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Show 8 - MERRY TIMES - DECEMBER 1992 COMMUNITY CALENDAR QUIK ADS Town Meeting: First Wed, 7 p.m. P.0.A. Meeting: Precede town meeting, 6:30 p.m. Planning/ Zoning: Last Mon, 7:30 p.m. Fire Dept: 2nd & 4th Tues, 7:30 p.m. 10th to Ad rates: Boxed ads 35-310, Quik ads $2. Ads must be ordered and paid by for appear in current Issue. Income will be applied to newsletter expenses. Ads community services or events, or for giveaways (free box), are free. QUAKER FRIENDS MEETINGS now on— going here in the valley. Call 259—91 11 for more information. TWO CV PLANNING COMMISSION POSITIONS. Present appointments expire Dec 31. Please contact Jack at 259-51 15 before Jan 4, if you are interested. Aerobics for men, women—now 6x/week. 7:30 am. Call 7638 for info. CV Yoga—Sat 10 am. (see Quik Ad) Latte: Day Saints Church (Public is welcome.) Sun, 10 a.m., Sunday school IF YOU ARE BEING ABUSED, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, call SeekHaven, 259-2229. HOMESTEAD HELPER FOR HIRE— carpentry, plumbing, farm & ranch work, concrete, welding, clean-up, painting. No job too small. CV & Moab refs. Barter ok. John at 259-4021. WANTED: Several hardcore CV anarchists to engage in spirited discussion regarding the true path to community harmony without laws. Enquiries will be pursued during pancake breakfasts. Please call Jack if interested, 259-5115. INCREASE YOUTH, VIGOR, & INNER BALANCE. Weekly yoga classes in CV, Sat 10 am. Bring mat &/or blanket. Reserve WANTED: Several hardcore “rules and regs' folks to debate how paradise may be gained through the application of law. Explorations to be conducted over pancake breakfasts. Please call Jack at 259-5115. COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES by the pros. We'll have your home looking spiffy for family and guests. First-floor windows. House & pet sitting. CV refs. Laura & Sandy, 259-4021. tthttHI11|tlttlit1§Tln Castle Valley Times Joan Sangree - 259-5542 Jil Kulander - 259—7580 Cris Coffey - 259-2245 Jack Campbell - 259-5115 i3 WANTED! g, Kids who want to DE have fun and leom. ‘ Home with nothing to do? Wilma Welch 3% Homeschoolers CASTLE VALLEY TIMES published 15th of each month. Call 259-2245 with ideas or ads looking for mem. bers to form 0 H.S. club for fun, sports. @ and games. If (at you’d like to join. coll: 7580. 5542. 7219, 5507. BE Q Annie Benge Mara Ginnane Don Mabey Sam Welch . SUBSCRIPTIONS—$12/year Call 259-5115 CVSR 1903, Moab 84532 l/ HUHHITVtItltttrru\rrs\1\ir !T\|||\I\II\ITTItlIt|tl tturlurrLiluriuituuuuuiunrll\i \iuiutunttl Just last Wednesday, Barb, Sun, 9:30 a.m., call 9111 for place Seventh Day Adventist Chugch (Public is welcome) Sat, 9:30 am, Sabbath school Sat, 11 am. Sabbath service appetites will hopefully be satisfied over pancake breakfasts with vigorous and heated discussion. LL§§\4L\I|ILJ_\[I|IXL{I‘J_‘T‘l my mom, and lwent to Cortez on a beading trip. Since Barb and l have gotten bitten by the bead bug, we couldn't stop buying beads. There were so many color combinations that we wanted to buy some of every color. Now I have sold a few pieces of jewelry on commission. If you want a beaded bracelet, or another project, contact me at 259-5542. I will do my best to make your project. —Mara Ginnane Society Jack at 259-5115. Strong wills, minds, and 9% saw was/e E On a quiet homeschooling day, Barbara Hards taught Olivia Kulander and me to Ioombead. That day I started to make my first bracelet. I was thrilled to know how. (I had always wanted to know.) Now I have long since finished making that bracelet and many other projects. I have been so into beading that I can't stopl l have been very busy making Christmas presents for my friends and relatives. Third Fri, lunch & crafts. Women’s Relief WANTED: Folks who know of any other true paths to living together in community and/or how we can resolve the conflicts that inevitably arise from living together. Call fififl‘a’k’ The Two Who Got Bitten by the Bead Bug Sun, 11:50 a.m., sacrament meeting Tues, 7 p.m., youth activities Quaker-.Eusnds space, call by Fridays. For info, Renee 7536. CHECK IT OUT! Alternative Film Series, Sat, 7:30 p.m., Moab Co—op. Adults $3, kids 12 & under $2. Bring a cushion to sit on. Schedule at Co-op. Sun, 10:55 a.m., priesthood and auxiliary Produced by Featherweed Press 9/ flRaK§/® @ Castle Valley Inn For the best real out west. A Bed and Breakfast Eric Thomson & Lynn Forbes Thomson 801 -259-601 2 CVSR 2602, Moab, Utah 84532 |