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Show -- tr-' ? f t -- - f -- Jn CorrScns Babies Named, Take Place in Lehi Wards Lad fcndjy Steven Arlo Webb, son of Arlo Babies were named and confirmations took place In Lehi S. and Ingrld Annette Merrill Webb, born Feb. 11, 1963, in wards, Sunday, as follows: FIRST WARD, A. Eldon Clark, Provo, was baptized by Bishop ward clerk-P- olly Wayne S. Powell and confirmed Ann Carson, daughter of by Bishop Boyd Stewart. William Jack Olsen, son of Merrill G. and Glenda Cook CarJack Ernest and Peggy Najine son, born Dec. 11, 1970, in Murray, was blessed by the father. Moore Olsen, born Jan. 7, 1963, Rebecca Lee, daughter of Var-la- n in Murray, was baptized and conElmo and Connie Vie Turn- firmed by Wells Beck. EIGHTH WARD, Donald Paler Lee, born Dec. 19, 1970, in Provo, was blessed by Jacob G. mer, ward clerk-El- len Rose Webb, daughter of (The Cox, the family is now in the Sixth Ward) ADen Don and Dixie Ruth NelMary Charis Carter, daughter son Webb, born Jan. 21, 1971, of Dannie Wallis and Kathryn in American Fork, was blessed Price Carter, born Feb. 22, 1963, by Clifford Nelson. in American Fork, was baptized Tracy Lee Larrabee, daughter and confirmed by the father. of Norman Dee and Connie Larrabee, born Dec. 11, Lorie Carter, daughter of Ron1970, In Murray, was blessed by ald Francis and Lana White Carter of Pleasant Grove, born July Peter Andrew Schmidt. 27, 1961, in Provo, was baptized Cassey Anne Christofferson, and confirmed by Dannie Wallis daughter of Kenneth F. and LesROLLED "IT' PILING NOW PRODUCTED AT GENEVA STEEL PLANT The first rolled 'H piling lie Ann Brems Christofferson, Carter. at U. S. Steel's Geneva Works is ready for delivery. Piling adds yet another item to the product born Feb. 5, 1971, in American SECOND WARD, Vernon line rolled on Geneva's wide flange mill which went on stream just last summer. The rolling of Fork, was blessed by the father. ward clerk-Chr- isty this particular size of piling at Geneva Works . . . ten inch flange at 42 pounds per foot Jody Ann Smith, daughter of of Jolley, daughter now makes it available west of St. Louis for the first time. Giving an 0. K. to the 50 foot long and CarmaWoffin-de- n Jack C. and Linda L. Bosch Gerald Bruce beams are, I. to r., Bill Harlin, president of Western Piling and Sheeting Company of Salt Lake Jolley, born Feb. 13, 1963, Smith, born Feb. 24, 1963, in City, Mel Frandsen, of U. S. Steel's Salt Lake City sales office; Harry Plath, vice president of in Lehi, was baptized and con- Salt Lake City, was baptized Western Piling and Sheeting; and Larry Davis, vice president of Thorn Construction Co. Inc., of and confirmed by the father. firmed by the father. Provo. Western Piling and Sheeting Company will use 86 pieces of this piling for two additional Gordon Larsen Miner, son of Bret Jon Dalton, son of Glade being constructed near bridges over the Virgin and Santa Clara Rivers for the new route Darwin R. and Evonna Jane (BonLeonard Daland Laurelle Leany St. George, Utah. Thorn Construction Company is the general contractor for the job. This greater ton, born Feb. 24, 1963, in Salt nie) Larsen Miner, born Jan. product mix now offered by Geneva Works increases the opportunities for the Utah steelmakLake City, was baptized and con- 17, 1963, in Lehi, was baptized ers to compete and grow. and confirmed by the father. firmed by the father. NINTH WARD, Arthur R HardTHIRD WARD, Arnold Jones, ward clerk-Ka- ren ward ing, clerk MISSOURI LEAVES FOR Marie Poulsen, daughter Traci Worthington, daughter of WITH ARMY RESERVE of Larry and Mignon Waddoups Randy James and Maurine Worthington, born Feb. Edwin Boyd Sunderland, 19, left on Feb. 27 for Fort Leonard 3, 1971, in American Fork, was Wood, Missouri. He will spend blessed by the father. Jonathan Joseph Walker, son of six months on active duty with the U.S. Army reserve. He is Otho Joseph and Rita Ash Walka member of the Provo Unit, er, born Jan. 20, 1971, in where he enlisted with the ReFork, was blessed by the father. serve, last December, 1970. AcFOURTH WARD, Owen R. tive in farming operations with his father, Boyd Sunderland, he Porter, ward clerk-Tr- avis Max Manning, son of is a graduate of the Lehi High School. He also graduated from Frank G and Linda Smith ManII II the LDS Seminary course. Very ning, born Jan. 4, 1971, in active in the Future Farmers Fork, was blessed by the grandfather, Elmer Manning. of America organization he served as vice president and was FIFTH WARD, Keith PoweU, active on various committees. ward cler- kHe received recognition as the Tiffany Ann Ashton, daughter "Star Farmer'' and represented of Dale Carl and Deanne Peterhis school and FFA Chapter at son Ashton, born Dec. 13, 1970, the convention in Kansas City, in Provo, was blessed by Bishop Missouri. Elwood C. Hunt. SIXTH WARD, W. F. Evans, KEN B. HAZELBAKER with First Prise bridge model VISIT WITH ward clerk FORMER RESIDENTS Brenda Kay Nielson, daughter of Max Joseph and Mamie Adams Ken Hazelbaker Attains New Record Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Beck Nielson, born Oct. 9, 1962, in enjoyed a visit in Salt Lake American Fork, was baptized by In Bridge Design For Utah State U City, Sunday, with Dr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Peterson and confirmed James Kenning and family, form by Phillip D. Black. er Lehi residents. It will be SEVENTH WARD, Rex T. l Ken B. Hazelbaker, engThe meet was held on Satur- recalled that Dr. Kenning was Price, ward clerk . .( ineering student at UtahState Uni- day, Feb. 27, at the University formerly a practicing dentist in Shawn Dale Hadfield, son of versity in Logan, was awarded of Utah. The two best bridge Lehi. He now has an office in Carl William and Ruby ReNae first place for his bridge design, models from each of the three Salt Lake City. With the Becks Scott born Jan. 29, 1971, entered in competition for Utah universities (UtahState, Brigham went their daughter in law, Mrs. in SaltHadfield, Lake City, was blessed State. Young University and University Jerry Beck and children, Kristy by the father. of Utah) were entered in the and Jamie. competition. These three universities have engineering colleges. 4. Utah Valley The bridge competition was a feature of National Engineering Week. The specifications indiSymphony cated that the bridge be built of balsa wood and airplane glue. Ball March 18 The bridge deck wasposter paper board. The entire structure could Cinderella Fantasy is the not exceed two ounces in weight theme of the Seventh annual Utah and was to be capable of taking Valley Symphony Ball, March 18. loading at five equal points along The Wilkinson Center Ballroom the deck. will be a scene of splendor as TESTING DEVICE Dimensions of the bridge were guests enjoy dinner, fine entertainment and dancing. The affair six inches high by 16 inches long. will begin at 8:15 p.m. and tick- The unique testing device was ets are $10.00 a couple. built by Utah State University. The bridges are loaded unPink and silver decorations with crystal accents, sprays of til they fail, the winner being the lights, garlands of flowers, sta- bridge that will hold the most, tues and fresh greens will trans- new record First Place was taken by Utah port guests into an evening of State University and the bridge elegance and enchantment. Cinderella, Ruth Ann Nielson, designed and built by Ken B. former Miss Orem, will make a Hazelbaker. His bridge held 1056 sparkling entrance and be greet- pounds before failing-- a new State ed by Prince Charming, Terry record. (He also collected $60. 00 McCombs. These two will sing for his efforts). on the program along with Donna Second place went to BYU with Dalton, one of Utah's outstanding a bridge holding 1007 pounds, singers. The Utah Valley Sym- and the University of Utah model phony directed by Dr. Eon Earl was rated third. will perform selections including Mr. Hazelbaker is married to the former Marsha Hayward, numbers from Rogers and Cinderella score. The daughter of Wilson and Faye Hay-waof Lehl. He is a Senior famed BYU Ballroom Dancers ,'uMnM,iijinfiU!. in Civil Engineering at Utah State who are currently preparing for a tour to England will perform. University. He is serving as Also entertaining will be the president of the Student Chapter ) m Chautenettes, popular Utah Val- of the American Society of Civil ley chorus, directed by Helen Engineers. great-grandfath- Bur-rast- on Poulsen, bora Feb. 23, 1963, in Idaho Falls, Idaho, was baptized and confirmed by the father. TENTH WARD, Rodney L. Davenport, ward clerk-Dou- glas Jace Thomas, son of Douglas and Diana Gale Heath Thomas, born Dec 15, 1970, in Murray, was blessed by Leon Stanley Webb. Lynnette Gurney, daughter of Kenneth Earl and Linda Maynard Gurney, born Feb. 3, 1963, In Murray, was baptized and by the father. Dan Evans Welch, son of Raymond Dean and Joan Evans Welch, born Feb. 22, 1963, in American Fork, was baptized by a brother, Marc Welch, and confirmed by the father. Maxine Ray, daughter of Max con-finn- ed and Ruby Bone Ray, born Feb. in Lehi, was baptized and confirmed by the father. Brenda Carlton, daughter of Kenneth Albert and Lorene Cleg-hoCarlton, born Feb. 24,1963, 10, 1963, rn in Salt Lake City, was baptized and confirmed by the father. 15 Jor-gens- en Improving Following Surgery Richard Fowler, well-knoLehi High School teacher, is reported improving following surgery last week. Mr. Fowler was operated on last Friday at University Hospital in Salt Lake City and family members report that his condition is improved each day. He is able to see visitors. 11, 1971 Tour of Dennis V. Finch Joins in Southern Utah Am. Legion forDennis V. Finch of Lehi, 19, Post Lehi of mer commander was of the American Legion, one of three Department officers to tour Legion posts in Southern Utah. He Is currently serving on the Department of Utah Memon the bership Commission. Also were Department two days trip Commander Maurice Schofield and Bernard Moriarity, past Dedipartment Commander who is activities recreation of rector at the Veterans Administration Hospital. memDuring their tour, 100 new were gained. berships State They discussed the Boys reWelfare Child and program obmain a Also sponsibilities. various the to alert was jective post officers to the importance of retaining the tax abatement pro- Bla-mir- es, Richard Fowler MARCH THE LEHI FREE PRESS, THURSDAY. Eunice Hutchings Suffers Fracture Posb visions for veterans and veterans widows. The elimination of this provision is currently under consideration of law making bodies. It is urgently desired, for the advantage of all those concerned that the posts throughout the state become aware of the need to combine their efforts to preserve these privileges, was explained. The posts of District Five, were visited. These included those in Price, Hiawatha, Helper, Orangeville, Ferron, Wellington, Moab, Blanding, Green River and East Carbon. The weather was pleasant in Southern Utah, was reported, and a very good reception was received at all the posts on the tour. IT'S A GIRL Kenneth F. and Leslie Brems Christofferson are announcing the birth of a new baby girl, their first child, Feb. 5, in the American Fork Hospital. Cassey Ann is the name chosen for the young lady, who has dark hair to numerous inmembers reportquiries, family ed that Mrs. John (Eunice) Hutchings is improving. She suffered and weighed six pounds and six fractures of the left hip and left ounces. Delighted grandparents wrist in a fall at her home, Feb. are Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Brems 26. She was taken to the Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Grant ChristValley Hospital, where she re- offerson of Lehi. Also in Lehi are Mr. and mained in traction until last Wed- the nesday, March 3, when surgery Mrs. Niron Fowler and Mr. and was performed on the hip. Mrs. Arnold Brems. In response ts, ijfTT'J LTtllu) n's rd oi tapro - eosft of Weeks. Special dlgnataries invited to attend the Ball are Governor Calvin Rampton and his wife and p r o m I n e n t off iclals throughout the county. from the various Members Utah County High Schools will be presented during the evening. Guests will dance to the music of Richard Long's orchestra. Plan now for a gala evening. Chairman of the ball is Robert A. Sandstrom. Assisting him are Mrs. Wells P. Cloward, dinner Medical Auxiliary Sponsor Bake, Rumagt Sale ' The annual Rummage and Bake Sale is again being sponsored by the Utah County Medical Auxiliary to be held Friday and Saturday, March 12 and 13 from 9 to 5 on Friday and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. It will be held In the Community Church in Provo, 175 No. University Ave. Many interesting and fun articles will be offered for sale as well as a lot of household articles. A set of encyclopedias, furniture, a sewing machine, and a fairly new barbeque set. Proceeds from this sale go towards nurse's scholarships and al career scholarships. Please come and join the fun and help a worthy cause chairman, Mrs. Herbert Stratton, Mrs. Ralph Rollins, 3; Mrs. Richard C. Long, Mrs. Mai C. Elliot, BYU Information Dest; Mrs. Dal Mrs las H. Young Jr., 9; Maurice Bird, tickets, Mrs. LaMar Hills, music, Mrs. Clyde E. Weeks Jr. Program; Lowell Baum, special guests and dlgnataries; Mrs. Stuart Slinger land, Debs and Squires, Jerry Ellison, printed programs; Mrs Richard E. Barker, Mrs. Thalas Smith, Mrs. JohnM. Bowtn.Mrs The Pentagon says 88 percent Clark Webb, Mrs. Edward Hart, of combat troops In Vietnam last rear were draftees. pulidty. 225-137- 8; 225-645- 5; 373-271- 8; 489-450- ll ; Mi' ij) I t O Unless you're a hermit, or an eccentric millionaire, you're probably painfully aware that things cost more today than they used to. That applies to virtually everything you use. Yes, even electricity. But while the cost of living generally has risen over 30 in a decade, the cost of living electrically has risen less than 1- -if your electricity comes from 1 MOM Utah Power & Light Company. Oh yes, our costs rise, too-- but not as fast as the cost of living. How come? Machines help a lot. Like computers. And construction machines that help men do more work in less time. What all this means is we've done better than most in offsetting inflation with more efficient operations, and have planned far enough ahead to have J kit-- . para-medic- The Folks at Utah Power & Light Company |