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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE p APARTMENT-1B- CLASSIFIED INDEX TRAINER FAT, TELLS ALU Avoid common mistake, no starvation diets involved. Alter your physique, chanoe your lite. Learn the secretstricks to lose weight easily and get tit fast! Send $7.00 to: Nogginsport P.O. Box 702036 SLC. Ut 84170. t Bedroom, EXCELLENT VALUEI Decor777e.Hawthorne Ave.(540-S.- ) Ibath. wgas fireplace. Kitchen wdishwasher Laundry disposal. wwashet&dryerincluded. to UofU Garage.Storage.Yard.Trax Rent 1050sq.teet. $800.00Deposit "will finance". $500.00Last Month $800. Discount 583-132- BUSINESS OPPS OPPS I I ADVERTISEMENT words per week-p- m LLC. PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, word processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser printed, faxed, mailed. Theses, dissertations, resumes, family histories, applications. Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell, MLA, UC Press. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, others. Graphics: 30 years University experience. Carolyn: 21-4- 0 words per week per month, YR semester -- 41 Talk to a $325 ROOMMATE ir ;- - -- t publication ; ; Skiff S in Our recruiters will be interviewing Salt Lake City and Provo on the following days. Tuesday, February 4 thru Friday, February 7 to apply e, Primal ; - km ti jjylayr ,..-.- ,.... - , . Games Workshop Role Playing Games .Why- v'Lh'A - - 95' FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer: 4X4. 4dr. Excl Cond. Lthr, Tow Pkg. Alarm, CD Chgr. New Tires 856-766- NOlKt-Tht Chronlcl mmn the rfM lo dwiy or dil ctatffM MvtniufliMti on (ht bnn of food lutt tni propriety CtauMea MvntliMefli, art ml Uken our tlx phono. nd no refundt art dt. tuept lor our error. In heeptnf with the UrtwnHy ol UMhl Ihe DHIy Uliti Chronkle doM not oolKy ol rtondlKrimlnatlon, ettept Jny tdyertHemenli IhO Mte Untvenily poncy, or Stele or Federal Lew. No ad can drurirnlnjn on Iht bH ol national orifln, 582-660- ( 12 and 801-322-35- Canalty QJVt- Umumom Cavay - 14 0 900 East - 300 South 12 Open 7:30 midnight HEALTHY WOMEN NEEDED Doctors are seeking women between the ages of 16 and 23 to join an investigational study on human papillomavirus (HPV) - a virus that can lead to genital warts and cervical cancer in women SO percent of sexually active women get HPV and there's no cure 1 -- to see if it can help Study volunteers will be compensated for their participation 585-987- 4 ..tiibLJ USIVERSITY Shear BILm Salon mtastic Sams9 Formerly 208 South 1300 East 582-177- Hours : Mon-F- 9 rl 9-- 8 Sat 9-- 6 No appointment necessary! Tlgl and Crew now on sale. 300 EAST block off campus) Student Haircut and Shampoo llefefe. fpotany (certification in less than 80 days) swiii" vr;Vi:i!r in FREE ae. UUuu m m v- 1 player, air conditioning, power windowslock, keyless entry, 56K miles. $7400. 0 23 SOUTH 1 2000 -j 1 a na r Gain Clinical Expertise ri a through Phlebotomy TOYOTA PASEO, fWD, 5 speed, green. CD. 108k miles, $4900 obo. 455-028- 8 97 MITSUBISHI GAUNT ES Auto, 4 door, CD 9 JOHN THOMAS Ailta laun-dr- w PROTECTIOn REVIEW. aoo So Central Campus Dr Rm 334 Salt Lakt City, UT 84112-910- 6 relifion, color, or orlemallon. veteran OnMily. itttin, tetual loommate ad are an eueptlon only In retard lo fender, In In ad. the dveriisementi reauirini a lee mint to Hale keepinf ii ihe Chronkle't detlre lo run honnl advertliementi. M you have any proof or evidence lo Ihe contrary, or teel that an adverthe-meli not valid or It a Kheme lo rip you oft. pteaie cad our olfko 5 WALK TO U, nice neighborhood, backyard, 565-020916-074male. $199-245mmsg. please. J?WHO CALL LIE FOR A The Daily Utah Chronicle Immediately. 466-931- 699-209- Wednesday and Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments Store HOUrSI Sunday Thursday 11am to 10pm Friday & Saturday 11am to 12pm IAVE Mi 'AC1ES OAEmE by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. Mail payment, ad text, dates and category to: Pre-pa- y PIANO LESSONSWEDDING MUSIC-- I teach in my home near the U. I have recorded four CDs. I will teach classical, jazz, blues, rock, and new age. I like to teach songwriting too. 4 play at weddings solo or wmy band. 582-131- 487-122- FEOi PLE WMO' DON'? Mail: "re. Board Games - u.nu..M,,. mmmmmu.A Pre-pa- y by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. at the Union Building 236 from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. 587-967- llMMBWliatWWlUHUlllIji lpe'f'J S!EiS."r,i ' 6831 South St., Salt Lake City, Utah 84047 In Person: M OR F, own Bdrm, own Bathroom, In three bdrm house in the middle of the aves. WD in basement, own space for car in garage. $360mo., or David. $200 deposit, NEEDED ROOMMATE MALE for Suqarhouse home. New paintcarpet. Close to U. $300 month. 14 utilities. Available now. SUGAR HOUSE: large room, personal space, WD garage, new carpet & shower, clean, no petor ssmoke, M (or F), $36512 utils. go to: Wm You're in good ap- e High quality, exchange prices. broker, no overhead. You will not find a better deal. Greg: 554-2947- ; This research study is testing an investigational vaccine prevent infection with HPV . Call for DIAMONDS: . www.princessjobs.com 1 -- Diamond. 272-694- For more information and i Fax: category to 581.3299 Rocky Mountain wholesale! pointment. r, LIBERALRESPONSIBLE Own female NEEDED! large room. All util paid. Right next to U and Trax. $300.00mo. Call 583-895- 673-983- RINGS. prices. Selection on buyallmall.com or email May contact Jason at to peinc4pmt.org. DIAMONDSTTon't pay retail prices!!! Large' selection of diamonds, bridal sets. Everything 647-479- 9 Home:280-2524- 8 wWash-erDrye- WEDDINGENOACMENT DIAMOND 583-065- Share house remodeled. Cell: - Wholesale $182.50mol4 utilities. Call Elise, FfiITTNTETrNETW5PEEDDSL private room . $275-$375- i r OSE LAUNDRY by Visa, Master Card, Discover or Am Ex is required. Call 801.581.7041 ,,. R OOMATE Beautiful, spacious, luxury home overlooking University of Utah. Friendly Call roommates, private bedroom, $300. Marina: FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. Shared bedroom. E. 1155 No ' smoking, 500 S. partying. ..3 A PRINCESS TOURS' nt by Visa, Master Card, Discover or AmEx is required. Fax ad text, dates and lo- E. Xa nifer 9 FEMALE 1 Pets Ok. to share house. d $329-339m- 273-029- Magic: The Gathering fx Phone: MO in Alaska "shw ads to classifiedschronicle.utah.edu R 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. 3 bdrm 2.5 bath Condo. Appx 4700 S. 1100 E. incl. gascable. PoolSpaTennis. January negotiable. Nicely Furnished. No smokepets. Jen- Summer Jobs 4 I to OWN this totally Ibedroom condo at the University Heights-jus- t minutes from the campus. Pager: 718-728- apartments! Suqarhouse WANTED OS BEDROOM UNIT on quiet street Great ioca-tioNear 400S 800E. Easy access to public transportation shopping. Parking available. $1,200 a month. Please contact Tim at for more information or to schedule a showing. Go Utes! classified ad mgr. WHY RENT WHEN'U'CAN newly balcony, SALT LAKE 932A E 500 S. Ibdrm, $45dutilities. Garage, hardwood floors, new fridge, 916-805Near campus. SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM In Very clean, coin-o- p if laundry, parking, $440-$2- 5 347-488- 4 116 East. 800 South paid early. 4 words 3 p.m. 2 days prior lease 975.00 BEDROOM 1&12 BATH HOME, finished base-men- t, 2 car garage, new carpetspaint, full yard, 39th South 3100 East, no petssmoking, room, or $1200.00heatllghts. $112 WD. $675mo. CUTE! yard, WD, cable, Internet! Sugarhouse, great cation. $40013 utilities. Call Kris 463-475- 277-672- 3-- $38 -- REMODELED 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. Private yard, pets OK. Basement storage. $950mo. 721 East 800 South. .$215 SKiSarBOOTSTOJrSALE. '99 Salomon EquT peaxe racing skis w matching binding (177 cm) $150. '01 Tecnica Icon boots (size 8) $150. Call 587-194- utilities paid RENTAL HOME UPPER Aves, 2 BR. garage, yard, newly remodeled. No smokepets i $8l -- FOR SALE: Brand new snowboard package, used twice. Solomon boots and Lamar KJ Lite board & or $275.00 OBO. Call Cory296-161binding. 582-781- 1 IBDRM APTS close to U Trax. Covered parking, some utilities pd. Asking ). but rent's negotiable. Martha $27 er month-semeste- r closet. 879-959- Luxury 1&2 bedrooms for rent in the heart of Sugarhouse. Kitchen appliances, heated pool, recreation room, security gates, storage, laun6 dry. $595-$69REMODELED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $895month, heat Included. 857 E. 100 S. Available immediately. Custom Real Estate Services, 1 1-- or Anlque 2bdibath. CONDO: walk-i- n $300 per. Close to REMODELED FiEWLY computer, b...,o,l,.i,irn....l,l.,,,.,..,,.ai,,.m,,,,,J,,,i,,.. Call Kathy483-239- 0 HOUSE. Close to U. 2 Bed7 room 2 Bath. WasherDryer, Pets OK $795. 1732 South Windsor St.(840 East) 537-736- -- PLACING A CLASSIFIED UofU! NEWLY 467-273- WORDS Utilities included! 0895. laser printer, also IBM typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references (A PA. Turabian). Mrs. Nee-le- CHILD CARE OWN ROOM! LXRCFTBEDHOCM close to "U". All utilities paid, laundry room, off street parking, air, clean, quiet. Rent: $475.00. 582-529- 6 LRG 1BDRM APT, AVENUES. Walk-I- n closet, great view, very nice & quiet. 609 E 6th Ave, 427- - special event needs 435.654.4669 PROCESSING, NEEDED ASAPI month fireplace, WASATCH WEDDINGS Custom Backdrops. Arches, Table Linens, Trees, Pillars Bouquets, For Boutonnleres all your wedding & Corsages. WORD 0390-618- $750. 755-496fEMALE ROOMMATE HOLLADAY 355-744- iliKllfiiirt'Mi VOLUNTEER WANTED Trade your books with other students. 2) Free posting. 3) Free searching, www.slicktrader.com STA TANI WHY NOT? $3.00 a visit. 677 So 7th East 533 8989. UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Contused? Let us We have services tree of help you. charge specifically designed to assist you. Call Children's Service Society at Se habla espanol. mmm long one bedroom basement apartment. Beautilul details, sauna, wd, fireplace, new carpeting, car space, garden. 39 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumescover etc. Tranlettersthesesdissertationsreports, scription & tax capabilities. Velcobinding & laminating. Marsha Mrsywin2msn.com 1 for FEDERAL HEIGHTS: Large, light AiW n? 277-010- 7 UNIVERSITY. One block (rom 400 East40 South Trai station! Beautiful condos tor rent. . Dishwshr, Spacious 23 bedrooms, $825-$950month leases. 52S WD, pool, storaqe. South 900 East. 532-688WALK TO U, 1 Bedroom, Spacious, Backyard, Nice neighborhood, Only $445mo, NS, 565-020916-074Please leave message. All New Historic-Twin-Hom- e term lease! Must see insidel AUTOMOTIVE COMPUTERS FOR SALE FURNITURE JEWELRY MUSIC security entrance. " "Pottery-Barn- TYPING 1) r mm STUDIO APARTMENT, $425 rent, $200 deposit. 130 South 1300 East, includes heat, hot water, 364-583- 5 t. ELIMINATE BOOKSTORE MONOPOLIES. in new bath, study, liv din kitchen, basement, garage, lease, references. $600.00. 4TH NORTH: DUPLEX TRAVEL FOR RENT REAL ESTATE ROOMMATES SEEKING RENTAL internetTV, CABLE Nice apartment message. OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CLASSES (or academic Tourism(PRT). "PRT Land. Water, or Snow" on the UU vrebsite tor Natural Resources Learning classes: skiing Alta. snowboarding Snowbird, tly fishing, cooking-campinhiking, rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, river running. 585-320- credit: Parks. Recreation t laundry. home. Millcreek. SSSOmo, 484-3022- . CAPITOL HILL LUXURY TO WMHOUSE. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 cargarage, great view, fireplace, WD. Low dep. $1090. Call 363-503CLOSE TO U. bsmt apartment if paid utilities, laundry. $450mo-$2- 0 leave early. Dep $200. No smoke. 539-778- 0 $7) LOSE THE includes R utilities ALL ADOPTION DINING FOOD, FUN, MUSIC INSURANCE LOST & FOUND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS! PERSONALS SERVICES 7 Thursday, January 16, 2003 . , vJq95 Shear BILm Salon Compart to $11.95 , with Sttudent ID Good only at the University aka "Hip-Hop- " Color for Guys V-Sh- OQ95 ear Salon Comparo to $39.95 with Student 10 Good only al the University tUm Mv hand. lnduM MuH Cm4HIwiI iImi h4 kMreut |