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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 26. 2001 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11 GYMNASTICS continued from page 9 performer Karina pull three-eveSenior from the meet after vault because of a cold "I don't know.we can make excuses or whatever, but it was a really flaky situation." On floor; the Wolverines had to count Melissa Peterson's step out of Knaeble sat bounds after down on her last tumbling pass. Knaeble's floor routine the week prior drew a io.o, and she was on pace again before the fall On beam came more troubles for the Wolverines. Another counted fall resulted in a 48.900 team score. Peterson scored a 9.350 after losing her balance on the beam. Canii Singer's elbow gave out in a side handstand, and resulted in a 9.500. A frustrated Plocki said, "In practice we are hitting 85 to 90 percent of everything that we do on beam. There's a high degree of confidence in practice, but for some reason we that confican't seem to dence in some situations." There were no such problems for the Red Rocks. On beam, Kulikows-ki'- s 9.95 drew hordes of booing. The 9,176 spectators on hand disagreed with the scoring, as did Kulio. "I can see where they took my deduction because on my dismount, when I landed I stuck it, but it didn't look like a stick," said Kulikowski. Deidra Graham paced the floor with a exercise, tying a career-hig- h 9.950. Kylee Wagner, Theresa Wolf and Lindsay Tanner each scored 9.900 on the floor. Meanwhile, Ray Michigan's star and a Sydney Olympian won the with a 39.600, her second-bemark of the year. Utah's Graham followed last week's career-hig- h 39.725 with a 39.425. Shannon Bowles, for the second in the straight week, enjoyed a mark of nt Utah's superior floor exercise gave the Utes their seventh win of the year. re-cre- Sjwln, ,M ttJ i,,,, -t- -t IT 1 ' ' March 18-2- 4 Salt Palace -- I , nd st all-arou- nd 39.300. I'. .1 JF 2002 Entering Class Dental School Application Workshop Tuesday, February 27th, 2001 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. in S. Biology 2 1 2 Details on: DAT, Recommendations, 1 I jK3P '1 saraj blaffer AADSAS, and Interviews rt Now is the time to begin preparation! University of Utah Preprofessional Advising Office Marilyn Hoffman, Predental Advisor (Plus - Drawing for FREE KAPLAN COURSE!) """"J'r-lWl- l . ) Ullitif HiH,!,!!!!! ) III Hill IIHIHIHIIHm MWII 111 I'll Hill HIHHUHHI All Interested Prederifol Students II ore Welcome! Anthropologist and primatologist, pioneer and leading authority on the study of maternal behavior in animals, Sarah Blaffer Hrdy is the author of The Woman That Never Evolved and the recent Mother Nature. Professor Hrdy's two-paTanner Lecture will first explore evidence about maternal ambivalence in humans and related species, and then turn to a discussion and debate with the Tanner Panel about tthe implications of these findings for the future of the human race. HIE LECTURES February 27 & 28, 2001 Itlll MjMjjjJj S TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH 12:00 p.m. Michael Lamb. National Institute of Child Health and Development The Past, Present & Future ofth WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH Tanner Lecture, Fart II "Eliciting Information from hdd Sexual Abuse Victims " 12:00 p.m. Sarah Blaffer Hrdy "Cooperation, Empathy and the Needs of Human Infants" Gould Auditorium Marriott Library Gould Auditorium, Marriott Library 4:00 p.m. E. B. Ktrvernt Kings College, Cambridge "Genomic Imprinting. Brain Evolution and Materialism " 210 ASB, Biology Seminar Room Tb liner Lecture, Part I 8.00 p.m. Sarah Blaffer Hrdy "Mother Love and Ambivalence: Reconciling Historical and Evolutionary Perspectives" Gardner Concert Hall Tanner Panel Discussion 4:00 p.m. Martha Flniman, E.B. Keverne, Michael Lamb, Sarah Blatter Hrdy Natural History Museum 2:00 THURSDAY, MARCH 1 12:00 p.m. Martha Fineman, Cornell Law School "Care and Contribution: Caretaking and the Creation of Social Debt" Borchardt Conference Room, School of Law |