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Show MERRY “MES - DECEMBER 1992 ~ 7 — Dec/Jan Sky Lights POA/Town Council 0*O*O*O* Meeting of December 2, 1992 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIA- December 1992 TION Dues for POA will be mailed in 13th—Geminid meteor shower peaks 16th—Last Quarter Moon 12:13 pm. MST let—Winter Solstice 7:45 am. 23rd—New Moon 5:43 pm. 3 lst—First Quarter Moon 8:38 pm. The Geminids will be paled by a nearly full moon, but you can still expect to see a few dozen meteors per hour on the night of the 12/ 13 December. January 1993 4th—Quadrantid meteor shower peaks 8th—Full Moon 6:37 am. 14th—Last Quarter Moon 9:01 pm. The Quadrantid meteors are short, fast meteors that rarely leave long trails, but as many as 80 per hour can be seen as the shower peaks in the early hours of the morning of January 4th. —Sam Welch (from Astrology Magazine) O*O*O*O* January. The amount is $85 per lot. Sub-division Covenants: There appears to be a lot of confusion connected with the covenants of Castle Valley River Ranchos, so Jack Cam bell will present a workshop on the “ eclaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions” to hel answer questions property owners an prospective owners have when interpreting the document. The meeting will be held Dec. 16th at the Fire Station. Call Jack Thought-provoking games and discussions to promote equity awareness for the future about race, sex. class. and age. Workshop hours will be set to suit participants' schedules. brush, etc. Firearms and minors: Recently a CV resident was shocked and saddened when her cat was shot on her property. This should not happen! Because of the increasing number of homes in CV, we may not be able to continue ignoring the problem, as we have done in the past. agenda should call Mynoa Williams ( 59-4240) by Monday prior to the monthly meeting, which is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 .m. p Road Report: Don Tuft gave a progress report on culvert crossing improvements and has ordered proper signs to improve safety. Don and John Groo attended a meeting with the Grand County Roads Special Service District. As of that time the armor least at the front gate. The town is still attempting to insure that we have access through Shafer Lane for Open Doors the fire department (Floyd Stoughten) when doing any major burning of POA Meetings: Anyone wishing to place items on the FDA meeting Valley Drive was still a definite possibility. Problems causedalfiy excessive speed on Castle V ey Drive were again brou ht up, and a request was made for a 5 mph sign posted at Open Minds, Burnings: The TC received several complaints about residents bunting garba e, including wet garbage. Besi es the fire hazard, the stench is awful and affects quality of life for neighbors. You should notify for information. coating and chip sealing of Castle Chrildren's Workshop the town. It was decided that we couldn’t accept them at this time, because we have no place to keep them. emergency vehicles, fire trucks, and the school bus. Floyd Stoughten, Fire Chief, said that a fire doubles in size every minute, making quick response absolutely necessary. CV TOWN COUNCIL Planning Commission: There are two positions opening on the PC 12/31/ 92. Interested parties call Don Mabey or Jack Campbell. New Business: The TC appointed Lois Wagstaff to the Clerk sition and Pat Plastow as Treasurer 0 CV Town. The CV Treasurer is currently working on an ordinance to enable us to receive our share of Sales Taxes from the State. The TC is working on adopting the GRAMA Ordinance (Government Records Access Mana ement Act). This would provide a egal, uniform way to handle our public documents. Book Cliffs Road: Jack Campbell has written a letter to BLM, stressing our concem as a Town for the traffic increase that would be generated on the River Road if the road is built. This concern was not addressed in the Draft Environmental Statement. Next Meetin : January 6—POA 6:30 pm, Town ouncil 7 pm, Fire Houickfr P A —Wi1m a We1 ch ”Eggs Donation: Joe Kingsley would like to donate two pinball machines to Call Jil at 259-7580 torinfo 8: to register. ‘7 \\/ ill ANN BENGE 4 7‘ aV .V V4 I“ V <-‘7 . g. CVSR 1911 Moab. Utah 84532 (801) 259—5739 |