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Show columbiacvo 2V D2hvUtah chronicle pictureslJJ A', INVITE YOU AKD A GUEST TO ATTEND AH ADVANCE SCREENING ON WEDNESDAY. MAY 2 IN SALT LAKE CITY Chrony hiring writers, photogs & designers YOUR NAME r HERE i i Future Chronicle Writer Kristin Artvyi!$ seaxn-tiak str&wur? in the first game, the Uics were in dagger of Josing. as they were down i:o their t out of the Ivil inning and had nof "This is silly for m to be shut out;" Uc.'ih couch Mona Stevens ioki her team, going into die scvecift iarmg. 1k su!y nsr us not to at tcest push one run across the plate. Vc can do tins, you arc good lot about six' or seven f runs). Hit we cannot went .'snot her inning. This is k.,! With only one out rern;knug !;;e Becky Culligan hit a double and Stevens brought hi ' Heather Bohn to pitch ten. Angkr- Kenney then at hit a single and the Uses "'get iesky and h la-i- v.c-tcd- . i f Stevens. The second gams': didn't start on;: a rev hcrter for Utn! ss tho 0.m six betters struck ovf in the tinx nvn irmwgs. : h vs ,? V -- ci : v t ee ' ;t m , ; r; , o v. . t;,. ; - .a t . ' To receive offices of cinptineRlary Bass for two to see A KNIGHT'S TALE stop by the Tlie Daily USsSi Chronicle bested in the Uaioa Building, Rosa 236 PM. beginning Mil Monday, Ipril 23" 8t 1 12.-0- For more information contact Matt at or 581-70- 14 Passes good while supplies last, One pass per person per household. Participating sponsors and their ayencies are noi engioie. (no purcnase necessary, no pnone cans please. mcanhamchroiiicIe,iitah.edu. m m is Bring official or unofficial college transcripts and apply on-sit- e. Spaces available for fall 2001 enrolSmen Cat MSW to USW more information. 141 preferred, but walk-in- s welcome. fV k' " |