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Show APATHY TIMES - POA NOTES-BOARD M EETING AUG 6th Board Members present Ray Taylor, Jack Campbell and Ken Drogin. Mayor Valli Smouse and Town Clerk Lois Oliver also attended. Dues Uflte: dues still trickling in; lowest amount of outstanding dues in several years. Community Lot Well Test: Jack reported that he had gotten back the results of the water sample he sent to the USU labs. The water is even worse than was suspected. This will complicate development of the Com. Lot. Rguest from Town for Money for Ml Maintenance: Ray Taylor was concerned about surplus funds in road account. Lois explained that Town hoped to slowly build up surplus for emergency use. Money in road fund had to stay in road fund. Ken repeated that he would only vote POA money for specific road projects and would not support contributing POA funds into the general Town/POA road budget Valli agreed to try scheduling road committee meeting in the evening so that Ken and Ray could attend and ask more questions. (This was arranged and the meeting was attended by Road Supervisor John Blake, Road Committee Chair Richard Williams, Valli Smouse and POA Board members Ray Taylor, Ken Drogin and Jack Campbell. Result of meeting was that Valli was going to put together a much more specific road budget and try to get it to the POA board before its Sept. 3rd meeting.) Construction Trailer for Tempgm Office on Community Lot: Lois Oliver reported that she has a lead on a used construction trailer in SLC that might work as temporary office space for Town and POA offices. (Currently the Town is using Lois’s house and most of the POA office is in Jack’s house.) Lois will try to check out quality of trailer and get back to Town and POA. Review of Covenants: Beginning of POA board discussion of Coven— ants. Jack passed out new copies of Covenants that Cris Coffey has prepared. Now that Covenants are on arbitrary and capricious. Discussion postponed to next meeting. - Annual Meeting: Board set Sat, Oct. 11th as the date for the Annual Meeting this year. The meeting will begin at 9 am and will be held at the Castle Valley LDS Church. Board set Aug. 21st as a special meeting date to discuss more details about the Annual Meeting. Bookke_emr Resign_ation: POA bookkeeper Lisa Katz has submitted her resignation. Lisa has been an excellent bookkeeper for the POA, and it will be hard to replace her. (Are you or do you know anyone that would be interested in this job?) Lisa has been working full time for Synergy, part time for Red River Canoes and part AUGUST 15, 1997 - 5 Resolution and Recording of Castle Valley Watershed Boundaries: This is very important work to finalize watershed ordinance. Work has been avoided for almost a year and a half. Could be serious for community! Funding for KZMU Broadcasts to _C_V: Cristie Williams attended for KZMU. She will try to get answers to questions from council and audience, i.e. whether or not KZMU has gotten its FCC license for the translator. She also reported that KZMU was not asking for the $6000 dollars that KZMU manager Bon Kelly seemed to be requesting in his last letter. Town (and POA) still willing to contribute total of $3000 as previously agreed upon. time for the POA. It’s not suprising she’s Iooldng for a bit less to do. TOWN COUNCIL NOTES-AUG 13th MEETING POA SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AUG. 21 ST POA Board Members Richard Williams, Ken Drogin and Jack Members present: Mayor Valli Smouse, Dave Wagstaff and Charlie Kulander. Home Occupation Permit approved for Mark Hoffman, Lot 427, for a home office for his heating and air conditioning business. New Conditional Use form still not ready for consideration. CV Scholarship: $1500 CV scholarship available. It will be advertised so that it can be awarded at next meeting if there are any qualified students this year. (To qualify, a student must have graduated from high school last spring and be enrolled in Campbell met at Ken Drogin’s house to discuss details of the Annual POA meeting. Much detail work must be done to prepare for Annual Meeting. Contents of annual mailing discussed. It was agreed that the board would place a By-Law amendment on agenda asking that the $1000 limit on capital expenditures be raised to $2500. (33 1000 was the limit set 24 years ago and has made normal functioning more difficult. (The POA Board should not have to call a special meeting of the Members just to buy a bottom of the line computer for bookkeeping.) This should be adjusted upward for either a college or vocational school inflation.) this fall. Remodeling Firestation: Dave reported that work was progressing well on the installation of a bathroom and shower in the firestation. The $2500 allocated by the Town Council has been nearly used up. Office Trailer: Lois reported finding a possible construction trailer to use as temporary office space for the Town and POA on the Community Board will advertise for amdidates for the POA Board election at the Annual Meeting. Ken and Richard both said they will run again. Brief continuing discussion of Covenants was held. Suggested that some discussion be held at Annual Meeting. If Covenants are to be changed. it must happen by the end of 1998. At this time POA could be abolished, modified or continued as is Lot. Trailer could be sold if/when a building is built on the lot. Valli will computer, they will be easier to change ask her brother in SLC to inspect the and work with. Ken Drogin suggested trailer to see what condition it’s in. that whole section regarding Architectural Control and Planning Committee (ACPC) be eliminated. ACPC has great deal of power in Covenants, but BLM Land at Front Gate: Charlie is submitting a proposal to ELM for the Town applying for a right-of-way to the land on the north west side of no specific standards are given. Could create problems by being considered the mailboxes so that bulletin boards could be erected there. (POA and Covenants will remain same if no action is taken.) Many members still do not realize that the Covenants do not require a 5 acre minimum lot size or a limit of one house per lot. The Covenants also allow any commercial development what-so—ever. —Jack Campbell |