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Show 6 - FERTILE TIMES - MAY 1993 Letters totheTimes Feels Thanks Are Due Pictures proposed to use. I was suprised presented. Her position regarding (and a little amused) to hear that the Moab rumor mill was churning out stories that Scott and I were going to shut down the production. Since my basic position regarding the Geronimo production was that they should leave the areas they used in good enough condition that the next BLM’s EA was clear, specific and film company (and the public) could based directly on public information provided by BLM and the balloon company. Not only did Cindy write the letter, also use those areas, and that if BLM Dear CVT Editor, I want to thank Cindy Furman for her letter to the BLM objecting to the proposed commercial ballooning operation in Castle Valley. Her letter was informative and responsibly she was also willing to bring it to the Town Council meeting so that other residents could both be informed and have the opportunity to piggyback on Cindy’s hard work Many of those present, including Town Council members, signed Cindy’s letter in support of no ballooning in Castle Valley. I also want to thank Jil Kulander for her work in gaining over 50 signatures in support of Cindy’s letter. It is these values: the commitment to be thoughtful, thorough, open, and responsible, demonstrated by Cindy and Jil, that make Castle Valley the place I want to live and raise my child in. Sincerely, Joan Sangree Clarifying Positions would allow the representatives of different user groups to meet and work out their differences, then many of the adversarial conflicts could be avoided. This seemed to be a successful ap- that with the explosion of tourism in the Moab area, we will have to work hard to try to protect the quality of life we now enjoy. The pressures of commercialization will impact many of our most valuable assets here in Castle Valley. We will need to differentiate helicopter flight paths that do not have so much impact on Castle Valley residents. I am aware that some Castle Valley residents do not mind helicopter noise. I am trying to protect those who do mind it. I have also been careful to avoid presenting myself as representing all of Castle Valley on issues where there are substantially differing views. For instance, on the Geronimo field trip I was careful to represent myself only as a private individual. In the official document from the Washington office of BLM describing the field trip, I was Castle Valley area I can see no seems relevant to repeat what my in having hot air balloons in our area. I can see multiple problems, particularly Neither myself, SUWA, nor the the sites and techniques that Columbia how much he had resented being Valley area. We have worked out other regarding the Geronimo movie production do not represent their views, it BLM had any serious problems with and beautiful activity, when seen infrequently, can become very unpleas— ant when the activity has lost its novelty. (One Moab resident told me helicopter over-flights in the Castle This letter is available for anyone to see discovered. year period). What can seem a quaint In the larger sense, my position on many issues involving Castle Valley, is as a representative of Castle Valley. BLM, and the local SUWA representative. It was a very positive trip, with the entire group arriving at consensus solutions for the few problems that we ted daily for seven months of the year (and the permit is requested for a five In the case of other commercial With the recent petition from some Castle Valley residents stating that my position regarding hot air ballooning over Castle Valley and my position the Columbia production manager, mercial hot air ballooning, involve a permit from BLM with flights permit- filming activities in our area, I have tried as hard as I could to minimize proach in this instance. referred to as a “private individual,” not Times, I went out on a field trip with problem when these activities become frequent and, in the case of the com- awakened in the morning by the noise of the balloon burner jets—and this was for ballooning over Moab City, not a quiet place like Castle Valley.) Letter to the Editor: positions have been. Geronimo movie production: as I mentioned in the April issue of the CV there’s little problem with an occasional balloon flight. There is a if they are interested. Hot Air Ballooning: I am opposed to hot air balloon over-flights in the advantages for Castle Valley residents as the business expands and the flights become more frequent. There’s little problem with an occasional helicopter over-flight; between those activities which are beneficial or neutral for us, and those which may have negative impacts. Without differentiating between the various activities, we make ourselves vulnerable to being used and abused by companies (and agencies like BLM) that have no reason to care about us and that only care about their profit lines. We are still fortunate to be able to live in a place as beautiful and healthy and safe as Castle Valley. Our commu— nity will be under progressively increasing pressure to subdivide lots and to permit commercial endeavors incompatible with the rural-agricul- tural-residential community that we are now. Unless we are willing to look ahead and anticipate approaching problems, and work to solve them together, Castle Valley will reflect many more of the nasty problems that afflict other parts of the country. Jack Campbell |