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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Pistol Team Looks for A Few New Shooters BASEBALL continued from page MONDAY. 16 on for a 9-- 6 win. U starter Jason Wyiie was rocked for six runs in the first After registering a top-1- 0 finish at the national championships, the Utah pistol team is now looking for a few 2.1 innings. His replacement, reliever Jen Lewis, threw the final 5.2 innings and allowed eight hits and three runs. after three, Utah Behind answered with two in the fourth after a Chris Shelton double and a Sana Swenson triple. Ribbies by Saba and Adam Castleton led to two more in the eighth and a 6 individuals. trigger-happ- y 9-- final. e The Utes wrap up a road swing in Las Vegas this weekend. The Utcs are 2 thus far after visits to Air Force and BYU, and they loo's continue to capitalizing agaJnst a struggling oppoin the nent. UNLV is MWC and overall, currently occupying fourth in nine-gam- 4-- 19 "TTTjp If JIM I & j f-M-zjj rm-rrm&-:- 4 "TTT fvr ?9K?1 For those who are interested in joining the team but are unable to make tonight's tryout, or for more informaor tion, contact DeLong at email him at DeLongphysics.utah.edu. Bennett, the women's team coach, can be reached at or rachand-de- n mm 581-74- While this year's group of shooters made names for themselves at the Wolf Creek Olympic Shooting Park in Atlanta, Ga., coaches Matt DeLong and Rachel Bennett are looking for some new faces. Consequently, open tryouts for the team will be held tonight in the basement of the Naval Science Building, at 115 South 1440 East. Team members and coaches will be on hand to answer questions. No previous shooting experience is necessary, and guns, ammunition and targets will be provided. 6-- 1 APRIL 23. 2001 965-651- 0 netzero. net. As for this year's national meet, junior Christian DeFranccsco led the status in way, earning the free pistol event, and turning in a e finish in the standard pistol. For the women, graduate student Fumiko Ie was the team's top finisher in the sport pistol, air pistol, and open air pistol events. ERIC VVALDEN f- l v;. i - II r-- M -- fifth-plac- The U pistol team placed in the top 10 at the national competition. 9-- 12 18-- 24 the conference. ww- 1 Campus Recreation Diversity Athletic Advisory Academic Policy - Campus Planning Library Policy Bookstore Advisory and much more! Come to ASUU (234 Union) today and sign up, or check us out online at www. a suu.utah.edu ! ' ... S ..a... ... ' ,. Westfsil helped Utah t?ka two of three from BYU. Mike 0 C H R CLASSIFIEDS DISCLAIMER NOTICE-T- he Chronicle reserves the light to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Raws are as follows: words S5.00day, $20.00wett (S (lavs), woids $7.0Oday, $28.00week. The classified ad deadline is 12 noon. 2 days prior to publication. Classified advertisements will not be taken over the phone. Ads can a brought to 240 Union or mailed with payment to 200 S. Central Campus Dr. Rm. 240, SIC, UT 84112. They can also be laxed to or emailed to jaredchronicle.utah.edii. For information about classified ads call In keeping with the University of Utah's policy of The Daily Utah Chronicle does not accept any advertisements that violate University policy, or State or Federal Law. No ad can discriminate on the basis of national oriijin, race, color, religion, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender. Roommate ads are an exception only in regard to gender. Advertisements requiring a fee must so stale in the ad. In keeping with the Chronicle s desire to run honest advertisements, if you have any proof or evidence to the contrary, or 'eel that an advertisement is not valid or is a scheme to rip you please call our office immediately. HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLX time mother and successful wishes to adopt newborn. Fullfaiher to love, care, and nurture. t Bob 'Pns'jdJ!!Terry iiled k"cc ?4 W -- & 427 Wendy 55 f ; COVERT A3L. 72K mi, V6. ACCORD LX Silver. '700- Call mart'-.n.- Jennifer at green w white top. 427 great condition! 87000 miles. 423 kim 96CHFVY Ri 7.. front miles, JVC CD player, racing muffler, work. S2.2O0 obo. Call tor Ray. 5!2!rrneeds Call In atto 95 JFFP IMDAUi ""'""-i-'- 39K. Call yconuiiicn, v d. naro "we, , CD ,.. f .... inmiies, one owner, iop fc 425 TO CAMPUS. Larqe 2 Available May 1st. $675mo. UNIVERSITY-WAL- omini lop. ur gina 523 u aiu 424 owner, 426 auui 5000. 80K mi, gold, automatic. $2,400 obo. Great condition. Turbo, power steering, power windows. Call 322- - parking. 2 BEDROOM2 BATH APARTMENT near University. hardwood floors. S900mo.531-8813.42- W smokingpets. UNIVERSITY AREA. and paint, AC and or deposit. TSOO.Your Personal Interactive Communicator send and receive anywhere without a $49.95. Call np. 427 lows you to 427 2262, V4 BLOCK FROM U. Furnished room, new computer desk. For oven. orderly non smoking male. Kitchen with microwave Giade students only. $185mo. 2 FEMALE DOCSBORDER COLLIEHUSKY MIX. Seven months old. Outdoor dogs. Have shots. Very friendly, playful or after 7pm, and smart. Must go together! Call! Danny. NEVER BEEN WORN WEDDING DRESS. a Debbie. WANTED, iLIl!LJids, 4 and 6. Start May 21". required. experience 426 close to hours per week in summer (less hours U. 427 Call Carolyn, FISJTFDTAIMMPMT VICINAL r'C MOVIE TVCATRE POSTERS deDendint LYWoirirwtrna.l.corn ah titla WANTTO inN I pay cash. condition. B6 simple and me eie-- .i at seell 427 Mi,'ftnrfrtnritie.rrMl for oictures. $350 obo. FSXC LOOKiNG FOR AN AWESOME RIDE? 19" Jamis Daka, i Mtn. Bike. Cost $1800 and ridden twice ! snimano ueore a components. Cave Creek air shock, ESP shiftersderaillure, sell. must Answer Manitou fork, weighs 26 lbs. Moving4,;7 $1000.00 080. FURNITURE Futon PRICES. starting $89: Serta Twin Serta Fun Mattress Bopring-$159- ; MattressBospring-$99- ; : $499: Sofa and Love-se- t Serta Oueen MattressBoxspring-$199Actionwood $119. Bunkbeds-onlYyou choose the color. Wood 427 Sleep Center, 6570 S. 400 W, Murray. selection PRICESIII Large sets. Everything 272- Rocky Mountain Diamond. Call for appointment DONT wholesale! of PAY RETAIL bridal diamonds, 6948. PAY RETAIL? When you Jewelry direct from our mine diamond settings. Call WHY t i can buy Wholesale Diamonds s of cutting factory in Africa. 100 one bath. CONVENIENT AVENUES CONDO. One bedroom, to sell! $69,900 Condo tee includes water, gas & cable. Priced required. 4Z7 for Call down! UNIVERSITY CONDO FOR SALE BY OWNER. No money costs? 2 bedroom. 12 block south of Seller APARTMENTS FOR RENT. 2 Bedroom, $5S0mo.. $750 . Wiudes m l,r,i for "wi,i, i. ivni. aiiu u.kviii "Neat ihirl.nl. b ai. a " o.j r.,u, amrDgrn, oatn nou. t.vw"i. ge Irontback yard. S13SOmo, move In loi $2000. Call Mary 427 pays closing and bath. city Spectacular University. Newly remodled kitchen $98,900Call view. Underground parking. Lots o! storage. Only 322 3463. . ft Harvey shifts at 850 So. Main. Apply TUTORTRACKER ROOMMATES WALK TO U. Male roommate to share 3 bedroom apartment. & deposit. 415 So. University St. $280mo. includes utilities 914 Call to share cute house with 3 girls. Own and Westminster. $250 plus 14 utilities. Call ROOMMATE WANTED room, close to 485:3439 U 427 LARGE ROOM. Very clean 4 Bd house to share w 2 others. Laundry, yard, parking, cable. Available immediately. Close to 417 theJJot u. $350mo. 13 of utilities. Jim, 2 WANTED in bedroom ROOMMATE nice Yale tub. WD, hot Harvard home, fireplace, Call 463- & alarm. Female 12 util. preferred. $375mo. 427 9802. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Large bedroom in fully furnished townhouse. 10 min from U. Washerdryer. $300mo utilities shared. No petssmoke. Call utilities. $200 mo. 424 Rebecca ROCMATE rent to Spacious, all remodeled, laundry, utilities. Includes MALE FOR LOOKiNG RM 2 bedroom basement apt. $350mo. garage 5182224 4?? MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom apartment in Medical Towers, $281mo, utilities included. Call 427 Avail inJune 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. Holladay Condo. 3 Bd. 2.5 2 works! Ba. Pool, tennis, court, jacuizl, ponds, private bed13 utilities. 15 min to U. Call Jennifer 556- rooms 340-35- n 1603. 3rd floor condo. 12 utilities. Security system, storage, dishwasher. $3S0mo 539 8825, Brett AVENUES. GRAD TO SHARE STUDENT developmental is Training 426 POSITIONS OPEN The UV5C School. Colleqe has and Partnership University openings for tutortrackers to work with students at West High School. The position requires a commitment through the end of May. Various shifts available. $6.90hour. 578 8500 ext. 317. 428 $8j00HR1 RTNielson Company is looking for partfull time telephone interviewers. Good telephoneconvrHjnkation skills. No Flexible sales! scheduling. 427 xl. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S UFEl TriCortnections offers positions for creative people interested tn working with people with developmental disabilities. , variety of shifts. Paid $75hr. training, great available. Apply benefits, tuition reimbursement! Internships also 3030 S. Main, Ste 500, SLC or call 364 6186. 427 PT PERFECT HAS THE JOB STOP! UPS full time life. Now hiring for toad ersun loaders pt for your $8 50hr, tuition more info 9 benefits and $20O0yr great reimbursement shifts). EOE. For (select contact UPS job line g 973 3772 or email ksaxton'ftups.com 427 WOODLAND PRESCOTT !S SEEKING OUT door knockers. Excellent pay, up to $16hr bonuses. Evenings hours. Motivated individuals call Cory at 368 4914s. 427 ATTENTION! NATIONWIDE COMPANY EXPANDING PartFull time sales positions. giving away free" promos for interview. monthly. to Utah. Earn $$$ 427 SPORTS viduals. MINDED INDIVIDUALS Hiring immediately 6 to 8 indiFuliPT time shifts. $8 to $10 per hour to start. Call Now' OWN COMPUTER? 427 A PUT IT TO WORK! Up to $25.00 $5.00hr 424 Z?Z . NEEDED. PEOPLE No prior experience necessary. We train. PTFT earn up to $7000Aronth. Ca Chuck, 26V8264. 424 RECREATION LEADERS NEEDED; Baseball, Softball, Basketball, . Tennis, Soccer, Track. Apply in person at East Millcreek Recreation Center 2230 Evergreen Ave. (3435 S.) Call 2722243. 523 MAKE EXTRA MONEY AT HOME editing documents in HTML on your computer. Experience with Microsoft FrontPage or other HTML editors a plus. Receive $12 for each completed document. Call Eunice Griffen at 268 2914, ext 3716 or at 420 egriffen (trtelKchenge.com SALESMARKETING SERVICES WHY NOT? New lamps. 677 So. 7th East S33 8989. $3 31 a visit cover RESUMES STARTING AT $401 Resume, today! letters, reference 423 sheets, bios. Call LOOKING TO ENHANCE YOUR DEGREE? Prepare yourself now for the income you deserve. Get Microsoft MCSE certified today. Call VZ? PUBLISH YOUR WORK FOR Inc. Call FirstPublish, www.firstpublish.com JX295. Textbooks, novels, and more. visit or 888.707.7634 at 424 TRAVEL 4 STANDBYFLY 4 CHEAP! ow $249 (tx) Hawaii $139 ow; Europe 4standby.com or 427 TYPING tdi'.td. word processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers, printed, laxed, manuscripts, personalfamily histories, applications, mailinq lists, medical, leoaL Formats: APA, Tursbian, Campbell, ML A. UC Press, Others. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, Encel 7X3. 30 years of university experience. FREE 427 pickup and delivery. Carolyn, 277 6725. WRITINGTYPING an "APA" report? DO YOUiTtOHP 5.1 computer, laser printer, also IBM typing. Mrs. WordPerfect WORDS PROrESSlONAUY COMPOSED, 427 Nelley, REAL ESTATE disabilities. with available. PEOPLE BUSINESS. THASCIPTION, mailing., propoials, spreadsheets, Diversified. Excellent Sue 268 grammar. FAX E RLUMES, papers, APA. pickupdelivery mail. Reasonable, 6375. 427 39 YEARS XPCHlENX Resumes, cover letters, theses, dissertations, reports, etc. Transcription & fan capabilities. , marsywtnaoUom Vetcobtfiding & laminating. Mar ihe5B3-l3234,77 A&W ATTENTION: WE NEED HELP. PT; FT. Free training. (800) 966 7424 www.be w tyoucanbe.com $25-$- 75 EARN Be PER HOUR. own boss! your Ftoxibte hours. Mary Kay Cosmetic Company is listed among top K companies for women in America. For information, free facial and free gift please caH Jennifer Jensen, Independent Beauty 66 420 Consultant. UMITEO POSITIONS this sumor alarm control pest serious only. inquiries AVAJLABU. Better mer! than systems. Motivated, 0364. $30,000-$90,00- 427 CRCATIVE AND PERSONABLE STUDENT needed to tutor our' 3 year old autistic son in our Sandy home. $8. 50hr. Training is pro. vided. Call Laurie at NEEDED. Ctrl Scouts of Utah needs enthusiastic CAMP STAJ-people for summer camping programs: Assistant Camp Director, Business Manager, ClT DirectorAssistant, Food Supervisor, Cook, Unit Leaders, and Lifeguards. Contact Tracy Hanks at (800) 687- 420 420 7809, ext 59 NOW HIRING LUGGAGE CART HANDLERS airport. Starting Wage and weekend Call Sandy at DEFINED as preparation meeting opportunity has arrived, and European is tor Cafe looking individuals interested in jommq one of the most unique ana fastest growing concepts in Utah. European Connection Cafe is for dedicated students to assist m the corporate expansion looking of several Utah stores. To be a part of this success, please send to: European Connection Cafe, Attn: Steve Palmer, resume your 2749 East Parleys Way, Suite KXD, Salt Lake Ciyt, UT 84109. For more information, visit us at www.EuropeanConnectionCafe.com l21 WASATCH P.Z2A: ASSISTANT MANAGERS, Shift Leaders", Cooks, & Delivery Drivers needed at all locations. Great pay, tor more flexible schedules. Apply in person or call information. 420 EARN BIG MONEY International company in Draper seeking telewith marketers outstanding communication skills for flexible, day shifts only. NO SELLING. with up Setting appointments businesses. $10 per hour starting salary plus $5 per appointment $?5 per hour. plus bonuses. Average potential earnings $20 Incredible opportunity for qualified individuals. CaH SUCCESS WANTED WITH Flexible WORKING provided. FLY thowjNjwPajmient F0R RENT (8CI)483.1875 Very must DIAMONDS: NANNY FOR TWO KIDS. references, NANNY 427 FURNISHED ROOMS IN QUIET HOUSE off 1100 East near 200 South: Very close to the University ot Utah. Moderately priced. Call Sue at (801) 2 (1040 in 4 plex. 129 S. McClelland 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT 274- E.) $5O0mo. No smoking, no pets. Coin laundry. Lease. JEWELRY CARE CHiL-- 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. New carpet e laundry. $550month with $275 WAREHOUSE CELLULAR SERVICE RT TIME 424 Fireplace, FURNISHED ROOMS IN QUIET HOUSE off 1100 East near 200 South: Very close to the University of Utah. Moderately priced. Call Sue at (801) So. 1300 E. bedAPARTMENT FOR RENT: University Area-53laundry, covered parking. No room, $42SArx. 427 "uiorola bedroom, - 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH.new in 1999. Convenient Neighborhood close to downtown. See at 438 E. Penney Ave. or John Davis Call Susan (3545 So.) Only $149,900. Mansell & Associates . 427 Lever CONGO- FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE LEBARON HONOA 01 427 couple wishes to adopt newborn into home happiness, security & love. Expenses paid. Call Loving with LESS THAN ONE BLOCK FROM U. 1319 E. 4th So. 2 Bedroom Apartment. New carpet. $575mo. Rooms available 424 at 1314 E. 4th So, $250mo. ROOM AND APARTMENT FOR RENT. Room: Female resident to share huge 5 bedroom house. Walk to campus. $275mo. bed425 room apt: $435mo. Paulette electric. LARGE ONE BEDROOM. Avenues location. $580 Storage, view, no pets, no smokers, call j55I ADOPTION ADOPTION. HOLLADAY 4 BEDROOM DUPLEX. Newly renovated. Walking distance to Elementary (. Olympus High. $1100mo. Call 943- 423 1795 after 5pm or email: linccheonghotmail.com NEAR "U" Own room (girls) in basement apartment. $250mo, 523 utilities included. Cory and clean. at the Salt Lake City mornings, evenings, 425 DjSABLED ATTORNEY NEEDS ASSISTANT for office work and care & care at home. Must be dependable and able to bft 170 lbs. Basic computer skills. $lOhour. Call Bill or Susan at 418 FIELD INSTRUCTOR at Red Butte Garden. ApriH October 30 hours a week. $7 SO $9 SO hour, depending on experience. Duties include leading daily ecology school field classes for 3rd or 4th grade students. Assist w festivals and camps. Fax . resumes to (801) NATURALIST 424 opportunity. Connection IS The 427 All shifts available. Coffee experience pre: person at The Daily Grind, 1675 E. 1300 So. 420 MAKE $.000 THIS SUMMER) Returned missionaries preferred, with summer members, working job, mission-likFree information experiences, pizza Room 312. 3 Union 417 9O0PM .00 and meeting today STAGE'RUNOIEW Theatre Company 42401-52601- . evenings plus Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, pays $600 an hour, call Stage Manager at 585 5632. 427 BATISTAS WEEDED. ferred. Apply in BA IN PSYCH OR SOCIAL WORK. Work with children familres. evenings or weekends. Call in divorced 423 SUMMER JOB: Looking for an energetic person who likes to work with children. Work witn a team shaping the development of a 5 year old child with mild autism. Grejt opportunity for education, 16 hours a psych, or speech majors. Training will be provided. week. $8J0 $10.00 hr. based on past experience. Near "U". Call Cathy 427 TRAVEL ZONE is seeking a delivery driverhandy man. Must be at least eighteen years old. have a valtd Utah Driver's license, and of of (copy proof insurability current DMV record). Apply in person at 757 East South Temple; ask tor Elaine. 30-3hours per week, schedule 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. M- F. EOE K) to 424 $10.00-hour- 12 . hours total. Calf Arme at Will . leave need appro. message 424 SPEAKING TOUR GUIDE position. We arc looking for JapaneseEnglish speakers who want to have fun and make money this summer while enjoying nature. This is a great . 427 job1 Call Jason or Todd for mor etntormatton JAPANESE 9 The SALT LAKE ACTING COMPANY is locking for adaytime RECEPTIONIST June 4 Sept 14, and an ASSISTANT HOUSE MANAGER June 18 - Sept 16 - Wednesday through Sunday evenings. for into Call 424 GRADUATE STUOCNT IN BEHAVIOR SCIENCE Department needed tor Crisis Services at Aduft Detention Center. 2nd year Masters . 2 to 3 nights per or 3rd year Ph.D. preferred. Night shift week. Fax resume to 483 1610. 427 NEEDADCMTKJNAL INCOME? 88a8172wwjvfnm72S NEW MOTHER NEEDS HELP WITH FINAL SENIOR PROJECT in history. Must be able to work last Will pay per page or lump sum when project is completed. Jessica 427 FUTUREVISION TECHNOLOGIES is 'seeking a fuii time driver for Its daily local courier routes. Must have good fnvmq record. Hours . are Starting pay is $8.0O'iour. Interested applicants should call Jeff at 265 1153 or email at jefffvtethxom 425 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE FOR NOW HIRING TEMPORARY POSITIONS. To work through Semester Opening Rush! April 24th through May 31st as needed. Many positions available in our Customer Service and Textbook departments. Duties include customer service, data entry, cashiering, sales, and stock work. Effective English communication and customer service skills are required. Apply in person at the University Bookstore Customer Service Counter. See our website at www.ubs utan.edu for more information. 427 s 2 |