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Show 6 - MERRY TIMES - DECEMBER 1992 More WOOD from Page 1 temptation to load up an air-tight stove with a lot of wood and then turn down the damper so that the stove smolders all day long. All of this smoldering is unburned wood being pumped up the chimney. Another problem is that many people want their woodbuming stoves to work as effortlessly as a propane furnace. This is simply not possible (and is why many of the initial Valley residents have finally tired of the romance of bunting wood and are installing propane furnaces.) The secrets of efficient wood burning call for a bit more effort on the firebuilders part: 1) Cutting firewood from the County dump, and I look forward to having an alternative to woodbuming. The people who have already converted to propane make a pretty convincing argument that propane is really cheaper, if you do your calculations accurately and count the costs of your time and the wear and tear on your vehicle, chain saw, and back. I guess I’m still new enough at it that I still enjoy cutting the wood, but I can easily see a time when the romance of chain saws and chopping will fade. How about some of you Castle Valley old timers sharing some of your wood burning secrets with us newcomers? We’ll be glad to print your tips if you’ll give them to us. —Jack Campbell monies to assist payment for minor repairs such as furnace troubles or broken windows. Again, these Federal program. For info on weatherization, call 1-800-662-3633. The state and U.S.West/Contel has an assistance program for monthly phone bills and hook-up fees. If you you can get the best of both: the romance of burning wood and the convenience of low cost propane. Types of woods: PITCHY WOODS like ponderosa and pinyon; CLEAN, FAST-BURNING WOODS like aspen and juniper; STINKY WOODS like cottonwood and tamarisk; and BEST WOOD OF ALL, OAK. Small amounts of pitchy woods are great for starting your fire and putting a lot of quick heat into your house. The stinky woods aren’t quite so The time has arrived. Wood is being stockpiled and the thermostat has been turned up. If you are worried about keeping warm this winter because of costs, take a break and find out about the H.E.A.T. program. This is a federal program designed to help bad, if they’re in a hot fire with lots of keep your family warm through the air. Aspen is a great wood for getting the longer-buming woods like oak winter, by covering electric bills or little creosote depositing. Every couple of years, the Division of State Lands and Forestry has a green oak sale up on the back side of the LaSals near Taylor Flat. This is by far the best deal going on firewood. The green oak cuts easily with a chainsaw Here is what you will need to apply: identification, social security cards for all household members over 18, a copy of your most recent utility bill, verification of income for entire household for the past month. Also available are emergency basically the same as for the H.E.A.T. fire. 5) Using your woodbuming stove in conjunction with a furnace, so that burn, with lots of heat value and very filing date will remain open until March 31, 1993. The amount you are entitled to is the same regardless of when you file. Payments are made directly to the fuel provider. appointment with the Department of Human Services in Moab at 259-6127. The Utah Energy Office also offers weatherizing assistance to qualified persons. The financial limits are Adding smaller pieces of wood more frequently. 3) Mixing types of wood to create the type of fire needed at the moment. 4) Paying attention to your term heating, oak is by far the best to exhausted. At present, appointments are booked through January. However, the Funds are limited. To apply, make an into smaller pieces, to make a smaller but hotter and cleaner burning fire. 2) started, or for shorter fires. For long- It is best to apply as soon as possible, before these funds are H.E.A.T. Your House? supplying wood or propane. The program will not cover your total heating bill. The amount of assistance you qualify for is based upon household size and income as well as the type of fuel used and climate you live in. A few examples of income qualification are for a family of two, your income must be under $958 per month. For a family of four, $1454 per month, and for a family of ten, $2,921. (while still green) and then splits very Deduct 20% from the maximum easily, once it has dried. No other wood burns as cleanly as oak. Good, long- monthly income if earned through. qualify for the HEAT program (and/ or any of the other federal assitance programs) you more than likely will qualify for this as well. To find out more or to apply for assistance, call for an appointment or drop by the Department of Human Services in Moab. Be sure to have all the information you need when turning in your application. There are several federally subsidized programs to help with those piles of monthly bills. Beyond the energy assistance program there are financal and medical assistance, food stamps, day care, counseling, and protective services. While visiting the Department of Health the other day, I found out about their well-baby and well-child check-ups. What they offer are check-ups (and referrals in case of illness) on a sliding scale fee. But I’ll discuss more about that in next month’s mu” —1i1 “and“ employment (or self-employment) lasting coals are produced. Very little creosote is deposited on stove pipes and chimneys. While I am still burning wood myself, I am also beginning to look around for a deal on a large propane tank. I’ve already scrounged a furnace 6616”; UN in Yb“? “NH! NGHH %¢% |