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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 12 Aatyy CHRON CLASSIFIEDS Y Sk1. V. CAMARO. Von 27mpq $8,430. Cad 73 Irt, CC. SPCOAi XlZXti tw wttt aim needs. Sv needs cfi! meoK&tM. patief than !vt. homework, meats, end er,ris.SonM Th 700- evQOim. travel Hours 4.00 0Open. Sl Sipm-iOiOpfeve i or out excellent corresam can be Of W J "J J7lurtran uitUKbmM.176-9"it 0Oij!MATt Ifom Cartas u ims??i. 9fit67 ENTERTAINMENT oc,'Alternative sty 228 mjitr Vrrnul nquines ony Kfrrr9B. Can VI lor OUPUX rtmotfflJKl. hrOi ,ttfm, toqll gman. S760montl rxfw otc !il mc 51 util.-t- . 4145 of (5'0i (510! Sun ?5. '!0 nnoff ftf F W'tmsvjton (j4 ftQ.ax) ?4 q)f. tl 749 0OM. K itcrw s.' tln. !tr rt f U w $U- - TajtSooas. nowls, and mora. 1? P(w 38 ilf Wcmn FOR Clfi It 0ot. flow to tut U. Wht0rvr Rit $4ISmonth mi..ui W (0! ONC KDROOM APARTVCMr. Nawry pairMeO. utllitiat Wo amoSinq. IIS6 F.ajt 200 South Call mation. UrStoa. 3i! RESUMCS, papers, BUSINESS, APA. spread sheets, mallinqs. pckupdel ivory fteasonaPla. profesEiceaant qrammar. FAX sional, fast Sue 268 6375. jZ? Bats Atnmic $!0O0, wtH RW a KUO. 170 cm for $800 oba. Diversified. 32 FUNDRAISING FRATIRNiTICl CROUPS: STUOCNT CLUBS SOROWTIfS EARN $1,000- $2000 this nw$tf wriri ttia aasy Osmpustundraiwrom thrae hour tundranax) ant. Mo am rafluirad. fur.yartrm dala ara to call today! Contact Campuifundraisar.com at quickly, fx) 38 visit wxarrusfundf8tsarxorn AIRLUMC CANOfXS is a 44 yaar old candla manuiacturar, and wa would lifce to heip your nonprofit qroyp r!s monay. W provida all of tha mafkatincj and thare is NO COST In your qrcajo. Our candles or email Call ara 100 quarantaad alrluma slcffoma.cotTi. . (889)923-3238- Of I mmtmtmmtamt jmimhiiimiihwh Futon PRICES, starting Sarta 589; 3M? wwwji(rxMomeLl qoaiq Is schoof? Come 10-or book Ixxirs tor total ski resorts. 2 shifts avatiaO- -. r remission. Associates aver-eq- e Surt-rarvj holidays oft ys V2 $10-1t" rarv POSITION AVAILABL : Office 4 Sales DIWHO SERVICES Contact Jolene for more Wo 587-Receptionist. PT Days. 91 RUNMEi WAJfTtB AT STRV FKACiW. 201 S. Man Street Must haw own vehicle to Need someone awyday, hn flex-- le. run occasional errands, bn addition to soma fllinq end tcanninq, 3tl Pttase can ParrBiaJrvwtonJ&MjxIllO: e WW HtN Compar,iet desperately need employees to UMn-piproducts at tome. No sellnq. any hours. $500 weekly potential VI Into. V504 646 tT ptPT e as needed telephone HOJS RESEARCH IS WRING and Saturdays. interviewers. Evening S7 $JrpV142S So. TW EJ878?ft Entertainment A TALC NT) WANTED Danqerous in Utah's NttelW paper in piannr. Zkm After Dark, Adventures 32 hafs Brewmq In Utah. with SOeJCTMtMG hmJ W while trams mm at more than one way to draw Poor Sty dan t? Eveninq & (Want white teeth?) Saturday classes (good until Bleaching $250" (Bring 3 friend) 2 for Phlebotomy Learning Center - 1 8 Br. James F,agRe Rttssoe, DOS, MPH 850 E. 300 S. 7 Salt Uke City, UT 84102 (Near "IT!) (801)363-565- 2 RidingEnglish Hunt Seat, Lacrosse, PhotographerVideographer, Piano accompanist, OfficeAdministration, Outdoor Adventure, RopesChallenge FURNITURE WAREHOUSE $7,bO(ylmonm. LfXJSt6 FOR Camp Counselors needed for top girl's camp in Maine. Top salary, travel paid in full, t oomboardlaun- dry and uniform provided. Need Counselors skilled in ArtsCrafts (ceramics, jewelry, stained glass), Basketball, Canoeing, Dance (Jazz, Pointe, Tap), field Hockey, Golf, Gymnastics, Horseback proposals, Xantrli 4.12 . more classifieJs available online at www.utahchronicle.com Camp Vega For Girls! NeUey. TRANSCRIPTIOfi FOR SALE Find the used nmtendo 0 your dreams! 227 Local 84110. 427 picbup and delivery. Carolyn. D0WUNEEB HSLP WRfTlNOTYPlNO an "APA" report? IBM typlnq, Mrs. SJ compular, lasar printer, also WordPerfect inclurJaa for infor- and able to work weekt for ends. S750hc Castuers. at shifts awac.it. flexible, qreat job attar 3pm weekdays tor students. S6SCVhr. Can Rick at . acoOTtment EE0AA7MF0V TICKET oil Kespinq tht Ballet on Its toesl If you are a nave and enthusiastic, a passion tor the arts, caB Ballet West and become Mies repreW time offer awminqs team on part our sentative tnwketlnq envwith a guaranteed waqe phis bonus and Incentive i a fun VjtA ironment Call Mary at fd. ioockxiv BfO(KX3M APARTMF.NT. Si!, fumituro opsionol 328 SOM ut.litm. Call UT AJHPORT LOT rVi)TtWYAlHirjcPar Is 7am. Must have vaud Oriver license joU svortjrvj FREE BALLET COMPOSED, aaKed. word processed, laser typed, prootread, transcrfeed (cassette tapes), scanned, emailed. printed. resumes, papaf, manuscripts, Theses, dissertations, at. leqat. personalfamily histories, appUcttuns. maWnq Hits, medic UC Prats, Others. MLA, formats: A PA, Turabian, Campbell. Others. Microsoft Word, Ctaphks: Proqrams: WordPerfect, AutoCad 12. Excel 70. 30 years of university experience. FREE to tai over 364 0421. Mlm c SLC, TYPING WOftOS PfWrtSSIOWALLY Ifl Rtar ?J$. ww.miiscUtah.adu: M. SAL. AoKtrmfit contf net. JSWS. lor of Intormaiion, . Ctmct NEW (801) mora irinO Oreat WTESVIEW. WITH student jog. Internship evaliefcle. Mirinq sales eijents for flrnnclal 916 6966. S? strategies. No experience neiet Chfls. and qreat BEFORE' SCMOOU Flexible hrs WORK with to skids teach poop anv frrinq ironmant; residential ortlnq disabititiCT PT mominqswtuids. accompany on activfties and proCm 46 6346 tax resume to Shslfy vide basic care $8.371 468 6350 or f out appllcatton at Colurnbus Community Canter 2950 S Maai 5 peR HOua. Wort 6 bweks away from tht Di PT Jnm-eij- f of hours the available during shifts We will work around your school schedule. Travel and Recreational Discounts, CW Certificates to Local Restaurants and and paid Ctottwnq Stores. Free Soda and Snacks. Health benefits in a orrrwinq financial days off available. Earn Financial Experience hardcompany. Help our potential clients recover from financial with usl ships. Professional Student Atmosphere. Students Stay tO.00 28 February Come for a company orientation Wednesday, In Room 380 of the Student Services BuHoinq. Refreshments avail228 able. Or call 364.8899 press "0 and ask for Cami iAOwSlOWTM. PTflex hours. Aeration sales. 25H cornmistlon. 326 0065. $100 skin on bonus. 427K5656, TtACHESTVffORS. AH subjects and aqes. Math. Readinq, ADOADHD. Graphic Chemistry, Physics, OulckBooks, Lanquaqes, site: Arts, web delqnMusl have car. Check out our web or Bos 233, wvm4atutorxom Please fax resume to: NEEDUCAL HELP? Free initial consultation. Also, competitive rates on uncontested divorces. Can Robert J. Laisrum, attorney. $299, U. tvi L A)0fTiii. tfteC? " FREE i POSUSM Y0U WOfVH FOR Call FirstPuollth. Inc. at 226 of HTB) SERVICES Cull pricod. Call attend ff' have ont orrf two from $450 to SS20 a montfi wlxtt un 1 fwot. W 4f remoolil unlii. 328- - f BOM BLOCKS TWO Dsovoom MXTtmor rwt stw lrclud 8SH o 414O000 tXWM BencWtiifH Modrtly WIM. J2LT.iVl:l-?- contact UPS aVCT SCHOLARSHIPS cV yoid. I4fq VL antranca, $27Snw PAID LEAOEHSfilP INTERKSHIPSJ Attend Array ROTC Camj) to OMilcnfja. It s a Si waali paid afjvantura where you'N laarn awn a naviqaia and ta a leader. Plus yocv'li have a chanca to commitment to is no military coliaiia schoUfsNo. And i ZW 0763 Opn fwujo 226 Av. SLC. UT oft !!00 im 200 FUHMSiteO ROOMS IN OOCI M0U Jouffv ty ekist Si the Unwfity of Utah. Suo t (801) V.3 rTjm!t' s?i Vnf renl Six, !kxx. animan! a cat SOkCOMtrS J1 12 1748 t Kf.CXK0M Ika. i rS iMKJt UFB TriConrsacUons Har A omSVMSl m wortunq with people patitioni for creative people Interested , variety of shrfts. Put ri devetopmantal disabdnlet. $725hr. 3030 trawino, qreat benefitt. kiterihs ado evasaole. Apply 7c $i-- c $Bf 5 ?L.SW PT JOS for your MAS THt" PERFECT STOPS UPS SOhr. $8 for pA !oersurrJeri tu tana We. No Wrlnq turtisn and $2O00yr benefits oreat relmbufsement (salact shifts). EOE- - For more Wo 94 MAXK Pimm eattjiart SMglO MA APAHTlHT . $400mo. No pats no amokaie, WrI Naded ASAP, (hrata Mtril On suila J Ca HiyOIKSS. rooriv aharad ltcha E. iaSaSATt NCEJSD to 9iar 2 lw!rri apirtnwmt on 2?8 300 S. Oaootrt $;$. S238MO 12 utai. t MOUSE. Only MAuf tTUMMT NE0e0 FOX ROOM 5:7Srrwmi mclwlca KtiHtam. Suqwhovs araa, nic rjtjf-hootartrat A. Wawty ramooXad. Mc wnokmq. 800 2t2-8- MANAGER. IN TO LIVt Work HO' ance. food utilities Moil paid, Call fcourswrek. $.37hf. 30 approximeteiv or ISO 6 4 19 resume fax Shelly 468 6)46 S tia out an pplet)on t Columbus Community Cents?. 2950 '?7 Man IKHT. 2 bedroom. $550no, $'50 includes AFAtTTiStfTf months rent end depot tor college stuoWs, Atw. 5 Washroom, 2 house oath larqi (rwttbeck yard. Bearoom 427 l?S m rv taf S2000. Cai' Mary SMSOm quiet. PIf"W of cupboard BDOOM AfAHTMtWT. I'leari Ho pfflsAw y space and off street parkr-f- l Newly rFnodll Im) la 0': Ifll. OMIVl ftSITy aaffHfumiahed APARTMENT ft parim. 12 ui. FOR RENT FRtt to Halt Murt V. TO StOOtS S ar.trv-lev- and esperrenced custofnaf aarvtaf AIU SUrffinq, nC South Main, or Ott 2Z mrssiof-ri- ea 12 30-Omovriq cernpany hurnq PT Must be detail oriented si good typinq 4 communication stilts. WW AMe to answer rnultipie phone inn and Uw resarveUont. 355- train. AptMy In persons 663 S 600 at SLC or can Daniees ML 7700. FRE ASiOLLITELY it? Ox Earn onlina Income. S5CO- - SWf5AaY. . No 2T it tiMat32g-956'10- t ffKTSrtAfi(E MOy WITH 3 G4lLi Own roan?, laurt-dr14 facsMiat. cafcia Cloa te U and WeUrranitar. Si'50fVort 226 34 ?9. fan Maoiar. w ..ao'a. , 5 alY ROOWMATB m aatt downtown condo mtr all th amaof-t- S Oaralt Cail tor V3S0.fntv. )2. VOCALIST WANTIB FOR LOCAL BAND. a. vtlMHts. $240m tor IDOWWciHS raps. Apply ai parson otec PiOOW FOW OLD 3 VIA NAHMY TO CAM rOR MY $8hr. 3 30 6pm: Fn l2:Q-6pm- . afternoons. en C Sal oti to Pft hee w tor and love to if. pit, TV. 353697 Fteitcheftrtti tjhfreemem 877-- ton t i mtarweweri. Good tapheccmfrirw;ation . A tr cam . lait. and saturrfy daootit. Flft !i. (tETB boy i Must ROOMMATES 4 MfJiooffi houaa 12 tenia) to Hit no wmr no outsutspe-cia- t sen to n SrQ 28 urrarr nct. tra . Cat RMunad WANTED JTUOENTS m the rwnus. avaraoa pay SXXlsurnmer Fr puza information WTI Boom 312 meetinq today 3QU 9O0 Union UlESACY CCNTE wlcnir taena, arorain, with student e e war, partfciaptrvj M school partnar-attuitntMra, oqn adnviirtb-ativcoofdir-tractrrOm. vf competitive Lawry iq avoS. sates! f Ak.V. Busy orates wxn tern.- as w 12. ft. and 2 The 6 W W oreferr TVT0VTFtAOlR PtrWTKWS 0POI The UVSC School Coneoe and yrewrtsy Prtnafsriaj na opsneyjs lor tutartraciwrs t o4 student ai m it Mjh School. The posilMfi require a commitment through it end of May. Various shifts $6 afrjr. 578 8SO0 art. Y. $4XVWfe RTNtetson Company It loomnq tor parthn tima W graat TraAC TW aC COWOO vmr 0ny $63 900. 2S S. WOO . 507 C rrour.atify MO ti stov. 1 naar (Utchan cat oat wfL I oadroom. ttaMi Amott rafraraior. 4 daHafasrar. Oaaod carport, naw painL Calf Oorothy Prnt; t Gfaa. SOI 7 7J76 Pfi'JJl LCS aor tor us Front Great Tfasnaiq,'Bnatris. Jo throuaut the Wasatch SSO Servlca Opportunrty tor Social Wef maaorsJurfi Community r ADOLOJt Suae toetteJnl);253 ea wtxy wofox moai mos potential No epafwnca naceasant AROOflO you Susy icrasol schedn dttsortftiaa. assstrtq awivaswea iMan 35M76 T AO&frOSrva I need paopto aitio aWt want to lip 0 techr-iu- es an) earn burqen thru coaeq. Foow our wrews comn.nt an a very part t basis. A Doh Network. Straits New WreieiS rtxjh Speed internet me tor an Security, and CM Pttones. Crab your frienaj and cal Wo lation, friendly phone cat. or 90 tap another twrqec No teir IB martietnrt Brad 262 24i4. SAU3-GE- s ban. up to S50cVw PT. 2pm 7pm, oxmijntcaion'PC saea a mat 474- 00O7, 427 X8 TO UK Coma ule? REAL ESTATE Itt&SAM SCNTRA, Greet A q from carnpue. WANTED FOR IjTXJWMC Can tftlfici 28 573 7849 CHILD CARE Erthn SlOmr WOt ktaJWXTWC. Raaumai. caw lattara, ItaMi. dar Tramcfti 6 faa cajsMiilrtiaa. Harafi tamawtoaj, mjfJVwracLcom 58J-I32- rrytet, wed. perfect 'of ftuoents $299A00. th r rp Jan transportation, may need Pleasa leave metsaoe. JMMY. jMM COTKiH $6750 OOO low iwle, CMC 38l7of 5 r, whsteqrey. two I97 Larqa Wtv gTx1 W. sunroof. VaKoOd WBCXSM UTTAH. PAY rajgjCHDfc Ati kx. o aiactfon 272- Kfotauw! Rocky Wojntw DarorA Cat tor a(icartmtnt 694 0nono & MY PAY BfTAJLt Wrwn you can buy Off of m Jatwry dract from our nana CsHtafJ taclofy Afrea. AUTOMOTIVE RM atationa, raoani. ate JEWELRY 0OTT 19 YFJutt FJO'fRItMCS. Twin Sarta Fu Mattrws Bosprlrm-$15'MattrassBouprlnij-$99- ; $499; Seria Ouaart MattrassBoMprinq $199; Sofa and Lova-sBurftoads only Stt9. Acttorwfood Wood Tyou chocsa tna color. 3 S. 272864. .. 400 Ctntar. 6570 Murray. Slaap Course, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Theatre, Volleyball, Water-skiinWindsurfing. Additional opportunities for kitchen cooks, maintenance and nurses. www.campvega.com g, lii..t MrxifaMly ti .t d .at .IT We Will Be on 1 LATIN AMERICA SPECIALISTS in the Union Drop needed! No appointment by! l'i 4 aw llli it ifiM im USalviiw Hmi4iifas !: .1' i : n Campus 10am-3p- GEICOAuto ci'.ii Insurance. 'tt,;.:fi .iV'j $1'W Sr Pblo osUtii ( a m piiuiji Miff Business & (Sim Mia Mi.tmi arU4 $175 CAtCUNIKU $199 KAWTUN $1S9 HO Wavlinfiton $139 ( f r mi ii t a Research Treatment a Regimen for Vaginal Yeast Infections Vacations S.n km i Opportunity to Use Leisure Travel YOU 'YOyASEHilABSORS-DE- BAY 8UALIFY ' IME If . ftSTMYEJIST IHFEST1&M OHCMN (.UltrlbniKan I t ' PARTICIPANTS RECEIVE: J EKiMS,lMmT,PJIFSKIISJ iTBS STUDY KBICJlTi6ll F38 lUMIfE. I'nsmaeLsi.oiP-MSin- ctoiyli e aitb (in k.n et PnSSMrS ss 801 e! secret VAliASTA f P ' Vinail: Tie I .486.3021 customers. j Drive UTAH AUTO COLLECTIOESS down your insurance rates. how Talk to me DOWNTO WN FORD Special College Graduate Program and First. Time Buyers Program about safe drivers can save. 2001 FORD FOCUS LX $12988 11 TO CHOOSE Vtm'm In goes! htrxM. JOHN TliOftlAS 231 SO. 1300 East 53 582-60- 0 wwjiHtta!a- ; .... FROM includes $400 collego graduate rebata 444-928- blofk off crvi!i) ,..., Ask for LANCE LANNiNG ': 1410 4 or 298 - 9336 N Hillfield Road - Layton - t. aW Alttti'a liwarao. tempaity. Morthomoh, ll'lngla. and oaaliflcatloBl. mm) )liittotn may apoly. $i(t to total aitWIty Othai temi, cofifiltlmw (801)578-100-0 730 South West Templo, Salt Lake City Covcmmtra Emplovees Insurance Co CE1CO General Insurance Co Washinpon. DC 20076 GE1CO Indtmniiy Co GE1C0 Casually Co |