r1"" FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR MIND ONLY! jpDO'tunity in financial Consulting PTFT. i.eraqts $I2S0 $6000mo. , Businss 20 fie hrsk hours. Training provided. NANNY 11:30 6 dailypossible Job for ihare Close to u. $9T0hr based on eiperience. Must have carrelerences. Phone 328 0585. Kim Allan Back in WONDERFUL NANNY WANTED lor 2 q.rlspuppy. M F, 2 5 30. Sat driving record, references required Call Li2. S83 0293. The HUMANITARIAN After Battling Achilles ated medical research and community health the campus MORE ABOUT AIDS st project. The U gymnast performed her since 2000 and first scored an impressive 39.100, but it wasn't just the performance that made her happy. "I was so pumped to be out there and it was the most happy I have VOLUNTEER NEEDED to help an elderly couple. Assist for 2 3 houri per week In helpinq to com- plete household tasks. Contact Bob Hanson at for more 322 0228 or hanson37 amission.com nformation. pened," she said. Shortly after a competition against Arizona in her sophomore season, Allan tore her achilles in practice and knew she would be out for the rest of the season. "When it happened, I was just mad and very impatient," Allan said. The recovery time for the injury was 4 months, and then she could start running again. "The injury was very tough on her," assistant coach Megan Marsden said. "I don't know if she knew how to handle it." The rehabilitation process may have been the toughest part, but Allan received help from many places. "Coach Greg Marsden was so supportive of my injury recovery and so were my teammates," Allan said. "My roommate was practically my nurse through the whole process." Allan lost a year of eligibility because she had already competed in four meets, which is too much to apply for redshirt status or for a medical hardship. "It was so tough to know that one year of my eligibility was gone, but I had to make the most of it and cheer for my team through it all," Allan said. An achilles injury took two years of her career and it has taken so much for Allan to come back and compete at this level. Her career had gotten off to a fast start, only to be slammed to a standstill after the $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. Free information No Experience Required. jacket. Call 203 683 0257. $8 00HRI Western Research is looking for part-lul- l time telephone interviewers. Good telephone communication skills. No sales! Fir mole .chedulinq. 359 3697 t. 3-- injury. Art Deptartment is look-nfor people to model for Art classes. You must , be available during the day. 3e 21 years-old10 00hr. Call the pept of Art and Art History it 581 8677 or pick up applications in rm161. ART MODELS WANTED: freshman, Allan had normal As a issues to deal with. "Adjusting to college life was not easy, and I also had to get better and better on the team, which was tough," Allan said. Allan didn't even crack the line-u- p during the first four meets, but made a name for herself in Boise, Idaho, at college-stude- S250 a day et 517. LUMBER CO. Is lookinq for a truss dewith a minimum of 1 year experience. signer Please Salary commensurate with experience. lax resume to Linda at (801) 973 2734. ' WANTED! CAMP COUNSELORS Friendly Pines Camp, in Prescott AZ, hirinq stall lor '03 season, Horseback May Jl'Auo.7. to work with kids ages climbinq, lishinq. crafts, sports, idinq, water-skiinT.ote! Competitive salary. Travel allowance. On :ampus interviews Jan 23. For appinfo, call 928-442128 or email lnfo('friendlypines.corn. EARN UP TO S5000M0NTH, perfect job for stuFTPT help needed. Selllnq Illustrated dents. Stories from the Book of Mormon. Qualified candidates have sales exp., transportation, and the will to succeed. Contact Georqe at LDS Heroes , :80l)695-1777at qeorqeldsheroes.-:om- , or CRADUATINC1M TRAVEL AND WORK IN EXOTIC LOCAPAY FOR IT! TIONS. LET THE GOVERNMENT OPPORTUNITIES ALL MAJORS ACCEPTED. AVAILABLE IN SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, ENGLISH AND SCIENCE TEACHERS, ENAGRIVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. PROTECTION, 587-763- 5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. CULTURE. nt CORPS. ' ft www.peacecorps.qov. Ti7PT30B. you have PeTfTontroT; Home Security, or Direct Sales exp., you'll think this is the easiest salt you ever made. Our avg. Classroom & field trainieps make ng prov. tor reps selected. 455-224- 4 HIGH" FUNCTIONING autistic child needs tutor-tann- y 6-hrs per week, afternoons and week-indflexible. Call Diana: 583-562FOR SORORITY HOUSrBOYNEEDCD $6.50. GREAT II After losing most of her sophomore season, Allan had to make the most of her junior season. She competed in the season's first meet on bars. "I was nervous to go out there, and g it was also to think about the achilles," Allan said. Everyone could see she was not ( i i 596-015- 5-- MARRI0TTSrT40WTlNSDEnJE50RTnr-cu- 7: ently lookinq for marketing and sales associates with the skills to succeed. If you have a proven track record In marketing and sales or would simfor one of Fortune's ply like to work 100 Best Companies and average $15.00 per for an immetour, call Eric or Mary at diate appointment. We have 3 positions to fill In the Salt Lake and Park City area. part-tim- nerve-rackin- performing up to her standards. Allan performed in every event at least once during the season, but didn't do nearly as well as she had done e 320-100- 0 EXTRASMODELS MOVIE NEEDED. necessary. Earn up to $150-$45- No experl-inc- balance beam as a freshman in 2000. Allan was a e ,' because I knew I could build upon that performance but then it hap- been while competing," Allan said. BURTON 9 In the Super Six, Allan was clutch with a career-be9.90 on the vault, for fifth place to tie good enough all among competitors. "The way I competed in Boise got me so excited for the next season On the opening night of the gymnastics season against UCLA, Kim Allan's career had come full circle. Volunteers needed to supporrt in the education )l people living with HIV. Meet us in room 324 of :he Union Buildinq on Jan 16 at 6pm to see hoe For more Information, contact you can help. Oeepthi Byreddy at dbyreddyihotmail com. BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED. potential. Local positions. 1 m n opportunities. Ghana. West Africa Meeting jan 16. 6 00pm Union 323. lancewallinyahoo com. LEARN Line-u- p ASAD KUDIYA Chronicle Sports Writer AID Relief Team Buruh Ulcer re "IF" the NCAA Championships. "Boise was kind of that breakout meet for me where I felt like I was at the top of my game," she said. She tied for seventh place in the preliminaries on the balance beam and was named a second-tea- Senior Kim Allan returns to the floor after two years of frustration. in her freshman season. "Her problems last season were not only because of her physical problems, but most importantly her psychological problems," Greg Marsden said. "I think it was tough for her to think about the achilles, and didn't know if she would ever make it back to be her old self." Allan didn't compete as much as she did in her freshman season. "I had to become a cheerleader for my team again, and I needed to keep practicing to get my confidence back," she said. However, with her junior season now gone, the question remained if she would be able to return to her freshman form. Just before the season started, something started to click in practice. "I just felt like I did after Boise when I was practicing about a month before the season started," Allan said. "I could see that confidence in her eyes and she was doing very well," Greg Marsden said. And finally, after two years of I working hard to rehabilitate, Allan in competed in her first the season opener. The performance inspired the peoher comeback as ple all-arou- nd who-helpe- well. "It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been involved in as a coach," Greg Marsden said. However, it was not as if those two seasons were a complete waste. "I learned so much about life while I was not competing and how you have to be patient after losing something," Allan said. After doing so well in her fresh- man year and possibly taking the sport for granted, Allan has come full circle with a new mind-se- t going into her last season. "Any athlete that has suffered a major injury can tell you how much they miss it when they can't compete," Allan said. "I know now that I only have one year left before I actually have to be an adult, and I need to make the most of this opportunity." akudiyachronicle.utah.edu per day! 0 Call 0rriCrASSISTUNNERrTa7rtTSieEte sssistant wanted. Afternoons hrswk. 20-3- Basic office, organizational, computer skills, and :ar wlnsurance required. Start at $7.00hr. Iplus mileage). Please call Douq at 266-133r PARTTIME-RECEPTI0NIRUNNER-(olaw and afternoon shifts needed. morninq 58.00, need car, fax resume to Nedra at PART-TIM- E SECRETARY NEEDED 1o7smalTbusT iess. Hours approximately 12:30-5- , but willing to work around school schedule. Pay$8.50hr. Please call 485-553for an interview. 1 I Lm,ml JOTHILL i. I, ) . 4S5c:.; PLAYERSHAT5iN5reeeded71mme: PIANO diately for duelinq piano shows at the Taverna-:l- e Social Club, 201 E 300 S. Addinq additional shows and we need talented performers. Please :all to schedule an audition. Ask lor Kirk, or leave a message. SEEKING INDIVIDUALS (or part-timor lull-tim- e rmployment at local hospitals to work with uninsured patients to obtain eligibility. Flexible lours: some healthcare background andor expedience with government programs desirable; Fax resume to (801)523-2257e-mapllingual desirable. resume to clientservlceseliqibility-plus.com- . COLLECE'ACE CratTTJETOED'TsTbT selors for "Be The Best You" Girls Camp at the 2003. For applications contact JofU July Director Barbara B. Jones at (800)989-3309- . Applications due Jan. 24, interviews on Feb. 8. Counselors earn $350 for the week. UVSC it acctptinga7piTca-tion- t TUTORTRACKER. tor tutortrackers to work at West Hlqh Must bt willing to commit until end of School. ext. school year. $7.72hour. Call SINGLE - 578-850- v 317. Account Reps for The UtalTveterans monthly newspaper. Excel-en- t pay and bonuses. Turn your gift for gab and or narketlnq ability Into cash. or work, room to grow. Call Fred, WAHTED: "'J News, a Full-tim- e part-tim- e 401-867- SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER JOIN SALT LAKE'S PREMIER FITNESS FACILITY AT SPECIAL REDUCED RATES. " With this ft'OMAN nj pus Community K class at Olym Please contact Antonio MODEL for figure drawing School. 486-112- H0UCI Legitimate International d :ompany needs skilled supervisor. Trainlnq by personal coach. 0RX FROM WORl D CI ASS AEROBICS CYCLING YOGA SPORTS CONDITIONING CAR0I0 THEATRE id and valid student OLYMPtCWFlGHT ROOM PERSONAL TRAINERS MASSAGE THERAPY ID, some restrictions apply, see front desk for details. SUPERVISED PROTEIN PLAYROOM SHAH & ESPRESSO BAR ATHLETIC WEAR PRO SHOP FREE ORIENTATION ($50VALUQ We are located In the underground parking at Foothill Village 5830200 J |