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Show CASTLE VALLEY TIMES APATHY TIMES Castle Valley, Utah - Volume 6, Number 8 ONE OF THOSE MONTHS Well, it’s been one of those months! To prepare for the final stages of sheetrocking, mudding and sanding, we’ve moved out of Joan’s house and back into my one-room “house.” Have finally gotten the various functions of personal life, CV Times, and POA back in usable order; have gotten the - August 15, 1997 APATHY REIGNS WELL TEST Only three eandidates signed up for the openings on the Town Council. The position of Mayor is up for election as are two regular seats on the Two months ago I sent off a water sample from the Community Lot well for testing. The analysis provided no pleasant surprises, i.e. it’s some of the worst water in the valley so far! The Utah State University water analysis lab found that the sodium levels were so high that the water is begun re—learning the more “intimate” form of living that occurs in a one room “house.” And then our printer not suitable for long term irrigation use. Sodium levels will build up quickly to toxic levels for plants and trees. This is likely the reason that some of the trees that were planted stopped working...and they ordered the there have died. It’s just amazing that some of them have lived, given the ANNUAL POA MEETING, OCT 11th The POA Board set Saturday, Oct 11th as the date for the Annual Meet— ing of the Members. The meeting will begin at 9 am and will be held in the Castle Valley LDS Church as usual. The Board picked the 11th to accomodate the dates of the general deer hunt. The deer hunt opens the 18th and continues for 10 days. Early October is also (usually) better weather than late October, for those POA members who camp out when they come to the Annual Meeting. Please note box information below about POA Board elections if you are interested in rtmning for the POA Board. quality of the water. (By agricultural inigation standards all the water in the valley is high in sodium and problematical for irrigation, even Castle Creek water.) outlet for the fire department to use refilling our fire trucks. The water will be available year round and is enough to have a significant effect on our operations. The water trucks we have to keep outside during the winter can now be pressed into service and filled while we are using the water from the trucks we keep loaded in our heated garage. —Floyd Stoughton, Fire Chief Mayor Valli Smouse has said for the past few years that she would not run again. Council members Jayne Smythe and Charlie Kulander also had been saying that they would not run again. The seats of the other two members (Pat Drake and Dave Wagstafl) run for another two years Bruce Keeler and Jack Campbell signed up for the Mayoral position, and Robert Ryan signed up for one of the two council seats. Darr Hatch has signed up as a write in candidate for the remaining Town Council seat. Frankly, there’s a lot at stake. If the Town fails, then we are under the some hot springs. This is certainly not good news for those of us who hoped that there remain a residential area, are the least Among other undesireable characteristics, the water has a v high sulphur level and has the odor formd in would be water available for commun— ity buildings on the community lot. This will necessitate going back to the beginning and trying to figure out whether it’s worth trying a second well majority of residents, who want this to apt to be willing to serve on the Town Council. It isn't easy. You have to say “no” occasionally. Some people aren’t going to like you if you vote to do what’s best for the community, rather or whether some other approach would than what they want at the moment. be better. (Had the community been willing to purchase the adjoining lot, residential area with 5 acre lots if it would have gotten a functioning THANKS” capacity well drilled near Castle Valley Drive. He volunteered to provide an Council. jurisdiction of the Grand County Council. For those of us who wish Castle Valley to remain a residential area, this could be disastrous. It’s also disturbing that the well with that property.) —Jack Campbell Don Bowthorpe recently had a high Where are the Candidates? COMMUNITY LOT rest of the sheetrock up; and have wrong part..... - POA BOARD ELECTIONS: There’s no way this will remain a someone isn’t willing to say “no” and limit the size of businesses and the number of houses on each lot. There’s no way this will remain the place it is unless residents are willing to work to keep it that way. -—Jack Campbell If you would like to run for the POA Board at the annual meeting this fall, please contact Jack Campbell (259—5115 or -5542) by Sept 10th. There will be four seats up for election. Candidates may also announce their candidacy at the Annual Meeting. To run for the board you must be a property owner in the CVRR POA and must be a member “in good standing,” i.e. your dues account must be paid in full. DONATIONS APPRECIATED Thanks this month to George ybka, Jack Powers, Eugenia Adair, enry Stokes, and Bob Everson for our donations. Your donations help ver the miscellaneous costs of get- ‘ng out the CV Times, as subscrip'ons just cover the cost of printing (1 mailing. CASTLE VALLEY TIMES |