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Show Utah VttMsHt KmttsLm II. Ita Oroide 90 VOUCS CAMkOLrT-e-cela- dot and. BuraundyAAxi ri 9CBTS WeTTY SLBAJU- - 4X4, great ski ear far Gt-1- 1130 dnvm 1130 i Mil '90 19 corideai $4500. "92 SATURN SL--5 ipd. Asking $8300. DISCLAIMER NOTKI - The Osrcnide reserves tSe right to deny or edit dossAed advertisements on te basis of good tosss and Mows 115 words $3.25doy , propriety. Ro" $13.00veek, 1630 words J5.50doy, 122.00week. The obuiSed ad cWodUne is 12 newn prior to ciato the ad if to run, Qostified ooWtuemenls wil net fast taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Far information about In keeping with the classified ads call 581-704- i Chronide's desire to run honest advertisements, you hove any proof or evidence to Fie contrary, please cot fSe office ac, nice teres, charcoal AUTOMOTIVE GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Fords, Mangoes, Cm vuttus, Chevyv Surplus. Buyers Guide. (1) 7. 1117 E. "I would like to play in the NFL." Rowley said. "But I'm not ilmiiii FOR SALE DIAMONDS: GUARANTS) LOWEST rWCES M lTAM Large leledion, high ouafcty. Bndal sets, wedding bands, diamond earriros, qualny pearls, tennis hnxeloti, ijeiefieJ appraisals avoiuble. Ever)nnng wholesale! RoaV Mounttxn ENTERTAINMENT KamondiCb.272-6948- WX N UTAH Donee partners, cWJbng budoW, reloaorarvps. Operators standrg by now. I Great Country & Western Catnedions, 2.63rnia (9378) (local line). Noshvile, Tgneuee 63094 .. ; CHAMSB ONI - Computers & mom. The lowest Prices! Col 467-663us and compare-Stev- e 1210 WOMBfS LEMANS CMlMONI-15-Spee- toeing d Avenier equipped, only ridden twice $ 1 50 O Video Shop, 488 V RENT A DANCE GURHowntown SIC tables, chain, music with D J., Sunday to Thursday $250doy, Friday & Saturday A $350day, far private partes or recepeons, cal 575-643-2 i available bcc Bt. t: motions:' cuni lbt xst): Carte ti) itcuptiu.o. t'ltieujAit)1 . V - rRowlh. in 199 ID vVG CG t 10 NOW or can be bought for winter quarter. 1130 $425, wi 1130 November rent HUB CLAMON CAR CD - LOAOGX Sal in sailor $300 obo. Ryon 582-057- 'Career .i 1 ; Sell You can keep my $75 deposit!!! Furnished 3 bdrm, living room, bathroom & kitchen waccessories. Dorm contract may be applied ftsMwus other dorm rooms m any Contad hal, avafable. Contact Maureen O 585-476- llIU hut. Bike, 598929 1210 1210 jptoce, hope. a er 1116 axtn. Mon-lhur- v vnaew-fra- Football League or whatever." McBride claims Rowley is an player. "I dont think there's any question about that. He's got all the tools to make it He's probably the most complete receiver I've ever been around." If you don't believe that, just check the Utah record book. lSTFL-calib- After this year, Rowley will await the April NFL draft and 1112 EDITING' REE MOVE weh any rental SouS Temple 531 6664. 130 10 U-- l bdrm in o large 3 bdrm apt. $170 ma $100 deposit 415 So. Uraveraty St (1380 Eos!) Col 6394 jrmnedlotaly. 1 CLOSE 1117 WE EOT SCH0UUB.Y Tadbooio & oWertceions tor logic, Winsfaw's 1210 style & G.C 19. Karnt. 3 beroom VfaB-H&-b $180 nduoW ol ukelies. Share watt 2 moW suoW. Good 1 799 or Rob 364-vdue.CglJenia 1115 grey, 582-801- S 1112 sham 2 bdrm duplex S235mo ROOM POS eeSff'in 1112 363-162-2 o 563-9-1 get in...playing in the World from page sixteen career high, colncldentally. came against Hawaii on the islands two years ago when Rowley caught 200 yards worth of passes. RMAIf tOOMMATTc WANTHX eSare nioe. fumshed 2 bedroom. Wosherdryer, great location dose to U., door, 41,700 miles, 5754241. 1122 eaten. 38,000 maW Excelent VW MATUK FToVMlf lOOMMAIES-t- 2 MIRAGf-- 2 S5000,eeaWo3nde)on. 366770 oW6O0orn,iendi. near U. WoeSsroVyer, tfahwoeSer. 1112 26. 355-4- 1 MITSUMSHI Avenue mles, auto, air. four door ESCORT sedan. $6,800 HGHAVTNJi2bdraomhnoeiotirA$6jCma670-13e- going to be one of those guys who spends the rest of his life trying to Rowley 1112 FOR RENT Good cordeqt 582 425 1 (leave massage) 'M MSSAN MAXIMA- - Great car, excellent oondkon, 1110 VokroiooV, boded. $4500 OF8 2780683. transmission. Good tint. Rum wel. 13 OTAIION-IUbui- k 5 S700cRer. to see Leave message. 1110 V2 K Anrajol Pros for Snow 7 b omllli YOLVO-Eiiasle- 288-164- -- rstvwe1iaSeBa(WASHBVsh0.lokof gear b be idRad. 21 nxjund ot Woofs Bor. 3965 S. SaskL ri eagd for 0 me to mi you dw, but early birds wJ benehl 7J0 1110 tyrieceombUalWckeWlae 79 aeanor, good body, tune cjreot, t new mourn Sinaimmi, AA, aod yean color, kjm for rORSALtt6'CrxxjaderraxBlawVxrandi( rock Excafart condfen. $300466-547- 9 EJmit 1110 mtf DEAD OR ALIVE SKB, SKI CL01HNG, BOOTS, HNDBtS, "ASSESfUravenily of Utah's 1 leS annual SKI SWAP. Nov. 10-1Waldi for M U12 WE PAY UP TO $16 FOR 502 LEVI'S CAR AMPUHBt-26Kandalyn ot between 0 1111 pm. o ROOM FOR $100 deposit. Free utile, coble, use of wosSeroW. Snwlong OK. Col 581-- 1 339. 1115 Model TF 280V. SHOB MOTORCYCLE HBMET brand new) $100. 486-233- JEANS AND 701 Wats per chomel, asking $50.00. Cal 0 Block, 1111 PC UPGRADE SPECIAl-38- 6 to 486: $89$99$169 Memory: $46IMB, Stereo Muknedn Set $319. Any 386, oorrouten 487-448486 systm a available. Byte-Te- 1117 RECYCLED 1626 SO. STATE MEN'S BMW MOTORCYCLE LEATHRS-excele- nt condition. FNs 5'6'-5'10Jacket and pants for $200,001! Cal Clayton to NEW 484-96- 1119 ot 583-432- BRAND WW HANSON SKI BOOTS-S- r OUN Slalom roong skis $99 ea. 24 10 worn only once. 1110 atforrnakon leodsig to, or for the return of a mountain bike. Stolen Tuesday Nov. 2 between 7-- 9 am. locked W. of Museum of Fine Are. White RBFLEX-AFCook $500 REWARLVFcr BirierOTCore3dS.BerTetat581-9020- . 1117 smal diamonds wHh large center DIAMOND RNG SET-1- 0 diamond. Appraised $700lrade. Clarence 359-500- 1117 FUNDRAISER RAISE UP TO $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEKI-Fo- r your fraternity, sorority & dub. Plus $1000 for yourself! And a FREE TSHRT just for colng. 1 et. 75 THE BEST IS NOW LESS For a 1111 LOST AND FOUND limited time only ('til November 20, 1993) YOU CAN HAVE KAPLAN'S LSAT PREP FOR $70 . FOUNO.Goiden Retriever near bagel shop. 1500 SO. 1500E.fVoseccl Mike ot 487-1621110 rOUND4ladc & White cat near Pioneer Memorial Theater. 1 . Very ofedionole. 1115 Course includes unlimited use of Kaplan's training resources from the time you sign up until the December, 1994, exam. Don't miss the opportunity to receive TOTAL LSAT TRAINING at this reduced price from the people who know the test best. After November 20, the tuition goes back up to $745. Call for details: 363-444- 4 PERSONAL WHY NOT? tghh. 677 S H 1 visit $3.00, 10 vails $25.00. New 83094 7tS E. WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Join satisfied people far Se best $7 hesrout around. Long, short, olaon, modem. I you con explain it, I can cut it. Barney's 2480 So. Main. M to Flo 6. 486-001210 GUYSI NEED COOL CLOTHES? Don't get a student loan, try The Clothes Cannadion. 1307 S. 900 E GAP, J Crew, Banana Owned and Republic, Union Bay, and more. $10-$21210 operated byUofUstudenls.487-6164- . WANTED! Board far Mac I. Black & White Monitor. Cal 1 Robert 1110 KAPLAN JrJX SPANISH TUTOMNG- - any level. Native Spanish speaker. is the best way to learn. $6.50hr. Cal to schedule study stasion Korina 585-453-7 (leave message) One-on-o- Anything else is partial prep. 1210 A CLUFJ-PolGap, Spot Sport, J. Crew, LMtgd. Why drive to Jackson, Barslow, St. George to buy ouest ckjtSing. 90 of otf dotiing are firsts, not tSrashed seconds or sSini. Ncr Shore Quiet 370 So. 700 East. 1210 GET 1 This winter, r One Terrific Snow Shovel Xr TN 1112 A Pair of Chic Moon Boots or snow. Our chairlifts service over 2,900 vertical feet of the best skiing around. Definitely more for your skiing dollar. Along with a discount on ski school' Super Classes, the NOTICE; 126 EASYI-Sta- young and y leave message. 1112 YOU SERIOUS ABOUT LOSING WEKSHT?-The- n try our cknicaly proven, ol natural, herbal produd-3days money back guarantee. Cal (801) 227-740-2 to get started right ARE away LOW9 1116 YOUR RENT t in Winter, Schedule needs cheap room to PAYMfNTS-rnal- e 1119" . 1 GOrfRNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repoiri. Debvjuenl lax Ext property. Repossessions. Your area (1) 805 y tor current race tot. sen Card! snewtad 30OFF Sure, you can ski somewhere else for $24, but you'd be missing out on Snowbird 's umqualcd terrain and 1794 Get yours soon and start saving on your first day out. Snowbird Cards are available at Snowbird now and at Cart Bros. Sports Castle November 15 through December 15. CaR for 0 rhe exact hours or for more information. Get ready for some serious fun this winter. Get the Snowbird summer Tram ride' and summer lodging. 30. AmomwIi Tl Apr) II. IW Sprwt Aiing rim i.ui far mUi .ml A ,i ,1 mm LjM- Li. ,i nilmi a - .r U. hrNDSX ROOMMATE ROOMMAIESto share lame 2 bdrm duplex. Washerdryer, drshwasher. Near U. 583-9111- 306N-1- ) m&w affilativlty) ek' V, 11307 575-795- sm2 greaKbws of pi ROOMMATE TO SHARE MCE, FURNISHED 2 BBMOOM - washerdryer. Great locksn-los- e to $235 per tnoreS. EHr PHYSICS FEMALE 2:1510 be pn how hUUhup tk'-Kt&fcc- iFRimf our undjjrslMding Ifi'M J.fc MATURE FEMME 1110 GRADUATE STUDENT SEEKS ROOMMATE-50- So. 1250 0 1110 Ecet$212mo58l-l72- 2 hel eCeVoll ffiMAIaC ettOsMsMAeaMe(S in SuQurftouM. Grad. AideVet i euWma 12 The Snowbird Card costs just $20 for adults and $10 for students, children and seniors! ..Am.I.NiteSmwIrM.CAAm lWi toast (or $4.99 REAL ESTATE Snowbird Card also offer L AWESOME NLrTRITION MADE heathy longer! Col Heath 325-43- 4 Gartc or $18.) itlWWI foriT'l' ITS BAOa-A- l you oan eat Spaghetti ot Ruth's Diner. pm. rer.GJClo)toot583-432- children for just $15. (With the Tram, adult and student tki for on Iv S3 1: seniors and children for onh till Rowley flashed the 'peace' sign here to the crowd, but he may as well have been flashing the 'No. 1' sign as in, "I'm the No. 1 receiver in Utah football history." - reportad in USA Today 'Skinny Dip wAminaphyline available now. Cal Ten Deluxe Ice Scrapers. It's hard to believe, but you alTord to have some run skiing this winter. With the Snowbird Card, adults and students enjoy a world-da- s mountain for as little as $25 a day. Seniors and X (high cream- DP?-Miro- WBGHTUOSS BISAICTHOUGH-a-s Or you could ski Snowbird! 'AiUl"CWi04yWl s SldrnyDipBovoikjCcrilodrWw could get you... -- S TO TAKE THE "SKINNY READY -- VI ueT. FOTkitd eO I I mas, andHkl mOjr mcJ-'- eflfflV hoUM or wnHuny prafaMional only. 4 eiwoeposi. 3o1td4d. 1112 3 jravers0 r wtUwtcdfflw j '. rri 1 the t&Smto msssa an ''fLtA l |