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Show OUR TIMES - OCTOBER 1992 - 7 Town Council Notes lots or re—zoning to its current and historic use, which is grazing. Develop- * O * O * O at O Meeting of October 7, 7 pm. ment preSSure will increase with new Oct/Nov. Sky Show Presentations: Norm Shrewsbury sales of State land on the Loop Road presented the “Optional Plan” for Grand County government. Peter Haney, who is running for County Commissioner, presented his strengths as a communicator and discussed areas he sees needing work in the County. Discussion of the BLM’s EA regarding impending filming on the Castle Rock formation: Concern was ex- above us. pressed by attending residents that they had not been given notice in time to respond to the recent BLM EA on the scheduled filming of “Slaughter of the September: Septic installations: There have been several complaints regarding the absence of septic hookups on neighboring properties. Residents have expressed concern that contaminated soils and water will transfer from the affected property to neighboring lots. Septic systems are, at this time, the only legally permitted form of human waste disposal in Grand County. One concern of the Planning Commission, ping of a 60', 7000 lb “ark” onto the and part of its job, is to protect residents from the impact of other neighbors, when the effects of their activities talus slope of Castle Rock. Both John cross property lines. Groo and Jack Campbell emphasized Zoning issues: Janie Tuft asked that the Town look into rezoning the original green belt lots into a flood plain zone. A spontaneous discussion Innocents,” which includes the drop- the importance, and effectiveness over time, of individual CV residents’ contacting the BLM at the Grand Resource Area District Office (located on the way to the Dump) either in person, by phone, or in writing. Ask to get on the BLM’s mailing list. John also recommended that CV residents write to the BLM regarding changing their “Resource Management Plan” to exclude Castle Valley and its water shed from further mineral exploration, on the grounds that such development has more impact on a residential community. As Grand County consists primarily of undeveloped land, John feels the BLM’s resource plan for this area could easily exclude residential areas. Building Permits: A building permit for an addition at Bill Viavant’s home has been approved by the Planning Commission, and was presented to the Town Council because the permit called for unusual restrictions. In order to comply with CV’s zoning ordinance regarding one residence per platted lot, Bill signed a letter agreeing that this semi-detached addition would neither lSth—Last Quarter Moon 12 pm. MDT. let—Orionid Meteor shower peaks early morning. 25th—New Moon 1:34 pm. MST about possible zoning violations by the Castle Valley Inn was initiated by residents attending the meeting. A letter of complaint has been received by the Town Council. It was also pointed out by residents attending the meeting that the Lowry house may be being advertised as a possible duplex. A duplex is expressly prohibited in the CV zoning ordinance. Affected people will be contacted. Town Lot: The citizens committee met with planner Dean Kirkling. Dean will return to CV with planning proposals. We will apply next year for a community development block grant to facilitate building a Town structure on the lot. John Groo has been in contact with Trish West, CV's appointed Recreation Board member. He informed her that we would be interested in funding projects next year. —Joan Sangree (return to standard time 2 am.) The Orionid Meteor shower peaks on the morning of the let, when you can expect to see about 30 meteors per hour from midnight until the waning Crescent Moon rises. On the 27th, look for a grouping of Venus, the star Antares, and the Crescent Moon in the evening sky—also on the 28th. November: 2nd—-First Quarter Moon 2:11 am. MST. lOth—Full Moon 2:20 am. MST l2th—Northem Taurid Meteor shower peaks. lSth—Moon passes 5' south of Mars 5 am. MST. l7th—Last Quarter Moon 4:39 am. MST. Leonid Meteor shower peaks early morning. Mars increases in size and brightness this month. It rises late evening to be overhead by dawn. With a telescope, you should be able to see dark surface details more distinctly as Mars increases in size. The Leonid Meteor shower should produce 10 to 15 meteors per houroverhead. On occasion, the Leonid shower produces as many as several hundred meteors per hour. 3. —Sam Welch » (Compiled from Astronomy Magazine) O*O*O*O* Subscription TIMES now $12/year. be used as nor converted into a separate dwelling by the addition of kitchen facilities. Rezoning Non-subdivided Land in Town: Continued discussion about alternatives for protecting our water supplies from contamination by excessive development in areas not yet developed. We do not yet have a watershed protection ordinance. Planning Commission is looking into various alternatives such as re-zoning non-subdivided land into larger acreage Eric Thomson 8: Lynn Forbes Thomson 801-259-6012 CVSR 2602, Moab, Utah 84532 |