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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 20C0 12 ROOMMATE FEMALE locatlion. Private zzga imrne duateiy. N8 CMt BCDROOM APARTMENTS lor rent five AMD TWO blocks west of university. No smoking pets. Of 21' 949-306- apt tots HOLLADAY 2 BEDROOM basement ol liQht, hookups. Utilj inducted $400 dep. No smokepets. Keith fireplace, c!Mvewy. private $765 OFf ICESPECIAL EVENTS ASS.STAWT. National Association of Social Workers. Flexible 211 hours. Call 583-885- 210 463-984- MF for apartment near 72nd RESPOMSL State Access to part time student. trax. NEEDED- S300month 2200644. plus - & 2iQ near University. Call for more info. House utilities. WANTED EARN WHILE U LEAPN I Flexible hrs and great res.dential working environment; Teach living skills to people with disabilities P,T eveswknds, accompany on activities & provide basic care, $8.37hr Call 468-634or fill out applifax resume to Paula 468-635cation at Columbus Community Center 2950 S. Main. 211 216 ROOMS AVAILABLE in targe Capitol Hill house. Sfufe house with other women. $250month each. No TWO 215 . pets, no smoMnc, Call GREAT TOR STUDENTS! Furnished and unfurnished STUDIOS! LCfTSI & 2 bedroom, Paramont fitness center, pool, indooroutdoor jacuzi, sauna, racketball, volleyball, business center wcopier, lax, Call 539 8002 or come Ly i876 W. North basketball, computer. SERVICES WHY STA-TA- NOT? New lamps. 677 So. 7th East. 428 5338989. Social Science, Education majors and others to gain experience working with individuals who have disabilities. Available positions are throughout the wasatch front & have flexible schedules. Apply: TURN Community Services, 535 MATH TUTOR (through Calculus III) for all (at lease a general discharge). Veterans with a 5 lor Contact the Veterans Affairs Ofhce at 210 more details. FREE E. 400 or SLC S FOR SALE TRAVEL AGENT SPECIALIST STEEL DESK, S8X30. Great for computers. Locking center drawer filing cabinet d.awer. S2S or bst oiler. 29 4952594. "Where High would you like to go?" have 23 yeiirs experience in booking last minute and student travel. Save SSS on 485-835worldwide travel! Call Holly Dining to needed. SPRING BREAK! SUMMER GfTAWAYI Let Travelstar FURNITURE - LoveSac.comgigantic bean bags: awesome sofas, chairs, beds! Some over six 2!1 feet! Founded by U students. 979-570NEED FURNITURE? DIAMONDS: DON'T PAY RETAIL selection of diamonds, sale! Rocky Mountain PRICESIM Large 428 5.1), laser printer, (WordPerfect editing, IBM typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Tuiabian). Mrs. Nelley, WORD PROCESSING CONDUCT FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes, transcribes, laser prints, dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. InternationalGraduate students welcome. PERSONAL No where to turn. Let UNEXPECTED PREGNANCYI to abortion. Call Monday to Thursday, 5:00pm to 9:00pm. If there Is no answer, please leave a message and a counselor will return your call. (801) 886-221us help. We believe In alternatives J6 Cr a 0 New product. No side effects. 100 safe. Natural. Dr. Recommended. Transform your body forever. Gua! inteed. 296-47724 hour message. 28 WEIGHT LOSS 6 NOWI NEED A DATE? We'll find you one! Be a contestant the Dating Game at Cupid's Loveshack Valentine's Party on Feb 12th in the Union Deli. Ask for Jesse at or email proqramsunion,utah,edu 212 In STILL TIME TO ADD OUTDOOR COURSES for cred- it: no penalty for late adds! PRT: many CookingCamping, in Dept. backpacking while hiking, History Rock Climbing, Marksmanship, Mountain Biking! Starting dates throughout the semester. See web; courses. call Natural 214 585-320- FOR ACCELERATED concentration better LEARNING, memorization. and www.radiosonic.net or call 81000 and get a 10 student discount. Mention 222 too early to plan your summer Call Kids. Together at RTNielson BUSINESS BUS'NESS TO BUSINESS, theses, RESUMES, diversified. APA, laser, papers, proposals, Spreadsheets, mailings, iabels, excellent grammar. FAX. Reasonable, professional, fast Brenda. 268-637- FRATERNITIES " SORORITIES CLUBS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumes, cover letters, fax thesis, dissertations, reports, etc. Transcription & Marsha laminating. capabilities. Velcobinding 423 583-132- 3 WORDS PROFESSIONALLY NOW KIRINC--l ALL POSITIONS, flexible hours. Full processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette Theses, tapes), scanned, laser printed, faxed, dissertations, resumes, papers, manuscripts, personalfamily histories, applications, maiiing lists, medical, Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell, MLA, part time. Apply at Marie Callendars, Dr. UC $9.00 TO SlO.OOHR Services has an WP Suite 8. Papers, resumes, transcriptions. Hand lettering for envelopes, certificates, treasured writings. Excellent references. Full safe. Main, 225 Peak Staffing opening in our dispatch Option to work BONUSES. department. Flexible shift, a shorter shift on Friday and make up hours 428 487-823- & 4095 South Sat am. time opening with room for advancement. I Immaculate carriage home view. mountain 2 bd & amenities, Johnson Amy Homes & $5000 down. condo. Pool, Owner-agen- t, Better Wardley 218 Gardens. SUGARHOUSE- - Totally remodeled brick bungalow. New cabinets, appliances, roof, windows, flooring & paint, deck. $129,900. Amy Johnson Wardley Better Homes & Gardens. 218 FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS: Would you like to be a home owner, but have a cash investment of $i,000 or less? programs allow for a seller to pay the buyer's costs. Buyer must meet Mew down payment and closing general lending qualifications, with acceptable Credit history. For more Information, call Realtor Mary Hess at Prudential Prestige Real Estate, oi email at HesmariSwfrmls.com 31 FORMER PROFESSOR'S HOME. "Prarie style 2 story i w city views. 2 garages plus 2 parking Easy to see. 1144 E. 300 So. $279,900. 3 blocks to U fireplaces. Sandra Sweetland, Dr. owneragent 'this 550-754- OR FOREIGN huge house In Sugarhouse includes utilities. 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED to share 2 other people. $325 214 STUDENT WANTED area w (M OR F) House in upper Avenues. Nice view, own big room, no smoking inside, garden potential. Libeial minded. $360mo. 13 utilities. 210 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED house close to U. Mellow, (piefer females) to share nice responsible, clean.e tc. Call 210 Amy (ft SUE'S GETA31 8011 3G1-SS8- at us email www.sca-lnc.or- 218 H X X X X X TINDER BOX. Work in one of Salt Lake's finest shops. Cigars and Collectibles, Permanent Part Time and Full Time, flexible hours. Health Plan. 6 commissions. Call bonus Hourly wage ' 211 for appointment pote itlaltravei opportunities! 31 Call SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR wanted ISP. Independent advanced skill leveis Send resume to: P.O. study of an investigational use for an approved medication to determine its safety and whether it treats and possibly prevents cold sore lesions. L0OK1KC FOR CREATIVE WRITER to write copy for 211 emerging restaurant company. Call I I . Agency has immediate opening tor full or part time Accounting & Must have excellent computer Assistant. organizational skills and work well with otherj. 1 yeir experience required. Salary based on experience. Fax or mall to HR Dept, 136 E South resume to 2tl Temple, Suite 1400, Sari Lake City, UT 34 111. $800hr OFFICE ASSISTANT VROOFtR. Flexible hours, for small Insurance partfull tlm. Appraisal Co. In Sur,ar Casual atmosphere but must h organized, professional, and computer proficient. Great career House. Call opportunity. 211 Ashley TO HELP RUN th University of Utah Union In positions on Union Board of Directors- - all positions receive 12 to full tuition, real responsibility, and fery valuable work experience- Applications aue Feb. SEEKING STJOEHTS NHRA top to corporate America. funrycar dUSsiefunnycarjuno.com 2 BUSSERS to assist w 28 setting up & breaking don dinner 4 nights a week. 4:30-- 5 pni to about 7 pm. Free dinner and $6.S0hr. N?ed immediately 28 or, U of U campus. Please call 596-015- Chair, Programs, Marketing, Finance, Policy, Volunteer, Technology, Operations, General Council end more. Call 7 for more information. ' 213 BIG CITY a SOUP Is busy and we need help! You must want Joo with a variety o? responsibilities. We have an exciting illentel that you wl!i be Interacting with directly so you need to be professional. Apply In pe; son, 114 pm235 S. 400 W. sion for the arts, call Ballet West and become a sales PERSON NEEDED. Good pay depending on We wiii qualifications. Cai! TCS Real Estate at 484-943work with your schedulel 37 representative on our marketing GROUP If and have a you are enthusiastic, offer We k-a- pas- part-tim- e evenings with a guaranteed wage plus bonus and incentives in a fun environment. Ca!l Mary or Rochelle, 29 CONNECTION. Srnali loc3i restaurant looking EUMOPEAN 29 product. 5 min from University. ASSISTANT. MARKETING 10 to hiswk. Flexible some travel, fun 15 schedule, excellent experience, Located in M SL $7Vir, Special Effect environment. 29 Supply, www.fxsupply.com RECEPTIONIST PART-TIM- E for busy office. medical general office skills. Located close to U of U. Fax resume to 29 968-142- need people who speak Spsnish, German, Japanese, or any ohter language to expand our business locally, nationally, or internationally. or log on to www.cashbymail.comnow. l NEED HELP I 33 Fee required. HELPER. Homeowner REMODELING looking area. Afternoons, older home In University renovating flexible hrs, 5 for help HAi-iD- LEADERFACILTATOa Responsibilities: to facilitate interactive groups of elementary students emphasizing problem solving skills, original activities, conflict resolution, mentoring, field trips ind service learning projects. Qualifications: Applicants must pe 18 years of age and older, have a high school diploma, and have experiance working with groups of school age children. Including behavior management skills. 9 Part-timhoursweek, after hourly position, school hours. P'ease come In for an application or submit a resume. Submit your rpsumeappiicifion with two references to: Sslt Lake Community Education, Salt Lake City School District 440 East 100 South, Room 211 Salt Lake City, UT 84111. For more informa- tlon call 58-827214 SEASONAL AREA FOOD SUPERVISOR SALES- 210 (let It ring) - CELL PHONES, Current reps Con 268-909or part-timemail: dlewismicroteltech.com earn $60,000yr comm. hrsweek. $7.50hr. Experience helpful 0 AT LAGOON, Responsible for the daily operations of a Food Area, Including training, ordering, food preparation, and cleanliness. This position provides a great training and background in the hospitality ar,u tourism food service Industry. Opportunities for advancement Call Mike at 451-042 for an appointment. 214 Fax: 268-141- 1 COMPUTERS. Full 214 SUMMER JOBS FEMALE AND MALE COUNSELORS NEEDED FOR TOP CHILDREN'S CAMP iN MAINE. about how safe drivers can save. 9Mllstat& You're in good hands. JOHN THG& 231 50 13C0 East 582 6600 dj block off cm pus) TOP SALARY, ROOMBOARDLAUNDRY, CLOTHING A TRAVEL ALLOWANCE PROVIDED. MUST LOVE CHILDREN AND HAVE SKILL IN ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: ARCHERY, ARTS & CRAFTS (CERAMICS, STAINED CLASS, JEWELRY), BASKETBALL CANOEING, KAYAKING, DANCE (TAP, POINTE, & JAZZ), FIELD HOCKEY. GOLF, GYMNASTICS (INSTRUCTORS & QUALIFIED SPOTTERS), HORSEBACK RIDING ENGLISH HUNT SEAT, LACROSSE, DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY, ViDEOCRAPHER, PIANO ACCOM-PIANISPIONEERING CAMP CRAFT. ROPES (CHALLENGE COURSE, 25 STATIONS), SAILING, SOCCER, SOFTBALL TENNIS, THEATRE, THEATRE TECHNICIANS (SET DESIGN, COSTUMER), TRACK 1-- FIELD, VOLLEY BALL WATERSKilNG (SLALOM, TRICK, BAREFOOT, JUMPING) W.S.I SWIM INSTRUCTORS, WINDSURFING. ALSO OPPORTUNITIES FOR NURSF.S, KTMLWEB DESIGN AND SECRETARIES. CAMP VEGA FOB GIRLS1 COME SEE US! www. jmpwd.i-oiobsinX ttftwilsU'.com c 1999 Alliif Insurance Intermountain Clinical Research 50 3. OOO E. Salt Lake City - ENTRY LEVEL Local Advertising ACCOUNTING- Talk to me You must be 1 2 years of age or older (with parental consent, if appropriate), and in good general health to participate. . 84098-2253- insurance rates. looking for. We are conducting a research Intermediate and needed. Subcontract work. 3ox 982253. Part City. UT ' 21! DESiGNERPROCRAMMER. committment required. Positions available: Union Board fuel OR 2J1 563JJ855. WES 28 STUDENT to head up team promoting 1 flexible hours per week. SlO.'hr. Must have experience. 14th. Pick one up In Union 255 cr at www.union.utah.edu application. Travel may be required, one cvendar year MARKETING NEEDED 211 DESIGNER. NEWSLETTERBROCHURE for XMisslon, an For details: www xmission.comjohs Commission. or interview, please call application NwthbroflV. iulncift. Compen Subftri to l9Ct avsitabllity and utflcaUims. Ssrmj, cojutltlonj and if tualorn my pply. tlrr CALL1X)-.V1.VEG- W will be- dmpvilj,d.am vour '.dnipus Ft'brudry 39, 21W, Student Union, Colli'i'idti Room on INTERVIEWS AND INFORMATION FROM 10 AM NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY - 4PM. i! was ROOMMATES GRADUATE at oniine grow with an International Company. Positions avtiiabl in Reception, Customer Care and Order Entry. MLM experience and Japanese speaking preferred. For an 214 Dorthia Muliak's home. Stanely camping First AidCPP required. Paid position. Week long training provided. To request application look Wilderness WOiVlOUALS to SEARCHING FOR Drive SUFFER FROM COLD SORES? If so, then you may be just who we're virgin tigerwood "stained glass 'all systems replaced in the last 7 years 'remodeled kitchen & bath w radi- ant heat 5 bed2 bath 'deck oft master extensive' but not necessary. REAL ESTATE HOLLADAY: SELLER FINANCING! with Proven youth leadership, and minimum experience, crew programs nationwide. Must enjoy patient contact and heavy phones. Requires 29 animal lovers to keep facility clean TYPING PLUS CALLIGRAPHY. OUTDOOR WORK LEADERS to supervise high school volunteers on 4-- 5 week summer conservation work & So. Foothill 582-32'- Flex hrs. $6.50. Open 7 daysweek. SLC. Call 428 Barbara 1313 LITTLE DOGS RESORT needs pet care heip. Csgeless boarding and daycare for small dogs. Need honest, Press, Others. Programs: WordPerfect, Microssft Word, Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, Excel 7.0. 30 years of university experience. FREE pickup and delivery. Carolyn, 222 www.campusfundr3iser.com COMPOSED, edited, word 29 9! for quality people to work flexible shifts. Exciting new STUDENT Student organizations earn $l,00O-$2,00- 0 with the easy campusfundraiset.com three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact or visit campusfundraiser.com, (888) 923-323Groups. AfcW or UPS Job Tair FREE BALLET TICKETS. Keeping the Ballet on its toes!! SURVEYS. 217 428 U SFEKiNG ACTORS for prlntrunwayfilm work In local arid national markets. No experience necessary. High income part time hours. SLC Company expanding office. We have immediate openings for those with people skills, marketing & basic computer skills. Competitive hourly wage plus tonus and growth potential. Career development programs offered. Email or or fan resume to htownmma-uia.co- TRANSCRIPTION, legal AND SUPERVISORS Flexible full 428 WinsloVs. 428 317 429 428 Feb. THE Company is looking for partfull time telephone interviewers. Good telephone communication skills. No sales! Flexible scheduling. $9.GCHRI also 467-273- UVSC of African Individuals American, pressure! and Native American Asian, LatinoHispanic, backgrounds needed (or s 2 hour U of U study on ethnicity and cardiovascular function. No individuals on cardiovascular medication. For more information at 585-554428 please call Julianne 428 3 Student Employment Services at U of us at the Also, see JoWine at X $25.00 and learn more about your Maod EARN TYPING bridal sets. Everything wholeDiamond. Call for appointment. ext Never Employment. help you experience the world! Travelstar is located in or browse our Foothill Village. Call 583-300- JEWELRY OPEN The requires a commitment Various shifts available. The position the end of May. School SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS 210 MeetYou Inc. andJraveL POSIT 'ONS through $6.90hour. . UPS HAS GREAT PART TIME JOBS with full time offers S2,000year tuition benefits. UPS no reumbursement 'Select shifts. For more information or to schedule interview on campus contact or call School, CoHege and University Partnership has openings for tutortrackers to work with students at West in the world 264-12'- 428 359-687- 6 TUTOR TRACKER TRAVEL for OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT 82 Temple So. Male programmer shanrkinr,eius.com ROOMMATE & Matching applicants with open jobs is necessary but ho work, to them experience sending excellent verbal communication skills and attention to detail is a must Apply at: Peak Staffing, 234 E. 4500 Responsibilities: VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARC HOUSE. Stxjarhouse room, wd. S265util. Available 9 1185 S. 300 W. lake Pltv, Utah 84101 vivwsicsi!taUJiiitosa!(itxBrti SINUSITIS O YOUR CHEEKS T WHEN TOUCHED? Volunteers, 18 years and older, who are currently experiencing symptoms of facial pain, nasal discharge, and tenderness over the sinuses, lasting longer than seven days but less than one month, are invited to call for more information. Qualified volunteers receive financial compensation for participating in this investigational drug research study. 532-452- 6 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday Intermountain Clinical Research 150 S. 1000 E., Salt Lake City SPEND YOUR SUMMER IN MA NE POSITIONS We're looking for campus leaders to be instructors at outstanding youth camps. If you're in coilege, and are looking for a great summer job, we have the perfect one for you. ARE AVAILABLE IN THESE ACTIVITIES. Tennis Swimming Water Skiing Canoeing Sailing Basketball Lacrosse Softball Arts & Crafts Enamel Fine Arts Newsletter Photography Pottery S7ver. Jewelry Video Archery Costumer Gymnastics Horseback Riding Outdoor Living Ropes Course Rock Climbing Nanny Come work with Camp Representatives Wednesday February 9, 2000 at She Summer Job Fair EXCELLENT SALARY TRAVEL ALLOWANCE ROOM & BOARD |