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Show CASTLE VALLEY TIMES LIVELY TIMES Castle Valley, Utah - Volume 7, Number 6 POA REGULAR BOARD MEETING DATE CHANGED - July 15, 1998 - No Boredom Within Sight DISINCORPORATION PETITION FILED The POA Board will meet on the first Friday of each month, at 7 pm at The petition for the disincorpora— the Castle Valley Fire Station. tion of the Town has been filed, and the next election for disincorporation has CASTLE VALLEY STATE LAND SALES SPRING 1999 State Lands is proposing to sell 400 acres of land (in four parcels) in Castle Valley next year. The sale dates are tentatively set for April and June of 1999. More info. when available. There are two parcels east of Dewey scheduled for sale on Sept. 25, 1998. in SLC. Both parcels are 40 acres in size and are about 1-2 miles south east of Dewey bridge (apparently) along the Kokopeli Bike Trail. I believe this is a fairly remote area. Information is available by calling the State Lands office in SLC at 801 5385100 or the Moab office (after July 28th) at 435 259-3760. POAANNUAL MEETING SET FOR OCTOBER 17, 1998 The date of the Annual POA Meeting has been set early this year to allow members to plan to ahead if they wish to attend. The possibility of amending the Covenants this fall may cause increased interest in this meeting. been set for September 15, 1998. This will be the third attempt to eliminate the Town and have the residents of Castle Valley governed by the Grand County Council instead. It had been hoped by myself and others that if (when) there was another disincorporation election, that the election could be scheduled to coincide with the general elections in November. The community of Castle Valley will now have to bear the entire cost of another special election. [Runor has it that some of the people advocating disincorporation have been telling residents that there will be no cost to the community from a special electionthis is not true, we pay the entire cost] Mayor Keeler said that the cost of the last disincorporation election was just over $1000. More accurate figures should be available after the Town has had a chance to go back and look at the actual costs. So why would folks be interested in getting rid of the Town? Here's my opinion. The group wishing to disincorporate is still a minority in the Valley. They have not succeeded in getting a majority of the seats on either the Town Council or on the POA Board. Their best chance of gaining defacto control in Castle Valley is to get rid of the Town, so they can work through the County Council. THANKS COLIN Lower Shafer Lane has finally been closed, thanks to a fine new fence put up by Colin Fryer’s crew. Hopefully, this will help keep the cows out of the Ranchos and will stop the illegal traffic that has bothered many The group favoring disincorpora- tion has a much greater political affinity with the Grand County Council, than does the majority of residents in the valley. Beaiuse of the structure of the voting in Grand County, a vote for disincorporation is basically a vote for our own disenfranchisement. The residents of Castle Valley will have virtually no say what-so-ever in the workings or the election of the County Council. That means we will have no say in determining the future of our community. Presently the County Council has seven seats. Two members are elected at large and CV residents are allowed to vote for them. However, our ~200 votes are diluted amongst the ~5,600 votes in the county. One of the County Council seats is elected by a district formed from parts of Spanish Valley and Castle Valley. CV residents have more impact on the election of this one member, but still are only a part of the electing body. CV residents are not even allowed to vote for the remaining four County Council seats. So, if the Town is disincorporated, CV residents will not even be legally allowed to vote for the majority of the seats on the Council. During the next two months we will try to get the various positions out in as clear a manner as possible. There are a variety of publicly stated reasons for disincorporation. I would rather have some of the advocates of disincorporation state their reasons for themselves and will make space available for them to do so. Some of the issues that have been heard before are: money spent on the community lot, too many rules and regulations, desire to have multiple dwellings on a lot, being free to do what you want on your property, CV water rights, more commercial development, etc. More next month....Jack Campbell of the residents along lower Shafer Lane for years. This was ajoint effort COMMUNITY FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPORT by the Town, the POA and Colin Fryer. The Town and the POA chipped Come and learn more about the CV volunteer fire department. Several ted the hardest part: hard labor and members of the community are organizing an evening at the LDS church supporting our volunteer fire department. The meeting is set for Wed., July 29th, at 7pm. Look for more information at the front gates closer to the meeting date. expertise. Gates still allow walking You may call Jolene Williams (259—4217) or Vicki Todd (259—6937) for more and horse access. Thanks again Colin. information. in most of the money, Colin contribu- |