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Show 8 - APATHY TIMES - AUGUST 15, 1997 QUIK ADS Ads mustbe received b the 10th oteach monthtoa ppear In cumnt Issue. Quick ads are free to subscribers. Ads for community services orevents —org e-eways—are dso free. COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES by the pros. Weil have your home looking spflgi for tamiiy and guests. First-floor win ows. House &pet sitting. CV refs. Laura & Sandy. 259-4021or 2999. OUTDOOR LABOR FOR HIRE: Ditch digging; Fencing; Garden Prep; Animal habitat const; Tree planting; Pruning; irrigating and some yard mtnc. etc.—also—Hoof tnmming & horses to let —Michael Pair, 259—8493 DRUMMING, near full moon rising. Check As the World Turns, p. 3, for date of II moon each month.) Various beations. Call 259-9111 I CAN MAKE YOUR WINDOWS DISAPPEAR. Commercial-Residential. For an estimate cal1259-8791 and leave a message for Alex. Cobb's Clean Windows, PO. Box 591, Moab, UT84532. CASTLE VALLEY TIMES Printed by Jack Campbell (801) 259-5542 Views expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the CV Times. Published ~l5th of each month. SUBSCRIPTIONS—$10 per year For SUBSCRIPTIONS or ADS: Castle Valley Times, HC 64 Box 1903, Moab, UT 84532 CASTLE VALLEY TIMES HC 64—Box 1903 CASTLE VALLEY, UT 84532 BACKHOE AND DUMP TRUCK WORK: Free esfimates. Specializing in basements, foundations, septic syaems, ponds and al utility line excavations. Four wheel drive high mpaciy loader-backhoe and ”tight spot' dump truck. Call Jim Martin/Abel?) Excavm‘ng at 259-7914 (Lot 53 Lazarus Lane). HANDY MAN: tor d work, labor, pruning. drip irrigation and er odd jobs. all John Blake, 259-2341 WANTED: metal filing cabinet, 2 drawers; bookshelf or cabinet, 3 feet wide, 4 feet high. and 13 inches deep. Also, still baking for used travel trailer, approx. 12-20 feet long. Call Lynne at Milly’s, 259-9111. FIREWOOD WANTED: aspen, oak, pinyon. Call Dean Kerkling at 259-5057. COMMUNITY CALENDAR ' POA MEETING—1st Wed, 7 pm Town Council—2nd Wed, 6:30 pm PIannIng/Zoning—srd Wed, 7 pm Fire Dept—2nd a 4th Thurs, 7 pm (All above meetings at firehouse) AI-Anon/AA/ACOA- Mon eve, 259-7556 AA—Thurs eve, Info: 259-7556 Aerobics— M,W,F-7:30 am Lit—WWW Sun, 1 Dan, Sunday school Sun, 10:55 am, priesthood and auxiliary Sun, 11 :50 am, sacramental meeting Tues, 7 pm, youth activities 3rd Fri, lunch/crafts, Women’s Rellet‘ Soc SHUTTLES AVAILABLE: Single or multiple vehicies. References available. Call 259-8493 or 259-2341. Castle Valley Shuttlers Assoc. SUCKROCK MAC USER GROUP: Mme part of a local network of Macintosh users. Get answers to your questions & share your info at experience. Newsletter. Third Wed of each month. 730 pm atthe Footprints Bldg, 121 E.-1oo $0.. Moab. Call Cris, 259-2245. POA BOARD MEMBER ELECTIONS: Ifyou would like to run forthe POA Board at the annual meeting this tall, please contact Jack Campbell (259-5115 or 6542) before the Sept 3rd board meeting. There will be four seats up for election. Candidates may also announce their candidacy at the meeting. To min for the board you must be a property owner in the CVRFt POA and must be a member ‘in good standing: is. your dues aocount(s) must be paid in II. Quaker Friends Meeting Sunday, 9:50 am. Call259-9111 Seventh Day Adventist Church Sat, 9.30 am, Sabbath school Sat_11am,Sabbath service HELP WANTED: CV road crew wants to hire people to help with goathead controllpick'ng along roads. Please all John Blake at 2592341, for more information. Help contain the spread of goatheads in Castle Valley while you earn money! |