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Show MOOT COURT continued from page THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 26, 2001 MONDAY. FEBRUARY 8 7 teams present their argu- - merits to a panel of four justices. These justices are lawyers from Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. "This is an opportunity for action between practicing lawyers Eileen Johnston, D.D.S Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry MMKIWUHHiWJIII V i. 4 .b..- a 1 I miH'r-l'IMM- Taylor. law school." Shah adds, "We built strong we also learned but friendships, how to adjust and about ourselves We learned how to different ideas. to argue productively." Tonight, Mull and Derum are up against Benjamin Bates and Mark justices." recipient of the Regional Best Oralist Award, Hall recalls the absolute focus his team had in preparing for the competition last A David Mull." After Derum and Mull complete their arguments, it is time for the other team to present theirs. Bates and Taylor are suited and ready for battle. With legal pads in hand they proceed to present their side of the t case. "You know that the students have made the transition to being true advocates when they are concerned the justices will be a cold panel," says Harris. Panels are described as either hot or cold. Hot panels ask tough questions, and cold ones ask irrelevant or easy questions. After Taylor presents his argument, the panel dismisses both legal teams from the room. The justices then evaluate and score each student based on "organization, reasoning and persuasiveness of argument," as well as "forensic performance, presentation and courtroom - bmall friendly umce 21 years of experience Uses only the finest materials Close to the University and bus routes Free off street parking volunteeiTy Real People answer the phone Patients seen on time Flexible, interest free and payment plans ages Faculty, staff and student discounts 12 and up needed for a V esearch study of a medication for the South Temple Dental, P.C. 34 South 500 East, Suite 207 manner." V. Outside the courtroom, Derum and Mull congratulate Bates and Taylor. "That was a really good line of argument you had," says Mull, looking at Bates. Bates responds, "Thanks, I thought yours was great, too. You really did a lot with it." The two teams finish by exchanging treatment of athlete's foot. Subjects must Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 801-521-81- Derum pushes his chair back and moves over to the podium. He places his hands on the podium's edges, as if gripping the controls of an airplane. "May it please the court. My name is Chad Derum and this is my year. "We truly learned how to put a case together. We mapped it out on a classroom board for days. We even spent the night working at the and the students. The students can tap into the experience of lawyers in the community," says Professor George Harris, the College of Law's Moot Court director. "Students have to think on their feet and have a real dialogue with the have active signs and symptoms of athletes 88 SQIIEM3E5I!ISi vigorous handshakes and relaxed I uoot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated for up to eight clinic visits. grins. Mull and Derum have now completed all three preliminary rounds and must wait one week to get the results. Semifinals are at the beginning of March, and the finals are in April. "Everybody who competes is stellar," says Derum. "There are so many talented people. We don't have enough chances in law school to do what lawyers do. The Moo: Court competition does that." "When I was a kid,", adds Mull, laughing, "I wanted to grow up to be Perry Mason." : It looks like he's gotten the chance and the opportunity to pursue a villain, too. L For more information call: World premiere ofa hilarious new comedy 801-69-01- 35 LaushinsStock .'; 1 by CHARLES MOREY February 7 to February 24 hilariously funny and affectionate look at one season J. at a New England summer stock theatre. When "The IX s -- Playhouse" attempts to produce Hamlet, Charley's Aunt and Dracula in rotating repertory, things go disastrously awry. Laughing Stock offers a comic and nostalgic glimpse at life in the theatre by Artistic Director Charles Morey, author of such PTC favorites as The Count of Monte Criito, A Tale of Two Cities and The Three ALwketeerj. behind-the-scen- es Tuesday. March 6 All PIONEER FT m II r 1 mn r For ticket information call 801-581-69- 8 p.m. seats $1 sTsToforUof U students Kingsbury Hall nF' msS0 Call 61 581-710- ist 355-ART- 0, S, or '9 Sub h - ARTS or visit the Kingsbury Hail Ticket Off ice, the University Union Desk or order on-li- ne 585-A5U- U miimmmhwIiw iwnri wimr nmm mi n WWW.ASUU.UTikH.IDU at www.arttix.org |