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Show 6 - LIVELY TIMES - JULY 15, 1998 COMMUNITY TOWN COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING NOTES-JUNE 18th Members Present: Mayor Bruce Keeler, Dave Wagstaff, Robert Ryan and Darr Hatch. Water Agent ReportzJohn Groo reported that early indications from the water budget study appear to indicate MEETINGS them if needed. More restrictions here than in SLC. 2nd dwellings near them. Ann LaMunyon: bigger problem if Jolene Williams: people should be able to have extra dwellings to take care of family members. Mynoa Williams: we need to keep our right to exercise control over our own property. Second dwelling falls people don‘t take care of their own. In within this right. Jeff Whitney: disagreed that if extra dwellings are allowed that that means that the water rights in the valley may already be over allomted John said the that they will be built. Felt that was alarmist. Supported amendment. Trudine Whitney and Vicki Tori! State Division of Water Rights has approached him about retiring about 700 acre feet of the Town water rights said they agrwd with previous three. that have not yet been allocated. John had recommended rejecting amend— feels the Town has more water rights than it will ever use. The State was also willing to consolidate the separate ment. Pointed out that people could add a room to their house if they wanted to take care of relatives. water rights owned by the Town into one single right, which would make Richard Stucki: no restrictions when they came to the valley 22 years administration easier. The Town Council asked John to arrange a meeting between the Division of Water ago. Not everyone would build extra dwellings. Federal constitution endOWS us with certain unalienable rights. Richard there were 4—5 second dwell— ings in his neighborhood, but they don’t bother him. Extra dwellings OK Rights and the Town Council to learn more about the situation. Amended Budget and 1998- 1999 Budget Adopted: Theamended and new budgets are printed on page 5 of this issue. [Hope you can read the reduced print size] Dave Porterfield: reported that PC ’ if they don‘t become a public menace. Exercise their inalienable to direct what happens on their own property. Lucille Stevens: she had guest house. Used as a canning kitchen. No TOWN COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTES-JUNE 24th complaints about second dwellings. Jeff Anderson: good proposal. Members Present: Mayor Bruce Keder, Dave Wagstaff, Robert Ryan and Darr Hatch. Joana Dalton: should be able to use property as you want. Other dwellings OK for family. She reported that she Public Hearing on Amendment to allow more than one dwelling on a lot: [this was a had seen a government report that said Castle Valley had enough water to support a city the size of Chicago. Gloria Hatch: hadn’t intended to standing room only evening at Already are second dwellings. Every- one should have same opportunity. depression family lived in tents and cabins. Wants extra dwellings for her children. Had been promised by developer that she could build more houses. Mark Webster: for doing what we like on our property. John Lucas: one dwelling per lot, but has heard good reasons for more. Bambi Honer: one family per lot. Robin Officer: favors amendment. Care for family. Doug LaMunyon: supports amendment. Has 6 children, 3 with spouses, 6 grandchildren equals 15 more that could be moving in. Would need another building. Our right to do this. Loretta Paetsch: agrees with amend. Moral obligation to take care of own. Bernice: short sighted. Amendment to vague and unclear. We came here for the beauty and space. Are we going to destroy that by putting more structures on the land? Elaine Pinkowski: Supports right to do what you want on your property. A lot of people in the valley thrive on fear and paronoia of what will happen to the valley in the future. Water usage same if same number of people live in one house or two houses. Recent survey didn’t ask about guest houses. Ed Derderian: Takes more than 5 acres to separate people. Limits right to do what he wants on his property because it can it can impact people. Pacheco situation showed how a house for a parent can lead to a second dwelling. Taking care of parent is noble, the fire station-I counted ~36] break the law, just wanted to take care but needs to happen without undermin- Mayor Keeler read the amendment proposed by Darr Hatch that would of their parents. Wanted them to live by themselves as long as possible. Marjorie Stucki: 8 children, 33 ing basic one dwelling per lot. Dennis Willigan: asked Darr not to grand children, want to be able to help Can take care of parents with addition effectively remove any limit to the number of dwellings allowed on a lot in Castle Valley. Darr Hatch read a statement stating that he had a conflict of interest vote because of conflict of interest. “Castle Valley Wew Points.” Castle Valley resident Dave Porterlield has opened a Website called “Castle because he has a personal interest in Valley View Points.” The web address is: www.|asa|.net/~talldave the zoning change being discussed. [He had illegally moved a second Dave welcomes e—mail comments. He hopes to provide a forum for Castle Valley issues plus other information of interest to residents and property owners dwelling onto his lot without a permit]. Some discussion ensued in the valley. Some CV Times material will be available at this site, and some of Dave’s material may appear in the CV Times. about whether Darr’s disclosure was Having information available both in the printed and electronic media will adeqately specific about his conflict. help get information to a broader range of CV residents and property owners. |