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Show 8 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 8. 2000 TRAVEL continued from page over a first. Get a Jo bo BRIAN MURRAY Chronicle Online Director ou'rc on)z to be disappointed. Last week, I promised that we were going to be discussing the fact that the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy nor Roman. However, common sense led mc to believe that the topic mentioned above wasn't relevant to this column. So there. But now onto a more interesting topic making money, making a name for yourself andlDeing able to support your wife and three kids even though you're only a sophomore in college. It's called finding a job, my friend. What once was lost is now found. The Internet is just screaming with opportunities not Internet, jobs mind you, but Web sites dedicated to helping you find what you've been looking for. Submitting your resume to thousands of companies now comes easily with the click of a button. You're able to tell who's looking at your resume, whether they arc interested or if you're just a complete failure. It's so Y easy. I've chosen to review two of the major competing sites, monstcr.com, and gotajob.com, Both sites are successful, but this webmaster found several noticeable flaws that you out for. y.jtodjyatch M0NSTER.COM http:www.monster.com Business has been booming for monster.com ever since its big advertisement on Super Bowl Sunday last year, monster.com, which became one of the preeminent online career resources in 1994, has Web sites and locations based in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Netherand lands, Belgium, Australia France. Success with its catchy name has put it in the top five; but .that's not from my recommendation. Because I am an art major, finding a job in that particular field can be a tough task. When surfing for a graphic-desig- n job in Salt Lake City, monster.com pretty much just made mc roll on the ground hysterically. I'm so excited to know that my career can be enhanced by a job as a "production assistant" at my local Kinko's copy center. How ridiculous. Despite the fact that I haven't graduated yet, I put in "BFA in Art" to determine what may be available to me in the future. A job at Kinko's isn't going to take me anywhere. While monster.com has a very attractive and site, I think it is better geared toward those graduating from high school and looking for a job at their local Amoco. .looser a one-tim- processing fee. Employ- e ees at gotajob.com needed some way to pay for ail the work they do, so I paid it. It's worth it. Basically, it gets rid of all the banners on the site. And that's almost worth paying for. There are some other opportuniout for ties there, you headhunter.com and getcjob.com are venturing into the Held, and are likely to succeed. But for now, pay the $1.95 and check out gotajob.com (and if you're lucky, they'll send you a big plastic A chair in the shape of a hand if you land a job from their site!). RATiNG: $$ more flexible traveler, shows the lowest fares found to the destination of your choice during certain times. Expedia also offers insider shopping tips to buyers to find the cheapest flight, such as those or. a Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday, and makes sure to check all fares on the airlines, not just the advertised ones. Expedia is the complete traveler Web site, offering a variety of resources for the traveller, making it a practical site to check when looking for a flight granted ycu feci comfortable with supporting another Bill Gates venture. ,444-- RATING: f (out cf four) $$$$ Next week: Does the U's Web system stack up to other major universities? (out of five) G0TAJ0B.COM number credit-car- d The site also includes a "fare compare," which, for the (out of five) well-organiz- ed RATING: 7 Site o' the week www.sightsound.com J i S rV i 3 Hmm.7j... 4 WWWort'.getpaI.com -s- J ounds good if http:vvww.garao6.com With 152, 140 jobs and counting. gotajob.com is becoming one of the most popular search engines on the World Wide Web. When searching again for a job in graphics (this time in Albuquerque, N.M., while having an "MFA in Graphic Design"), gotabjob.com offered me the option to apply at 10 different graphic design houses. (I applied for one, just to see if I'd get a response.) After playing more and more on the site, I found that it was offering more and more options with different job topics. For example, I was able to find a job in zoology in Hyannis Port, Mass. The possibilities seemed almost endless and too good to be true. They somewhat were. I found that in my email came a bill for $1.95 (payable to my major credit card) as STUDENT TRAVEL ASSOCIATION ( wwsta-trave- L com) If there is anyone who's in the business of spring break, i'c would be the Student Travel Association, one of the largest travelling agencies that deals solely with student budgeis. Along with regular fare.5, STA also sells srudeni tickets specially discounted tickets that h&vc been exclusively negotiated with the airlines. According to Stegeman, the student ticket is also more flexible because studentr can buy the ticket without ever forking over precious dcugh for penalties. Also, student tickets are valid up to one year from purchase ?nd cost . Itiooks like iiSSi. ATTENTION UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE ... WORLDWIDE CENTER, COM 4 PURSUE JOB AND INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES THAT SPAN THE GLOBE tali for more Information on this unbelievable opportunity. Uza Telford, Agency Recruiter The McQueen Agency 111 Broadway Suite urn Salt Lake city, UT 84111 801533-844- Mutual Lite' 11 www.no(thwe$ternmutual.comsa!es C I W TV Norttuxwtrrn Mufcai Life Inammt Co., Milwaukee. Wl se to change the flight. aiso offers special spring-brea- k packages to the usual college haunts of Mexico and the Caribbe&n or European excursions to England. While the idea of flying on a student ticket is ideal, flying within the United States could prove to be trickier, only $25 STA since a lot of your initial requests will probably turn up unavailable. However, STA does offer a weahh of information for the student traveler, like how to purchase rail passes for European vacations and where to get international student identification cards (which you are required to have, should you purchase a ticket through STA). ' HATING: (out of Jour) The Quiet Company' 4 price-inciea- T Lampusyare6rLenter.com The worlds largest campus job fair ; |