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Show KKatl, Caelum TtatsSrCakCkMldi-IALASKA WANTED EARN MONEY KAONG BOOKS) patentee Details. (1 805 962-800- 33 Y $197.aOe-P-3B'-ftw46ft-3l- 2 bad. opt. high it ft ft ft ft ft B00MMA1ES a. tds. TOP DOUAR FAD FOR YOUR CAR, TRUCK. VAN. Runs or not. 485-5- 1 ll.tTsworth your time to col. 111 WANTHHora. apt., 2 ream, mi Um No smokeloud eeusic J160. Mai 6394 EARN SS$ FOR SCHOOL applying marketing & business knoUeogeNCWI Col 467-114- 5 ex) 13 1210 J6J-4ZI- nio RUNNER Part time 8-Running errands, copying and Ming. Col Staffing Solutions at 263-- 1 113. . 1116 labor jobs. RonuWvocaeon. Col Lara 357223. Olsten Staffing Services. U10 5960789 ENm-ParHm- e Must have data entry exp. know how to use the computer, 50 wpm. & use measurements. $6.00 perhour, col Staffing Solutions at DATA 1113 research participate in a aou-cueustudy in inother-inlon- t comrunicotun I your Hispanic or Anglo baby is between 6 and 9 manths PUase col Fabiana Franco or. 924-681- 7 leave your or name ond phone number Aoge of baby. 1210 VOUMTEERS-T- SERVICES GtAPHK IMAGES Wo con do onytetg! rlewsletteri, flyors, graphic design. Equotiont, chorh and graphs. High dipArti logo. Color and bladi & whit scanning resolution loser output. Color lour printing available. 560-300- 9 1210 Col DEBT CONSOLIDATIONS monthly paymanls-convania24 hours. 18011 379-376WAMTBM-Boor- Robert 1000 to $10,000. Cut tor Mac WANTEM-Boor- d j; 1118 263-232- provided. bills, easy qualifying. Robert I. 1 Block & Whist Monitor. Col . 1110 For advertising AM. RUNNER NEEDED- - (8:30-12:00- ) have own car- - Call for interview 595-115agency-Mu- 1110 1 HAVING TROUHi WITH SPAN6HM con halpl Native Spanish spsakar. One-on-otutoring. Any level. Col to schedule a study session. $6.50hr. Korina:585-453- 7 1029 1210 COME JOIN THE ALLSTAR TEAM OF HOST MARMOT-a- l the Delta Center. TRAVEL DISCOUNTS-US- AIRFARE . or cities. 4402. MAJORS-P- ut BUSJTOSSMARKJiTlNGFkNANCf degree to work! Opportunity has a new Must be motivated, likes to meet new people. Col Yom.Ho 355-247. GROUP MEMBERSHIP FOR SAIf-Sav- e money on air fores, motels, hotels, cruises, car rentals & condos. Worth $2500 Asking $800 Steve or 1112 after 7pm. Michelle 466-289- 3 RESORT TRAVELER'S Typing, experienced, accurate, near WP5.I, $1.25ds pg, $4 minimum. Sondi 467- 467-369- 4 1210 3694. FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate 1210 shxienh welcome. 582-202WORDS PltOFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, EDITED, word processed, laser printed, transcribed, scanned. Formats: APATurabianCompbell. Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers. Programs: WP6.0, WP5.1, MicrosoftWord. Graphics: AutoCadHarvard FREE 1210 pkkupdelivery. Cororn 277-672- 5 WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. Mrs. Nelley, 0 1210 467-432- 0 TYPING PLUS CALLIGRAPHY WP5.1, laser, fax. Beautiful results. Quick, accurate. Cassette transcriptions. 1210 Borboro 487-823- , con you!! I HAD A GREAT SUMMER JOB tN EUROPE-S- o Long and short term stacking positions available in any country worldwide. See the world ond get paid! 0 1210 pm. moke reservations, rooms. 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 pm and M-- dean TIME POSITION FleF t'Mi . : i si- - - fSw?i('MS Jim ti: ;fui O , f 'ISMS' w til c.7, ft c!:r; m.zr. ni5f;i xy nana ;tw- -- Itsinejiai Cxwnfff CALLED GENERAL MEETING 583-666- 1112 AVAIIABLE-D- SLCUTB4143 UNION ROOM 319 WEDNESDAY 11AM & 2PM LEARN ABOUT UPCOMING ISSUES & ACTIVITIES IF YOU CANT MAKE IT CONTACT AN CELO ROMERO AT for boys, 8 & 12, early morning & CHRD sometimes after school. 486-990- 9 1116 ONE-HAL- F Previous health care experience preferred or related schooling in the medical field. CLOSE: i 11293 Interested applicants should apply in Human Resources ac LOS HOSPITAL 8th Ave & C Street (MEChA) six guest $5 hr. Call ; Part-Tim- Must be able to work some weekday hours and rotating weekends. Must have excellent interpersonal relations and communications skills and be able to work well without direct supervision. fAOVIfAIENTO EI7UD1ANTE CHKANOA DE AZTLAN HOUSEKEEPER-Th- e Pinecrest Inn, Emigration Canyon, needs an assistant Innkeeper to serve breakfast, 534-759- 8 1116 INKEEPER rector of trails Mountain Trails Foundation, a development group. Send resume to Jan Wilking, P.O. Box 754, Fork City, Utah 84060 by 1 120 or call 5806 for more information. Compensation is $12,000 1117 per year , TRAVEL ABROAD AND WORK-Mak- e up to $2000-$4000m- o teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or So. Korea. No leaching background o or Asian languages req. For information call A 1124 1210 accurate. WP5.1. Spell check, 300 dpi 126 $1 .25 pg. 966-398- laser plr. Grophics. I A P A EH ki As an Army Nurse on active duty or in the Army Reserve, you'll get the respect, prestige and benefits of being an officer. You'll also be a leader on health care team, a high-levand your opinions and advice will be listened to and acted upon. Equally important to your career growth will be the opportunity to participate in various continuing education programs, national nursing seminars and conventions, plus the valuable experience of working with an exceptional health care team. Learn more about Army benefits and getting the prestige and respect you deserve. l t, Al Types Great for Students. b 523 Ext. 1112 color. $25 resume package includes cover letter, references page, envelopes & personalized labels. 596-892114 ; EVENING-Fas- t, DAY accurate word processing, typing, editing, resumes. Dot matrix, laser, color. Laura TYPING-Fas- WANTED-Jo- 1111 Saturday classes INEXPENSIVE TYPING OVERNIGHT! I $1.25page, college papers thesis, etc, spell 4 grammar check, laser, 466-541- HELP hre. 20-4- INFECTIOUS DISEASE CATHETER TECH e JOB 1936 HISPANIC STUDENT UNION NOW care of newborn in our home. Prior 1112 experience. 3 refs. Col SI CAMPUS ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE-Fo- r Golden Eagles Hockey ORg. Campus advertising enthusiastic. be and must knowledge needed, outgoing Flexible hours. Paid position. Internship optional. Col 325-256- 1117 VDEO SHOP-hel- p "anted, flexible hours. Come apply at 488 E. South Temple. Dqeueninscx 1112 and papers our speciality. Custom resumes written designed to get you hired. Free campus pick-u- p and best work col 560-300- 9 1210 delivery. For toddler NEED EXTRA opportunities. Positions open tor Boor mueeenonte crew at Snvths stores. SI & SfvRs available Days:. 10 UI countes. pm, 5 1 1 pm- - 7 am (possibility of split pm- - 12pm. Nights: 1110 shifts) Col DRAWING CLASSES who 1 & BLOOD NEEDED-fo- r NANNY GRAPHK IMAGES Typing Service. Typesetting. Editing, grammar and spell checking. Transcriptions. College U 1119 sell weight loss product SALES PEOPLE WANTED-t- o "Skinny Dip wAminophylline. Breakthrough came TYPING CALL 101 Olpin Union at 10 am on Nov. 20 legaraW of weotwr. Contact Paul Chrislenson at your 1 1 care of bobby Col 487-380- Center 1118 4 r NEEDED-fo- g Part-tim- e positions available: 'concession stand attendants, hawkers vendors, lead cook. Apply m person at (he Host Mamot orhces inside the Delta Center, 301 W. South Temple, Mon-Thur1 1 for appointment. or col 325-220- 0 1126 3A NANNY your rakes and help Pioneer Trail Stole Pork get ready for winter) Meet at the Bennion VOLUNTEERS-Brin- 1112 hams, patches, or spatial NEED sewing requests prices to fit college budget. Teresa at WANT TO HELP OTHERS LEARN THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESSMhe Bemon Center it being for a Public Interest Advocacy project director. Interesledf Contact Christine at 1110 e 1117 ORLD CARE CENTER has FA. PA, substitute teacher positions. Experience preferred. 288-895LICENSED QUALITY STnCrCSt-Alssration- s, 363-3- 1 1116 earn $260-$39- 0 o week paid daily. No experience. .We train. Must be 8am-10ahove Col tel Max car. starter, and dependable, a 1116 only 485-946SEAMSTRESS-cutte- r FULL OR PART-TIMfor doming desing studio. Clothing construction knowledge 1117 necessary. $6 per hour. Col Marie PROJECT DeUCTOt needed at she Sennion Center for the Health Care Access Project which addresses the medical needs of the Family Shelter residents, AND mora. Contact David Brit or Robb Nielsen at 58 1 4811. PHOTOGeUkPHERS-FifHim- FOSTER CARE: ROOM IN YOUR HOME FOR A TROUBLED YOUTHf-Agenc- y training and support lor Mac I. Block & Whist Monitor. Col d THE PAGODA RESTAURANT-l- s now accepting applications for cook posriioneApph in person aft 5 pm Tues-Sa- t 26 E St. located above So. Temple & 5 E. 1115 U 1116 263-111-3 ALASKA EMrOYMENf fisheries. Earn up to $2000-$400- 0 mo. on fishing vessels or in canneries. Many companies provide transportation and room & board. For more information ext. A5906. FREE SEtVICES-Prognanc- y PftEGNANTT tests, couraeling, madkal leleiiuli, Col Pregnancy Resource hours. 1210 Cantor 363-543- 1119 S. NEED EXTRA INCOMETClericol and obovt Gnegril, underground 14 yrs, reluming student. nice 2 parking, I'm wal IOOM--m fishing industry now ' hiring for next summer. 1,000 openings. No exp. necessary. Free rm. & bd. These jobs go fast) 323-267- 2 Alaska 1124 1(206) bnplovment INSTRUCTORS NEEDED-f- or people wim disabilities. Variety of shifts oval Start S550hr. Assist. Supervisor positions also aval Apply O Project TURN 535 E. 400 income $.000yr 971 7. cannery workers. L 1 -- FEMALE lOOMMATf-tko- r sMnOYMENT-S700w- $4000ma. deckhands. Alaska S A I ri i I N E J cOYi E RESTAURANT rJrlC eet IrZb'iTzFTjciri S ONLY I EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30. 1993 VALID PLEASE PRESENT COUPON OR U OF U O BEFORE ORDERING UUtS NO I ArrLT IU bUiMl, UUW, a dAdniMI 4835 S. Highland j Dr. n OUTSIDE WEST MIDDLE ENTRANCE AT THE COTTONWOOD MALL el Wveot The Angle LUUCM SPSCIAL FAUVmSANDWXH w soup or soJaa GYRO SArOWXH w soup or scicicl TRY CSX ttttUUM cq qq i)Oi77 SKCIALTIIS Falafel Large Sandwiches Mid Eastern Combo Plate Homous Plate Tabboule Plate Baba Ghanouch W do ccrNtring for all occasion-reasonobpncM On Greao' Winter Jobs. t boar art the DeerIrtme VaSn's iMU tmlwmntm 0m snur mane, lit available in ski operations, food and beverage, and lodging. Part time, weekend, & holiday positions auailable. ' Interviews and Open House: Thursat, November 11, 9a.rn.-3p.r- n. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 65 AND ARE CURRENTLY TAKING AN ANTIDEPRESSANT AND IT IS INTERFERING WITH YOUR SEX LIFE OR MAKING YOU FEEL ANXIOUS OR AGITATED, YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE. Call: lo You will receive free GUI-)- '' BE ALL YOU CAM DEER VALLEY UTAH m research treatment, study medication, and physical exams. ext. 321 1:1 James Ferguson of Pharmacology Research Corporation is conducting a research study of an investigational antidepressant medication. . , SnowParkLodp ; at the base ofDeer Valuj - ; Dr. BV ARMY RESERVE 2Tj1 a LOOK FOft OUa TII2 FDSSII CHOICE link One OroW -- WE3NZSDAY Until Ono OroW For Coupon sWHb Pmr Coupon 23oMb Ixplre. RESTAURAJNl coumn vaxt 11 llM93 BUYONE, GET ONE RESTAURANTS EXTRA THICK FRESH OREO SHAKE "HST SHAM M SALT LAKTMHAH HOUOAY lit bpirot 111493 222 So. 1300 E. 0 7800 So. State 582-720- Iff RESTAURANTS LB. CHEESEBURGER 1414 LA. POiii CHARetOUO teef PArTY TOmO WAAHtKAN CHOSt, mVB WUTTUCt, TOMATO, OMKN A IPIOAi tAUO. 255-590- 0 Limit One Order Per Coupon 23 ( kef9b Expiree 111493 BUYONE, GET ONE FREE |