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Show Thursday. August 28, Fre Press Page 1980-L- ehi A-- 9 Herman Girls Reported Improving Ettk firfa, Carrie, Christy. It matfa, tMfhters of Mr. aM Mis- - Cans Normal of Tm two years J ; ' V... i M Lehi, arc w conditio! " improved after today too much swallowing medication Saturday. When the girls became ill. they were rushed to the American Fork Hospital where Carrie was treated and released. Christy was transferred to the Primary 4 V;; " V ' ; r ' I I I I by Hospital Children's Lifeline Helicopter. She has been on the but list critical was reported to be in an on improved condition if KNOW LEH1 Larry Fowler, salesman; and DeVere Fowler, company president, check over large mineral floatation pump buillt by their Lehi firm. The company custom builds pumps for industrial purposes, as well as acting as an agent for othei pumps and parts. School 1. Residency in Alpine School District or previous at tendance in a district high school. 2. Motherhood (regardless of age) or pregnancy. The purpose of the school is to provide an opportunity for high school graduation for girls who left school to become mothers. The program is geared to meet the needs and limited time of mothers. The vhir include i isgrv V a-f- fr ILelM fr fr fr fr fr fr at the Utah Arts. fr fr fr mmvie (Diuna fr fr fr fr fr HJPIEE IPHJMLUC fr fr fr fr v4 .'-- 1 ' : . : I ff," fr fr fr fr fr i Cl 1 . a I ) I - 1 n4l s ! fr fr .lij) Vjraei! j fr 0 fer r"i I If V cW; W'l fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr I SUPER SAVER STATION and Mini-Ma- in new quarters. Manager Harold Parker serves customers. - - 768-810- 9 Lehi 202 West State Road Harold Parker New Store Manager Husky Cards, VISA watercolor. and The Council will award up to fifteen cash prizes of Director of the Milwaukee Art Center. The presen- each $200 upon Nordland, the opening reception for Utah '80, August 29, from 7:00 9:00 p.m. w ran - or Master Charge Welcome Groceries, Sandwiches, Snacks, Pop, Beer, Coffee, Cigarettes, Popcorn, Picnic Supplies, Auto Accessories, More! ITT f W: QUALITYPJ fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr FF INTERIOR RUBBER LATEX "EXTERIOR HOUSE & TRIM Our best latex. Drys to a rich velvet, scrubable finish -l- ow odor. Clean up with Our best oil base paint. g, excellent hide, weather resistant REG $19.79 $4199 aur water. REG $14.99 VIKO EXTERIOR LATEX EL RANCHO STAINS Our best, for use on wood or masonry. Long lasting protection. uuisianuing coiur pj pj reieruion. REG $16.99 I BEMNETTl I 1841-- 42 Choose from our best solid color latex exterior stains. REG $14.99 nj2 C Rancho $9 Choose from hundreds of fri 1811-- color oil base exterior stains. REG $13.99 r from 1 m hundreds ma Paint and Glassi 76 West Main American Fork 756-636- 3 AUG 29 THRU SEPT 131 of r H iin 3 Ron's 12 Choose from our best solid "Choose colors. REG $13.99 EL RANCHO STAINS f I 4 Choose from our best penetrating oil base exterior stains. I uurrswN SV499 EL RANCHO STAINS 1813-1- f RANCHO the Scott at Matheson M. by Governor Honorable the Arts for Endowment Gerald tations will be made recommendation of the jurors. Tom Freudenheim, Director of the Museum Program for the National fr fr fr fr fr fr fr ' J fr fr fr fr fr statewide competition and exhibition media: crafts, graphics, mixed media, painting, photography, sculpture and fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr annual has been a commitment ot the Utah Arts Council since 1899. Open to all visual artists residing in the state, Utah '80 will reflect current trends in the following fr fr fr fr The fr fr fr fr fr fr T fr fr fr the fr (MM3 fr fr on fr FIERI NflDW fr fr fr Located fr fr f r fr fr fr fr fr fr Museum of Fine campus of the University of Utah, the Museum will host Utah '80 through October fr fr fr fr fr fr fr is open to the public free of charge; museum hours are Monday Friday from 10:00 to 5:00 and Saturday Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00. 12. The exhibition and juried competition 30 opens August exhibition, fr fr fr fr fr fr V ft; '- -' fr" ' f for Lehi High School are, left to right, Pat Smith, JoAnn Smith, president; Pauline Shelton, and Carol tvans. Back row, Sheila Redmond. Dawn Dinehart, and Theresa Russon. Sharon Wright is absent. Utah '80, the Utah Arts Council's annual statewide fr fr fr fr fr fr k. 756-967- nr.rhnnl fm ' 785-447- deposit fee of $10.00 is payable at the time of egtstration and will be refunded at the end of the school year. There are no other costs. A book free fey W Utah '80 Opens At The Museum Of Fine Arts children. Credit may be earned for the IS units required for a high school diploma. School hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m every regular school day. Required basics of English, science, math and history are offered along with electives such as foods, children's and office practice, crafts and clothing, typing, needlework, child development, journalism, sociology of home living, and parenting. Please bring a high school transcript of credits with you or arrange to have it sent from your previously attended school to: Young Mothers' High School, 85 East 1st South, Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062, telephone For further information call Mrs. Elithe Doxey between Ext. 11:00 - 1:00 p.m., or Alpine School District 57, Susan Stone, Supervisor. District Youne Mothers' Hich School Announces first semester registration on Sept 2. Eligibility for enrollment is based on: :. PTA OFFICERS Wednesday. Young Mother's High School Announced Alpine W n n colors. mm m m w n r i i |